Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy

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Carmen's New York Romance Trilogy Page 6

by Sex, Nikki

  Shit, what have I done? she wondered, because he looked pretty angry.

  Carmen instantly pulled her finger out of him, released his cock, and waited to find out what happened next.

  13. Fear

  "Christ Almighty, woman!"

  Carmen flinched. Terror flooded through her body and her instinct to run went into overload. Her heart pounded in her ears, and her breath came fast and short. How mad was he? Would he hit her now? Blacken an eye?

  Robert Ellis, her abusive ex was a rich, dangerous adversary, but she had escaped him. How could she be so stupid as to get out of the frying pan and run right into the fire? This man was bigger and stronger than Robert had been. He could beat her senseless.

  Why did I let my guard down? she thought with desperate dread. What was I thinking?

  Carmen covertly looked for a weapon and steeled herself to run, while most of her attention was on the big Nordic God that was going to hurt her. His hand was still twisted up tight in her hair. How could she get away?

  Thor shut his eyes and took deep breaths. His cock pulsed and jerked, and more pre-cum squirted out.

  "Jesus, fuck," he growled, his golden skin flushed and aroused. He sat forward and fisted his cock. Then he steadied himself, and began to jack off his almost purple shaft, grunting and pumping in short rapid strokes.

  "Open your mouth," he demanded, arching toward her while fisting her hair.

  Carmen, still on her knees, obediently opened her mouth wide.

  Within a few strokes his testicles tightened, and Carmen watched his taut buttocks, hips and thighs flex as he bucked and grunted in a rictus of ecstasy. Thor emptied his balls. His hot thick cum jetted over her in long ropy strands, on her face, her breasts, and in her mouth. It tasted delicious, as good as she had imagined.

  Seeing him climax was arousing, despite the lingering aura of fear.

  Thor was still breathing heavily. He let her hair go and leaned back on the couch, his eyes half shut. "Lick my cock clean," he said. "Then go to the bathroom and tidy yourself up."

  Shit, she thought, adrenaline still spiking through her. Is he angry? Or isn't he?

  He must have noticed her trepidation, because he sat up and pushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. "What? I'm not mad at you," he said with a faint smile. "Why would you think that? You're terrific, Carmen."

  She just knelt there, apprehension nailing her legs to the floor.

  He frowned, his thick dark blond eyebrows meeting together above his nose. "Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I scare you? I was trying hard not to climax, that's all."

  Carmen bit her lower lip, and swallowed. She wanted to speak, to explain, but her throat was tight with emotion and the words wouldn't come. Jesus, she was overreacting. It happened that way sometimes, that sudden overwhelming fear of a fist to the face.

  "I'm sorry," she managed to say. "I was frightened. I thought you were really angry."

  Thor sat forward and captured her between his legs. Then he tipped her face up, holding her chin in his hand. "I don’t know who scared you," he said, "but I'm not like that. You don't ever have to be afraid of me."

  He stroked her hair soothingly with both hands, and then cupped her cheek. "I said I wouldn't hurt you, didn't I? I just didn’t expect to climax so soon. You are so fucking hot… and talented. You made me lose control." He smirked and chuckled. "Don't go telling anyone that, I'll never live it down."

  He tugged at her hair again – it was a little quirk of his, and she enjoyed it. Carmen also knew the action for what it was: An apology. He hadn't meant to frighten her.

  "I hope you're happy with yourself," he said with a wry grin, still making a real effort to cheer her. "You certainly know what you're doing – it didn't take much for you to get me off. Clearly you are an expert. I was trying extraordinarily hard to resist you, too," he confided.

  He was encouraging her, and praising her efforts, and it was sweet of him.

  I really like this man, she thought.

  Carmen's chest swelled with pleasure, as she saw the humor, gratitude and admiration in Thor's eyes. The truth was, she was happy with herself, and her judgment hadn't been off after all. This was a nice guy. His words of explanation changed everything.

  I did that, she thought. Kneeling between his legs, covered in Thor's semen, she felt powerful and beautiful and wanted. I made him climax against his will, and he doesn't want to punish me for it.

  "Well," he said after a minute or two, stroking a finger around the shell of her ear. "Have we got that sorted out?"

  "Yes," she said.

  "Good. Then get to work, girl," he ordered in a mock bullying tone. "My cock isn't going to clean itself is it? Once I'm spotless you can go off to the bathroom and tidy yourself up."

  Carmen giggled. She was blissfully happy to lick him clean, and enthusiastically managed the task, taking her time. He was still semi erect, and his eager shaft stiffened as she willingly ministered to him.

  Thor pushed her away with a laugh. "Alright already. I think that's enough for now. You'll get yourself in trouble if you keep that up. Oh, and by the way, Carmen, you can call me Thor if you want." He gave her a big grin. "I'm flattered. But my name is Kurt. Kurt Nielsen. I thought you would have known that already."

  Carmen frowned. How and why would I have known his name? she wondered. Was he famous or something? But she didn't ask.

  14. Smitten

  Carmen cleaned up, looking at her face in the mirror of the plush bathroom. Her dark hair was mussed, her lips were swollen, and she had that flush of happy, satisfied fulfillment a woman gets when she has been well fucked. Man it felt good.

  "Do you want a beer, or something else?" he called out from the other room.

  Knowing exactly what was in the fridge, because it was her job to stock it, she yelled back, "Just a Sprite, thanks."

  She turned in the mirror, examining the pinkish-white lines of eight month old scaring she had from shoulder to buttocks. Kurt hadn't seen them, and that was good. She had been careful not to display her naked back to him. Explaining would ruin the mood, and right now was about not remembering.

  Thor's real name was Kurt Nielsen, she mused. It was an unusual name, and yet it seemed familiar. Carmen wondered where she had heard it before. Well, Mr. Nielsen was fantastic. How had he done it? Brought her body to orgasm so easily and so often? Particularly after her last experience with a mean, sadistic psycho.

  One look from Kurt Nielsen created a spark that made her heat with frantic need, while one small touch was like lightening striking a truck filled with high octane. The man simply made her burn.

  She walked out of the bathroom and back to Kurt, well aware that she was wearing a silly, happy grin.

  Good sex just made the world seem brighter all around.

  Carmen was going to probably lose her job by being AWOL, but she simply didn't care. Right now it was all about her. She needed a break from ongoing stress. Getting laid in a simple, no strings attached sort of manner with the generous 'God of Thunderous Orgasms' was perfect.

  Kurt Nielsen was standing with his back to her. He was facing the window looking out, his attention evidently caught by something in the street or park below. One hand casually held his beer, the other her Sprite. He seemed completely unconscious of his nudity. His thick, long blond hair was draped around his shoulders. Carmen's fingers flexed with the urge to run her hands through it.

  Oh. My. God, she thought, her gaze riveted. He is so beautiful.

  This was the first occasion that she had really had a chance to see him without his clothes. At any other instance Carmen hadn't been at her leisure to look, primarily due to being blinded by mindless orgasmic pleasure.

  Kurt Nielsen took her breath away.

  There wasn't an ounce of excess flesh on that large strong body of his. He had a sleek muscular back, broad shoulders, narrow hips and a tight ass. There were tan lines low at his hips – proving that he often labored under the sun with his shir
t off. His physique screamed 'working man' which made no sense. How could someone get rich from physical labor?

  Just looking at him was mesmerizing.

  Suddenly becoming aware of her, he pivoted and became very still. Kurt Nielsen's gaze slowly raked from her toes, traveling up her body, and focusing those few extra seconds on the juncture of her sex, her hips and breasts. When he finally reached her face, his eyes sparkled with male admiration and lust.

  He shot her a thousand megawatt smile.

  Carmen's heart gave a hard leap in her chest, and her pulse quickened. Clearly Mr. Neilson found her attractive, too.

  Damn! Where did he get a chest like that? She wanted to lick every single bit of skin on that flat stomach and those cut abs. He looked even more handsome and alluring from the front. Was he the perfect fantasy of every red-blooded woman, or what?

  Carmen couldn't deny that she was utterly smitten.

  With confident male grace, he strode across the room and handed her the can of Sprite, having already drunk half his beer. Carmen noticed then that he had pulled one of the end tables away from the couch. Now what was the man up to?

  She raised her eyebrows at him. "Are you moving the furniture around for any particular reason, Mr. Nielsen?"

  Amusement flashed across his face. "Call me Kurt."

  "Okay, Kurt."

  "C'mere," he said, taking her hand and bringing her back to the couch.

  He sat down on the couch and pulled her on top of him, facing each other eye to eye. Her knees were astride him, her naked ass sitting on top of his hairy thighs. He took her hand, the one that wasn't holding her Sprite, and placed it on his shoulder for balance.

  His heady masculine scent filled her nostrils, making her entire body crave him. She noted that he was more than semi erect again already, praise the lord. Carmen swallowed, and her pussy twitched.

  Young. Insatiable. Inexhaustible. A little like she was feeling right now. What a guy.

  He tilted his head, looking her over. "You are really pretty," he said.


  He laughed and took a long pull of his beer. "Maybe," he said, "but you're still pretty. Do you only work in this hotel?"

  Carmen scoffed. "I think working in one hotel is enough, don't you?"

  "Well, sure, I guess," he said doubtfully. "Is there a lot of work here?"

  "Are you kidding? There is a ton of work to do in a rich fancy hotel of this size." Amazingly thirsty, Carmen drank every drop of her Sprite and put the can down on the side table that hadn't been moved away from the end of the couch.

  Kurt smiled and captured her now empty hand. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed her palm with his soft warm lips. Then he placed it on his shoulder as if he had every right to do just that.

  Carmen felt like he owned that hand, like he owned her. His action seemed completely unconscious, but whew!

  Instantly aroused, Carmen swallowed, remembering those lips of his on her throat, her breasts… and most of all between her legs. The man had a natural sensual way about him alright - he made her instantly wet and wanting. There was no calculation in it as far as she could tell. He didn't even have to try.

  Kurt had the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous. It was as if his dominant male nature called seductively in a siren song to every submissive feminine gene she had.

  Well, that was just fine with her, because Carmen fully intended to succumb and answer the call.

  15. Slut

  Finishing his beer, Kurt put it down on the side table next to her empty can of Sprite. "Huh," he said with a shrug. "Enough work just in one hotel. I had no idea, really."

  Rich people, she thought with disgust. They don't know anything.

  Carmen had trust issues. The list of people she didn’t trust was pretty long: All of her family now that her grandmother was dead, the police, gang members, and rich people. That was just a start. It was a pretty comprehensive list. It was much easier to say that she completely trusted herself, her best friend, Amber, and that was it. Everyone else had let her down in a big way.

  "What do you do for a living?" she asked.

  "Oh, I'm a construction engineer," he said. "Have you heard of Nielsen construction? No? Well, my grandparents started the business and I run it now. I make hotels like these."

  "I see."

  Carmen was finished with the small talk. Acute sexual tension was driving her mad.

  She couldn't take her eyes off him. Like a strong magnetic pull, she wanted to press herself up against Kurt's body. But this compelling desire was much more powerful than magnetism - it was more like the force of gravity. She gazed down at his now fully enlarged erection, seeing the thick veins of his pulsing flesh.

  It seemed that the 'God of Thunderous Orgasms' was feeling that sensual pull, too.

  "Why, Kurt," she said in a sultry voice, pursing her lips in a pensive manner. "Have you lured me over here for a reason? Now I wonder what it could be?"

  Kurt's eyes danced and he laughed out loud. The light, carefree sound was such a turn on that Carmen giggled too. This man was fun. She didn't think she had ever enjoyed such untroubled, joyful, sexy, erotic, 'holy fuck not another orgasm already!' entertainment in the sack.

  It made her want to celebrate by having even more sex.

  "My dear Carmen," Kurt said in a quiet tone of command, capturing her gaze. His lips firmed. "Don't look away now. Keep your eyes on me."

  A thrill of excitement went through her like an electric shock that moved from the top of her head right down to her now curling toes. Carmen tensed and immediately obeyed, instantly responding to his Dom voice, and direct order.

  Jesus he's good.

  He reached for a condom. Carmen was prepared to put it on for him, but he did the honors.

  "Keep your arms on my shoulders, you're going to want to steady yourself," he said with a mischievous, dangerous purr, and she did.

  His beautiful green eyes bored into her, as he reached between her legs with both hands. His thumbs opened her outer lips, teasing just outside her slit. With a small gasp, she withheld the impulse to instinctively thrust toward him, to pull him inside her. Such an action wasn't very sub like, and playful as he was, he was also definitely Dom through and through.

  A small smile played about his lips, as if he was aware of her attempts at control. "You are very wet and needy, Carmen, aren’t you?"


  He tisked and shook his head. "Insatiable little slut." The soft admiring way he said it made it sound more like sweet words of endearment than an insult.

  "Oh, yes! Yes!"

  He paused for a moment and tilted his head, as if considering a response to her sexual desire. Then he pulled her into him, and sealed his mouth against hers, taking what he wanted. Her arms curled instinctively around his neck, her breasts pressing against his chest, her fingers caressing the tactile delight of his thick blond hair.

  "Ummm," she moaned, feeling his hot flesh against her cooler skin. His hair was soft and silky, just as expected.

  The bitter sweet taste of beer was on his tongue. Kurt's kiss started slowly and sensually, a delicate whisper, a gentle exploration of her mouth. Carmen made a helpless little sound of longing from somewhere deep in her throat. The sensation of his kiss was so intense and intimate - it felt like the very first time.

  Carmen simply melted, yielding completely to the feel of Kurt's tongue, stroking sweet and slow inside her.

  It was like an affirmation this kiss.

  Did he want to fuck her? Hell yes, the size and strength of his erection was proof of that. But this wasn't simply about sex. Carmen sensed that Kurt also wanted her. He felt something toward her.

  Without a doubt they both valued this inexplicable bond that they had forged.

  When Kurt pulled away, Carmen was burning with raw need. She kept her hands on his shoulders as instructed, but without his mouth on hers she felt strangely bereft. Cut off from something vital.

  You could learn a lot about someone just by the way they kissed. Every man was different, and so was every kiss. Kurt was a generous, honest kisser. Carmen could tell that he fully intended to take exactly what he wanted from her, and from her body, but he also intended to give back, too.

  Kurt's breath-stopping kisses fired her blood. Overwhelmed, she closed her eyes.

  I really like this guy, she thought. Even though I don’t know anything about him. I wonder if I can see him again? Or at least fuck him again. She had an internal snort and laugh at that thought. It's just too bad because I don't think I can risk it.

  "Eyes on mine, Carmen," he chided, reminding her.

  Her eyes flew open. "Oh, yes, sorry, Sir."

  Carmen decided to go ahead and give him the common Dom title. He hadn't asked for it, and she liked him for that. Right now however, she was his submissive through and through. No words would make him more dominant to her, anyway.

  He already had her total obedience and respect.

  Kurt grinned like a pirate at the title, both dimples flashing. "Thank you, my sweet little sub."

  Jesus, the man was gorgeous.

  To her delight, he circled her slick channel, fingering and stroking around and just inside her slit. All conscious thought disappeared. How did he do it? This man's touch seared her like a brand. Right now she would deny him nothing.

  Carmen felt like she belonged to Kurt Nielsen, as if she were his property - without a single chain or collar. That was really funny, when you thought about it. Considering that the entire time that she had been collared and chained against her will by her previous boyfriend, she had honestly never felt that way.

  Is this what it would feel like to be his girlfriend? she wondered. This sense of being owned and of belonging? If so, I can sure see the attraction.

  16. Top

  Heartlessly teasing for some time, Kurt avoided her clitoris, circling it with a slick thumb. He watched her intently, and she knew he was gauging every reaction. Carmen had no intention of hiding her desire.

  "Do you like it when I do this?" he asked in a mild voice.


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