Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized #4)

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Reaching Retribution (The Prophesized #4) Page 29

by Kaitlyn Hoyt

  Slamming into a hard surface, I’m brought out of my bubble and back into the real world. Hearing a slight ringing in my ears, I open my eyes and see pieces of wood. Leaves are floating to the ground from the trees that exploded.

  Shaking the haze away, I sit and look toward the platform…or what’s left of the platform. Zahtri is gone. The ground is charred and dead where the vortex was. My eyes move across from it and…

  Ignoring the pain spreading through my body, I jump up and run across the clearing, jumping over bodies along the way. I don’t stop to look and see who is lying down. I don’t think about how many of them are dead. I don’t look at anyone, except the small girl with curly hair. I jump onto the broken platform and run two steps across before going off the edge. At Ryanne’s side, I drop to the ground. She’s lying on her stomach with her hair across her face. Rolling her onto her back, I lean down and listen for a heartbeat. There has to be a heartbeat.


  Was that a heartbeat? Thump.

  It was! She’s still alive. “Logan!” I yell. I can’t heal her. He’s literally the only one who can heal her. I sit back and push her hair out of her face.

  Oh my gosh.

  She’s covered in cuts and bruises. Did she get these before or after the explosion? I look back at the clearing. Liam and Natalie are running toward me. I can see David, Emma, Bragden, and Incendia all moving, so at least they’re alive. Tom is pushing himself off the ground. Where the hell is Logan? Larkin transports in beside me. “Is she alive?”

  “For now, but she needs Logan,” I tell him. Larkin disappears.

  I lean my head down and rest it against her forehead. “Ryanne, don’t you dare leave me. We planned our life together. You can’t leave me now,” I say. Without my permission, my eyes start to tear up. I’ve seen her die too many times. I pull her body into my lap. Her head rolls to the side. She’s completely unresponsive. “Please don’t do this to me.”

  Liam and Natalie fall to the ground beside me. “Please tell me she’s alive,” Liam implores as he looks down at her. I can see the grimace he’s trying to hide. She looks horrible, I know. She needs to be healed. She needs Logan. She pushed out too much magic to heal on her own.

  Larkin transports back in beside me with Logan. Since he was in the back, his injuries aren’t as bad as the rest of us. He looks down at Ryanne and grabs onto the hand that I’m not holding and closes his eyes. When the injuries are this bad, he doesn’t have to find the area that needs healing the most. His power knows what to do. I watch as the bruises and scratches disappear from her skin. The swelling under her eye goes down and the cut on her lip mends itself. Her arm straightens out as the bone sets itself back into place.

  Logan opens his eyes and releases her hand. I stare down at Ryanne waiting for her to open her eyes and look at me. After a few seconds and nothing happening, I look up at Logan. “Why is she not waking up?” I ask. “Why didn’t that work?”

  “Something’s not right,” he says without taking her eyes off of her. When is anything ever right? I tighten my grip on her. She has to wake up.

  “Come on, Ryanne,” I say. Leaning down, I listen for her heart beat again.


  It’s fainter now. Thu…….mp.

  “Damn it, Ryanne. Don’t you dare leave me. Wake up!” I shout and shake her lightly. Tom walks behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. We were supposed to come out of this together. Why didn’t Logan’s magic heal her? Why?

  Reaching down, I rest of my forehead on hers again. This isn’t the end. It can’t end like this.

  I know you can hear me, Ryanne. I know you’re listening. You need to get back here. You need to come back to me. Jack Sparrow always found a way back, so I know you can too. You’re so much stronger than this. Fight whatever it is you have to fight, just come back to me. I can’t do…any of this without you. Come the hell back to me, Ry. I need you here.

  I continue to push these thoughts at her. Ryanne could never read my mind, but she had a way of knowing what I was thinking. This improved with her power of emotions.

  We’ve lost too much today. Too many lives were ended at this compound. I will not be able to bury her. Dravin can’t be right. He just can’t be. There’s no way I can watch them lower a casket, with her inside, into the ground. I won’t make it through that. I just got her back. She can’t be gone.

  Ryanne, please.

  I move to listen to her heartbeat again. It’s silent.

  Her heart’s not beating anymore.

  I can’t stop the pained cry that escapes my lips or the tears that fall from my eyes and slide down my soulmates already cold cheeks. I don’t bother trying to hide any of these emotions.

  I couldn’t even if I tried.


  “You ready?” Tom asks me as he extends his arm out.

  I take his arm in mine and smile. “I’m more than ready,” I say breathily. I’m trying to keep my emotions at bay, but it’s hard.

  “You look so beautiful, Ryanne,” he whispers. “I’m so glad you two found each other. You deserve a lifetime of happiness.”

  I bite my lip and blink rapidly. I can’t cry yet.

  Have you ever looked back at a moment in your life and realized that is the moment everything changed? That one moment had a giant impact on everything that happened later? That moment created a domino effect, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t slow or halt the momentum? Once everything is set in motion, there’s nothing you can do. You just have to let the pieces fall where they may and hope everything turns out alright. I can’t fathom how one single moment, one action, one event, one decision can be so impactful.

  But it can be. Believe me.

  My life has changed in so many ways. A year ago, I didn’t have a large family. I lived in my own little world, completely unaware of how large the world actually was. Back then, I didn’t believe in magic. I didn’t know anything about powers, mages, Gadramicks, soulmates, protectors—I didn’t know anything. I didn’t believe anything good was going to come out of my life. At the time, my biggest goal was getting out of Stormfield, Maine. There were too many memories here. There were too many people here who knew my story…too many people judging me because of it. Now, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. I have family here. I have friends here.

  I have a life here.

  Walking through the doors of that bookstore changed everything. BlackMoon Bookstore was the beginning of the life I was supposed to live. That day I met Claire and Colton. Later, Colton awoke the magic inside me, bringing me into the world I truly belong in. Claire gave me her love reminding me what it was like to be a part of a family. She gave me something back I had been missing. She gave me more than I could ever thank her for. I know she’s in Heaven with my mother, and they’re both looking down on me, proud of everything I’ve accomplished.

  As I’m standing here, I realize that there’s nothing more I could want in life. I’ve endured a lot of change, but not all of it has been bad. I did go through a phase of depression. I was left alone in the world. I had no family or friends to turn to in my time of need. I was grieving, angry, and alone. I contemplated suicide a couple times, but knew that my death wouldn’t solve anything. It couldn’t get any worse than that.

  Then, I met Colton. I met this gorgeous man who infuriated me. He was frustrating, stubborn, confusing and absolutely the sweetest, most caring man I’d ever met. I denied my feelings for him for the longest time, because I was a magnet for danger. Danger was the stalker that even a restraining order couldn’t hold back and I couldn’t risk it.

  I erected walls around my heart after my mother’s death. I wouldn’t let anyone near me. I couldn’t let anyone else into my heart. I wouldn’t survive if something happened to them. But, like I said before, Colton’s stubborn. He beat those walls until they caved in. He knocked them down and left me standing before him vulnerable. He filled the emptiness inside me and made me feel again. I wouldn�
�t have accomplished anything if it weren’t for him. I was lost before I met him. He found me on my dark, desolate path and gave me the light I needed to move forward. He stood by me through it all and never left, no matter how hard I tried to push him away.

  Even today, he continues to stand beside me. The danger that followed me has diminished, and now I can fully give Colton all the love he deserves. He deserves the world for everything I’ve put him through. I died on him three times. I was kidnapped, attacked, bruised, broken, and bloodied, and he still chose me. He accepted me for who I was, and for that I’ll always be his.

  I think back to when Colton proposed. I knew it would happen soon, but I had no idea at the time. It was during the winter and I remember the snow slowly falling to the ground, creating an ethereal atmosphere around us. Colton asked me if I wanted to go for a walk and I agreed. He brought me to the gazebo and got down on one knee right there.

  The doors in front of me swing open as the classic wedding music rings through the yard. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Violet sitting at the piano playing with Travis, her soulmate, standing at her side. Her leg was broken sometime during the battle and Travis found her sitting against a tree. He picked her up and carried her around, so she didn’t have to be alone, until Logan was able to heal her. They’ve been inseparable ever since.

  I tighten my grip around Tom’s arm as I take my first step down the aisle. Everyone stops talking and stands, giving me their attention. Colton stops talking to David and looks at me. His mouth falls open as he takes in my appearance, so David reaches over and closes it for him. If it weren’t for Tom, I’d be unable to make this walk. I can feel my cheeks widen from the giant smile I give to Colton. I don’t see anyone else around me. The church disappears. It’s just me and him.

  This green eyed man in front of me holds my heart. I love him with every fiber of my being. I’ve never felt as whole as I do right now. Under his gaze, I feel beautiful. I feel like I can do anything. I finally feel worthy of his love. I’ll never see myself like he does, but he’s slowly making me forget my insecurities. I realize now that I am good enough.

  I hear Tom chuckle beside me, but I can’t tear my eyes away from his gaze. Colton’s eyes never waver. He watches me as I close the distance between us. My heart beat increases with each step. Ever since I found out that we were soulmates, I’ve thought about this moment. I take one final step and suddenly I’m standing beside him. I’m where I’m meant to be.

  As I watch him gaze down at me in wonderment, I know there’s nowhere else I want to be. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. His love for me flows through me, and I smile up at him as I turn and face him. Tom releases my arm and lets me take the last step toward my soulmate. Colton’s excitement and pure happiness cascades into me, filling me with warmth and love. Colton’s my soulmate. My perfect half. My everything. He holds my heart just as much as I hold his. It took some time and a new power, but I know that now.

  He gives me a small smile. His feelings deceive his calm and collected façade. It takes everything I have in me not to jump into his arms. Biting my lip, I stare up at him. I’m about to marry him…Colton…I’m about to marry Colton. He shakes his head as he stares down at me, but a few seconds later, he goes invisible.

  A laugh bubbles to the surface when I’m no longer looking at Colton. I’m looking directly at David.

  “Sorry, but I’m taken,” he tells me as he flashes his wedding band.

  “Colton,” I whisper. I know he hasn’t moved.

  “Give me a minute,” he whispers. I tighten my grip on the bouquet in my hands and glance at all the people who came today. There’s definitely more people than I was expecting. My eyes meet Jane’s and I can’t help but smile at her. She winks at me, and leans into Ross’s side. Lily’s mom made a full recovery and gives me a small smile from the seat beside Jane. I’m glad they could all make it today.

  “You look beautiful,” he tells me. Looking away from the audience, I gaze up at him again. I’m amazed at the composure in his voice considering he just went invisible.

  I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. Colton’s smile widens at my response and I hear a few chuckles behind me. My mouth literally goes dry as I fully take in Colton’s appearance. His dark tux brings out the brightness in his eyes. He recently got his hair cut, so it’s no longer falling into his face. He’s kept the soft waves that I love so much. My eyes start to move over to the jacket he’s wearing, when I feel his hand under my chin.

  “You look a thousand times better than me, Ryanne,” he whispers.

  “You look very handsome, Colton,” I tell him, thankful that my voice actually comes out.

  Colton smiles at me before looking toward James. I tear my eyes away from Colton and look at James as well, telling him that we’re ready to begin.

  I’m so ready to marry Colton.


  This is the girl I’m marrying. I’ve known Ryanne for such a short time, but I feel like I’ve known her my whole life. I’ve felt a roller coaster of emotions since meeting her. Some people don’t feel this much in their whole life time and I’ve felt it all in a little over a year. Since the night that I got down on one knee in front of all of our friends and family members and asked her to marry me, I’ve been looking forward to this moment.

  It’s finally here. I’m marrying Ryanne today. Ryanne Arden will become Ryanne Wagner. Mrs. Ryanne Wagner. I can see Tom smiling at me as he walks Ryanne down the aisle, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the girl attached to his arm. My heart sputters at her beauty; it has dropped into my stomach and is having difficulty getting back up. Ryanne’s always been beautiful, but there’s something about seeing the girl you love wearing a wedding dress. Everything becomes so much more real.

  Emma wouldn’t let me see Ryanne before the wedding. I didn’t know what her dress looked like. I didn’t know what her hair was going to look like. I even had no idea what the bridesmaids were going to wear until this morning and I’m so glad for that. Ryanne’s dress hugs her upper body like a second skin. Small beaded three-dimensional flowers make up the bodice before meeting the tulle skirt. Little petals are sewn onto the skirt of the dress. With each step that Ryanne makes, the petals appear to be falling down the fabric. Her long hair has been tamed and curled, and is brushing against her back and bare shoulders with the slight breeze.

  Ryanne stops walking through the freshly dropped flowers that Madison put down to stands in front of me. She quietly thanks Tom, but doesn’t look away. I know she can feel the strong emotions I’m currently having, but I can’t control them today. All the emotions bubble to the surface when I see her smiling. My body can’t handle the influx of emotions, and I feel my magic coating my skin.

  Dang it. I’ve never gone invisible from too much happiness before. It’s always been negative emotions that bring out my magic. I hear David say something behind me, but I don’t pay attention to him. Come on, how do I come back if I’m already happy?

  “Colton,” Ryanne whispers while looking straight at me. I ask her for a minute while I concentrate on calming myself. To marry this girl, I have to be visible. She has to be able to see me. Knowing that, I’m somehow able to calm myself enough. The magic leaves my skin and dissipates into the air around me.

  “You look beautiful,” I can’t control the smile that comes after. I’m really surprised my voice actually comes out and I remain visible.

  Ryanne opens her mouth to reply, but quickly shuts it again. Ahh, I didn’t think I could love her more. I watch as her eyes slowly take me in. I reach forward and grab onto her chin. This is her day. I’m just wearing a simple tux. Everyone should be focused on her beauty. “You look a thousand times better than me, Ryanne.”

  She bites her lip and tells me that I look handsome. I can’t wait any longer. I look toward James, who’s officiating, and nod. We’re ready. Ryanne tears her eyes away from me and nervously smiles at James. “We’re gathered here today…”<
br />
  I can see James talking, but I can’t hear anything. Ryanne has my complete attention. This girl I had a crush on in high school and was too afraid to actually approach for the longest time is going to be my wife soon. I have so many memories with her, both good and bad, but I wouldn’t trade any of them for anything. Everything we’ve been through has brought us to this day—to this moment. We’ve been through so much together, and we’ve come out victorious.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Ryanne. She’s biting her bottom lip and there’s a slight blush rising in her cheeks. You’d think after everything that’s happened recently, she wouldn’t get embarrassed anymore, but right now there are a lot of people looking at her. Even after basically saving the world, Ryanne still hates attention.

  She turns toward me briefly and catches me watching her. When her eyes meet mine, her smile widens. With a single glance, I make her smile. I want nothing more than to reach out, bring her to me, and kiss her. I just have to get through the ceremony.

  Ryanne must be having similar issues, because when she looks up at me, her grip tightens on the bouquet she’s holding. James clears his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to the scene in front of me. “It’s time for the vows,” James whispers.

  Ryanne previously volunteered to go first with the vows. She hands her bouquet to Emma, her maid of honor, and faces me. I can see the tears threatening to spill out of Emma’s eyes. In fact, almost all of Ryanne’s bridesmaids are crying or on the verge of crying. Olive is sitting on the ground at Emma’s feet with her pale green rhinestone studded collar watching everything play out. Ryanne reaches out and grabs onto my hands and smiles up at me. All the nervousness dissipates and all I see in her eyes is love. Her love for me.


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