The Tear of Gramal

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The Tear of Gramal Page 19

by Phillip Jones

  Lasidious vanished and reappeared on the left side of his lover. He leaned in and whispered, “Ever since the moment you failed to control your tongue.”

  Seeing Celestria’s irritation, the Mischievous One vanished again and reappeared next to the fire. He extended his hands toward the flames and continued to speak. “We cannot afford unsecured ends. George must perish.” Pulling his hands back, he turned around and looked at Alistar. “We should just tell the wolf the location of the gate.”

  Alistar’s brows furrowed. “What of Garrin? Who will parent the baby?”

  Lasidious looked past his brother and found Celestria’s eyes. “Perhaps the moments have come for our son to learn who his real mother is. Would this please you, my love?”

  Celestria kept her arms folded. “Perhaps.”

  “And would you then forgive me once he’s in your arms?”

  A slight smile appeared on the goddess’ face. “Perhaps.”

  “And if you were the one I sent to deliver the wolf the location of the gate? Would this be enough to allow me back into your good graces?”

  Celestria uncrossed her arms and walked to the back of Alistar’s chair. She pulled back the God of the Harvest’s hood and started to run her fingers through his hair. “Perhaps.”

  Lasidious’ eyes narrowed as he bit down on his bottom lip. A few moments went by before a smile found his face. “Then it’s settled. You shall be the one to journey to Northern Grayham. Once there, take the wolf to the gate. From there, he can find his own way. Let’s hope Mosley returns before Sharvesa learns about our secret.”

  The goddess stopped caressing the top of Alistar’s head. She enjoyed Lasidious’ jealousy as he watched her lean over and kiss the top of his brother’s forehead. “Good-bye, dearest Alistar,” she said in her most seductive voice. “I hope to see you again upon my return.”

  The Goddess of Beasts looked across the table. She held Lasidious’ eyes for a brief moment and then said, “Mosley will ask why I’m helping him. As I look into your eyes, I imagine my response. Perhaps it’s because I’m done with you.” Celestria vanished.

  Alistar rolled with laughter.

  Lasidious frowned. “What’s so funny?”

  Grabbing his belly, the God of the Harvest answered. “I relish knowing that she’ll never receive your forgiveness. I pity her.” Alistar stood from the table and waved his hand across the top of it. A new vase filled with fresh daisies appeared. “Is everything in order, brother? Are you sure you want to pursue this next part of the plan?”

  “If the Archangel Gabriel is, indeed, roaming the worlds, then I have no choice. I must employ new tactics. Besides, Celestria’s mistake could very well bring about our demise.”

  Concern appeared in Alistar’s eyes. “I agree. In your absence, I shall seek the archangel’s location. He must be hiding amongst the beings on the worlds somewhere. If this is true, there are no laws on the Book’s pages that protect his existence. Upon your return, we could capture Gabriel and steal his power.”

  Lasidious responded without hesitation. “No. I loved our brother. I won’t conspire against him if he survived.”

  Alistar nodded. “I also loved our brother, but to leave him alive—?”

  “It’s not up for debate.”

  Alistar pondered Lasidious’ demand and then changed the subject. “When will you leave for Dragonia to implement the next part of our plan?”

  “Soon, dear brother. Soon.”

  The God of the Harvest smiled. “Are you sure you can make the switch without stopping either heart?”

  “I am.” Lasidious raised his hand and motioned for Alistar to give him a moment. The Mischievous One walked beyond the curtain, through the next room and then opened the door to his bedroom. Entering, he turned to his left and crossed to the bed. He lifted the mattress and pulled out a framed picture. On it, the Vampire Queen of Dragonia stood next to her king. He stroked the image of her beauty and thought back to the Peak when Celestria tried to force him to drink her potion of truth.

  Now, fellow soul … before I continue, I need to clarify a few points.

  First—regarding the Peak when Celestria requested that Lasidious drink her potion of truth, they were standing in their newly created home beneath the Peaks of Angels. Pleased that Lasidious had consumed the liquid, Celestria then exited the home. It was then that the Mischievous One leaned close to the fireplace and spit the liquid into the flames. On that Peak, the fire became very truthful. Ha, ha, just kidding. Fires can’t talk. And if they could, it would be just a bunch of snap, crackle and pop—fire gibberish if you will.

  Anyway, Lasidious did spit it out. The Mischievous One never had to tell Celestria a truth during their entire relationship. Though he did love her in his own messed up way, he did not love her enough.

  Second—a being’s power resides within their heart. This is truth. As you know, to steal the power of another, you must take the first bite of the heart before it stops beating and continue eating until the heart is consumed. If this is not accomplished, the power of the being will ascend to the Book with its soul.

  While we are divulging truths, I must correct yet another lie that I was forced to tell. As I said before—I despise misdirection. I was commanded to unveil this story as the gods on Ancients Sovereign saw fit. With this reminder uttered, some of the conversations I led you to believe happened between the beings in earlier parts of this story—never happened. Lasidious and Alistar never went to Celestria’s father’s heavenly kingdom to recruit him into the Farendrite Collective, nor was her father destroyed during the supposed God Wars when they met. The truth is—Lasidious and Celestria met while they suffered in the depths of Lucifer’s Lake of Fire. It was not until after they were pulled into this new plane of existence—a plane where five worlds and a hidden ancient god world would later be created—that Lasidious and Celestria had the opportunity to become close.

  Also, the Collective was formed later than you were led to believe. It was not until after a great battle began on this new plane of existence that the so-called gods united. But I will explain more of the Farendrite Collective’s creation during some other series of moments.

  Enough truths for now. Allow me to get back to the story. As I said, Lasidious stroked the image of the vampire queen.

  Placing the frame back beneath the mattress, the Mischievous One returned to speak with Alistar. “Brother, upon my departure, keep Celestria occupied until I depart from Luvelles. Once I’m on Dragonia, the magic of that world should hide my location. It won’t be long before this body will not house the brother you know.”

  Alistar walked around the table and gave Lasidious a hug in front of the fireplace. “I will miss you.”

  Lasidious broke the embrace, put his hands around the back of his brother’s neck and then placed his forehead against Alistar’s. “I will miss you, too. Let’s hope I know what I’m doing.”

  Lasidious vanished.


  Heads Roll

  Northern Grayham

  The Under Ice Dungeon of Hydroth

  Later that Evening

  DAROSEN SLAMMED THE DOOR to Mosley’s cell as he exited. He looked back through the bars of ice and spit. The night terror wolf lay trembling at the back of the cell. This Peak’s trobleting had been the most severe of all, and though the wolf’s bleeding stopped only because the cold helped the blood coagulate, Mosley had refused to divulge the answers the Frigid Commander assumed he possessed.

  Grabbing the bars, Darosen placed his face between them. “Sleep well, wolf, for Early Bailem will be upon us soon. If you refuse to expose your secrets then, tomorrow’s trobleting will be your last. I’ll enjoy casting your corpse into the ocean.”

  Before another word could be uttered, screams echoed through the tunnels that led into the dungeon. They carried with them a message. “The gashtion attacks!” The tunnel shook. Pieces of ice dislodged from the ceiling and fell to the floor.

  The Frigid
Commander swatted one of the chunks aside and rushed out of the dungeon toward the armory with his guards in tow. Again, the dungeon shook beneath the gashtion’s weight.

  A moment later, Celestria appeared inside Mosley’s cell. Seeing the wolf’s condition, the Goddess of Beasts knelt. She placed her hand on the night terror wolf’s frost-covered coat. A soft glow emanated from her hand and penetrated Mosley’s body. A lengthy series of moments passed before he began to stir.

  The green of the wolf’s eyes brought a smile to Celestria’s face as they pried open. Her voice was soft. “Too many Peaks have passed, Mosley, since last my eyes were laid upon you.”

  Mosley lifted his head. His voice was shallow. “Celestria?”

  “Yes, Mosley, it’s me. Are you hungry?”

  The strength of the night terror wolf’s voice improved. “I’m famished.”

  The goddess nodded. A pile of rare corgan steaks and a bowl of warm water appeared on the floor in front of Mosley. Without waiting for an explanation as to why Celestria was there, the wolf tore into the meat. Once his belly was full and his thirst was quenched, his natural curiosity returned. “How many territories did you search before you found me?”

  Celestria scratched behind Mosley’s ears. “You hid well. I searched two worlds before I discovered your location. It appears my arrival could not have come at a better moment. You nearly passed.”

  Mosley’s eyes filled with suspicion. “Your appearance vexes me.” The wolf sat on his haunches and reached up with his left rear paw to scratch the back of his neck. “Why have you come?”

  The goddess stood and motioned for Mosley to stand. After touching the wolf on the top of his head, they vanished.

  Griffin Cliffs

  Southern Grayham

  When the pair reappeared, they were standing south of the Blood Sea on the shore beneath the northeast face of Griffin Cliffs on Southern Grayham. As Mosley sniffed around to gather his bearings, he made his way to the shoreline and waded into the water. Lifting his leg, he relieved himself as the goddess took a deep breath of the saltwater air.

  “I trust this climate is more to your liking, Mosley?”

  “It is, but why have you brought me here? This territory is not the one I want to prowl. I must return and continue my hunt.”

  “Do you mean your hunt for the Tear?” Celestria enjoyed the surprise on Mosley’s face. “I know you seek answers for Cadromel.”

  Without waiting for the wolf’s response, Celestria waved her hand in front of the cliffs. The rocks peeled back and revealed the way inside. “The cave ahead will lead you to the gate. You must pass through it. Beyond, a chalice will be waiting for you. Drink the liquid, and the power of the Swayne Enserad will be yours.”

  Celestria knelt and rubbed beneath Mosley’s jaw. “The chalice sits in a chamber with five portals … three to the left and two to the right. The portal farthest left will take you to the Merchant Island of Harvestom. Once there, you must make your way to the island of the High Priestess. She is capable of teaching you how to invoke the power filling the language of the Swayne Enserad, though she must teach you to invoke the power filling the language of the Ancient Mystics first.”

  Mosley walked down the beach, but kept his paws in the water. After a bit, he stopped, looked out across the Blood Sea and started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny, wolf?”

  “You forget my service to Bassorine. I speak the languages of the Ancient Mystics and the Swayne Enserad fluently.”

  Celestria shook her head. “I didn’t forget. Just because you speak the languages and possess the power … that doesn’t mean you can invoke it. The High Priestess can teach you how to speak the languages in such a way that you’ll be able to employ the power.”

  Mosley walked clear of the water and plopped onto his haunches. “Why are you helping me?”

  Celestria smiled. “I know you desire George’s destruction.”

  “I may.”

  “Come now, Mosley. Be forthcoming. I’m here to offer my assistance. I also desire George’s destruction.”

  “Why? George’s service to Lasidious is devout. He poses no threat to your manipulations.”

  Celestria cupped her hands and placed them beneath her chin. “Why, Mosley ... you do remember me.”

  “Don’t be too flattered. My memory is in pieces.” The wolf’s look turned stern. “I’ll ask you again. Why are you helping me?”

  Celestria pulled her hands away. Her smile vanished and a look of sorrow appeared. “I wouldn’t be helping if it was not for my failed union with Lasidious.”

  A suspicious look returned to Mosley’s face. “What trick is this that you would expect me to believe that?”

  The goddess wiped the tears from her cheeks. “There’s no trickery. Lasidious’ love has abandoned me. For this, I want vengeance.”

  “How does helping me offer vengeance?”

  Celestria playfully brushed the comment aside. “Come now, Mosley … must I truly explain?” The goddess waited for the wolf’s response, but one never came. “Fine. You’re as stubborn now as you were on Ancients Sovereign.” She paused. “If George was to fall and a new prophet was to rise from his ashes, the numbers of those who worship Lasidious would dwindle. I will not stand aside while Lasidious seeks to control the Book ... especially without me at his side.”

  Mosley growled. “I have no desire to become your replacement prophet, Celestria. There may not be much that I can remember about the gods, but I do remember your untrustworthiness. I also remember Gabriel and his hall, though I don’t remember his function. I also don’t remember what consequences would arise if Lasidious was to gain control of the Book.”

  Again, the goddess scratched the back of the wolf’s ears. “Lasidious seeks to control the worlds and those who created them. Lasidious’ own, special vial of chaos will be uncorked. He will pour it upon the worlds and it will flow like a river. The pain and suffering of those who live will cause them to befriend their own demise, and they will seek the reaper’s doorstep and knock willingly.”

  Mosley pondered Celestria’s words as he looked out across the sea again. He took a moment to enjoy the peacefulness of twilight. Not looking at the goddess, he reiterated. “I may not remember everything about the gods, but I remember the deception at the core of your heart.” The wolf turned around. Holding Celestria’s gaze, he continued. “I won’t accept your assistance. I must return to the ice, for it’s within that territory I seek answers.”

  Celestria waved her hand across the pebble-covered beach in front of her. A heavily padded throne fit for a goddess appeared. Taking a seat, she responded, “You seek the secrets of what fuels the Tear, do you not?”

  “Perhaps,” Mosley shrugged. “A female named Clandestiny is the Isorian who is said to possess the Tear. I was searching for her when I was captured.”

  Seeing Celestria shake her head, Mosley queried. “Am I mistaken? Does she not possess the Tear?”

  “She does. Why does it matter?”

  “I have my reasons.”

  Celestria’s brows furrowed. “Clandestiny has been with the Ko-dess for many seasons. To my knowledge, the Tear is still in her possession. Why were you seeking her in Hydroth? She abandoned the city nearly 300 seasons ago?”

  Mosley walked up the beach until his paws were clear of the water. “How do you know this?”

  “When the power of the Tear is invoked, Helmep feels this occurrence.”

  The wolf’s eyes narrowed. “What else can you tell me?”

  The goddess leaned forward. “The Tear was given to the Isor by Helmep. It’s a divine object that works without flaw while laying above a pure heart. The Tear possesses the essence of a gashtion long since passed. This power was harnessed within the crystal to control its offspring.”

  The goddess placed her hand against her chin in thought. “If I was to wager a guess, the wisp told you that he desired to understand the Tear. Unlike the Tear’s previous bearer, an Isoria
n named Thoomar, Clandestiny did not have the benefit of training with the High Priestess. She fled the city and sought the Ko-dess. Because of her lack of training, Clandestiny’s moments with the Ko-dess were extended far beyond what they should’ve been.

  “With the Tear missing from Hydroth for so many seasons, the gashtion’s offspring have matured, and as all gashtions do, they fight for territorial dominance. The surviving male takes one of his sisters as his mate and then feasts on the rest. Once this sister has laid her eggs, she, too, is devoured, providing the male is strong enough. If he isn’t, he becomes the consumed.”

  “Devoured? Consumed?” Mosley queried. “What does the Tear do to Clandestiny that would require her to train for so many seasons?”

  The goddess pondered whether or not she should answer. After a few moments of staring into the wolf’s eyes, she revealed the truth.

  A fair series of moments later, Mosley responded. “Really?” he exclaimed. “No wonder the wisp wanted the details.” The wolf stood in silence as his mind ran wild in thought. “Which of the gods would create a beast that would eat its brothers and sisters and then its mate?”

  Celestria chuckled and removed her shoes before crossing her legs on the seat of her throne. “I did, of course. I created them for the amusement of Helmep.”

  “And why must they consume one another?”

  “To have more than one mature gashtion would cause instability to the environment. Since a beast of that size eats an amount equal to its body weight every 5 Peaks, the eggs that have been left behind will not hatch until the beast perishes.”

  “How do the eggs know when to hatch?” Mosley interjected.

  Celestria smiled. “Male or female, a mature gashtion must smother their eggs once per season with a natural secretion. This substance comes from a gland inside their mouth and mixes with their saliva. Since this particular water dragon’s eggs float, a female gashtion must lay her eggs in a domed cavern beneath the water. Hundreds of eggs gather at the top of the dome and when the saliva is discharged into the water by the surviving parent, it floats to the top and covers the eggs. In short, the saliva keeps them from hatching. They remain dormant until the parent is no longer capable of performing this function.”


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