L8r, G8r

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L8r, G8r Page 9

by Lauren Myracle

  mad maddie:

  oh, whatev. everyone pees. i, however, am now pee-free!

  mad maddie:

  i realized we hadn’t discussed the j-word, and i have a new example of her ridiculosity to share.


  uh oh, did she put into action her EVIL PLAN? *cues special effects guy for thunder and lightning and a shower of hoppy toads*

  mad maddie:

  i suppose—altho it was so stupid it just made me laugh.

  mad maddie:

  me, megan, vincent, and vincent’s bro were standing around talking, right? and vincent and frank were giving megan hell cuz she kept doing that phlegm-clearing thing cuz of her cold.


  she was doing that all night! it was driving me crazy!

  mad maddie:

  frank was like, “i know—yr a hooker. THAT’S why yr sick!”



  mad maddie:

  it was mildly funny at the time. megan said no, she wasn’t a hooker, and frank goes, “ohhhh, then yr a slut!”


  ok, vincent may be cooler than i thought, but i am SO not impressed with frank. *makes disapproving granny face*

  mad maddie:

  anywayz, jana had been lurking about during this whole exchange, and when frank said that, she inserted herself into the convo and goes, “WHO’S the slut? WHO’S the slut?”


  and who WAS the slut?

  mad maddie:

  me, apparently. isn’t it shocking? didn’t she totally put me in my place?


  i don’t get it. what have you done that’s slutty recently?

  mad maddie:




  mad maddie:

  omg, i can’t believe u!


  sorry sorry sorry, i’m TERRIBLY sorry. *kisses maddie’s unslutty butt repeatedly*


  so what did u say?

  mad maddie:

  i said, “jana, jana, jana … must we have such a potty mouth? Boo Boo Bear would NOT approve!”


  *claps hands in delight* for real?!

  mad maddie:

  no. i just looked at her like *yr such a dumbshit.* it wasn’t worth the trouble of a reply.


  damn! i mean, DARN. (sorry, Boo Boo Bear!)

  mad maddie:

  it’s too bad, really, that after my extremely impressive “lying liars” display, that’s all she could come up with.


  um …

  mad maddie:

  yesss? you have a comment you would like to make?


  just that it couldn’t have been all she could come up with

  mad maddie:

  what r u saying?


  that one little remark, it couldn’t have been the “plan” mary kate overheard her talking about. cuz if it was, then she’s … i dunno. feeble.

  mad maddie:

  vincent said she’s going thru some tough shit—not that i care. maybe it’s affected her brain.


  don’t tell me that—then i have to feel sorry for her!


  what kind of tough shit?

  mad maddie:

  i dunno, just that it has to do with her stepmonster. blah blah blah.

  mad maddie:

  and DON’T feel sorry for her. god. if you need to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for ME. i’m the one she called a slut!


  poor old madikins!

  mad maddie:

  and poor old angela-kins. she basically called you a slut 2, or have you forgotten? she just tricked everyone into blaming it on zoe.


  point taken


  just watch your back, k? betcha a million dollars she’s up to something more.

  mad maddie:

  pah, she’s feeble.

  Sun, Feb 19, 10:09 PM E.S.T.


  well, i did it. i took my very 1st pill.

  mad maddie:

  nice work. have you told doug?


  i decided i want to take them for at least a week and THEN tell him. that way i can be, “oh, and btw, i’m on the pill now.” you know, very blasé.


  it’s strange, i feel sometimes like i *need* to be blasé with him—but only when i’m not with him. when i’m actually with him, i *can’t* be blasé. does that make sense?

  mad maddie:



  i know, it doesn’t to me either!


  it’s like i’m being sucked into him. at times i feel this need to resist, but then i get near him and i think, “omg, i would die without him.” as in literally die.


  i know it sounds crazy.

  mad maddie:

  you shouldn’t let him control you that much, zo.


  he doesn’t *control* me. i just love him.

  mad maddie:

  uh huh, same difference. jk.

  mad maddie:

  hey, i found the most awesome webseries—you’ve gotta check it out. it’s by this chick named amy winfrey who makes animated cartoons. there’s muffin films, making fiends, and big bunny.


  uh … ok. do you not wanna talk about doug anymore?

  mad maddie:

  big bunny’s my fave. it’s about 3 kids who go into the forest even tho they’re not supposed to, and they meet this humongous bunny who says things like, “do not run, tasty children!”

  mad maddie:

  they ask the bunny if he’s seen their dog, and he says, “noooo, i have seen no fluffy crunchy doggies around here. maybe the yummy puppy has gone home!”



  mad maddie:

  there’s a theme song and everything. go to big-bunny.com.


  um, ok, when i get a chance.

  Mon, Feb 20, 5:55 PM E.S.T.

  mad maddie:

  angela, yr on my bad list!


  i am? why?

  mad maddie:

  and i quote: “Tonight your true love will realize how much they love you between 1 and 4 in the morning. Tomorrow the shock of your life will occur if you break the chain, and you will have bad luck for 10 years if you don’t pass this on to 15 people.”


  uh oh *takes big tiptoe steps backward*

  mad maddie:

  you know who it’s from, don’t you?


  er … glendy?

  mad maddie:

  YES, glendy! aaargh!


  can i help it if she likes you? yr very likable, maddie.


  did you break the chain?

  mad maddie:

  what do u think?


  uh oh, hope yr ready for the shock of your life …

  mad maddie:

  that stuff is such garbage. who believes that crap?


  i sent out a chain letter when i was 10. a snail-mail chain letter, one of those where yr supposed to put your name on the bottom of the list and send a dollar to the person on the top of the list. i was supposed to receive thousands of dollars within the next month, but i never did.

  mad maddie:

  go fig


  i was very hardcore about it, 2. i sent it to my camp buddies and used all sorts of emotional blackmail, like, “c’mon, trish, i know YOU won’t let me down.” i feel bad about it now.

  mad maddie:

  you should. you should write them all an apology.

>   SnowAngel:

  um … i’ll keep it in mind

  mad maddie:

  hey, wanna do something? go somewhere?


  YEAH! i was supposed to go with logan to pick out an interview suit for summer internships, but i’ll call and tell him i can’t.

  mad maddie:

  shld i invite zoe?


  sure, but i bet she’s with doug


  cya in a jiff!

  Mon, Feb 20, 6:04 PM E.S.T.


  oh ha ha, maddie. very funny.


  i just checked my email, and what should i see waiting for me in my inbox?


  yr supposed to send it to 15 DIFFERENT ppl, you freak!


  yr still gonna get the curse unless you send it to 14 other ppl!!!!!!!!

  Tues, Feb 21, 4:33 PM E.S.T.

  mad maddie:

  angela, yr not trying to play some kind of trick on me, r you? to make me think i’m cursed?




  OHHHHH, cuz of that chain letter from glendy. what happened? did you drop a dr pepper on your foot? ha ha!

  mad maddie:

  angela, i’m not joking. i came home to 17 voicemails on our HOME phone. our land line! and they’re all from guys saying they wanna … do stuff with me. or TO me.



  mad maddie:

  they know my name. and some of them are really really sick.




  who r they from?

  mad maddie:

  i don’t know, i don’t recognize any of them.


  could it be vincent? could he be pranking you?

  mad maddie:

  these r, like, old guys. all DIFFERENT guys, some with accents and some really gruff and … no, it’s not vincent.

  mad maddie:

  i don’t actually think it was you, either. obviously.


  it’s jana. it’s jana, isn’t it?!! THAT’S what the slut remark was all about!

  mad maddie:

  she must have written my name and number in a gas station bathroom … or maybe put an ad on a dating website?


  call 1 of the guys back and ask where he got your number

  mad maddie:


  mad maddie:

  they think i’m a call girl or something. i’m totally creeped out, angela.


  ok, listen. if anyone calls, DON’T pick up.

  mad maddie:

  i already unplugged the phone, but the voicemail’s digital and i can’t figure out how to deactivate it. what if ppl leave more messages? what’s gonna happen when my parents get home?


  yr there by yourself?!!


  i’m coming over. you shouldn’t have to deal with this alone.

  mad maddie:

  that would be really really great, actually. thanx, a.


  i’m on my way!!!

  Tues, Feb 21, 10:00 PM E.S.T.


  how’s mads?


  by the time i got over there, there were 33 voicemails for maddie. by the time i left, it’d gone up to 68, and the only reason there weren’t more was cuz the voicemail thingie *finally* got to the “this mailbox is full” level!


  were they all the same sort of thing?


  uh huh. i plugged the phone back in so i cld listen to them—altho i NEVER answered the phone when it rang—and they said things like, “hey, baby, i’ll satisfy your every fantasy,” and “if u want someone well-equipped, then i’m your man. gimme a ring and let’s get dirty.”




  some were even worse. some i couldn’t even listen to—i just hit “delete” and then wanted to go take a boiling hot shower.


  did anyone say where they got her number?


  no—they just said, “i heard u were looking for some action” or “slut for grabs? hell yeah. call me.”


  poor maddie!


  how could there be so *many*?


  i dunno. whatever jana did, she did it in a big way—more than just scribbling something on some wall.


  so we’re sure it’s jana?


  i am. aren’t u?


  i just have a hard time believing that even she would do something so … VICIOUS. and dangerous! hasn’t she heard about all the girls who’ve been molested by chatroom lurkers and stuff like that?


  i can’t believe i was almost feeling sorry for her, cuz of her personal problems or whatever.


  this goes so much further than what maddie did. this is just WRONG.


  did mr. and mrs. kinnick show up?


  they got in around 9:00. maddie didn’t tell them about the messages cuz she doesn’t want her dad thinking about her like that … even tho none of it’s true.


  she’s really shaken up, zo. and she NEVER gets shaken up!


  i’m gonna do some hunting around on the internet. maybe i can figure this out.


  good idea. and tomorrow let’s stick close to maddie so she feels safe!

  Wed, Feb 22, 4:14 PM E.S.T.

  mad maddie:

  so much for keeping the parents in the dark. guess how many calls the moms got while i was at school?


  oh no. i thought you unplugged the phone again!

  mad maddie:

  yes, but apparently she plugged it back in when she needed to use it. anyway, twenty-frickin-six voicemails! i guess ppl aren’t quite as busy being pervy in the daylight hours as during the night, but still.


  holy crap

  mad maddie:

  the 1st guy asked her to pass on a message about his big cock. isn’t that charming? and then she answered the 2nd call, assuming the 1st was a wrong number, and that guy said, “is this maddie? you don’t sound 18.” the moms goes, “this is maddie’s mother. who IS this?” and the guy laughed and asked if she was the one who taught me to be so nasty.


  oh. my. god. she must have had a heart attack.

  mad maddie:

  pretty much. she called my cell, and i had no choice but to tell her about last night. then she called the police, and they said to get a phone log so we can find out where the calls came from.


  good idea

  mad maddie:

  yeah, only lots of the numbers were blocked.



  mad maddie:

  so mom started asking the callers for their names. can u imagine? most ppl just hung up at that point, but eventually this one guy said he’d gotten our number from craigslist.


  from CRAIGSLIST??? maddie. omg.

  mad maddie:

  tell me about it. i knew ppl used it to find roommates, apartments, cars … stuff like that … but i didn’t know till now that there’s also a “casual encounters” section, and that’s where you can find ME, apparently.


  oh. my. god. maddie, i am sooooo sorry.

  mad maddie:

  i want u to go find it, ok?


  the ad?

  mad maddie:

  the mom
s tracked it down, but she won’t tell me what it said, which makes me think it must be REALLY bad.


  you don’t want to c for yourself?

  mad maddie:



  oh. ok.

  mad maddie:

  so go look and then report back.

  mad maddie:

  craigslist. atlanta. casual encounters.


  got it. be back soon!

  Wed, Feb 22, 4:36 PM E.S.T.


  hey angela. i’m supposed to talk to maddie, but i wanted to talk to you first.


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