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Trappin' Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  "Why is everyone trying to keep me out of the damn game, it's my right. That trap house Snow had belongs to me. You're talking this goody good shit, when it was crack that got you into real estate. Now that I want to do me and ask you for help, you feed me a bunch of bullshit!" Daytona yells.

  Uncle Ron jumps to his feet, "Watch your fucking mouth with me. I'm not one of these little boys from the streets you deal with. I'm your goddamn Uncle, and I'm just trying to keep you safe and off the streets. I want to show you that you have a better opportunity, but fuck it!"

  At the sound of Uncle Ron's yelling, the two, large Rottweiler's came to the room door and starts growling at Daytona and 'E'. Uncle Ron got up and left the room leaving Daytona and 'E' standing there with the dogs looking like they were ready to tear them apart.

  Daytona didn't know what to do as he looked down at the dogs. He knew he came out his face and had never seen his Uncle this mad.

  "Yo, should we run? 'E' asks scared to move.

  "Run where, those motherfuckers are blocking the door and I think if we move they will attack," Daytona responds in a whisper tone, trying not to make the dogs react and attack from his movement.

  Uncle Ron walks back to the room holding a black duffel bag in one hand. He walked over to Daytona and dropped the bag by his feet, "You want to be a street nigga then be it, here! Don't come back here asking me for no illegal shit again. When you want to do something right with your life, then your ass can holla at me! Now get the fuck out of my house!"

  Daytona wanted to say sorry, but thought it would make him look soft in front of 'E', so he picks the duffel bag up and he an 'E' walk nervously past the two growling Rottweiler's and heads toward the door. Daytona opens the door and 'E' flew out of it as fast as he could, wanting to get as far as possible away from the dogs.

  Daytona looks back to see his Uncle standing in between his dogs, staring at him with a disappointed look, Daytona turns back around and heads out the door and shuts it behind him. He gets to his car and hops in where 'E' was already waiting.

  "Let's see what's in the bag," Daytona tosses the bag onto 'E's lap and he unzips it to see a variety of guns and boxes of bullets piled up to the top.

  "Shit he done gave you like every fucking gun there is!" 'E' shouts.

  "Yea, he taught my brother and Mel-Murder everything they know. I knew he would have what we need," Daytona says in a hurt tone.

  He was more than upset that his Uncle wasn't willing to ride with him and help him. 'It seemed as though everybody wants me to not fuck with the game, it was good for them to do it, but not me, fuck that,' Daytona thinks to himself as he drives back to Amityville.

  Chapter 7

  Scarlett walks in her house frustrated, she had gone and seen Chambers after school and again he left her unsatisfied. The money was good but she needed a fix. It's been a week since she last seen Daytona and they did their thing. She picks up her cell phone and dials his number.

  "Hello," she says in her most sexy voice.

  "What's good Scarlett?" Daytona replies.

  "I need you, I need a fix. Can you come over? 'E' is out and I want you to tear my back out!" she says getting wetter and wetter.

  "Yea, I'll come over, but I'm not going to spend the night."

  "Why Daytona, you have something better to do than to be up inside me?"

  "Yea I do. I told you from jump, I don't want you just as my fuck buddy, so I have to get this money to make you my wife."

  Scarlett smiles, even knowing Daytona had no money he was determined to make it and make her his, "Well come and get this pussy now," Scarlett says and hung up the phone, then gets herself ready.

  Twenty minutes later, Daytona pulls up in front of her house and walks to the door. Before he could knock, the door flew open and Scarlett stood there in red Dolce and Gabbana boy short panties, with the matching bra.

  "Damn what took you so long?" she said kissing him deeply and passionately while pulling him inside the house.

  Daytona uses his foot to kick the door close and wastes no time stripping while still kissing her, and grabbing her ass. Soon they were on the couch going at it like wild animals.

  "Yesss," she moans as Daytona lifts her legs up and pushes them down to her neck. He pounds away as his balls slaps her ass, "Damn, give me this dick!" she screams with each thrust and climax for the second time.

  Daytona kisses her passionately while he continues to thrust in and out of her, "I love you, this is my pussy."

  "Yes baby, yes!"

  He flips her around making her place her ass in the air, he slides in then pounds her pussy from the back and grabs her hair, and giving her long strokes and watching his dick disappear inside her. She tightens up the walls of her pussy using her muscles. It drove him crazy, so he pounds wild like a mad man until he could see his semen flowing down her legs like a river. He then begins to take her through a series of different positions, twisting and stretching her in every direction imaginable. They fucked for a few hours. When they were done he watches as Scarlett doze off to sleep, his job was done. Daytona looks at Scarlett and knew he was in love. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her and he knew what he had to do. He gets dressed and creeps out the bedroom and then the house and hops in his car and takes off.

  Daytona pulls his car up in front of Cloverdale Apartments, and dials Livewire's number, "Yo, I'm out front are you ready."

  "Yea I'm coming down," Livewire replied.

  Livewire comes downstairs with Four Pound, 'E' and Drop, from Wyandanch. Daytona hops out his car and follows the men down the block to a parked van without saying a word. They all piled into the gray van and put on black hoodies. Daytona passes Four Pound a Heckler .45, he felt that was the best gun for him since he was named after it.

  He then passed 'E' a nickel plated hi-point 9mm and gives Drop a forty caliber hand gun. For himself, Daytona pulls out a 44 bulldog revolver and sticks a potato on the end of it.

  "I saw this shit work in a movie once. I hope it works for real," he says out loud, "The five of us will rush both trap houses. We don't need anyone else down that comes later on. We'll hit the main trap house first," Daytona says while looking at Livewire who was driving.

  They pull up to Smith Street, and creep out the van then hide in the shadows of the block. They could see fiends pulling up and cars going to the house to be served.

  "Fuck, it's two o'clock; me, 'E' and Four Pound will go through the back door. Livewire and Drop, y'all go through the front, but give me a few minutes and when you feel I'm in there, y'all rush the place."

  "Aight," Livewire replies and they all move to their positions.

  Daytona runs through a backyard two houses down and hops the gate until he was in the backyard with 'E' and Four Pound following behind him.

  Daytona puts his ear to the door and listens for any movement and when he's sure he didn't hear anything he puts the key in the lock and unlocks the door, slowly pushing it open. He cautiously walks in with his gun drawn. Daytona, 'E' and Four Pound made their way down a small hallway with a bedroom door at the other end of it. Daytona already knew that was Erica's bedroom and she was in there getting high. Daytona puts his ear to the door and could hear noise coming from inside. He looks at 'E' and Four Pound to give them the sign to bust in the door at his command.

  He then creeps into the living room and scopes three men playing PlayStation 3 on the couch while another sits by the door in a chair waiting on customers, just like Erica said.

  "Now," Daytona whispers and he and 'E' rush the living room, while Four Pound kicks in the door to see one of the men getting head from Erica. She is on her knees and didn't stop what she was doing. "Yo 'B' I'm busy," the man says never looking up.

  Four Pound runs up on him and whacks him in the face with his gun making him fall to the floor.

  "Ahhhh," he screams.

  "Shut the fuck up punk!" Four Pound shouts.

  "Nobody move!" Daytona and 'E' yell while pointing their
guns at the men on the couch.

  One jumps up and reaches for his gun on his waist. Daytona squeezes the trigger to the .44 Bulldog, sending a bullet crashing in the man's head, splitting his wig. Daytona and the other men watch his body drop dead. Daytona was surprised that the potato works and the gun made no noise when he fired, but he knew it will only work once as he looks at the big burnt hole in the potato still at the end of the gun.

  The man at the door sees 'E' while Daytona was busy looking at the man on the couch and tries to reach for his gun, but the front door flew open and Livewire placed the barrel of his 9mm against his temple.

  "Don't fucking move!" he says while removing the gun from the man's waist, as Four Pound comes out the bedroom pushing one of the Bellport hustlers out by gunpoint.

  The man had his jeans down to his ankles, "Yo let me pull up my pants."

  "Shut the fuck up!" Four Pound yells while hitting him in the back of the head with the gun.

  "'E' go get the van," Daytona orders.

  'E' runs out the house then down the block to the van. He gets in, drives and pulls up in front of the house. He leaves the van running then hops out and returns back inside the house where Daytona, Livewire, Drop and Four Pound were duct taping the three men, hog style. They carry the three men to the van and throw them in the back, then went back for the body of the dead one that Daytona shot.

  Daytona grabs the garbage bag full of money and crack and took out what looks like a half an ounce and passed it to Erica as she came out the bathroom to the living room.

  "Yo, I'll be back soon, call me if more of them come around to check on them, but I should be back before then."

  Erica shakes her head and pulls out her crack pipe, "Well you know what the fuck I'll be doing," she replies while heading back to her bedroom.

  Daytona runs outside with the bag in his hand and hops in the van, and they pull off. The four Bellport hustlers lay there unable to move, fearing for their lives as they look at the three armed men sitting in the back with them.

  Chapter 8

  It didn't take long before they were in Wyandanch and driving down Jamaica Avenue to where the next trap house was.

  "Yo, this one is going to be more complicated because we don't have the keys to the place," Daytona says while pulling out a chrome 12 gauge shotgun from under the passenger seat and puts the 44 Bulldog in its place.

  "The fiend that owns this house is a crack head named Max. He's down with us taking over, but his ass was too scared to make copies of the keys for the house," 'E' states. They ease out the van and fall into their positions, leaving the four men tied up inside.

  This time Daytona and Four Pound went to the front door while 'E', Drop and Livewire went to the back. Daytona kicks the front door in and runs in with Four Pound behind him. The front gunman pulls out his gun and lets off two shots that went past Daytona's head. 'Boom!' Daytona squeezed the trigger of the shotgun and it roars, blowing a giant size hole in the first gunman, killing him by the door.

  Two more hustlers jump up from the couch and fire shots at Daytona and Four Pound. They took cover behind a wall as bullets missed them. Four Pound peeps out and could see one of the hustlers using the couch as cover, he smiles and aims at the couch and lets off three shots. The bullets tear through the couch, ripping through the gun man's chest, killing him instantly. The other hustler that was firing at Daytona and Four Pound stops shooting to look at his boy slumped over dead.

  "Oh shit!" he yells as he looks down. When he looks back up, he is met with buck shots from the roaring shotgun ripping through his face like paper.

  Two more hustlers come from the back room firing at Daytona and Four Pound, they couldn't get a good shot on them because they have Daytona and Four Pound pinned, hiding behind the wall.

  "Shit!" Daytona yells.

  Livewire and 'E' come rushing in through the back door. Livewire lets off two quick shots and both bullets hit their mark, blowing a huge hole in the back of one of the hustlers head.

  The next hustler tries to turn around and fire at Livewire and 'E', but 'E' pops two rounds in the LRG logo on his shirt then fires two more rounds sending bullets crashing into the man's jaw and neck, "Shit!" 'E' says.

  Just then Drop comes out the room with two naked girls at gun point and a big fat guy that looks like a crack head that Daytona figures is Max.

  "What to do with the girls? They were in the back room fucking this Bellport nigga."

  The two young women stood there crying out loud and looks around at all the bodies, "Please, please let us go, we won't talk."

  Daytona looks at them and didn't know what to do. He always had a soft spot for women and thinks this could be his niece, Nicole. Four Pound looks at Daytona and knew he was hesitant on what to do. He looks at his cousin Livewire and they both raise their guns and aims at the women.

  "Oh shit!" Drop and Max yell. They jump out the way as a spray of bullets rip through the two, crying women's bodies, blowing chunks of flesh everywhere.

  Daytona looks at Livewire and Four Pound who both seem to have smirks on their faces, "Those bitches would have talked," Four Pound says.

  Daytona didn't want to back them up, but knew they were probably right for killing them, but it still didn't feel right. He points the shotgun at Max, "If you say a word about this then you'll be next. Don't think for a second that we can't get you too."

  "I know, I want no problems with y'all," Max says fearing for his life after watching what the young men did.

  They quickly move and carry all the bodies to the van and toss them in. Daytona finds the garbage bag full of money and crack and hits Max off with an ounce of crack.

  "Listen, clean this place up, make sure there's no blood around here when the police come, tell them someone tried to rob you and shot up the place and left. If I find out you said anything different, you'll be next on our list," Daytona states as he runs outside and hops in the van.

  They pull off with the four tied up Bellport hustlers pissing on themselves as they lay there looking at the bodies piled up next to them, faces they knew. The van pulls over to a wooded area in Amityville and all five men hop out. They cut the four Bellport hustlers free.

  "This is what the fuck I want y'all to do. Each of you will grab one of your friend's bodies and follow me in the woods. If any one of you try and run, I'll blow your head off! Is that clear?" Daytona yells.

  The four Bellport hustlers shake their heads and grab a body each and follow Daytona, Livewire, and 'E' into the woods. They left Four Pound and Drop to guard the van with the other seven bodies in it. The four Bellport hustlers drag the bodies through the dirt until Daytona, Livewire and 'E' stop in front of a large deep hole that took all five of them two days to dig.

  "Throw the bodies in there," Daytona orders while he keeps his shotgun aimed at the four men.

  Livewire and 'E' do the same with their guns. They made the four men make two more trips to the van until all the bodies were in the hole. They then made the four hustlers stand in front of the hole. Knowing now they were dead, one of the hustlers thinks to himself, 'If these men killed two women, why wouldn't they kill us?'

  "So you motherfuckers wanted to take over and jump me and my boy!" Daytona yells.

  "We're sorry, please! Please! Don't kill us, don't kill me. It was Chambers idea!" they all cry and beg for their life.

  Livewire, 'E', and Daytona raise their guns at the crying four men and squeeze the trigger. Bullets riddle the four men's bodies, filling them up with lead. Their bodies jerk and twist as they scream, "Ahhhh!" and die. They fall backward into the hole.

  Daytona and the others grab shovels they hid behind a tree and began to fill the hole. They didn't finish filling the hole until the sun was now brightly shining as morning has arrived. They quickly hop back in the van and head for the trap house on Smith Street.

  Chapter 9

  Chambers pulls up on Smith Street in his white Chrysler 300c. It was 12:00 p.m., he was late, he us
ually picks up his money from his workers earlier, but he had fucked with Scarlett yesterday afternoon and after getting his two nuts he was out cold, sleeping like a baby. He bent down grabbing the brown bag from the passenger's side floor. Inside it was two bricks of crack.

  'If I did my math right I should be getting $100,000 from this house today and $80,000 from the house in Wyandanch,' Chambers thought to himself as he climbs out his car, straightening out his shirt to make sure the gun on his waist wasn't showing.

  He starts walking toward the house and looks around and wonders why no fiends were pulling up and knocking on the door.

  'Shit, the house is usually popping 24 hours,' he says out loud to himself, halfway to the door.

  He had a bad feeling, so he stops in his tracks and just stood there. Inside the trap house Daytona and the rest of them are waiting for Chambers to come to the door so they could grab him.

  "Why he stop?" 'E' asks looking out the living room window behind the curtain, making sure he couldn't be seen.

  Daytona was looking through the peephole of the door with Livewire next to him. Four Pound and Drop wasn't far behind.

  "I don't know but he's just standing there. Come on you fat fucker, come on." Daytona says.

  Chambers stood there and knew something was definitely wrong, he doesn't know what. He then realizes that he left his cellphone in the car on the charger.

  'I'll call my team and tell them to come outside with the money,' he thinks to himself. He turns around and heads back toward the car.

  "Shit he's not going to come, he must know something's up!" Daytona yells and opens the door.

  Chambers turns around when he heard the house door open and stood there paralyzed in shock as he watches Daytona aim his 44 Bulldog revolver at him. He quickly snaps out of the daze he was in and pulls out his Berretta 9mm. Daytona squeezes the trigger and sends bullets flying at Chambers.


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