The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1)

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The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1) Page 2

by Ashton, Chloe D.

  “When you talk like this Olivia, you’re forcing me to consider taking my hand against you. You’re the one pushing me to the breaking point.” A desperate whine played in his voice. “But, I do love you, Olivia. Once we’re married and far away from here, you’ll see that.”

  “You’ve made me a prisoner,” she said, facing him again. “But, if you think for one minute that I’m going to be the wife that you want, or that I’ll love you in any kind of way, you’re dead wrong. A loveless marriage it will be.”

  “You stupid bitch---you will learn how to love me! And you will be my wife in every way!” Matt yelled, snatching her to him. “However, if you want to fight me, go ahead. That won’t stop me from taking what I want. Don’t let what could be pleasurable between us become pain.”

  “Matthew, get downstairs.”

  Stunned, they both turned to find Duke Addison standing in the door.

  “Father,” Matt murmured, flushing red like a guilt-ridden child. “I didn’t hear you.”

  “Go---do as I say,” the older man muttered, and his steel blue eyes were fixated on her. “The groomsmen are waiting for you, and the wedding will start in several minutes. I need a word alone with Olivia beforehand.”

  After Matt made a speedy exit, they were left alone.

  “Olivia,” Duke said coldly, and his frigid stare met hers. “Even though you’re low bred, I have to say that you are quite lovely today, surprisingly.” When she didn’t respond, he arched a brow. “Suppose you understand that there are a few things that we need to get clear. Trust me. No ambiguity shall surround them.”

  Just how many were fooled by his clean-cut appearance, she thought, boldly returning his cold stare. Though he’d reached his sixties, he still upheld it. Blond, steel blue eyes, impeccably dressed, Duke Addison could easily pass as a distinguished gentleman. But, he was far from it. How about a cold assassin, extortionist, blackmailer, and a score of other unsavory labels that was too vile to even mention? He was an exact caricature of his son…just worse.

  Stiffening, taking a cautious step backwards, she felt her backside as it touched the floor length mirror. But, still, her voice was surprisingly steady as she asked, “What do you want?”

  With a careful edginess, Duke Addison shut the door, and then like a predator, he slunk towards her. When he reached her, he grasped her around the nape. “You ungrateful little maggot,” Duke muttered angrily. “Don’t even think about defying me or depriving my son out of the life that he wants with you.”

  “Y-you’re hurting me,” she stammered, fighting against his brutal hold, and struggled to breathe. She forced the hot tears back. “S-stop it, let me go.”

  “With pleasure.” Muttering under his breath, he released her in disgust. “What my son sees in you, I’ll never know,” Duke spat. “But, because of that fact, you’re standing here alive. You will marry my son, and you will make him happy.”

  She nearly fell to the carpeted floor as she stumbled towards the small settee. When she reached it, she sagged down in relief, and while he’d released her, moments ago, she still felt the brunt of his strong hold. “Is that all you know to do---hurting people?” she asked, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “Being abusive is obviously a trait of Addison men. Is it that the family motto? Intimidate those that you think are weaker than you? Always on the hunt--- seeking someone as an unwitting victim?”

  “The worse thing in the world is a woman with a loose tongue. Let it be known that I’ve literally cut out a few from those that just didn’t know when to shut the fuck up.” A deadly gleam shone in his eyes. “And you, dear girl, are a weak-minded fool. Once you absorb that solid fact, things will get better for you. Don’t even contemplate the idea of taking me on. I guarantee that you’ll lose. Aren’t you doing so, already? Haven’t I proven that I’m in control of your life, and not you?” A deadly smile snaked along his face. “While we’re on the subject of my strongholds, let’s talk about that old uncle of yours. I’ve learned that he is about to become a guinea pig and begin treatment with a new experimental drug. From what I’ve heard, it’s showing signs of promises in the recent trials for those with conditions similar to his.”

  Staying silent, she watched him.

  “It seems that it’s possible that he could get a new lease on life if this experimental drug works. But, it’s not in me not to play the devil’s advocate, right? So, let’s consider some possibilities that could affect his undergoing this new treatment,” Duke sneered. “Wouldn’t it be a pity and a shame if he were to experience a ‘sudden relapse’?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked quietly, swallowing hard. “A sudden relapse?”

  “You’re a smart girl, and I’m certain that you’ll figure it out. So, I’ll leave my unspoken warning open to interpretation.” A scowl filled his face. “Just how he became the immediate recipient of this new cooked-up program at that private facility with an unknown benefactor footing the bill is a mystery. But, it’s fortunate for you and him, I suppose.” He shook his head in disgust. “The poor bastard’s on his last legs, so I don’t know why you’re even bothering with more treatment. Just let the miserable sap pass on while he has some dignity left.”

  Like a caged animal, she awaited his next move.

  Raising a brow, he taunted her further. “Perhaps, I haven’t dug enough, and maybe I should make it a point to find out who this mysterious donor is.” He shrugged. “Not that it’s of real importance to me. But, he is of some leverage to our cause against you.”

  She gulped hard, trying not to let her distress show. Like a miracle, a mystery donor had offered funding for a program for a patient with rare cancer, and somehow, her uncle had been the recipient of it. Even now, she was surprised by it, especially since she hadn’t even applied to the program. But, it was a moot point anyway.

  Her uncle’s care couldn’t be jeopardized!

  “Stay away from him!” she shouted, springing from the sofa, and her distress was palpable. “Don’t you dare hurt him!”

  “That’s all up to you, now isn’t it?” Duke snapped, crossing the room, and then, stopped a few inches away from her. “The choices that you make are not only beneficial to you, but your uncle as well. Trust me, if the need calls for penance, there will be no hesitation on my part to deliver it.” He gave her a quick wink. “And judging from your expression, I think you’re realizing that.”

  “You’re a cold heartless monster,” she stated, meeting his gaze dead-on. “And whether you believe it or not, someday judgment will be rendered upon you because of all this cruelty and treachery.”

  Duke shrugged. “Maybe so. But, it sure in the hell won’t be at your hands, will it?” With a bored expression, he fished a paper out of his suit jacket. “Thought you might want to see this.”

  “What is this?” she demanded, yanking the paper from him. As she read its contents, she couldn’t stifle the horror. “This is bogus----all lies! I’ve done none of the things that are mentioned here!”

  “Don’t you know by now that I’m not the one to fuck with!” Duke shouted, stepping dangerously closer. “If I didn’t remove unnecessary nuisances, I wouldn’t be the powerful man that I am today. And that’s what you are to me---a pesky, irritating spit of a girl.” He laughed nastily. “Since you were intent upon spying on my business ventures, it’s only fitting that you have an active part in this, though it’s a bogus one. So, I’ve conveniently taken it upon myself to ensure that that happens.”

  She gulped hard. “You mean there’s more?”

  “Of course there’s more! It’s on point and exact---a paper trail that leads the feds straight to you. Sure, Matt is the one actually responsible for blackmailing, extorting and laundering money, but I thought I’d do what any decent father would do and spare my son a prison sentence. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to carefully design a few false documents with your name attached to it. And if you’re not careful, you’re going to find yourself wrestling with big Bertha during the dark ni
ghts in a confined cell.” He passed her an ugly sneer. “That’s the price of knowing too much. All your snooping and amateur detective work has landed you in this position! It’s only fair that you suffer the consequences of you actions.”

  She gripped the paper with shaky hands. “No. Please, don’t do this.”

  “There it is---the response that I’ve been looking for, and that’s for you to cower down to me. Know your place and understand it! I own you. You will bow down to me, you will bow down to my son,” Duke seethed. “I refuse to let my dynasty falter, and it won’t at the hands of a pitiless nobody like you.” Turning on his heel, he crossed the room, and once reaching the door, he faced her again. “Following my directives is your best option, my dear. Don’t be a fool and run. If you do, I’ll find you, and the consequences shall be dire. I will destroy you. Now, take a breather, dry that pretty little face of yours, and be downstairs in ten minutes. My son and the rest of the world are waiting for a blushing bride. And unfortunately, that’s you, you little whore. Oh—one last thing.” His smile was lethal. “Welcome to the family.”

  A moment later, only the echoing silence lingered.

  “Dear God,” she whispered, sinking to her knees. “Please forgive me for even bringing that man into my life, and I have nothing but shame because of it.” Trembling violently, she wrapped her arms around herself. “What am I going to do? How can I protect Uncle Charles from them? If anything were to happen to him because of me---”

  No longer able to control the flooding tears, she lay down on the floor, uncaring of her carefully made-up face or the wedding gown. Weeping openly, she pressed her cheek against the carpeted floor and mentally embraced the inevitable fate.

  A miserable moment later, she forced herself to stand. Like a drunkard, she staggered to the full mirror.

  With mussed hair, puffy eyes, and tear-stained features, the lifeless woman stared back at her. “My life---it’s over,” she whispered, distraught. “It’s really over.”

  As the awful truth resounded, she had no tears to spare. It was just a horrible acceptance, she realized with a hollow expression.

  There was no way out.

  Several minutes later, composed, she stepped into the hallway.

  A dead silence filled it.

  Taking an unsteady breath, she forced herself to move away from the door.

  The thick beige carpet muted her steps as she walked, and the hallway seemed endless. Just ahead, at the end of it, the white wall loomed, offering a left or right passage. Wasn’t the walk always long when an unwanted fate waited, she decided, passing the exit door leading to a stairwell.

  In moments, she’d become Mrs. Matthew Addison, she thought, feeling the nausea rise again.

  Perhaps the guillotine was preferable---

  The narrow hall was like tunnel vision, and once more, she forced herself to breathe.

  She stared at the white wall ahead.

  Once she reached it and made a left, her life would change irrevocably, and not for the better. And the one thing that she wanted most---she was losing him. The only man that she’d ever loved----

  “And I’ll never see you,” she whispered, feeling the threat of tears again. “Or ever be with you again. But, I can’t let them hurt you.”

  The white wall seemed dark now, and her every step seemed like a death knell, and in her conscience, she heard its sounding bell ring.

  But, there was darkness along the wall, she frowned, slowing her steps. Shadows, to be exact, and they were more than suspicious, especially considering their quick, but quiet movements.

  As the shapes loomed larger along the wall, she halted with surprise. When the two dark-clothed strangers emerged from the corner and came into view, the surprise turned to fear.

  At the end of the hallway, they faced her, and luckily, many feet separated them.

  The only thing visible was their eyes, she thought, swallowing hard, and took a tentative step backwards.

  And they were male----

  Their well-built physiques told that much.

  Identical in weight and stature, standing at well over six feet, they were totally dressed in black garb from head-to-toe, and that included the face masks pulled down to their necks. The black leather gloves covered their large hands, and it was apparent that they’d leave no trace of their activities. Like stealthy creatures, they advanced towards her, and their intent was clear.

  They were here for her…

  Heavens, why, she mulled, anxious, rooted to the spot, not really sure of how to react.

  Certainly, she had nothing substantial to offer!

  She shot a fast glance upward.

  Of course, this would be the only area lacking a security camera!

  “Relax,” one of them said, reaching out a hand cautiously, and his tone held an Italian lilt. “We’re not here to hurt you. This’ll be easier if you’d just follow our orders and come without a fight---”

  Releasing a gut-wrenching scream, she turned to flee, but it was almost pointless since the dress weighted her down and the fact that she wore heels. As she stumbled, she lost her balance, and with a hard grunt, she tumbled to the floor. Thank goodness the heels were strapless, she thought, quickly pushing them from her feet. And after all these years, finally, growing up as a scrappy kid on the streets was paying off. After pushing up from the floor, she was on her feet and running again. But, they were closing in fast, she realized, hearing them behind her.

  Within seconds, she reached the door leading to the stairwell. Breathless, she grabbed the door handle, and to her relief, it wasn’t locked.

  Nearly stumbling, she held onto the rail as she descended, and she heard their running footsteps on the stairs as they pursued her.

  “We’ll cut her off the south end,” one of the strangers said, barking out the response and his voice echoed within the stairwell. “Come on. Let’s move.”

  Not bothering to see if they followed, she charged on, and when her breathless gasps were the only audible sound, moments later, she nearly sagged with relief.

  “Thank goodness,” she gasped, breathless, finally reaching the next level. With a grateful sigh, she leaned against the railing and fought to catch her breath.

  A noise sounded overhead.

  Startled, heart pounding, she almost tripped as she left the stairs. Over the door, the exit sign hang, and she’d never been more relieved.

  Breathless, eyes wild, she forged ahead.

  But, as she did, a violent explosion rocked the church, sending a roaring deafness through it. Upon impact, she was flung across the short space.

  “Oh!” she cried out, falling to the concrete floor, and then stared upward. With a horrified expression, she caught sight of the falling debris overhead, and it was her last conscious memory.


  A short while later, and miles away from the church, tensed, Jarrod stared out the study’s window. When the cell phone rang, he snatched it up. “Is it done?” he asked cryptically, gripping the phone hard. “Do you have Olivia Lange?”

  “Yes, and it sure in the hell wasn’t easy. As a matter of fact, unfolding circumstances nearly made it impossible and there’s a dire situation that must be taken care of immediately,” Marc Angelo muttered from the other end, and then he hesitated. “You’re not going to believe what’s happened. I’ll let you see it for yourself. Turn on the news---I’m sure that it’s being covered. It’s definitely something that you don’t want to miss. Hell, as a matter of fact, I think it’s a damn game changer.”

  The phone went dead.

  With barely restrained patience, Jarrod crossed the room before snatching the TV remote off the elegant coffee table. In moments, the large flat screen was on the local news channel. In a rapid and excited tone, the dark-haired news reporter relayed the hot breaking story.

  Shocked, he stared at the screen.

  “What the hell---”

  In the background, Holland Grove Sanctuary was engulfed in burning flames

  Chapter 1

  Two months later….

  The fresh air nearly strangled her as she inhaled a deep breath, and it hurt to breathe it in, she realized, barely cracking her eyes. And the excruciating, exploding pain in her head----

  She tried to lift a hand, but then quickly accepted that she couldn’t as the weakness stole over her. But, was it day or night? Or rather what was the month or year? An atmosphere of uncertainty plagued the moment, and her confusion was daunting as she tried to make sense of things. Mumbling through cracked lips, she tried to rise up from the pillow. “Please, help me…please,” she whispered.

  A loud clatter filled the room.

  Obviously, her awakening had surprised someone.

  Somewhere in the distance, the sound of excited, but stunted voices met her.

  But, even those simple noises were too much to bear, she groaned in protest, closing her eyes against the intrusion.

  The sound of opening drapery reached her, and at once, light flooded the room, directly hitting her where she lay in the bed. That could mean only one thing, she realized, fighting against another wave of unconsciousness.

  She wasn’t alone.

  A shadow fell over her, along with a relieved voice. “Gracias a Dios….as always you’ve worked a miracle.”

  Then, as the reassuring words comforted her, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  “H-help me…please, help me,” she pleaded again, reaching out towards the soothing voice. As a warm hand grasped her cold one, she absorbed the strength. Releasing a sharp breath, she forced her eyes open, but still, her gaze was unclear as it focused on the woman hovering over her. The woman’s figure seemed to be split in half before finally morphing into one shape.


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