Succulent Prey by Wrath James White

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Succulent Prey by Wrath James White Page 13

by Wrath James White

  session with the SuperPredator might

  do to him.

  He'd had a hard time explaining his

  wounds at the emergency ward. Luckily

  he was such a regular that they had

  barely listened to a word he said. They just cal ed for a psychiatrist to visit with him while they bandaged up his

  mutilated ass. Once he'd managed to

  convince the bored psychiatrist that he wasn't suicidal or delusional, he'd been released with a prescription for

  painkil ers and a recommendation to

  seek professional help. Frank had

  smiled warmly and left. He'd

  masturbated to the memory of the pain

  as he drove himself home, nearly

  crossing the yel ow line into oncoming

  traffic when he recal ed Joe's reaction as he slurped down the sliver of flesh

  sawed from Frank's buttocks.

  It had shocked him to see the man

  ejaculate by merely tasting a smal

  morsel of his flesh. He'd never felt so loved as he had seeing the pleasure his meat had brought to the big carnivore.

  The hunger that sprang into the man's

  eyes after the orgasm subsided had

  been terrifying but extremely erotic. He wanted to give more of himself to Joe, to see the predator's eyes rol up in his

  head and his body shudder as the

  ecstasy of blood and meat erupted from

  him. It had been obvious that the man

  had wanted more of Frank ... much

  more, perhaps more than Frank could

  survive. Stil , Frank was wil ing to risk it. He hadn't been able to think of anything else since he'd run in terror from Joe's rundown apartment building.

  Reading the cannibal fantasies on the

  Long Pig site had almost convinced him

  it was worth losing his life for the

  experience of being consumed by such

  a powerful predator, to bind his flesh

  forever with that beautiful man. Final y, Frank couldn't resist any longer and

  decided to go visit his SuperPredator


  He'd had more than a few whiskey sours

  when he walked brazenly up to the front door of the rundown building and rang

  the bel to the apartment where Joe was supposed to live. He couldn't imagine

  that anyone real y lived in such a place though, especial y not the beautiful wel groomed Clark Kent look-alike. But this was where he'd met him for their little rendezvous just a few nights before. He rang the doorbel a few more times

  without an answer. Then he pushed on

  the front door and it swung open easily, revealing the same dusty old lobby

  where he and Joe had exchanged flesh

  and blood for sweat and semen. It was

  empty and looked like it had been that

  way since before Frank was born.

  "Hel o?" Frank cal ed out softly and heard only his voice echoing through the dank stagnant air. The place smel ed like a damp moldy basement.

  Frank crept cautiously inside and closed the door behind him. The oppressive

  darkness that swooped in on him,

  choking al light from the room, panicked him. Without the glare of the streetlights outside it was total blackness. A chil of dread scurried over Frank's flesh,

  raising goose bumps, as the old building seemed to swal ow him in one great

  gulp. Frank quickly swung the front door open again to let a little light in. Even with the faint light creeping in from the street, Frank had a difficult time

  navigating his way to the stairs. There was no way he was going to risk

  climbing into the building's rickety old elevator and getting stuck inside. From the way this place looked it would be

  decades before anyone found him.

  He remembered what apartment Joe

  had told him to ring and began making

  his way up the stairs toward it. The

  alcohol coursing through his

  bloodstream had made him a little

  braver than normal, along with the fact that he was as much addicted to the

  adrenaline rush of fear and pain as he

  was to that of orgasm. Stil , he jumped at every sound as he crept his way up the

  darkened stairway toward the apartment

  on the fifth floor.

  "Joe! Joe, are you up there?" He was cal ing out mostly for the

  reassurance of hearing his own voice

  echo back at him, the one familiar sound in this tomb of squeaking stairs and rats. When he reached the fifth floor he stuck his head out and was assaulted by the

  odor of urine, fecal matter, and decay. Again he wondered if anyone but a few

  stray cats, some rats, and perhaps a

  dog or two, lived in this place. He could see some of the hippies who wandered

  up and down Haight Street begging for

  change and reeking of marijuana and

  patchouli oil living in a place like this, but Joe would have been horribly out of

  place. Perhaps this was just the place

  where he took his lovers (To murder and eat? What was that sickening smel ?) to fuck.

  Frank nearly ran down the hal to room

  510. He skidded to a stop just outside

  the room in which his dream lover was

  supposed to reside, surprised to find the door open.

  "Joe? Are you in there?"

  There was no response except for a loud thump from somewhere deeper inside

  the dingy sparselyfurnished apartment.

  Frank crept in and surveyed the

  apartment. It looked like a jail cel . There was only one lamp, a smal eighteeninch television and VCR atop a milk crate, two folding chairs, a table, and the paintings.

  The wal s were lined with acrylic

  paintings of figures bathed in red. Frank moved closer to them and realized that

  the figures in the paintings were not just bathed in red. They were bleeding.

  Slowly his eyes began to make sense of

  the chaos on the canvases. The pink and tans represented human flesh. Meat

  opened up so that the muscle and

  sinews showed through the skin. The

  white was bone. And the red was

  obviously blood. The paintings looked

  like people turned inside out. And there were pieces missing from them. Some

  were missing legs or arms. Some were

  obviously women without breasts. Some

  had no heads. Some had heads with no

  faces. Many were of men or women with

  their sex organs removed. In the place of each anatomical omission was a ragged

  hole, bleeding down the canvas.

  Frank heard the loud bump again. It was coming from the bedroom.

  "Joe? Are you okay in there? It's me. Frank."

  Frank pushed open the door, saw the

  woman who was now handcuffed by her

  wrists and ankles with duct tape

  wrapped around her mouth. He looked

  down at her breasts and could see the

  Band-Aids over her nipples. Whatever

  had happened, the panic in the woman's

  eyes told him that it had not been


  There was a slight trickle of blood from a smal cut on her forehead, presumably

  from where she had fal en off the bed.

  Her ankle cuffs were stil attached to a chain in the ceiling that would have

  made it impossible for her to move more than a few feet from the bed. She was

  flopping around, trying to get to her feet, and when she noticed the diminutive little man standing there her eyes began

  pleading with him for help. She held her wrists out and shook them at him,

  imploring him to remove the handcuffs,

but he had no key and was beginning to

  fear for his own safety. The best thing for him to do, he reasoned, would be to get the hel out of there and cal the cops. He started to back out of the room and

  the woman's pleas became more

  insistent. She shook her hands violently at him and pounded her feet on the floor. Her eyes began to tear up with

  frustration as Frank scuttled backward

  out of the bedroom. The more panicked

  she became the greater Frank's resolve

  grew that he was definitely in the wrong place and in danger of getting far worse than he had bargained for if he didn't

  leave now.

  Frank's eyes darted from the woman to

  a painting that sat on the floor outside the bedroom. This one was larger than

  the rest and it was of a voluptuous

  woman chained up on a bed like this

  one. Only the woman in the picture had

  no breasts at al and her chest was

  opened up like a rose in bloom.

  This was the only painting where the

  face was rendered clearly. It was almost ultrarealistic, like a snapshot. And it was obviously the woman on the bed. The

  same wounded eyes. The same dimpled

  cheeks. Only the woman in the painting

  was screaming in some twisted

  marriage of pain, terror, and ecstasy. It was a powerful image. Frank wondered

  if the woman had seen it. It was what her future would be if Frank didn't come

  back with help. The smel of death and

  decay was now omnipresent and

  seemed to rise like a warning siren,

  singeing the hair on his nostrils and

  tel ing him to get out.

  "I'11 get help. I'l be back. I promise," Frank said, speaking both to the woman

  on the bed and the one in the painting. The present and the probable future.

  His eyes drifted away from hers, trying to avoid her silent pleas, and as they swept the rest of the apartment he suddenly

  recognized himself in one of the

  paintings. This one was even worse than the rest. It was painted in mostly whites and reds. Bones and blood. Almost al

  the flesh had been completely re moved. Only the face remained, the eyes staring heavenward as if in rapture, the mouth

  slack as if in the aftermath of orgasm. Frank's legs trembled and threatened to buckle.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Joe had just left to get gas in the van when he spotted Frank in his rearview

  mirror, crossing Folsom Street, heading for the front door of his apartment

  building. He was instantly enraged by the intrusion. He had given the little man a chance to walk away from this yet here

  he had come, sticking his nose back

  into Joe's business, begging to be

  murdered. He had heard of deer that

  would bare their throats to the wolf when they became old or sick, seeming to

  long for the predator's jaws at their

  jugular to end the misery of their lives. Long pigs apparently had the same fatal instincts.

  Circling the block rather than risking a dangerous U-turn in the middle of

  Folsom Street, Joe felt his adrenaline

  pulse and his heart rate quicken. The

  monster was awakening. By the time he

  made it back to the front of his building Frank was nowhere to be found and the

  front door was wide open. Joe punched

  the dashboard so hard that it cracked.

  "Shit!" he roared as he pul ed the van to a halt and dashed out onto the sidewalk and into the building.

  The lobby was empty. Frank must have

  taken the stairs up to the top floor,

  looking for him. Joe punched the button for the elevator and waited impatiently for it to descend. His mind went over

  different scenarios for Frank's

  destruction and disposal. Joe smiled

  when he noticed that he had gotten an

  erection. Perhaps this would be just what he needed to tide him over for the long trip to Seattle. Another fresh kil to snack on. He stepped into the elevator and

  rode it to the top floor, pacing impatiently, anxious for the kil . The doors whooshed open and Joe stepped out into the

  hal way, in time to see Frank backing

  slowly out of his apartment with a

  trembling hand clutching his mouth and

  the other thrust out in front of him as if to ward off an attack. Yet the one thing in that building in any condition to attack him wasn't in the apartment but in the

  hal way behind him.

  Joe charged him, sprinting down the hal at ful speed with his head low and his arms outstretched as if preparing for a footbal tackle. The last thought Frank had before impact was just how much

  the big col ege kid real y did look like Superman, especial y when he was

  flying like that.

  Joe leapt forward and struck the little man in the solar plexus with his shoulder, knocking the wind out of him and driving him straight through the door across the hal , which turned to kindling under the tremendous impact. As soon as Frank

  felt the squishy wetness beneath him, he knew what that horrible putrid smel had been. It hadn't been a dog or a cat after al , rather what the cats and dogs had

  been feeding on.

  Frank screamed as he looked down to

  see his arm sunk up to the elbow in the flayed and ruptured chest of a female

  corpse. Her eyes stared at him, frozen

  wide in terror. Her lips and much of her cheeks had been eaten away, as had

  most of the flesh on her torso, arms, and thighs. The scant flesh that remained

  was mottled with purple and blue spots

  and bloated where it had not been torn

  open. Frank looked from the feral felines and diseased vermin scurrying away in

  the dark to the handsome and enraged

  giant storming through the open door

  toward him. He was unsure which of the

  animals had eaten the most of the dead

  woman's corpse. Fortunately, he had

  little time to consider it before a fist col ided with his jaw and he slipped into darkness.

  Joe looked down at the little man who lay draped unconscious over his most

  recent meal and tried to consider what to do with him. He was stil fat off Emma's flesh and though he was powerful y

  aroused by the thought of fresh meat, he knew that his hunger would be tenfold by the time he reached Seattle. Perhaps if he could somehow keep Frank's body

  fresh he'd have something to snack on

  along the way to give Alicia a better

  chance of surviving the trip. Joe

  considered for a moment how much

  easier it was becoming to make these

  kinds of decisions. He was rapidly

  becoming a monster, a calculating kil er. Stil , he reasoned, as long as he kept

  Alicia alive, as long as he could resist the temptation to devour her luscious

  body, then the transformation was not yet complete. He was stil human, at least

  partial y.

  He already had one hostage so it made

  no difference to him if he had to increase that number to two. If he kept Frank alive then he wouldn't have to worry about his meat spoiling and the rats and other

  scavengers getting to him the way they'd gotten to the librarian. Most of her meat had been wasted. He'd managed to

  save a little of her buttocks and organs in his little hotel-sized refrigerator before the rest of her had become cat food.

  Stil , he'd found Emma's cold flesh

  unsatisfying. He hadn't yet progressed to the point where he could get the same

  joy out of carrion. He preferred his meat alive and kicking. He'd try to preserve Frank, eating only smal ration
s of his flesh for as long as he could keep him


  He dragged the smal man's body

  across the hal , removed al of Frank's clothes, and began wrapping him in duct tape. It disturbed him to see Alicia

  staring at him as he trussed up the little man so he picked her up and placed her

  back on the bed facedown. Then he

  dragged Frank's limp body into the

  bathroom and slammed the door shut

  behind him.

  Frank didn't awaken until Joe dumped

  him into the shower and turned the water on ful blast. The little man's eyes darted in every direction, seeking a point of

  reference and an avenue of retreat. He

  gagged as water rushed into his nose

  and squeezed his eyes shut as it flooded them. When he felt the hand slide

  between his legs and lather up his

  genitals he opened them again.

  The huge man was leaning over him and

  washing him as if he were an invalid.

  Frank started to protest but then realized that there was a gag over his mouth.

  Next he noticed the silver tape cinching his ankles and wrists together. His cock sprang to life as the huge hands stroked it with a fistful of suds even as his

  asshole clenched tight in fear. When he saw the hunger that leapt into

  SuperPredator's eyes, he tried

  unsuccessful y to wil his throbbing organ to wilt.

  Joe began to stroke the man's cock

  more aggressively. He held it under the shower and washed al the soap away

  as the little man's thick penis swel ed to an impressive length and girth. It was

  beautiful. Joe wanted to taste it right now. To grind it up with his blunt little teeth and swal ow it. He was

  mesmerized, watching the impressive

  organ swel even larger as the little man struggled in vain to free himself,

  obviously aware of the purpose for which he was now being prepared.

  Frank felt a bizarre combination of fear, elation, and deep sexual enjoyment as

  he considered his predicament. Naked,

  bound and gagged, being jacked off by

  a gorgeous muscular young man who

  was apparently a cannibal and murderer

  who had already tasted of his flesh and enjoyed it. The giant was staring at

  Frank's cock with undisguised hunger

  and Frank tried hard not to think about what it would feel like when he inevitably bit it off. Then the cannibal lowered his head between Frank's legs and Frank


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