The Alien Reindeer's Winter Cabin (A Winter Starr Book 11)

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The Alien Reindeer's Winter Cabin (A Winter Starr Book 11) Page 4

by Cindy Heart

  Mom is bent over at the waist so far with her legs locked so straight, I worry she’s going to fall right onto her head. It’s insane. My mom and dad aren’t exactly sticks in the mud, but they are pretty reserved and dignified. I’ve never seen either behave anything like this before in my life.

  At least Mom set down the knife somewhere along the way.

  Rain waves at me from a few tables over. He shows me the knife before setting it on a plate.

  So, Mom hadn’t put it down. He’d managed to take it from her. All of my loved ones just sat around chanting for my mom to use the weapon, and the stranger literally disarmed the situation without anyone even noticing.

  Mom pulls off her pantyhose and shoves it into her bra. “That’s better. Someone point me to the bar. I’m going to try one of the fruity ones this time.”

  I breathe out a sigh of relief. They’ll be embarrassed by their antics in the morning, but at least no one will get hurt.

  I reach out to hug Rain as he approaches, but Uncle James screws everything up by shouting, “You’re just going to let him call Mom a cheap bitch?”

  The crowd starts chanting, “Fight!” again as my mom turns her glare on my father.

  Rain’s steadying hand on my shoulder is the only thing that keeps me from flying across the room and punching Uncle James in his stupid face.

  What is in the Champagne here tonight?

  Something’s not right, but maybe it’s just decades of family nonsense bubbling to the surface. Doesn’t every family have a crazy family gathering or two over the years?

  “We should sing a Christmas song,” Rain says.

  He doesn’t raise his voice above his normal conversational level, but somehow it cuts through all the chaos and makes everyone fall silent.

  “Nobody wants to sing, fancy boy,” some old man I don’t recognize, and I’m not even sure belongs at our party, says.

  Rumbles of agreement spread through the crowd.

  Rain doesn’t argue, but he doesn’t back down, either.

  Instead, he sings.

  His voice cuts through all the negative vibes.

  “Oh, holy night…”

  Nobody joins in right away. I keep expecting my family, who has clearly gone psycho, to mock him, but one by one they all join in, starting with my Uncle James, of all people.

  The next thing I know, I’m singing along with everyone. We all form a circle and hold the hands of the people on each side of us. We look like something out of Whoville in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

  It’s at least as ridiculous as the earlier negativity, but all I can do is bask in the Christmas cheer.

  I smile up at Rain. “My hero.”

  “Nothing to it. Everyone just needed to be reminded of how good it feels to sing together.”

  “Nobody has ever sung at one of these parties. This is a real Christmas miracle. It came a day early, but thank God for the timing.”

  His eyes are practically glowing purple.

  When I pull our bodies together and feel his hardness against my belly, I know exactly what purple must mean. I’d seen it while dancing and back in the cabin, but figured it was a trick of the light.

  I playfully nibble his neck. “Want to sneak out of here and head back to my house?”

  “I’d like to be a gentleman and offer to stay to celebrate with your family and friends, but I need you so bad, Holly. Take me home before I take you right here.”

  My heart hammers in my chest when I whisper to Joy to let her know what’s happening. She agrees to let me use her car again since her husband had needed to bring his own car to the party anyway.

  She gives Rain an approving glance. “He’s a keeper.”

  “I hope so.” I kiss her cheek and hurry back to Rain, planning to do my best to never leave his side again.


  Once in her house, I carry my princess down the hall to her bedroom. I plan to lie her on the bed and cover her body with kisses, but there is no free space on her bed. Scowling at the mess that’s slowing us down, I stand Holly in an open patch of the floor next to her walk-in closet.

  She’s blushing and covering her face with her hands as she says, “I would have cleaned if I’d have known I was going to hit an alien with my car and bring him back to my place after having sex with him in his cabin and taking him to my parents’ anniversary. It’s what I always do when that happens.”

  I laugh along with her. “You are too much. Give me one second.”

  I turn my attention to the messy room, completely unsure where to begin, and desperate not to spend a second longer than I need to. There will be plenty of time to get things organized after we make love.

  Deciding we won’t really need the blanket for a while, I pull up one corner near the headboard and walk around the bed gathering the other corners on my way around. Turning the blanket into a giant sack, I lift everything off the bed at once and gently set it on the floor.

  I turn back to invite Holly to join me, but she’s no longer waiting in the corner. Her clothes have been thrown on top of the others on the floor, but she’s disappeared.

  From down the hall, I hear the shower start.

  Holly calls out, “I’ll give you a special treat if you can find me.”

  She makes me forget my normal neatness. My sweater ends up draped over a lamp, my jeans on top of the bedroom door. My socks end up somewhere in the hall, and my underwear land in the bathroom sink.

  She is standing in the tub with the shower curtain pulled tightly around one side of her hourglass figure as she peeks out at me. She smiles before pulling the curtain closed. “Stay there.”

  The curtain is translucent. I can’t make out details, but I can see her outline as she dips her head under the stream of water. She pulls her hair back over her shoulders. Her hands explore her belly. One moves quickly up to her breast and gives it a squeeze. The other inches down between her legs.

  “I’m so horny, Rain. Are you horny, too?”

  My dick is so hard I could knock a wall down with it. Forcing myself to play along with her game, I say, “Yes, Holly. I’ve been turned on since the second I first saw you. Even after getting hit by your car, the only thing I could think about was how beautiful you were.”

  She pinches her nipple and moans. “You did have such a handsome erection.”

  “That was nothing. It was cold out then. You should see it now.”

  She leans back against the wall and slides a finger into her pussy. Her other hand releases her breast and moves south to explore her clit. “But you’re so far away. I need something right here and right now.”

  “I make shower calls.”

  “Come on over. I tip well.”

  I nearly rip the shower curtain off the rod in my desperation to get inside her. I try to spin her away from me so I can enter her from the backside, but she has different plans.

  She strokes my dick and says, “First, I’ve got a present for you for being so incredible back at the party.”

  I thought I’d turned the page on the part of my life where presents excite me, but when the word comes from her mouth, my dick twitches in anticipation. She’s the woman who can make me love Christmas again.

  “Should I close my eyes?” I ask.

  She shakes her head and kisses my neck. Practically purring against my skin in a way that makes my dick throb, she says, “I want you to watch me be a bad girl.”

  She drops to her knees and immediately licks the underside of my shaft from my balls to my slit. She wraps her lips over the tip of my cock and sucks up the bead of pre-cum that’s formed.

  As she bats her eyelids while looking up at me, she says, “Yummy. Can I have some more?”

  I’m completely unprepared for this sweet woman to talk so seductively. All I can do is nod.

  It must be enough.

  She wraps her lips around my dick again and takes me deeper this time. She settles into a smooth, leisurely pace and adds her hand to the incredible
blowjob she’s giving me.

  If this is what fated-love sex is like for everyone, how come nobody told me? I would have scoured all corners of the universe to find my magnificent angel.

  Sure, I know we need to do more than have sex, but it’s impossible to say no to her when she’s so good at what she’s doing. I want to fuck her and make her scream my name. I want to make her feel as great as she makes me feel.

  I want more than just her body, though.

  But that will have to wait until I’ve ravaged her once more.

  “Come up here,” I say, hooking my hands under her armpits and lifting her to her feet.

  “Bored with me already?” she asks with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

  “Never. I’ve got a package I need to deliver.”

  She giggles but lightly slaps my chest. “That was horrible.”

  “Should I return the package?”

  “No way. Should we go to my bed?”

  “I wouldn’t survive the walk there.”

  I spin her away from me and bend her forward. “Brace yourself against the wall. This will be a bumpy sleigh ride.”


  “Bumpy sleigh ride? What kind of corny alien are you?” I ask, still giggling at how silly Rain can be while also managing to be incredibly sexy and intense.

  Dylan never made me laugh.

  I push all thoughts of my ex out of my mind so I can focus on the amazing, sexy man behind me.

  The weight of Rain’s cock against the small of my back leaves me breathless.

  The steam builds around us, creating the sensation we’ve escaped to an exotic paradise that’s hidden from anyone except the two of us.

  Finally finding my voice again, I ask, “Did I mention how great of a singer you are?”

  I want to thank him again for helping back at the party, but he silences me by penetrating my wet and ready vagina.

  I gasp. “God damn, I will never get used to how huge you are.”

  “I won’t ever get over how sexy you are.”

  I’ve never had a man fawn over me like this before. The more he does it, the more I start to believe he might mean the words.

  He grabs my hips like he doesn’t have any plans of ever letting go, not that I plan to fight him when he’s fucking me so good.

  There will be plenty of time to talk later. There’s nothing that could happen between us to break us apart. I won’t let it. It’s taken so long to even find a good man, I’m not letting an incredible one get away.

  I nod my head stiffly as if I need to convince myself. “Just so you know, the water heater isn’t so good in this place. The hot water will only last a few more minutes.”

  A grunt is his only reply.

  Each time our bodies slap together, the sound echoes on the tile walls. It’s joined with the raw animal sounds that are coming from our mouths. The water starts to cool, but Rain doesn’t slow.

  Right before it gets unbearably cold, any remaining stress from the long, strange day floods away as Rain makes me come with his magical dick.

  As if he’s been holding out to make sure I had my orgasm, his cock drives into me one last time. He grunts again as he spanks my butt.

  The water is icy now. He pulls out all too quickly so he can reach the handle to turn off the water.

  My legs are too weak to move. Fortunately, Rain can manage for the both of us. He wraps me in a towel and pats me dry, and then helps me into my robe.

  As I use the towel to squeeze the water out of my hair, I let myself appreciate his well-muscled body. He belongs in magazines or in movies or maybe playing professional sports. He’d look gorgeous anywhere.

  I have no idea what he sees in me, but the hunger in his eyes even now convinces me it’s real. This man who will be the envy of all my friends craves my body as much as I want his.

  “I’m exhausted, Rain. Take me to bed and spoon me.”

  He lifts me like I weigh no more than a child and carries me to my room. As he carefully picks his way through my dirty room, I nearly die from shame. Messes have never bothered me before, but I also never bring men back to my house.

  He doesn’t comment on the mess, though. Maybe he’s messy like me.

  Before we reach the bed, the doorbell rings.

  Rain raises his eyebrows inquisitively. “Expecting company?”

  “Definitely not at two in the morning.”

  The doorbell rings twice in quick succession.

  “Should we ignore it or go check?” he asks.

  When it rings again, followed by a fist pounding on the door, I say, “We better go check. It’s probably some friend of the guy down the block. He throws wild parties, and guys end up getting confused when they go outside for a smoke or piss or whatever it is guys do when they are drunk. But better to send him on his way before he breaks down the door.”

  “He better not dare.”

  Rain’s tone is animalistic and powerful, but the last thing I need is cops showing up to break up a fight.

  I pat his cheek. “Put me down, dear, and let me handle it.”

  Even though I’d told him to, it is still a little disappointing when he sets me on my feet. Whoever is at the door is going to get a piece of my mind for ripping me out of Rain’s strong arms.

  Worry replaces my anger when I see my mom standing on the front porch.

  I hurriedly unlock the door and swing the door open. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

  Mom, looking more pissed than when I told her I was dropping AP Chemistry during my senior year of high school, pushes her way past me. “I can’t live with that man another day. What do you have to drink?”

  I hurry after her, hoping she’ll say something that makes sense. Other than a few parties a year, my mom is never awake after nine o’clock. She’s definitely not the kind of woman who runs around town waking the dead this time of night.

  “Slow down and tell me what’s going on,” I plead.

  Mom comes to a stop but not because of my words. She points at Rain. “What’s that…man…doing here?”

  My skin grows hot as rage fills me. I put myself between the two of them and shout back, “Don’t you dare come to my house and complain about who I am spending the night with, Mother. I don’t live under your house anymore, and I certainly don’t follow your rules.”

  As I yell, I wonder when the last time we had a real fight was. And what the hell had happened with her and Dad earlier?

  I don’t get a chance to ponder what could be causing the unusual outbursts.

  My mother doesn’t back down. “As if you and your sister followed them worth a damn when you did live with us. You’d be so much better off if you had.”

  She is scratching old scabs, and I’m powerless to just walk away. “Yeah, because a doctor is really the career I wanted for myself. No, Mom. You wanted me to be a doctor so you could brag to your friends about how successful you were because of what I would have accomplished. Just because you were too afraid to tell Dad to fuck off and let you get a job when we were kids, don’t take that out on Joy and me.”

  My mom’s eyes shoot open wide.

  I half-expect her to remove her big, dangly earrings and throw punches.

  Rain leans against my back and wraps his arms around me. The vile anger and tension diminish almost immediately. I shake my head as if waking from a stupor.

  Even more amazingly, when he reaches out for my mother’s hand, she takes it, and a similar wave of relaxation falls over her.

  “Holly, can I talk to you in private for a second? Mrs…ma’am, why don’t you make yourself a drink? We’ll be back in two minutes and talk this through.”


  I pull her into her bedroom, kick clear enough empty space on the floor for us to stand without risking breaking our ankles, and try to decide how much to tell her about the alien threat she’s being exposed to.

  I decide to just roll with it. She’ll need to learn more eventually, and if it’s going to cause her to run
away, I’d prefer to find out now rather than later when I’ve fallen for her completely.

  Too late.

  Committing to the plan and actually doing it are two very different things. The words start slowly. “Remember that Frothmronk?”

  “Of course,” she says with a nervous giggle. “I’m not likely to forget the first alien I ever met. Well, second after you.”

  “They’re all downhill after me,” I joke, trying to decide where to go next.

  “Where are you going with this?” she asks as if reading my mind. “I need to get back to my mom soon.”

  I exhale slowly before continuing. “The Frothmronk have these parasites that travel with them once in a while. It’s rare they contract the parasites, and even less frequent that the parasites survive the journey through space, but when they do, it’s bad. The Frothmronk are the brutes. They destroy shit right out in the open. It’s terrifying but direct. Easy to confront if you have enough power on your side.”

  I sit down on the edge of the bed. “The stragglers are called the…there’s really no pronunciation for it here, so I’ll call them the Illwills. They sow discontent and chaos, but not directly. They just slowly change the mood of the entire area until everyone turns into giant assholes and all kill each other. I’ve seen whole civilizations wiped out when the infestation lingered long enough.”

  My nerves get the better of me. I rise and start picking up clothes and stuffing them in the empty hamper.

  Holly stares back at me with a confused expression that quickly flips to awareness. “That mess at the party, and Mom just now.”

  I nod. “We’ve got a huge problem. My normal advice would be to just leave the planet behind and never come back. I don’t think it will be that simple for you, though.”

  She shakes her head. “I couldn’t run away and let these things kill everyone I love. But…you could go…if that’s what you want to do.”

  She stares up with large eyes that look ready to shed tears.

  If she’d said she wanted to leave the planet with me, I would have. There’s no way I’m leaving her behind. What would surviving somewhere else in the universe serve if it means I lose Holly?


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