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Trappin' Page 12

by Shameek Speight

  Dana sits in a cell crying for what feels like twenty four hours. No one comes to speak to her and she has no idea how her kids are or where they're at.

  "Come, you're coming with me," a white fat cop says while unlocking her cell gate.

  "Where am I going and where are my kids?"

  "Listen lady, I don't know. Just turn around so I can cuff you.

  She does what she is ordered to do and is led out of the precinct and placed in the back of a police car. The officer hops in and starts up the car and takes off. He jumps onto the highway. Dana reads the sign when they exit the highway, it read Central Islip.

  "Why are we going to Central Islip?" Dana asks.

  "Listen Ms. I just follow orders," the officer says as he pulls up to a building with the words United District Court, 100 Federal Plaza.

  A white man with an army haircut and a dark skin lady wearing a suit walks over to the police car. The officer jumps out the car and hands them some paperwork. He opens the back door helping Dana out the car. He then proceeds to the driver's side getting back in then pulls off.

  Dana looks at the woman and the man and is confused. They grab her by the arms and lead her in the building. Then they ride on the elevator to the fourth floor and take Dana to a room and remove the cuffs from her hands. They then cuff one hand to the table.

  "I'll be back," the dark skin woman says as her and the man walk out the room.

  'Shit what's going on,' Dana thinks to herself as she looks around the room.

  There is nothing in it but the chair she is sitting in, a table and a chair on the other side of it. A mirror, which she knows is two sided, from all the Law and Order she watches on TV. 'There must be someone on the other side of the mirror,' she tells herself.

  The door flies open and the dark skin lady walks in the room shutting the door behind her. In her hand is a white thick folder, with a lot of papers in it. She sits down in the chair across from Dana, "Okay Dana, I'm ready to start. My name is agent Jones, and the man you saw a few minutes ago is my partner agent Sykes. You're no fool so you know he's behind that mirror with our supervisor recording this conversation."

  "What is this all about?" Dana asks.

  "Dana you know what this is about. It's about you having 500 grams of crack cocaine in your car. Right now you're facing charges of possession with intent to sell, and you're facing 10 years in a federal jail," Agent Jones stopped talking to let it all sink into Dana's head.

  "Dana this can go two ways, you can talk to me today or you will be going to jail for a long time."

  "Talk to you about what?" Dana asks.

  "Dana, don't play stupid with us we know you're just a worker. We want Daytona Snow and the men that call themselves the Amityville Killers and the Dance Shooters. There were too many murders this past year, and we know that group is behind it."

  Dana is surprises that Agent Jones knew Daytona's name and the name of the street team, "I can't say anything they will kill me," Dana says while crying.

  "Listen, what you think will happen if you're let you go today. They will think you talked and kill you anyways. What about your kids while you're in jail. They will be split up and sent to foster homes. If you talk to me you can have them back and all charges on you will be dropped and you can take your kids and leave. We have them in this building."

  Dana stops crying and looks up, "My kids are in the building? May I see them?"

  "Not until you talk. Like I said Dana, we will let you go with your kids and drop the charges. We will even let you keep your truck you bought with drug money. Listen, we're going to get the Amityville Killers and the Dance Shooters with your help or not," Agent Jones says while putting on her best game face.

  The FBI really needs her statement to help with their case, "We've been watching them for a long time now. It seems like y'all know the law. Every time you buy a car in cash, over twenty thousand dollars, it's the law that the car dealership must report it to the FBI. Here look," Agent Jones goes into her folder and hands Dana a sheet of paper.

  One side of the paper reads that twenty five expensive luxury cars were bought from people with Amityville addresses, and on the other side it reads twenty three were bought in Wyandanch. Even her BMW X5 and her name was on the list.

  "So what will happen if I tell you everything I know? I get my kids back and my truck and go to my house and pack my things and you protect me?" Dana asks, knowing she had to do something to get her kids back.

  "No sweetie, this isn't the movies where they put people in protective custody. When you talk you take your kids and go to your sister's house in Riverhead. Yes we know about her too and you then get the fuck out of Long Island. You're lucky we're letting you keep the damn truck. Everything in your house and all the other people involved with this will lose it all. All their things will be seized as evidence, their houses, their cars, their clothes, their jewelry and money. If they can't prove they have a legal income that can afford all those things, they will be taken away."

  Dana thinks for a second and realizes all the money in her house will be taken, but then realizes she has stashed a large amount of money at her sister's house, enough to run and start over, "So if I talk, I have to stay around to testify at the trial or something."

  "When you talk Dana, you're free to go. We are the FBI. All we need is hearsay and a statement from you. So are you ready?"

  Dana takes a deep breath and shakes her head up and down and begins to talk. She told them about all the women with children and how they are using their homes as trap houses. She gives them the addresses to each one and how many men are inside.

  Agent Jones writes every word down and has Dana sign it when they are done. She then removes the cuffs and takes Dana to a room that looks like a daycare. Her kids are there playing with toys with an older woman.

  "Mommy! Mommy!" her children shout as they run to her.

  "I miss you babies."

  Agent Jones passes her the keys to her BMW X5 and helps her take the kids out the building and over to her truck. Dana quickly buckles her children in the back seat.

  "If you go back to Wyandanch or Amityville then the deal is off, go to your sister's and take the money you got hiding over there and leave."

  Dana's mouth drops wide open, "How did you know I have money stashed over there."

  "We're the FBI, ain't shit we don't know. We've been following you, the Amityville Killers and Dance Shooters for a while. We were just giving y'all enough rope to hang yourselves. Bye Dana," Agent Jones says and walks away.

  Dana hops in her truck and takes off. She thinks about calling 'E' to warn him, 'Fuck that, I'm not jeopardizing my children's life for him or anyone else. They probably got all the damn phones tapped. I'm out of here,' Dana says to herself.

  She goes to Riverhead to her sister's house to take a shower and feed the kids. She grabs the sixty thousand she saved and talks her sister into coming with her. They all jump in the truck and head down south.

  Chapter 25

  FBI agents surround 'E's house, kicking in the door. Before he has a chance to know what is going on, the Fed's rush all the trap houses in Wyandanch, locking up all the Dance Shooters and the women who let the Dance Shooters sell drugs in their houses. They take cars, clothes, drugs, guns, jewelry and homes as evidence. Altogether they rush twelve trap houses and lock up 36 men and women and take the children into child protective services.

  Daytona pulls up in front of his house in Amityville. He just came back from buying 100 bricks of crack from his connect in Brentwood. He isn't supposed to be back so early. He usually spends the whole day talking and making deals with his connect. He hops out his BMW AG, grabs the two duffel bags with the bricks in them. As he walks to the front door he notices Scarlett's bronze Cadillac CTS-V, 'I wonder what she's doing home. She's supposed to be at school,' he thinks to himself as he opens the front door and walks into the living room dropping the duffel bags. He then walks in the kitchen to get something to drink. After
pouring his self a glass of Pepsi and drinking half, he pulls out a rolled blunt from his shirt pocket and lights it up.

  'She probably has a headache that's why she's home from school so early,' he says out loud to himself while inhaling and holding it in, 'My baby's probably in the bed sleeping. I can't wait, one more fucking month and we will be married,' he says to himself while smoking and walking up the stairs to his bedroom.

  Daytona stops at his bedroom door as he hears moans from behind the door, growing louder and louder, "Yesss, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you! This is what you want right," he hears the woman's voice moan out.

  His hands shake as he pushes the door open. He drops the blunt he is holding in his left hand as shock and pain rush through his body. Tears in his eyes slowly roll down his face, as he watches Scarlett ride up and down like a pro on Livewire's dick. Her breast is bouncing while Livewire palms her ass, making her come down harder on his dick.

  Daytona couldn't believe his eyes as he looks at the two people he loves and trusts most in the world. He pulls the chrome 9mm out, it's so long it looks like a Desert Eagle. He pulls back the hammer on it making a clicking sound.

  This makes Scarlett open her eyes, "Ahhhh!" she screams when she sees Daytona standing in the doorway of their bedroom.

  She hops off Livewire and grabs a sheet. Livewire looks up and is frozen on the bed as he watches Daytona.

  "Baby it ain't what you think," Scarlett says in between crying.

  "What the fuck you mean it ain't what it looks like. My fucking wifey or wife to be is fucking my best friend and my best friend is fucking my wife behind my back!" Daytona yells while swinging his gun back and forth at both of them.

  "Listen dog, we're boys, just calm down," Livewire says, as he slowly eases out of the bed and stands naked next to Scarlett. "Man, don't let no pussy come in between us," Livewire says while looking at his jeans that are next to his feet, he can see his gun under his boxers.

  "What the fuck you mean. This ain't any ole pussy or piece of ass, this is my wifey nigga!"

  "Baby it's not what you think, I love you!" Scarlett yells out.

  "Bitch how you love me and you fucking my man. You keep saying this ain't what I think it is. Then you fucking tell me what the fuck I'm looking at!" Daytona yells through clenched teeth as tears of pain and anger roll down his face.

  Scarlett looks at Livewire, then Daytona, "Its business, baby," Scarlett says in a whisper.

  "What the fuck you mean its business?" Daytona yells back.

  "He pays me 40 thousand to fuck him twice a month every time you go to Brentwood to re-up," Scarlett says holding her head down.

  "What! What the fuck! I give you everything and 40 thousand ain't shit to me! I give you more than that! Shit, the ring on your finger is worth more than that! Your car is worth more than that! What, you're some kind of whore now?"

  "No baby, I just wanted the money to stack up just in case something happened to you, I will be okay."

  "How long has this been going on?" Daytona asks while pointing his gun at Livewire.

  "Man, everyone told you how she gets down. Even you knew how she got down. She only fuck niggaz with money, me and Four Pound been fucking her. Four Pound has been fucking her for six months, but it's going on eight for me."

  "You were fucking Four Pound too!"

  "Baby it was for the money, I couldn't turn it down."

  Daytona's mind race as he realizes what Uncle Ron said was true. Scarlett is nothing but a sac chaser and a gold digger that he fell in love with and thought he could change. Then he thought about what his brother Snow said, 'Man even your best friend's will cross you. Look what Mel-Murder and G-Boog did to me.'

  It all makes sense now. Even the five thousand that was missing here and there from every house Livewire and Four Pound had picked up money from. They refused to use their own money to pay for ass so they stole mine and used it to fuck Scarlett. Livewire sees that Daytona is in deep thought and makes a move for his gun.

  Daytona snaps out his trance and sees Livewire bending down and grabs the handle of his gun. Before Livewire could stand straight up Daytona pulls the trigger of his 9mm and sends a bullet between Livewire's eyes, "You motherfucker, you stole from me, we were like brothers!" Daytona yells as he squeezes the trigger again at the top of Livewire's forehead, blowing it open sending spatters of blood, bone and brain matter onto Scarlett.

  "Ahhhh! Scarlett screams, "Baby please don't kill me, I love…"


  Daytona squeezes the trigger and the bullet explodes through her chest, piercing her heart and exploding out her back before she finishes her sentence.

  Scarlett places her hand over the giant hole in her chest, looks up at Daytona with a scared, surprised and confused look, then falls face forward dead.

  Daytona looks at his dead best friend and his wifey. He wipes the tears from his eyes and puts the gun back on his waist, and grabs the sheets off the bed and wraps Scarlett's body up in one and rolls Livewire's body in the next one.

  'Shit, I have to get rid of their bodies fast,' Daytona says out loud while pulling Scarlett down the stairs and placing it next to the front door.

  He runs back upstairs and drags Livewire's body down the stairs and places it next to Scarlett. He looks at the sheets, the bodies have soaked through them and there is a dark smear of blood leading from the bedroom down the stairs to the front door, 'Shit I'll clean that later,' Daytona says to no one in particular.

  He moves the curtain to the side to make sure none of his neighbors are outside or looking through the window so he can sneak the bodies to his car. He sees six black Crown Victoria's pull up to the house and three black vans,

  'Shit someone must of heard the gunshots and called the damn cops,' Daytona says as he pulls the gun off his waist, but then notice that the officers getting out with their guns drawn had on blue wind breaker jackets that read FBI.

  'Oh shit,' Daytona takes off running toward the back door.

  He pushes the door open and runs into the backyard toward a brown wooden fence then he jumps over and falls to the ground on the other side. Just as the FBI agents surround his house, Daytona gets on his knees and looks through a small hole in the brown fence and could see the FBI agents running into his house. 'Shit my money.' He has ten million in a safe in the basement and didn't have time to grab it. 'I'm going to have to dip. I got two bodies in there with the 100 bricks I bought today. With those two, I'll be facing life in jail. Lucky I learned from Snow to always keep money stashed somewhere else,' Daytona thinks to his self as he creeps to the house behind him.

  He lifts up a flower pot and a key is there just where he left it. He grabs the key, unlocks the back door and creeps into the house. For the second time in his life he is stuck on stupid as he walks around the empty house.

  Six months ago he met two women named Vickie and Jackie both twenty one and lesbian lovers. He had been fucking them for a while, when he came up with the idea to buy them a house behind his with Uncle Ron's help. He puts a safe in the bedroom closet and a car in the garage just in case of an emergency. He would put three thousand in an envelope and push it under the door every month, but since he got engaged with Scarlett he stopped sneaking over to fuck the two of them. He just continued slipping the envelopes with the money in it under the door.

  'Shit, where did all the fucking furniture go!' Daytona yells then runs into the bedroom to see that it is empty as well. He runs to the closet opens it up and the safe is still there. He punches numbers on the digital code and the safe opens up, but the 500,000 he had stashed there is gone. The only thing left inside was a piece of white paper. He picks it up and reads it.

  It was fun while it lasted. We figured you won't miss this and if you do, oh well.

  Love Vickie and Jackie.

  Unknown to Daytona one night after he had sex with both of them, he went to the safe to add more money when he thought they were asleep, but Vickie watched him with one eye ope
n punch in the code to the safe. The next day after Daytona left, Vickie and Jackie opened the safe and took the money and moved to San Francisco to open up a lesbian bar. They had the furniture and TV's shipped to them. They gave a neighbor across the street the keys to the house to pick up the three thousand every month. She would keep a thousand for herself and send the other two to them.

  'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' Daytona screams as he balls up the paper, 'I'm going to kill those bitches! Shit what the fuck am I going to do? I can't disappear and get low without any damn money.'

  Then he remembers that he stashed $200,000 that no one knew about under the floor board at the main trap house on Smith Street. Snow had told him about floor boards and said it would be a good place to hide drugs or guns. Not even crack head Erica knew about the floor board.

  Daytona runs to the door that leads to the garage, 'Please still be there.' He opens the door and walks in to see the brand new black Dodge Charger still parked up, 'Yes the only reason those bitches didn't take you is because they couldn't find the keys,' he says out loud while bending down and feeling around the rear bumper until he feels the keys that are duct taped under it.

  He pulls it loose and hits the alarm and jumps in the car, starts it up, then presses the button to open the garage door and step on the gas. Once he gets to the end of the block and stops at a stop sign, he could see the FBI has blocked of his block. No cars are allowed in or out.

  'Shit I have to get the fuck out of town,' Daytona says as he makes a left turn and heads toward Smith Street to the trap house. Unknown to him the FBI had rushed all the trap houses; Albany Avenue and Divine Street, while the others with the women using their Section 8 houses as trap houses were the only ones left on Smith Street. Daytona pulls up in front of the trap house and leaves the car running as he jumps out and runs to the door, banging on it, "It's me Daytona, open the goddamn door!"

  Two Amityville soldiers, that's trapping in the house opens the door, "Daytona what's up?" one of the soldiers asks.

  Daytona rushes past him and runs into the living room. The two soldiers look at him like he's crazy when he moves the couch. After Daytona moves the couch he feels around until he finds the floor board he is looking for.


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