The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1)

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The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1) Page 32

by Ashton, Chloe D.

  They were lost.


  At midday, face freshly scrubbed, bathed, and clad in one of Jarrod’s oversized shirts with nothing else underneath, Olivia emerged from the bathroom. After replacing his toothbrush in the toiletry case, she paused and looked at the now made up bed. A warm flush spread through her body from head to toe. Making love to him had superseded every fantasy that she’d ever imagined, and nothing had prepared her for the sheer poignancy of the moment.

  She blushed again.

  They’d made love in every humanly way possible.

  Or maybe they hadn’t, she mulled with a dreamy smile---for every time that she imagined they had, Jarrod taught her something new. She’d always held the notion that he’d be a fantastic lover…he’d exceeded all those expectations.

  Even now, the memory of their liaisons was enough to make her toes curl.

  She sobered.

  It only made her love him more desperately.

  With that thought, she retreated from the sleeping quarters and headed for the galley. Once she reached it, she opened the small refrigerator before removing the ingredients for an omelet, fresh fruit, and whipped cream. After placing the items on the counter, she retrieved a knife, cutting board, and other utensils from the nearby pantry. Singing under her breath, she went about the task of making brunch.

  A few minutes later, she heard the outside door opening, and soon Jarrod’s footsteps could be heard as he entered the salon. As he entered the galley, a warm flush spread through her again, and suddenly, shyness took over.

  “Good morning,” she said in a trembling voice, but didn’t turn around. She went about chopping the vegetables. “I’m getting brunch ready.”

  “I can see that,” Jarrod said in his husky tone, stepping behind her. She stilled with the knife. As he wrapped his strong arms around her, she melted. Turning her head to the side, she met his lips, and for the longest moments, they tasted each other. She broke from the kiss with a dreamy smile and turned. “How am I supposed to get brunch ready with you doing that?”

  “Don’t let me stop you,” he murmured, nuzzling the side of her neck, and his hold around her body tightened. As he nipped the delicate flesh at her earlobe, she shivered. “Just pretend that I’m not even here.”

  Her voice was shaky. “O-okay.”

  But, that was easier said than done, she realized, suppressing a moan as his hands moved downward. The heat flushed through her as they slid underneath the shirt and met nothing but her bare flesh. Giving a satisfied growl, he explored. When his fingers stopped just above the apex of her thighs, she shuddered.

  “W-what are you doing?” she whispered, letting the knife fall from her hand. As she tried to turn and face him, he dispelled her efforts. Weakened, feeling the waves of pleasure crashing in, she leaned against him for support. Through the shirt, she felt his bare chest, and he wore nothing but deck trousers. Against her hips, she felt his arousal. Her heat rose. “Jarrod---”

  “Shhhh…..” he hushed her, sliding a hand between her thighs and nudged them apart. His voice was sexy and low. “Can we not talk, just for a minute?”

  Already breathless with anticipation, she could only nod.

  His hard body pressed hers into the counter, and it only heightened her arousal.

  She made a helpless gasp.

  Taking one hand from beneath the shirt, he reached past her and swiped a finger of whipped cream from the bowl of fresh cherries. “I’ve always loved the taste of cream and cherries,” he said huskily, placing the hand underneath the shirt again. “Might as well get a taste of one now, don’t you think?”

  In a fluid movement, he parted her slick folds, sliding the cream-laden finger along them. She moaned at the feel of the thick cream swathing her insides. The sinful feel that it brought was almost too erotically shameful to mention. Her folds were already sleek with wet moisture, and the sweet stickiness only heightened her pleasure. And would he take the pleasure of tasting her…

  Of course, he would, she trembled, and her heart leapt at the thought.

  Why, oh why, did she have no defense against him?

  As he turned her around to face him, her knees buckled. “Jarrod,” she whimpered, turning to him blindly. “I—I---”

  He was already down on his knees before her.

  A wicked gleam shone in his eyes as he looked up at her. He cupped her hips in his large hands and hauled her forward. “Baby, I haven’t gotten my taste yet,” he murmured, flashing a devilish smile, pushing the shirt up to her waist. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  The anticipation nearly killed her. “No,” she whimpered again, shaking her head.

  As his lips closed over the forbidden spot, she convulsed from the pleasure. His touch was lethal and deadly as he teased the tiny nub with the tip of his tongue. Wasn’t it the very trigger point that’d release her torrential flood, she breathed heavily, threading her fingers in his dark hair. Her words were breathless and fractured. “Jarrod…please…”

  But, his movements only quickened.

  Closing her eyes, she embraced the storm.

  She spread her thighs wider, giving him better entrance. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips as he clenched them tighter.

  He thrust his tongue inside her deep. As he tasted her sweet wetness, he growled like a feral animal all the while supping it into his mouth. She fought to stand…think…breathe….

  Yet, it was impossible, she realized, staring blindly across the room, too lost to even form a coherent thought. In fast bold strokes, once more, he flicked his tongue across the tiny nub, destroying her until she had nothing left to give. The slow pattern that he set only drove her insanity further. Her tortured breaths escaped through her fractured lungs…her desperation broke free in wordless sounds.

  He was master over her body….

  “Only you can make me feel this way,” she gasped, blinded, staying him in place with a shaky hand. The tide rose within her, and the sensations were so potent and pleasurable that they eradicated all of her control. “I can’t think…oh…Jarrod…I….oh….I…”

  Her muscles clenched as her passion peaked.

  A breathless second later, her release came.

  Weakened, she collapsed against him.

  His own words were broken. “Baby, I need you.”

  As he rose from the floor, he lifted her in his arms.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips.

  “I need you, too,” she whispered, burying her face in his neck.

  His pulse drummed at his neckline and she felt its wild beat. In a few strides, he’d carried her to the salon.

  The sunlight filtered into the space, filling it with an acute brightness. When they reached the sofa, he lay her down and followed.

  Their lips met as his body rested on hers.

  Again, she began to free fall…

  He coaxed her lips apart, sliding his tongue in, and stroked it against hers with such a sensual finesse that she whimpered. But, he was merciless, deepening the kiss until every thought but the feel of him fled from her mind.

  Not breaking from the kiss, he continued his sweet assault. Taking his time, he flicked each button free, all the while trailing a finger along her delicate flesh. Midway, reaching her full breast, he closed a hand over it and kneaded it, oh, so right, she mulled, hissing a soft breath in response.

  When he’d released the final button, he spread the shirt wide.

  The air caressed her skin.

  She moaned at the sweet intrusion.

  Lifting his body slightly, he broke from the kiss.

  But, still, she kissed along the smooth edges of his jaw line.

  He pushed the deck trousers past his hips before lying atop of her, and as he did, she spread her thighs further apart. Once more, he stole her lips as he entered her.

  Their deep kiss smothered the sounds of their desperate moans.

  His thrusts were deep and slow.

  “I need you so
much,” she whispered breathlessly, breaking from the kiss. “Jarrod…”

  Her eyes met his drugged gaze, and as he increased the tempo, they fluttered closed.

  Eager, hungered, she demanded more.

  Her fingers sank deeper into his hips, and she urged him on with soft pleas. “Give me what I want….damn you, Jarrod,” she gasped. “Give me what I want.”

  “Baby,” he rasped, forcing her gaze to his as he grasped her chin, and again, she felt herself drowning within his deep sea of green. “I’ll give you all of that and more.”

  As their dangerous pace quickened, she forced herself to hold his gaze.

  The raging fire ignited in his green eyes, and she saw his naked primal hunger. In waves, her pleasure abounded, washing…crashing…flowing in until she was fully submerged. Her breath left her. She bit her lip to hold in her broken sobs and failed to. The searing sensations stole center stage, demanding that she bow down to their greatness.

  No longer could she hold on…

  The violent spasms racked through her, slaying her to the very core.

  “Jarrod,” she sobbed helplessly. “Jarrod….”

  He answered her demands by driving into her harder.

  The fury…

  The madness…

  It was too great to overcome.

  As she came apart, she cried out his name, and his hard body quaked violently with his own explosive release.

  Under their passion’s assault, they were no more.

  Chapter 19

  “How many more hours will it take us to get to Laramie Rock?” she asked, blushing, after spooning the cherries and whipped cream into her mouth. Never would she see the two things in the same light again---especially not after he----

  As memories of their scandalous midmorning liaisons surfaced, she squirmed on the stool. Heavens, she’d never get over the delight of it, she mulled, looking away from him at his wolfish grin because it was obvious that he realized her thoughts.

  “Probably five or six hours. The storm set us back somewhat,” he replied, facing her on the opposite side of the counter, and reached for the glass of freshly squeezed lemonade. He eyed her over the glass. “I’m not in to much of a hurry to get there. I have to say that I’m quite enjoying myself---and you.”

  She returned his intense stare.

  And what she saw there, floored her.

  Now, she faced the real Jarrod Sabatino.

  The unguarded, hot, sexy, no-holds barred Italian lover---

  “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we are,” she said softly. “It could be at the bottom of a dungeon, and I’d be deliriously happy.”

  “I have to admit that the feeling’s mutual,” Jarrod agreed to her surprise and delight, serious at once. Then, his mood lightened as he stood and offered his hand. “Come on, it’s time that I gave you a real lesson on steering this yacht.”

  “Are you sure you’re going to trust me with that?” she teased, standing with a laugh, and came around the counter. As she met him, she looped her arms around his neck. “I’m liable to careen into a boulder or something----a modern day version of shipwrecked.”

  “I’d take being shipwrecked with you any day of the week,” he said huskily, holding her close, and she understood that he meant it. Then, he gave her a swift kiss on the lips. “Come on.”

  They reached the helm.

  As he positioned her before him, she found it difficult to concentrate. Like always, the same overwhelming feelings encompassed her whenever he was near. Forcing her mind away from her wayward thoughts, she focused on the task at hand.

  She eyed the well-lit dashboard and its multiple switches. “Hopefully, you have a manual for yacht dummies because I certainly am one. How am I going to learn what all these controls are?” she asked, leaning into him, and cast him a sideways glance. “There are an awful lot here.”

  “Don’t let the sight of all these controls overwhelm you.” He placed her hands on the steering wheel. “I lead and you follow, okay? Just watch what I do.”

  Nodding, she gave him a breathless smile, one that rewarded her with a deep, tongue thrashing kiss.

  “Behave,” he murmured against her lips, and straightened. “Now, pay attention.”

  The next hour or so, she did, and to no surprise, he was an excellent teacher. After a few goof ups or two, she learned the ropes fairly quick, nothing too complex or risky, however. And now, she was ‘manning the ship’ solo, she thought, giving a girlish squeal. She peered through the front glass panel, watching the huge waves as they parted and allowed the yacht’s passage. A look ahead showed that there were more miles to go, and some of them, she’d driven, she beamed.

  As the pride surged through her, she resisted the urge to jump up and down like a child. “Jarrod, I’m really doing this! I can’t believe it!” she said instead.

  “Yes, you are,” he grinned, bracing his hands on her shoulders before moving to stand behind her again. After snaking an arm around her waist, he propped his chin on her head. “I never doubted that you could.”

  The time passed in a blur, and after traveling an hour in, Jarrod relieved her. “I’m going to drop anchor for awhile,” he muttered, giving her a fast kiss. “Are you up for a swim?”

  Her smile was dazzling. “Of course, I am. But, then, I’m up for anything with you,” she admitted, moving into his waiting arms. Then, shyness won out again. “Is it wrong for me to be so deliriously happy, right now?”

  He kissed her forehead. “No, it’s not.”

  “Good. The rest of the world is falling apart, and I feel so selfish only thinking about myself,” she said, pulling back slightly, and her eyes searched his. “What about you? Are you happy?”

  As his head dropped low, she moved to accept the kiss.

  A mind-blowing second later, he framed her face in his large hands. “Does that answer your question?”

  She looked up at him dreamily. “If that kiss is any indication, I’m willing to say yes.”

  “And you’d be right,” he retorted, his expression serious, and traced along the edges of her face. “Here is where I want to be---with you.”

  “Back at you,” she murmured, still holding onto him. “I’m going to change”

  He gave a half-grin. “Ok, go ahead. Don’t let me stop you.”

  With reluctance, she pulled free before ambling away.

  Moments later, she returned on deck, wearing a thin sheer wrap, one that hardly hid the black string bikini. As soon as Jarrod caught sight of her, he sat up straighter in the chaise lounge.

  Bare-chested, dressed in nothing more than black body-hugging boxer-styled swimming trunks, he was the perfect picture of masculinity, she mulled, sliding an appreciative gaze over him. When she stopped before him, a warm blush spread across her body at his deep perusal.

  “Damn---you are definitely a sight to behold,” he muttered, grabbing her hands in his, and tugged her closer to him. “Any thoughts of swimming have absolutely fled from my mind.”

  A sensual challenge played in her eyes. “What are you thinking?” she asked breathlessly, already knowing the response. But, she loved hearing his sexy words out loud. “Tell me.”

  As he stood, she caught her breath.

  Now, they stood only a breath-width apart---bodies not touching, but close enough to feel the fiery heat.

  Their dangerous chemistry flared to life.

  Again, they tempted fate.

  “I think that you know where my fucking thoughts are, my brown-eyed beauty,” Jarrod murmured, taking a fateful step, just close enough that she felt the bulge in his swimming trunks. “Damn it, woman---I’d make love to you all day and all night if I thought that you could stand it.”

  “What if I’m up to that challenge?” she asked, and a thrill chased through her. “I’m game to see how long I could go.”

  He gave a devilish grin. “I just bet you are. But, I don’t want you to think that I’m only interested in sexing you up,” he mutt
ered, taking her hand in his larger one, and his green eyes met hers as he bestowed a kiss on the back of it. “You are a lady through and through, and I’m going to treat you as such.”

  “I love how you make me feel,” she confessed shyly. “I’m more alive than I’ve ever been.”

  “So am I,” Jarrod agreed, brushing the loose hair from her face. He pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead. “Sit down and relax. I’m going to grab some bourbon and wine. Be right back.”

  Already, she was taking his vacated seat. “Go ahead. I’ll wait right here.”

  Seconds later, he returned, cradling two goblets and liquor. After placing them on the nearby table, he pulled her from the chaise lounge.

  With a breathless gasp, she fell into him.

  “Ready for that swim now. How about you?” he muttered, already peeling the wrap from her heated body, and he was careful to stroke her delicate flesh while doing so. “Let me help you with this.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, biting her lip, and fought to control her response.

  Of course, that was totally impossible, she surmised, drowning in his green stare.

  “Ready?” he asked innocently, raising a quizzical brow, though he was anything but that. As a matter of fact, he was trying his best to tempt her. “Or do you have something else in mind?”

  “You are incorrigible.” Giving a breathless laugh, she shook her head. “If you weren’t intent upon seducing me every second, we could get things accomplished.”

  “Well, I’m certainly not hearing any complaints,” he murmured, taking her hand before leading the way. “As a matter of fact, I think that you’re loving the hell out of it--- I know that I am.”

  As they reached the side of the yacht, he turned fast before closing his arms around her waist. She let out a girlish squeal as he lifted her on his shoulders. “Ladies first,” he teased, and at her breathless laugh, he gave her a toss. “Woman overboard!”

  With a loud splash, she landed in the water.

  The water closed over her as she sunk.

  When she broke surface, she found him beside her. “I can’t believe you!” she accused him, giving a breathless laugh, and then swatted at him playfully. “I really can’t believe that you did that!”


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