The Edwardians

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The Edwardians Page 60

by Roy Hattersley

census (1901)

  Central Labour College (London)

  Chadwick, Edwin

  Chamberlain, Arthur

  Chamberlain, Austen

  Chamberlain, Joseph; attempt at arranging Anglo-German alliance; background; and Boer War; death; and Duke of Devonshire; ‘imperial Preference’ policy and opposition to free trade; and Jameson Raid; and Northcliffe; resignation intention; support of Balfour; and tariff reform

  Chancellor, Francis

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chaplin, Henry

  Charity Organisation Society

  charity, organised

  Chesterton, Cecil

  Chesterton, G. K.; Orthodoxy; The Napoleon of Notting Hill

  Cheyne, T. K.

  child welfare

  Childers, Erskine: The Riddle of the Sands

  Children’s Act (1908)



  Chinese Turkestan

  Chipping Camden

  Christian Social Union

  Church Army

  Church Association

  Church of England; and Anglo-Catholics; and clergy; defending beliefs against intellectual and scientific advances; detachment from people of growing cities; divisions within; and Modernism; and Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline

  church schools

  Church Socialist League

  churches; and architecture; attendances

  Churchill, Lord Randolph

  Churchill, Winston; background and career; at Board of Trade; and Boer War; and budget (1909); crosses floor of House of Commons; decisions built upon sudden impulses; and Eight Hour Bill; and First World War; at Home Office; and Home Rule; ideas; and labour exchanges; and Marconi contract; philosophy; Presidency of Budget League; prison policy and reform; and Sidney Street siege; and ‘sweated industries’; and Tonypandy riots; and trade unions; and Trades Board Bill; and women’s suffrage

  cities: poverty in

  Civil List

  Claremont, Ernest

  Clarke, Colonel Sir George

  Clarke, Sir Edward



  coal industry

  Code for Public Elementary Education (1904)

  Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel

  Collins, Michael

  Collison, William

  Colonial Conference (1906)

  Committee on the Aged and Deserving Poor

  Committee on Physical Deterioration

  Compact of Regulas

  Comper, J. N.

  Conan Doyle, Arthur

  Conciliation Bill

  Conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations

  Connolly, James

  Conrad, Joseph; Lord Jim; The Secret Agent

  Conservative Party see Tory Party

  Cooper, Charlotte

  corn tariff

  Corsley (Wiltshire)

  County Council Act (1888)

  County Finance Bill (1885)

  Courtney, W. L.

  Craig, James

  Cranley, James



  Crippen, Hawley Harvey

  Crockerton, T.

  Crompton, Bob

  Cumberti, Vittorio

  Cunard Shipping Company

  Curzon, Frank

  Curzon, Lord George Nathaniel

  Daily Chronicle

  Daily Express

  Daily Graphic

  Daily Herald

  Daily Mail

  Daily Mirror

  Daily News

  Daily Paper

  Daily Post

  Daily Sketch

  Daimler, Gottlieb

  Daimler Motor Syndicate

  Dalai Lama

  Dangerfield, George: The Strange Death of Liberal England

  Darrow, Clarence

  Dartmoor Prison

  Darwin, Charles: Origin of Species

  Davidson, Randall, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Davies, David

  Davies, Maude: Life in an English Village

  Davis, Arthur

  Davison, Emily Wilding

  Davitt, Michael

  Davy, J. S.

  Dawson, Geoffrey

  Dawson, Mrs E. E.

  de la Mare, Walter

  Debbs, Eugene

  Delius, Frederick

  Dell, Ethel M.

  Deutschland (ship)

  Devonshire, Duke of

  Devoy, John

  Dickinson, Lowes

  Dilke, Sir Charles

  Dimmock, Emily ‘Phyllis’

  ‘disintegration theory’

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  Dolan, Charles


  Donohue, Steve


  Dublin University


  Dunlop, Marion Wallace

  Dunville, John

  Durham, Lord

  Earnings and Hours of Labour Enquiry (1906)


  Edalyi, George

  Edison, Thomas

  Edmunds, Henry

  education; adult; and Bryce Commission; church/voluntary schools; and Code for Public Elementary Education (1904); and higher grade schools; and Local Education Authorities; maintained schools; and school boards see school boards; and Scotland; setting up of unified Education Ministry (1900); status of teachers; and working class; see also universities

  Education Act (1870)

  Education Act (1891)

  Education Act (1896)

  Education Act (1902)

  Education Act (1906)

  Education (Administrative Provisions) Bill (1906)

  Education Ministry

  Edward VII, King; assessment of ability; and Campbell-Bannerman; Coronation; death; despises intellectual pursuits; dispute over award of honours; eating habits; and Entente Cordiale; foreign policy involvement; intervention in politics and government; obsession with court protocol; and peerages issue; postponement of Coronation due to appendicitis operation;

  [as PRINCE OF WALES: affair with Lily Langtry; and Aylesford case; excluded from seeing official papers; and Gladstone; government interference; and Lady Beresford; lifestyle; and Mordaunt affair; neglect of education and lack of training to be King; participation in House of Lords; public scandals surrounding; royal duties; and Tranby Croft Affair, ]

  and racing; reaction to Lloyd George’s Limehouse Speech; relations with politicians; reliance on Hardinge; and smoking; social life and extravagance; state visit to Berlin (1909); success of visit to Paris; and suffragettes; temperament; and theatre; tour of European capitals (1903); visit to Ireland (1903); and Wilhelm II

  Edward VIII, King

  Edwards, George

  Egerton, George


  Eight Hours Act (1909)

  elections: (1900); (1906); (1910)

  Elgar, Edward; The Dream of Gerontius; The Enigma Variations; ‘Land of Hope and Glory’; other works; ‘Pomp and Circumstance’;

  Eliot, George: Middlemarch

  Eliot, T. S.

  Ellenoir, Jean-Joseph

  Employers Parliamentary Council

  Endowed Schools Act (1869)

  English Church Union

  English Realism

  Entente Cordiale


  Esher, Lord (Reginald Brett)

  ethical systems

  Evangelical Movement

  Evans, Petty Officer ‘Taff’

  Evans, Rowland

  Evening News

  Evening Standard

  Evening Times

  Fawcett, Millicent

  Feinstein, C. H.

  Ferdinand, Archduke: assassination

  Ferman, Henry



  Finance Bill (1909)

  Finance (No. 2) Bill (1909)


  First World War; steps to

  Fisher, Admiral Sir John


sp; food taxes


  Football Association

  Ford, Henry

  Forster, E. M.; Howards End; The Longest Journey; A Room with a View; Where Angels Fear to Tread

  Forster, Hugh Arnold

  Forster, W. E.

  Foster, Arnold

  fox hunting


  Franco-Prussian War (1870)

  Frazer, James

  Free Style Movement

  free trade

  French, Lord

  Fry, C. B.

  Fry, Roger


  Gaelic League

  Gaiety Theatre

  Galsworthy, John; The Man of Property


  Garden Cities

  Garvin, James

  General Federation of Trade Unions

  General Strike (1926)

  General Workers Union

  George V, King

  ‘Georgian Poets’

  German, Edward

  Germany; attempt at Anglo-German alliance by Chamberlain; and Boxer Rebellion; building of battleships; economic success; and First World War; foreign policy; invasion of Belgium; and Morocco; and national insurance scheme; naval fleet; relations with Britain; steel production; see also Wilhelm II, Kaiser

  Gilbert, W. S.

  Gill, Eric

  Girton College

  Gladstone, Herbert

  Gladstone, W. E.

  Glasier, John Bruce

  Glynn, Elinor; Halcyon

  Godwin, Edward


  Gonne, Maud

  Gordon, General

  Gordon-Cummings, Sir William

  Gore, Charles

  Gore-Booth, Constance

  Gore-Booth, Eva

  Gorst, Sir John

  Gough, General Sir Hubert

  Grace, W. G.

  Grafton Gallery (London)

  Graham-White, Claude

  Grainger, Percy

  Granier, Mlle Jeanne

  Grant, Duncan

  Granville-Barker, Harley; The Madras House; The Voysey Inheritance; Waste

  Grayson, Victor

  Great Cross-Country Race

  Great Reform Bill (1867)

  Great Trial (1900)

  Great War see First World War

  Green, T. H.

  Greenall, Gilbert

  Greenall, Tom

  Grein, J. T.

  Grey, Sir Edward

  Griffith, Arthur

  Grigg, John

  Guest, Merthy

  Guild of Arts and Handicrafts

  Haakon VII, King of Norway

  Haberton, Lady

  Haggard, Rider

  Hague Conference

  Haig, General Douglas

  Haldane, Richard

  Halifax, Lord

  Hall Walker, Colonel

  Hamilton, Lord George


  Hampstead Garden Trust

  Harcourt, Sir William

  Hardie, Keir

  Hardinge, Arthur

  Hardinge, Charles

  Hardinge, Lord

  Hardy, Thomas; The Dynasts

  Harmsworth, Alfred see Northcliffe, Viscount

  Harmsworth, Harold

  Harvey, Sir Paul

  Hawke, Lord

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Heart of Achilles, The

  Henderson, Arthur

  Heuffer, Ford Maddox

  Hicks Beach, Sir Michael

  Hill, Octavia

  Hirst, George

  Hobbs, J. B.

  Hobhouse, Emily

  Hobson, J. A.

  Hodge, John

  Holland, Henry Scott

  Holmes, Edmund

  Holst, Gustav

  Home Rule; divisions within Liberal Party over; mutiny within British Army over fighting against UVF; opposition to and demonstrations against; and partition issue; raising of Volunteer Force to oppose; ‘Solemn League and Covenant to Resist Home Rule’

  Home Rule Bill (1886)

  Home Rule Bill (1912)

  Horniman, Anne

  Houghton, Stanley: Hindle Wakes

  House, Colonel

  House of Commons

  House of Lords

  Housing of the Working Classes Act (1884)

  Housman, A. E.

  Housman, Laurence

  How the Labourer Lives

  Howard, Ebenezer

  Howards End

  Howarth, Mary

  Hudson, Walter


  Husband, John

  Huxley, Thomas

  Hyslop, T. P.

  Ibrox Park (Glasgow): crowd disaster (1902)

  Ibsen, Henrik


  immigration: and Aliens Bill


  Independent Labour Party (ILP)


  industrial unrest

  Industrial Workers of the World


  Insurance Act (1911)

  Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration report (1904)

  Ireland; and Devolution Bill; and Home Rule see Home Rule; King Edward’s visit (1903); low standard of living in; nationalist movement; and partition issue; trade union demonstrations (1913); uprising (1916); view of nationalism by English parliament

  Irish Citizens’ Army

  Irish Land Acts

  Irish Literary Theatre (later Irish National Theatre Society)

  Irish Nationalist Party

  Irish Republic Brotherhood

  Irish Transport and General Workers Union

  Irving, Sir Henry

  Isaacs, Sir Rufus

  Jackson, Sir F. S.

  Jaeger, August

  James, Frazer: The Golden Bough

  James, Henry; The Ambassadors

  James of Hereford, Lord

  Jameson Raid (1895)

  Jarvis, Kate

  Jenkins, Roy

  Jersey, Lord

  Jessop, Gilbert

  Jockey Club

  John, Augustus

  Johnson, Jack

  Johnstone, Sir Frederic

  Jones, Henry Arthur

  Jones, Kennedy

  Justice (play)

  Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse (ship)

  Kee, Robert: The Green Flag

  Kekewick, Sir George

  Kellerman, Mary

  Kendal, Madge

  Kenney, Annie

  Keppel, Alice

  Kerry, Annie

  Keynes, John Maynard; Treatise on Probability

  Kimberley, siege of (1900)

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kitchener, General Horatio Herbert

  Knight, John Henry

  Knight, Joseph

  Knollys, Francis

  Knox, John

  Koch, Robert

  Kossuth, Louis

  Kruger, Johannes Paulus


  Labouchere, Henry

  labour exchanges

  Labour Party

  Labour Representative Committee (LRC)

  Laking, Sir Francis

  Lamport, George

  Lancashire Federation

  Lancashire Miners

  Lancashire Textile Workers

  land taxes: and 1909 budget

  Langen, Eugen

  Langtry, Lily

  Lansbury, George

  Lansdowne, Lord

  Larkin, James

  Lawrence, D. H.; critic of Moore’s philosophy; Sons and Lovers; The White Peacock

  Lawson, Harvey J.

  Lawson, Sir William

  League Opposing Women’s Suffrage

  Leeds University

  Leigh, J. M.

  Leigh, Mary

  Lewis, Wyndham


  Liberal Christian League

  Liberal Imperial Council

  Liberal Party; alienation of organised labour from; and Boer War; decline; loses office (1895); and 1900 election
; rejection of Royal Commission’s report on Poor Law; splits within; and trade unions; wins election (1906)

  Licensing Bill

  Lipton, Sir Thomas

  Lister, Lord

  literature , see also individual titles

  Liverpool Cathedral

  Liverpool University

  Lloyd George, David; and anti-war meeting in Birmingham (1901); assault on rights of property; background; and Boer War; as Chancellor of the Exchequer; and election (1900); and First World War; and House of Lords reform; and land taxes; and Limehouse Speech; and Marconi contract; and Northcliffe; and pensions; People’s Budget (1909); philosophy; threat of scandal; and trade unions

  Local Education Authorities

  Local Government Board

  Locomotives and Highways Act

  Lodge, Sir Oliver


  London School Board

  London Society for Women’s Suffrage

  London Technical Board

  London to Manchester Aviation Prize

  London Trades Council

  Long, Walter

  Lonsdale, Lord

  Lonsdale, Sir J. B.

  Louis of Battenberg, Prince

  Lucas, E. V.


  Lutyens, Edwin

  Lynch, Colonel

  Lyons v. Wilkins (1896)

  Lyttelton, Alfred

  Lyttelton, R. H.

  Lytton, Lady

  Macaulay, Lord

  MacBride, John

  MacCarthy, Desmond

  MacDonald, Ramsay

  McIntosh, Hugh

  McKenna, Reginald

  Mackintosh, Charles Rennie

  MacLaren, A. C.

  McNeill, Charles

  Mafeking, siege of

  Magnus, Sir Phillip



  Manchester University

  Mann, P. H.

  Mann, Tom

  Manning, Cardinal

  Mansbridge, Albert

  Maple, Sir Blundell

  Marconi contract

  Marconi, Guglielmo

  Markham, Sir Clements

  Marlborough House Set

  Married Women’s Property Act (1883)

  Marsh, Charlotte

  Marshall, Alfred

  Marshall, Doctor Eric

  Marshall Hall, Sir Edward

  Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)

  Masefield, John; ‘Sea Fever’; The Tragedy of Nan

  Mason, W. E.

  Massingham, H. W.

  Masterman, C. F. G.; The Condition of England


  Maugham, Somerset

  Mauritania (ship)

  Mechanics Institutes

  Meredith, Billy

  Merry Widow, The


  Metropolitan Police

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)

  Mielson, Julia

  military reform

  Mill, John Stuart

  Millbank Housing Estate

  Milner, Sir Alfred


  Miners’ Federation

  Mines Act: (1860); (1908)

  mining disasters


  Moir, Gunner

  Montague, Charles

  Montague, Oliver

  Moore, Eva

  Moore, G. E.: philosophy; Principa Ethica; Refutation of Idealism


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