Married by Monday (Weekday Brides)

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Married by Monday (Weekday Brides) Page 20

by Catherine Bybee

  Even in a room full of gun toting security, Eliza felt naked without her firearm close by. The dress she wore didn’t allow it.

  The two of them sat in the back of a limousine en route to the hotel where the fund raising event was being held. The opulence inside the luxury car matched that of the private jet. Neither of which she thought she’d get used to, ever. Carter sat beside her texting Jay and confirming everything was ready for their arrival. The city lights of Los Angeles whizzed past as the driver cut through traffic. Outside the shaded glass, other drivers craned their necks to see if they could catch a glimpse at who was inside the oversized car. In the deep recesses of her memories, Eliza fantasized about living the life of someone who used a limo. That childhood dream always came equipped with a handsome prince who took care of her every whim. Now, here she was, sitting next to arguably the most handsome man she’d ever met, wearing his ring—the one he refused to reveal its cost—and calling herself his wife.

  A fluttering spark of happiness took hold inside her heart and spread through her soul. Carter had managed to wiggle deep into her system, so deep it scared her. Maybe their marriage could last. Discussing how long their marriage would last was off subject. At night, when they made love and murmured sexy things to each other, they didn’t utter a word about love. Eliza couldn’t help wondering if there was something else other than the election fueling Carter’s insistence for marrying her. Then again, according to the polls, he needed a wife. Outside of a divorce, while a man held the governor’s office, there hadn’t been a bachelor voted into the seat.

  He was as noble as any knight. Since he felt responsible for her past exploding around her, and her cover being blown, he wouldn’t be the kind of man to walk away, not without a reason. And as long as her past sought to catch up with her, he would be there. As much as she wanted to feel guilty for holding him hostage in this marriage, she couldn’t. Not after the passion they’d shared since they’d married. Yet, she couldn’t help worrying. What happens when the honeymoon is over? She winced at the thought.

  Maybe the honeymoon won’t end. The last time she’s been this optimistic, her parents had been alive. Everything good in life comes to an end. She hated how her thoughts went there and tried to push the good thoughts away.

  Carter had stopped clicking away on his phone and captured her hand. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” she said a little too quickly.

  “Are you sure? One minute you were smiling, the next you looked upset.”

  She squeezed his hand as the limo rounded the corner to the bright lights of the hotel. “I’m wondering how all of this is going to unfold.”

  “So, you’re nervous?”

  “A little.”

  The car stopped and the driver jumped out to open their door.

  “I’m right here.”

  She offered him a smile as he stepped out of the car and helped her to her feet.

  A half a dozen cameras snapped pictures as they walked into the reception hall of the hotel. Neil stood to the side of the hall, and a guard walked behind them. Everyone wearing a suit and standing alone appeared to be some kind of security. Soon those security guards faded into the background as their hosts approached her and Carter.

  The Hollywood power couple shook Carter’s hand as he introduced Eliza. The starlet greeted her as if they were old friends, which helped Eliza avoid being star-struck. After kissing both her cheeks, Marilyn offered a million-dollar smile Hollywood paid dearly for. “We had to add four extra tables after the announcement of your marriage made the papers. Tom and I are delighted that you’ve made this your first public appearance.”

  “We appreciate your hosting us.”

  Marilyn was even tinier in person. Even with her four-inch heels the petite woman barely made it to Eliza’s shoulders. “It’s an absolute thrill.”

  Carter shook Tom’s hand and echoed Eliza’s sentiment. “I hope the extra security wasn’t a hassle.”

  “Not at all. Once we heard your uncle was joining us, we understood the need.”

  Eliza held back a chuckle.

  Tom and Marilyn led them into the dining hall where the party had already begun. Eliza scanned the room for a familiar face and didn’t realize she had latched onto Carter’s arm until he patted her hand. She instantly relaxed her hold. When had she become so needy? Showing any fear in this environment could prove lethal, yet as they passed a mirror, she noticed the doubt in her eyes.

  Suck it up, Eliza.

  Carter stopped a waiter with a platter of champagne and handed her a glass. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You look like you could use this.”

  She did. A couple of cool sips of liquid courage and her body relaxed.

  “Mrs. Billings?”

  She hesitated and then realized that someone was addressing her. “I’m Jade Lee, and this is my partner Randal.” Jade Lee, as in the most sought after fashion designer in Hollywood and probably a perfect size zero. Man, doesn’t anyone eat around here?

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  Jade complimented Eliza on her dress and asked who made it. Eliza hadn’t a clue. That was the kind of thing Gwen would have remembered. Jade laughed off Eliza’s lack of knowledge and suggested she stop by her studio sometime for a private showing.

  They talked a little about fashion and even the weather. It wasn’t long before Eliza found herself a few feet away from her husband. Everyone knew her name, and because movie stars hosted the party, Eliza knew some of theirs. In a short time she’d forgotten about the security watching over them and played at being the perfect political wife.

  On occasion, someone would ask where her husband stood on the hot political buttons that fueled the election. Jay had already coached her on what to avoid. Instead of offering Carter’s views, she told them something far nobler. “Carter will represent what the voting public wants. Isn’t it the governor’s job to represent his people and not dictate to them?”

  Her simple statement met with approval to most who asked. Others pushed but not to the point of annoyance. Many of the guests wore sugary sweet façades. The popular designer wanted her to wear her dresses because that would equate to sales. The producers wanted a friendly face in the governor’s seat so they could cut through the political red tape and film productions could stay on time. Everyone had his or her own agenda.

  The room held many powerful people. She searched the crowd for a friend. Eliza found Carter across the room and waited until the weight of her stare made him turn around. When he did, he smiled in her direction and then questioned her with a look.

  She shook her head to indicate she was fine and continued to talk to the woman by her side. Only when Samantha arrive and found her way to her side did Eliza truly relax.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Carter drank his water and washed down the filet. Eliza sat by his side and charmed their hosts. Max and Sally sat at a nearby table—Blake and Samantha at another. Over three hundred guests finished their dinners which cost them anywhere from five-thousand to fifteen-thousand a plate. Only Hollywood could demand such a price. Every one of them would use their dinner as a write off on their taxes and several more would find critical connections to make them more money. Attending dinners like this secured votes and paid for commercials. His hosts expected that. What they didn’t expect was how Carter and Eliza were going to manipulate the spotlight to rally allies for Eliza’s safety.

  Jay walked through the tables and whispered in Carter’s ear. “Are you ready?”

  Carter cast a glance over his shoulder to Eliza. She nodded and dropped her napkin on the table.

  Tom and Marilyn led the two of them to the podium on the small stage. Behind them, Max and Sally followed and in their wake, Blake and Samantha.

  Carter nodded at Neil who spoke into a small microphone dangling from an earpiece. Beyond the tables of people, Dean and James stood at opposite corners of the room.

  A hush fell over the room
as Tom and Marilyn stood together to introduce their guests of honor.

  There were several invited reporters at the dinner and two camera crews. There wasn’t a live feed, but that didn’t mean every word Carter said wouldn’t be heard. There were times when he needed Jay to help him with some of his speeches, but this wasn’t one of those times.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight,” Tom began. “Your generous contribution to Mr. Billing’s campaign will go a long way to helping him win in Sacramento.”

  The crowd applauded and Carter felt Eliza lift her hand from his to clap along with them.

  He kept her hand clasped in his and lifted it to his lips to kiss. At least one bulb flashed and captured his gesture. Her thumb rubbing the backside of his hand was the only outward indication of her nerves. She did well under pressure, he realized. He just wished she didn’t need to be so strong.

  Tom dropped a few names within the crowd and bantered with Marilyn about their choices in the menu. After a few laughs, Tom released the microphone to Carter.

  The guests remained seated, and Carter stepped forward to give the attendees his attention.

  “Thank you, Tom and Marilyn. Everything about tonight has been perfect.” Again, the crowd clapped.

  “I’ve had a very tight schedule in the past few months, but it always feels great to drive to the event instead of flying.”

  “It’s a long drive from Sacramento,” someone called out.

  Carter laughed and nodded. “It is. But in order to make positive changes for this state I’m willing to make that drive. So many of our jobs, your jobs, are being shipped elsewhere. It’s time to work through some of the bureaucracy and return our jobs here.”

  He paused for applause.

  “Shipping our families out of state to put bread on the table shouldn’t be the default suggestion for Southern California’s second largest economic contributor. If all of you, Hollywood’s elite, left Hollywood, then our number one largest employer, tourism, would drop. Our state parks are some of the finest in the world, and yet we close them because of budget cuts. We have cuts because state revenue is spent elsewhere to produce movies and television shows.”

  The guests murmured in agreement.

  “I understand our problems and if elected, I’ll do everything within my power to shift our jobs back here where they belong.”

  Again, the crowd applauded.

  “Unlike any other time in my personal life, I’m more vested in making California a home for my family.” He glanced over his shoulder. Eliza’s cheeks grew red. “In case you didn’t know, I signed a pretty big deal last weekend.” While the audience laughed, Carter extended his hand to Eliza. “I’d like to introduce you to my lovely wife, Eliza Billings.”

  Eliza turned to the lights and offered a wave.

  “I think she’d make a great first lady of the state. Don’t you?”

  He paused for a moment and waited for the planted questions to come from the media. It was time for the real show to begin.

  “Your opponent suggested that your wife isn’t a legal immigrant.”

  A few people gasped at the comment. Some hushed the reporter.

  “It’s okay,” Carter told the crowd. “Eliza and I knew questions would be raised about her past.”

  “According to my research, Eliza Haven’s wasn’t born here.”

  Carter lifted his hands to the crowd to settle them. “My father was part of the police force for over thirty years. His motto on the job was simply this... “Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.” Your research, and that of my opponent, has found a dry trail in relation to Eliza’s birth and background. Of course you’d assume she immigrated to this country. With immigration topping political forum, it’s easy to point fingers and cry foul.” Carter lifted his eyes to the audience.

  “There are reasons beyond immigration for which people have a need to hide…to change their names. Eliza’s story would make a blockbuster film if it weren’t so painful.”

  The room went quiet as everyone listened.

  “Up until a month ago, Eliza hid herself from the public eye because she has lived the majority of her life under the witness protection program.”

  The eyes in the room shifted to her. Flashes snapped in rapid fire and Carter grasped Eliza’s hand hard.

  “Is that true, Mrs. Billings?”

  Eliza leaned forward and spoke into the mike. “It is.”

  “What happened?”

  “Who are you hiding from?”

  “Why reveal your identity now?”

  Questions flew at her from everywhere at once.

  Everything blurred. Eliza felt her breath coming in short pants, and her palm grew moist in Carter’s. She knew the spotlight was on her, and she alone needed to ask for the public’s help.

  Carter pulled her beside him and let her address the audience.

  “My father was a hard working American man. He and my mother had the kind of family values we all want to project to our children. After my dad witnessed an unmentionable crime, he did what so many people would not. He stepped forward to do what was right. He wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he hid the truth.”

  She thought of her dad, his smile, his robust laugh. “We were taken away, our identities changed. But it wasn’t far enough.” Emotion clogged the back of her throat. “He and my mother paid for his testimony with their lives.”

  She found Dean in the back of the room and spoke to him. “I was taken away, given a new identity, and have stayed hidden since I was a child.”

  “Is the threat behind you, Mrs. Billings?”

  She shook her head. “No. But I couldn’t stay hidden any longer. Carter entered my life and the people I cared about wouldn’t let me run any longer.”

  “So there’s someone still after you?”

  She shrugged. “There is no reason to believe the man responsible for my parent’s early death doesn’t still have a vendetta against me.”

  “Who is it?”

  Eliza shook her head and Carter stood up to the mike. “We cannot disclose that at this time.”

  “Why protect him?”

  “We’re not. But the man has a family, children of his own,” Eliza protested. “Is it fair to condemn them the way I’ve been condemned? Believe me, I want nothing more than to think the past is behind me so I can look to my future without a room full of bodyguards.”

  The reporter turned in a circle as did many others and the physical presence of guards became abundantly clear.

  Behind her, Samantha’s arm rested on her shoulder. Then Max and Sally approached Carter’s side. “I stand in support of my wife and will do everything in my power to keep her from harm,” Carter pledged. “I’m in awe of her courage to stand before you and tell her story. I hope you will support me in keeping her safe.”

  The room was utterly silent until one lone clap sounded from the back of the room. Eliza’s eyes misted as she saw Dean clapping. Soon the room responded until everyone was on their feet.


  “Nice speech.”

  Carter turned toward his uncles’ flat voice. “She did well.”

  Max rocked back on his heels and watched Eliza over the rim of his cocktail glass. “Convincing. Even to me.”

  “The truth has the unique ability to carry weight.” Carter nodded toward a couple that passed them without interrupting.

  Max lifted his drink to his lips and murmured his next words. “It’s not enough.”

  “What isn’t enough?”

  “Playing the martyr. The past has a way of catching up with you. You should know that, counselor.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Max leaned forward so only Carter could hear him. “People like us don’t hope. We make things happen.” Max brushed off the edge of Carter’s dress coat. “I’ll be in touch.” Max set his empty glass on a waiter’s tray before walking away.

  An uncomfortable ball of lead threatened to se
ttle deep in Carter’s stomach. Why did he feel his uncle’s words were more threat than a legitimate call to action?

  Probably because they were. Carter knew that asking favors from his uncle would haunt him. Carter couldn’t bring himself to stop Max from whatever he planned. Keeping Eliza safe was paramount. Nothing else mattered.

  Their return trip from the dinner sped by. Eliza spoke of the actors she’d met, the producers. She didn’t mention the unveiling of her darkest secret to the world. It wouldn’t be long before the media dug and found the name of the man responsible. Carter knew this…and as he watched her nibble on a fingernail, he knew she thought about it too.

  She worried.

  Instead of addressing the problem, Carter kept the conversation light.

  Still, when they drove up to the front doors of their home, he peered into the darkness listening to the sounds of the night for anything out of place. All he heard were crickets and the rustling of leaves in the trees above their heads.

  One of the bodyguards had preceded their arrival and made certain no one lurked inside. When Carter waved the armed guard away, he captured Eliza’s hand in his and kissed her battered nails.

  She sent him a bashful smile. One he didn’t see often. “We’re going to be okay,” he promised.

  She opened her eyes wider, and he saw the mist gathering behind her lashes. “I-I’m scared, Carter.”

  Her admission slammed into his soul. Carter took her face in his hands and did what he could to drive away her fears. He lowered his lips to hers and willed her to forget her fears with his kiss. He stifled her whimper by deepening their kiss. The tip of his tongue coaxed hers open, to allow him inside.

  She opened and melted against him in the same instant. Her timid hands flattened on his chest and burned a path straight to his heart. He moaned, or maybe it was her, and he wove his fingers alongside her neck and laced them into her soft tresses. Pins scattered onto the floor of the foyer. The length of her body meshed with his from lips to toes.


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