Tattered & Bruised

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Tattered & Bruised Page 3

by Allie York

  I already knew all of that, she had done nothing but whine about it for days leading up to George’s arrival, but it obviously made her feel better to bitch. My hangover was gone, but Jovie kind of looked like crap.

  “Celia and I don’t want to intrude, so …” Griffin stood, eyeing me again and smirking. It was like he knew I was already fantasizing about him. Hell, even the girl at the counter was staring. The man was sexy as hell. I had never been one to like the bad boy look until he graced dance class with his considerable presence.

  It was more than that, though. No men caught my attention, like ever, but Griffin was soft and cocky all at once, making me swoon as soon as I saw him. I thought I had sworn off the opposite sex, but the man across from me could win me over easily. It scared the shit out of me.

  “No, stay. She seems content with Ax.” Jovie winked at me when Griffin turned his head to study his daughter. She had a point and I could happily stare at the man for hours. Griffin was hot as hell, and his gruff exterior covered a sweet center. He dropped back into his seat, sighing, but still holding a half-smile. An incredibly sexy half-smile. The man was making me crazy, and we had just met. It was like every time he looked my way, a spark of electricity zapped between us.

  Jovie chatted about Ewan’s new tattoo Griffin did a few days before, and I helped her juggle a toddler as well as two babies while Ax and Celia plotted to take over the world. He talked about the shock of Nick having a kid and filled me in on how he used to live between Nick and Jovie before buying the house right behind Needles. Even I knew Nick had resisted the idea of multiplying, but he was so good with George, but Rae was not shy about making him knock her up. The kid had his burly dad wrapped around his finger.

  Then Celia tapped my shoulder, jerking me from the conversation, and I leaned close to hear her. “Take me to the bathroom, please.” Her tiny voice hit my ears, making me melt. She was so quiet and meek, but there was fire behind her dark eyes. The same fire I saw in her dad’s. Whatever she had been through had been terrible, but she would heal and be so much stronger.

  “Ax, bathroom?” She shrugged and the three of us walked back to the bathroom with George on my hip. I waited while they did their business and washed their hands, taking the opportunity to study my appearance. At least I looked cute. My light brown hair was in a high ponytail with my bangs pinned in a bump at the front. My David Bowie shirt hugged my curves right along with my skinny jeans. I had even bothered with a little makeup, which didn’t happen often. If I was going to meet a super sexy man at dance class, I had picked a good day. We returned to the table as Amelia walked in and showered Ax with kisses before hugging me. Then Amelia looked over Griffin. She gave me an approving nod and took George from me.

  Griffin seemed oblivious to the seventeen-year-old drooling over him. He just gawked at me like I had a booger stuck to my face. “Did she talk to you?” When I realized he meant Celia, I nodded. “Wow.” It was all he said, but it spoke volumes. Celia’s life had been rough, and her trust was hard to come by. I knew the feeling.

  Jovie and Amelia gathered the kids to leave. I assured her I would be at The Dog House on time in the morning and we watched them climb into Jovie’s SUV. Once they were gone, Griffin looked over me again, eyebrows furrowed. Damn, why can’t I read minds? We both snapped back to reality when the girls giggled.

  “Well, this turned into an afternoon. I should probably go check on the shop and get her home to unwind.” I was enjoying his company and really didn’t want him or Celia to go but nodded. Axel groaned when she realized we were leaving.

  “We’ll do this again soon, kiddo.” Griffin rested a hand on Axel’s head, messing her hair up. Axel squealed, jumping up to hug Celia. I kind of wanted to mimic her reaction.

  After we cleaned up, Axel jumped on my back and we strolled out to the parking lot across the street. Ax climbed into my Jeep and Griffin chuckled as he unlocked his own Jeep next to mine. Our cars were matching black and white. They were the same year, too. I stared at his back, watching the muscles flex as he placed Celia gently in her seat. I only looked away when he turned back around. My face flushed, giving me away entirely. I recovered by waving at Celia, who smiled and returned the gesture.

  Then I felt him staring at me and our gazes locked before I cleared my throat, trying to shake the static from my brain. “It was so nice to meet you, Griffin. I’m glad the girls hit it off.” I patted his arm like an idiot, but the big, sexy guy just smiled warmly.

  “Celia barely talks to me, or anyone.” He pursed his lips lightly. “Can I take you to dinner tomorrow night?”

  My arm pat turned into him taking my small hand in his giant one and my stomach clenched. I had no idea how to respond, and his hand wrapped around mine wasn’t helping. The numbers ran through my mind. Two years, three months, one week, and five days. It was how long I had been divorced. The divorce was finalized a good eighteen months after Richard went to prison, so it had been a long time since a man was on my radar. I had offers but had turned every one of them down because, to be honest, I was in no condition to date. I had been out exactly two times with one guy and he truly hadn’t deserved the psychotic break I put him through. I stared at Griffin blankly while questions bombarded me, and I tried to process the current situation.

  “Okay,” my mouth said the word without my permission, and my mind came to a screeching halt. Traitorous mouth.

  What if Ax got attached and then we called it quits? What if he touched me and I flipped my shit again? What if I was so fucking broken, I was going to fall into a panic attack rivaling all others. It was so bad last time I quit looking at all men altogether. What if … oh, screw it. Dinner wasn’t a sin and if it were, I was going to hell for a whole laundry list of sins anyway.

  “Sounds fun,” I feigned confidence. He smirked, I blushed, then Griffin let go of my hand so I could get in the Jeep.

  “See you tomorrow, Cori.”

  “I guess so, Griffin.” I watched him climb in and walked around to my side of the Jeep. Once I was hidden safely inside my car, I rested my hands on the steering wheel and leaned my forehead between them. As soon as he pulled out, I handed Axel a book to look at, then called my mom to line up a sitter, because, apparently, I had a date. I wanted to text Harri and let her know, insist she help me, but decided against it. If I chickened out, I wanted the option to do so with dignity. Harriet knowing about it would not give me that option.

  Chapter Four


  Celia hummed quietly to herself while I drove, too distracted by the fact that I had just asked a woman on a fucking date to pay attention to anything else. Griffin Steele didn’t date. Griffin Steele hit and quit. I had literally never taken a woman to a restaurant, ever, but after two hours had asked Cori to dinner. I knew I wanted her the second I saw her, but had no idea how crazy I’d gone. We were nearly to Needles and I was falling into an abyss of what the hell have I done when Celia spoke.

  “When can I see Axel again?” Her voice was so soft I nearly missed it, lost in my own thoughts.

  “Hopefully before next dance class. Did you have fun?” I watched her in the mirror as she nodded eagerly, smiling. Her smiles were rare. Considering all she had been through, I didn’t blame her. Celia was broken and bruised when a woman knocked on my door four months before. As soon as I opened it she said the words I never thought I would hear.

  I was not meant to be a parent, I was always careful, but there she was, my DNA-confirmed daughter with a woman I didn’t remember. My life stopped and started all at once the day she came to my house. The drinking and womanizing stopped, abruptly, but the growing up happened way too damn fast.

  Mom stayed with us. She needed the help as much as I did, and we worked it out, or we tried. Celia watched her mother overdose and was alone in the house with the body for an entire day before some dealer came to collect. Fortunately, the dealer wasn’t a complete waste of space. He called the police, waiting with Celia until they came. After
doing some research, they found a birth certificate on which I was named as the father, but I know I didn’t sign. The rest was history. Celia was mine, and I’d be damned before she was sent anywhere else.

  I hadn’t dated, well … ever, but my sex life stopped entirely once Mom and Celia moved in. No more late nights, or sleeping all day. No more texts for a quick fuck. I went as far as to change my number so there were no women trying to contact me. One look at Cori and Axel had me sold, though.

  Celia didn’t play with other kids, didn’t talk to them, but with Axel she was normal, well almost. When my princess talked to Cori, I knew I was done and it would be different. She was a parent, and a damn good one, so there would be no booty calls. If I wanted anything to do with her, it would have to be done right, which meant I had run into another steep learning curve.

  Cori was hot as hell for sure, but her whole attitude was sexy. The way she carried herself told me she deserved more. The woman was edgy and sarcastic, but kind and compassionate. I was used to the stares, six feet four and covered in ink made me a target for roving eyes. I learned to ignore disapproving glares. The other mothers at the dance class looked at me like I could be a dirty little secret, but Cori was unmoved by me, or pretended to be. It presented a challenge, and I loved challenges.

  I had enough on my plate. I had a business to run, a daughter to raise, and a mother to placate, but one dinner wasn’t going to derail everything. Or is it? My mouth had a mind of its own when I asked her to dinner, I didn’t do relationships, never had. I didn’t commit, didn’t call the next day, and didn’t want to settle down. Despite me listing all my reasons why I shouldn’t, I instantly wanted Cori, before I even saw her face. Her amazing curves and black clothes drew me in, but her smile sold me. There was pain behind her whiskey-colored eyes, but the woman put on a good front. Cori could fool the world, but I knew hurt when I saw it, and within the span of two hours had become determined to fix everything.

  Celia and I stopped by the shop to check my schedule the next day. Busy as hell, but busy meant good money. The receptionist slash piercer handed Celia a sucker. “How’s my favorite girl?” Hattie snatched Celia up in a hug, making her giggle. “Was dance class great?” Hattie had been with us since the beginning. She was my partner’s kid sister and a big part of our business. What was a tattoo shop without a badass piercer? Then Waylon appeared from the back, offering me a grunt as he approached.

  “I made a friend.” Celia’s words made them both look to me for confirmation, and I nodded. Celia never made friends, thus the social worker being a bitch. “Griffie made a friend too.” It made me ache when she called me by my name. I wanted desperately to at least be Dad, but the social worker said it would take time, and no matter how judgmental, she knew her stuff. I was impatient as hell and wanted to be called Daddy. “Can I paint my nails like Axel?”

  “Of course, whatever you want, Princess.” Waylon fought back a laugh at my words. Badass motherfuckers shouldn’t use words like princess, but fuck him. Waylon was shorter, stockier than me, and even heavier on the ink. His burly beard and shaved head made him look badass, but he was as soft as they came with Celia. Hell, he was soft with everyone.

  “Is she your new friend? Axel is a cool name. Tell me about Griffie’s friend.” Hattie sweet talked my daughter instead of asking me. It took six weeks for her to even speak to Hattie, but once she did, the flood gates opened and the chatter was bountiful. Hattie was Celia’s favorite person, and the closest thing she had to a maternal figure. Hattie took on the role of aunt like a champ.

  “Axel has a mommy but no daddy. Her mommy is Cori. They had ice cream with us and her nails are black.” Celia popped the sucker back in her mouth like the conversation was over. Then the accusing stares happened.

  “Cori works for Jovie down at The Dog House, and Celia loved her daughter.” I shrugged like it was no big deal, but the siblings just laughed. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t all kinds of hot for the woman, but I couldn’t admit it aloud. It wasn’t the “fuck her and leave” kind of hot, either. Hell, I had asked her to dinner, but if I told my partner, he would have died there in the floor. I couldn’t process what had taken over me, telling them was not happening. They teased me a little more before I dragged Celia back out to the car. The next day would be a mess of clients and verbal torture. I didn’t get all messed up over ladies, so my transparency was too obvious when they started prodding for answers about Cori. Fortunately, I didn’t have much to tell them, yet.

  Home was no better. Once Mom got wind of Cori from Celia she gave me a disapproving look.

  Actually, disapproving would be too weak a term. Mom looked at me like I had scandalized the family and I was dragging them all to hell with me. Not like her son was a grown ass man or anything. She detested my womanizing before Celia was around and was waiting for me to fuck up, waiting for me to get caught with some skanky woman at my place when there was a surprise visit from a social worker, but I had cleaned up my act. No piece of ass was worth losing my princess.

  Celia played quietly the rest of the evening while Mom practically followed me around grumbling at me. I let it all roll off, waiting for us to talk privately. I had just closed the door to Celia’s room after putting her to bed. When I made it down to the kitchen when she finally cornered me.

  “Tell me about this woman. You go to one dance class and suddenly you’re prowling for single mothers? You have a daughter to raise now! You can’t go screwing who you want anymore, Griffin. I can’t believe Celia saw you acting like a horny teenager. You are supposed to be setting an example for your daughter.” Her tone was more than I could take, but I kept my head.

  “Don’t be so vulgar. I’m not screwing anyone.” I wished I was. Cori would look fucking amazing bent over my table, but I certainly didn’t say it to my mother. “Celia talked to her and her daughter. We had ice cream, and I’m taking her to dinner tomorrow night. You honestly think I would jeopardize this?” It was almost enough to make Mom shut the hell up, but the look on her face was priceless.

  “You’re taking a woman on a date?” The confusion in her voice and emphasis on the word you were enough to make me laugh. My mother’s mouth fell open slightly and she looked up at me from her seat with surprise written all over her face. Mom looked put together, so she was feeling good. Her wanting to argue with me meant she was feeling really good. Her hands curled around the mug of herbal tea I made her while I talked. I told her the story, repeating it for the second time in a day. The smile on her face when I told her I was taking a woman out and not just fucking her was great. Like she was almost proud of her son. I ushered her off to bed as she readily agreed to play babysitter the following evening.

  I was jittery the next day; I had never taken a woman out. I’d never had to plan anything. My experience with women was under me in a bed not sitting across from me at a restaurant. My jog that morning was spent trying to come up with a plan. Even if it turned out there was nothing but friendship between us, Celia talked to her and I was attracted to her. It was something I had to hang on to. Anything to help my little girl adjust, to make her able to cope better, and maybe seeing a mother on a regular basis would help her. Hell, I could at least get parenting tips. My jog down Broadway came to an abrupt halt when a car swung into a parking lot, nearly clipping me in the process. Granted, I wasn’t paying attention, but they obviously weren’t, either. I slammed my hand on the car’s side, cursing them loudly in the process.

  “Shit, I am so sorry! I was in a hurry … Oh, God.” Cori’s words stopped abruptly when she saw it was me she nearly pancaked with her Jeep. Her face turned red and her eyes went wide.

  “No, my fault. I wasn’t paying any attention.” Not my fault, but it was Cori and I was trying to score some points. Her eyes slid over my chest and stomach before she shook her head. Cori’s face turned bright red. I was sweaty, so my shirt stuck to me, accentuating the good parts. I returned the favor, taking in her tight jeans and tank top. She wa
s so fucking hot. There were a few beats of silence with us staring before I made my way around her Jeep to follow her inside. Screw running, I had twenty more minutes, so I was going to spend it with her.

  “Stalking me now?” I held the door open after Cori unlocked it and she ducked under my arm to go inside. Even her teasing tone was sexy.

  “Maybe. How did not fantasizing about me go last night?” I crossed my arms over my chest as she spun to stare me down. Her hands went to her hips and the woman put up a determined effort to not smile. “Well?” I tugged my shirt up to use the bottom to wipe my face. Cori’s eyes went even wider, and the red in her face deepened to crimson. Without answering the question, Cori turned the computer on then turned to vanish down the hall. I watched her hips move, begging me to follow her, so I did. Then she rounded a corner, coming back out of the room, and slamming into me.

  “Stalker,” Cori said the words slowly, looking up at me through her long lashes. “Why are you in here?” Our proximity got the best of her, and she took a step back. I followed, shrugging at her question. I wasn’t used to women putting up a fight; most were begging me to screw them, but Cori was determined to make me work for it. I was totally up for the challenge. My life had already been flipped on its end, so why not mix it up a little more? Women never made me all possessive and ready for the chase, but she did. I loved it. The woman was mine, whether she knew it or not. Fuck me sideways, I’ve gone crazy. I was sure Cori could feel the simmer between us too because her face turned bright red anytime I got close.


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