The Gift of the Dragon

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The Gift of the Dragon Page 23

by Michael Murray

  “Get me Price.” After a bit of a wait, he heard, “Hello?”

  “Ed, it’s Jacob.”

  “Jesus, Jacob, where have you been? We were expecting to hear from you sooner.”

  “Yeah, look, I need you to look up a name. Michel Thorn.”

  “Mich—do you have Alice Sangerman there with you?”

  “Listening. Keep this between you and me, okay, Ed?” From the other side of the car, Alice looked at him with raised eyebrows. Jacob gave her a thumbs up with one hand and pressed the phone tightly into his ear opposite her. It would not do for her to hear Price’s side of this conversation.

  “Ah, yes, okay, can she hear me?”

  “Not now.”

  “Great, well, Michel works for Laird Northwin, as you know. One of his team leaders at Guardian Security.”

  “He tried to kill me.”

  “Is Michel Thorn dead?”


  “Jacob, Stoddard is planning to capture Callan Grant with Laird Northwin on the Endurance. He would like you to get Alice there too. The plan is to send in an assault team when they are all on the boat. That will provide evidence they have been working together to eliminate Apple Creek senior executives. It will prove you right.”

  “So Michel Thorn works for Laird Northwin?”

  “We’re watching the Endurance. Northwin has Grant there now. He’s sending his guards ashore so he can interrogate Grant alone. Northwin apparently doesn’t want any witnesses. Stoddard’s mole in Apple Creek has given us this information. When the ship is clear, I’ll signal you with a text message, just the letters AYB. You can tell Sangerman that there is a maintenance event, and the crew will be off the ship.”

  “Where is Laird Northwin? How can we find him?”

  “When you get the message, get on the ship, and bring Alice with you. When she is on the ship, send me a message. Just send the number two if she is on board. Then, you get off the ship. Stoddard doesn’t want to explain your presence to the agents.”

  “Where’s the Endurance docked?”

  “Miami. At the mega-yacht piers by the Epoch Hotel. You’ll be able to scout the scene from the hotel. I’ve reserved you two rooms on the forty-seventh floor.”

  “Thanks, Ed. This has been helpful. Please don’t tell anyone else about this.”

  “Remember, get off the Endurance as soon as you notify me. You will only have a few minutes before our team arrives. Make sure Sangerman stays on board. Stoddard said to tell you that you’ll be back in if all goes well. Full reinstatement. Get over there. We expect Grant to move tonight. Bye.”

  Jacob hung up and handed the phone back to Alice. She looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Well, looks like Thorn worked for Laird Northwin, Apple Creek’s Chief Security Officer. He’s here in Miami.”

  “He found that out pretty fast.”

  “Yeah, that’s Ed Price. I worked with him closely at the FBI. He’s the best.”

  “You seem distracted.”

  “Just a lot to take in. So here’s the plan. The Endurance is in Miami. Normally, it carries twenty guards and other staff. There is a scheduled overnight maintenance when the Endurance’s crew will be off the ship, and Northwin will be there alone. That will give us a window where we can go on board and confront him.”

  “Wow, that’s some good information!”

  “Ed Price is that good.” Jacob forced himself to smile at Alice. He felt far away.

  “Did he tell you something else, Jacob?”

  “No, I’m just kicking myself again for failing to protect Anna and Nanette.”

  “Anna! Just a second.” Alice tapped furiously on her phone. “Jacob, Anna is alive!”

  “What? How do you know?”

  “It’s in the Key Citizen, an online paper. Oh my.”

  “What? What!”

  “Good and bad. They report about a domestic dispute in which Nanette Castellan and her daughter were shot. The daughter survived. But Jacob, they suspect you! And me!” Alice handed the phone to Jacob.

  “Well, looks like Northwin has a long reach. This says that I’m an alcoholic and possibly an addict and that I showed up in a dilapidated vessel with an unknown woman. They suspect we robbed Nanette to fuel our habits.”

  “Maybe that is why I told myself to steer clear of the police.”

  “Yeah. Well, that is another thing we will have to do—to have Northwin clear our names before we bring him in.”

  “Maybe we can find evidence of the setup on his yacht.”

  “Yes! There must be something there.”

  “At least Anna’s alive. The report says the girl is in stable condition,” Alice said. Then she looked panicked. “Jacob, she knows we didn’t do it. She heard Thorn’s name! Northwin will probably try to kill her!”

  “Not if we get to him first.”


  “This room is amazing!” Alice couldn’t help exclaiming as they entered the two-bedroom suite on the forty-seventh floor of Miami’s Epoch Hotel. They were near the top of a five-hundred-foot-tall, shining blue glass tower sitting where the Miami River runs into Biscayne Bay. Having opened in December of the year before, the hotel sparkled inside and out like a freshly-cleaned jewel.

  Jacob opened the double glass doors and strode out to the balcony. Looking down, she saw him smile at the two-hundred-foot length of the Endurance lying along the Miami River, along with several other glistening mega-yachts.

  “That’s it?” Alice asked, coming up beside him. The warm wind blew his hair back as he leaned over the rail.

  “That’s it. He’s probably down there now.”

  “Sitting duck,” Alice said.

  Jacob turned and looked at her. “That’s the headquarters of one of the largest private security companies in the world.”

  “Private security—what exactly does that mean?” Alice asked. Jacob wasn’t as informative as Ami, but he stood here next to her, while Ami lay in her bag, tossed on the couch inside.

  “They usually do bodyguard work.” Seeing her confusion, he added, “Protection. They show up with guns to walk around with you and protect you from your enemies.”

  Alice realized she touched her head as she said, “I need some of those.”

  Jacob smiled. “For Apple Creek’s Guardian Security, bodyguard work is a big part of the business but not the only part. If the price is right, they will rain down hot lead where they are asked to.”

  “I guess we saw that branch of the company.”

  “Yeah, they were not from customer service.”

  “I’m still confused, Jacob. I thought Apple Creek was mainly an agricultural and mining company. Why do they have a private sec—why do they have a bunch of killers with guns?”

  “Similar reason that Northrop Grumman has the Vinnell Corporation subsidiary. In Vinnell’s case, they started as a construction company that shipped supplies to the Chinese nationalists fighting the Communists and then later in Vietnam. Soldiers retired and went to work for Vinnell for higher pay. They did undercover work, worked as mercenaries, and all that led to contracts to train the Iraqi Army and other jobs like helping to run Saudi Arabia’s National Guard. Northrop bought Vinnell to help win contracts but also to help protect operations they run in dangerous places. Guardian Security has similar roots. There were several incidents in the files where Apple Creek mines and oil wells were attacked, and they set up the Guardian Division to protect their stuff."

  “So I guess you’re saying that the company did various jobs for the government over the years, and some of these required people with guns. The jobs got bigger, and they needed more people with guns, and here we are.”

  “Yeah. My source says that yacht’s usually very well protected.”

  “But Northwin will be alone on it tonight?”

  “That’s the story. They’re doing some maintenance. I doubt he thinks he has anything to be worried about here in Miami.”

  “Are there alarms?”

  “I w
ould think so—motion detectors, most likely underwater sensors to detect divers, proximity alarms if boats come too near.”

  Alice raised her eyebrows. “Tough target. How does he afford all that?”

  “Yeah, that’s a good question.” Jacob motioned Alice to back off the balcony. That seemed fine to her; the wind and the noise of the city made conversation difficult. “Apple Creek is a major landholding company. They own forests full of trees and hundreds of square miles of deserts full of rare earth minerals. Mines and offshore oil, gas, and other mineral leases. They also have a large computer security unit run by Franklin McAlister’s son Ian. Northwin runs their physical security. I’m not sure how it all fits together. There wasn’t very much in the database about where Laird Northwin came from. Some reports said that he had served in the Navy a long time ago and that he prefers being on the water. He was one of the founders of Apple Creek and richer than Larry Ellison, so I guess he can afford it.”

  Alice did not know anyone named Larry Ellison. Must be someone wealthy! “Maybe with all that land, they think they need their own army?”

  Jacob looked at Alice for a few moments. “That may be, Alice.”

  Alice sat on the silky leather couch in the sitting room between the two bedrooms of the suite, looking down at her hands. She clenched her fists. “He will need an army. He started a war with me when that asshole Thorn shot Anna.”

  Jacob sat on the thickly carpeted floor next to the couch. “You and me both, Alice.” She noticed him make a move toward her, as if he would have taken her in his arms. She moved away slightly. She didn’t know why.

  She looked up at him. “So you studied these people. Apple Creek was my father’s company?”

  Jacob leaned back. “Your father started it many years ago. Northwin, Franklin McAlister, Robert Brandon—they founded it together when they were young. The actual origins are well hidden, though. I couldn’t find any detailed early history of the company when I was at the FBI. And that’s strange. The FBI files are very thorough.”

  “The FBI has files on other companies?”

  Jacob nodded. “Yeah. Most. The big ones. And my unit asking to look at them is… was pretty routine. But then I got fired when I tried to follow up on your father’s murder. First, they told me to drop it, and then I was dropped when I wouldn’t let it go. I can’t figure it out, Alice. The FBI takes on powerful people. The mob, Gotti, you name it. Dangerous people who are well connected. But when I looked into Apple Creek, the gung ho left the building.”

  Alice retrieved her phone and looked up Apple Creek.

  “I think they have a friend in a high—”

  Staring at her phone, Alice broke in, “Jacob, you said Robert Brandon? He was the CEO?”


  She pointed the phone’s screen at him. “He’s dead. Killed by a… bear?”

  “May I?” Jacob reached for the phone. Alice almost pulled it back but then thought better of it and handed it to him. She watched him closely as he read the article. “That leaves McAlister and Northwin, of the original founders of Apple Creek.” Jacob handed the phone back to her. “Alice, I need to go and get us some equipment. I think I know a way to get us on that boat.”

  Alice looked up expectantly. “Well?”

  “Have you ever parachuted?”

  “I’ve no idea, Jacob. It doesn’t sound familiar.” She looked out at the balcony. “You mean jump down there? That’s insane!”

  “I’m thinking that Northwin won’t be expecting anyone to jump on him from the luxury hotel next door. We’ll still have motion detectors and whatever else he has down there to contend with, but at least we should be able to get on deck.”

  “He sounds like a hands-on guy, Jacob. Like maybe the kind who would investigate an alarm himself instead of calling the police?”

  Jacob smiled. “Great minds think alike. I’ve friends I can get what we need from, Alice, but they’re skittish. It’d be better if I went alone. I’ll be back in a few hours. Then we can start getting ready.”

  “Some hotels, you can order food in to your room?”

  “You got that right. The Epoch should have great room service. Just write the room number on the bill and enjoy yourself!” Jacob opened the door. “Also, check out YouTube for base jumping videos. See whether you can pick up some pointers. But don’t try it until I come back with the chutes!” Jacob ducked out of the room as Alice pretended to throw her phone at him. However, she didn’t throw it. Instead, she asked Ami to get her to YouTube and then started searching.


  Founded for the purpose of rescuing US Citizens and allies being held by hostiles, criminal or terrorist, the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team later evolved into an elite counter-terrorism unit with a broader range of missions. John Stoddard increased the HRT’s funding, and in return it served where and when the Director of the FBI, or his boss, needed a special operations unit. The people of the HRT were the smartest and most highly trained operators available to the US government. Under Milton Lovett, they were also the best paid.

  Ed looked up from the refresher briefing he was reading. The black-and-white text on the paper blurred as he remembered being in the field himself, years ago, working with the man now in charge of the ten-man strike team picked for the arrest of Laird Northwin, Callan Grant, and if we get lucky, Alice Sangerman.

  Nathan Achille led the team. He stood middle height, a solidly-built man with black hair, swarthy skin, a thick, well-cared-for mustache, and a famous temper. Everyone called him Nate. You never wanted to get on his bad side. He had been a Ranger in Iraq, and he didn’t take prisoners. He would get right in your face, all taut energy ready to spring. Nate had a stare that could catch ice on fire. He was staring at Ed Price when he said, “We’re going to take down the man on his yacht? With his armed security guards? And a couple stars of the most wanted list on there with him?”

  “We have evidence that Northwin’s the mastermind behind a series of killings. He makes Gotti look like a pussycat. We’re talking dozens… maybe hundreds.”

  “You must be kidding. Why would the security chief of a major corporation be committing mass murder?”

  Ed looked around before he spoke. “It looks as though he was involved in the killings of Sam Sangerman, his former CEO at Apple Creek. Also Peter Moore, a friend of Sangerman’s from way back. Peter once was Chief Science Officer at Apple Creek, and also a major shareholder. There have been a number of mysterious deaths of other officers at Apple Creek. We think Northwin covered up secrets for Robert Brandon.”

  “Brandon’s dead too.”

  “Yeah, that was an accident, though. Hunting while drunk. With a spear! Wounded a grizzly, which turned on him. Not much left.”

  “Sounds like a strange accident for a CEO.”

  “Brandon fancied himself a great white hunter. He seemed smart in most things, not about that, though.”

  “Stupid.” Achille stared. Price stared back. “This is a major corporation, Ed. You make it sound like a mob family.”

  “There are similarities. Apple Creek’s a major corporation, but it has a small group of investors. The senior company officers have known each other for ages. Many of their family members also work for Apple Creek.”

  “So it is like a mob family.”

  Price nodded. “Stoddard wants you down there, Nate. The Miami office is good, but he wants you to bring the HRT team down for the operation. This is delicate. Apple Creek is a major contributor to the President. We don’t want this splashed all over the news.”

  “So how are we supposed to get his armed security guards to surrender? Appeal to their patriotism?”

  “The ship should have a skeleton crew when you go in. They have a scheduled maintenance. Fumigation. I guess Northwin’s boat gets rats.” Price hoped Stoddard’s information about Northwin’s crew being sent ashore so he could interrogate Callan Grant proved to be true. If not, things could get ugly.

  “Only Northwin should be on the
ship, maybe with a few guards. We have good intel that both Grant and Sangerman will use the opportunity to meet with him alone. We don’t know what for.” Lies to field agents come easy after you have been driving a desk for a while. Price laid down a file with a picture of an armed boat. “The Coasties are loaning us a forty-five-foot Response Boat with two M240B machine guns. The crew will be armed, and you’ll have your SWAT weapons. We’ll have Miami PD standing by on the shore also. I don’t think Laird Northwin will risk a sea battle in Miami Harbor.”

  “Why can’t Miami PD just pick him up?”

  Price sighed. “Northwin is a major donor to Max Handwell’s campaign.” Seeing Achille’s raised eyebrows, he explained, “The guy who defeated Luke Campbell to become the mayor. Of Miami. There’s concern Northwin might be warned if we involve the locals.”

  “So we come in from the sea quietly?”

  “Right. You should drop some fire teams on the shore, to watch for runners. We do not want Alice Sangerman or Callan Grant to escape.”

  “What if they aren’t there?”

  “We have a man on the inside. With Sangerman. He’ll signal us when everything is set. We’ll tell you to go in then.”

  “What if they won't come off the ship? We won't start shooting up yachts in Miami harbor, will we?”

  “You would need to get the okay from me before using heavy weapons. Get close enough so that they know how you are armed.”

  “What if they fire first? Do we know what they have?”

  “The sitrep says automatic weapons may be on board. They may have RPGs.”

  “Jesus, Ed. RPGs in Miami?”

  “You are authorized to return fire with your standard service and SWAT weapons. But you will still need permission from me for the M240Bs.”

  “Great. You’ll stay by the phone?”

  “Yes, Nate. Don’t sweat it. I will be on the line with you the entire time. This has a good chance of going SNAFU. I need you there to keep that from happening.”


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