Succulent Prey by Wrath James White

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Succulent Prey by Wrath James White Page 16

by Wrath James White

  at his flesh. The hickory smoke wafted

  from the open pit. Alicia began to cry, then her stomach growled in hunger,

  reacting to the delicious smel of roasted pork, and she regurgitated in revulsion.

  "Oh my God! You're cooking him alive!

  He's in so much pain! Don't let him die in pain!" Alicia sputtered out as vomit and bile burned its way up her throat and out onto the cool grass. She began to fight against her handcuffs, trying desperately to reach the agonized man burning on

  the flaming pit. She wept uncontrol ably and screamed out to the night. Joe

  stalked over to her and grabbed her by

  her jaw. His piercing blue eyes burrowed into her skul as he turned her head to face him.

  "Look at him, Alicia! He's already dead!

  This is how he wanted to die. You can't save him. He's already been saved."

  "Then kil him quickly! Don't just let him suffer!"

  "He'l be dead soon enough. But first he'l get his wish. I promised him, Alicia. I owe him this much. Let him have his


  "His fantasy? This isn't about him. Al of this is about you! It's your fantasy! You're the one kil ing him. You're the one who's going to eat him! And what about me?

  What about me, Joe? Is this what you're going to do to me? Truss me up like

  some pig and roast me on a spit?"


  "You're evil! You're just fucking evil! You don't want to be cured. You just want to stay a monster! You're enjoying this! How could I have possibly thought I loved

  you? After al that you've put me through. How could I have possibly thought that

  you wouldn't hurt me? That maybe you

  loved me too? You're going to kil me just like al the rest!"

  "I-I-" Joe let her go and turned to look at Frank. The man was suffering. His entire body convulsed as the flames boiled the blood in his veins. But al Joe could think about was how delicious the man

  looked. How good he would taste. Joe

  knew then that his humanity was almost

  gone. The only person he stil felt

  anything for other than hunger and lust was Alicia.

  Alicia curled up on the cold wet grass

  and began to sob. Joe felt her pain

  reach out to him and he crushed it

  before it could lodge in his heart. He

  knew that his increasing attachment to

  Alicia was becoming a hindrance. His

  massive muscles tensed beneath the

  fabric of his shirt as he stared down at the helpless woman weeping at his feet

  and pul ed the knife out of his ankle


  She looked so beautiful in the dark, her black hair shimmering in the campfire

  and starlight. So innocent and

  vulnerable. The predator in him howled. His monster leapt to life. He imagined

  fucking Alicia hard in the grass and his stomach roared in response. Quickly the fantasy changed to one of him sawing

  off her calves and quadriceps and

  greedily cramming them into his mouth.

  There was now no difference between

  the two appetites.

  Frank's eyes were glazed in shock and

  rapturous anguish. He was far away,

  barely alive. Joe leaned in to saw off a piece of his hamstring with the serrated diver's knife.

  Joe stared into the dying masochist's

  eyes as he consumed his blackened

  meat in great gulps and thought he saw

  a contented smile cross the man's face

  before he shivered one last time and

  expired. Joe shivered as wel as he felt the man's essence slide down into his

  bel y. That familiar ecstasy washed over him, as he felt al that the man had been merge with his flesh. Joe cut again, tore off large hunks of Frank's flesh with his bare hands, barely even chewing before

  swal owing them, singeing his fingers in the broiling flesh, eager to consume

  every ounce of the man's dwindling life force. Instantly he felt an entire lifetime of Frank's joys and sorrows, including the voluptuous agony of his death charge

  through him like a lightning bolt. It was overwhelming. Joe fel to the ground,

  writhing with an orgasm that threatened to break him apart as waves of

  excruciating pleasure ignited his nervous system.

  From where Alicia lay in the grass she

  watched Joe's orgiastic convulsions with awe and confusion. Human flesh was so

  much more to him than mere

  sustenance. He seemed to be

  possessed. He was in the throes of a

  passion that defied description as he

  ripped poor Frank to shreds. A part of

  Alicia longed to know such intensity of pleasure herself. Her mouth watered and a moistness spread between her thighs.

  Another part of her longed to inspire it, once again jealous that another person

  had given such ecstasy to the beautiful cannibal she was beginning to think of

  as her own.

  With her arms and legs stil bound she

  began to inch her way closer to the

  campfire, inhaling the mouthwatering

  aroma of hickory-smoked human flesh.

  Joe now had his pants down around his

  thighs and his enormous erection in

  hand, furiously masturbating as he

  continued stuffing steaming handfuls of broiled flesh into his slavering mouth. He looked down and spotted Alicia, who

  was now almost at his feet. Instantly he recognized the hunger and lust in her


  After shedding the rest of his clothing he dropped beside her and offered Alicia a piece of Frank's blackened calf muscle. Stockholm syndrome, Alicia thought,

  even as she opened her mouth wide to

  receive the gift.

  Without chewing she slurped down the

  hot flesh and felt a chil vibrate through her as the horror of what she had just

  done gripped her. This was soon

  fol owed by a tingle of arousal at having done it in ful view of her lover and

  captor. Joe began ripping off more of

  the flesh and feeding it into Alicia's

  mouth as he kissed and caressed her

  neck and breasts, building her passion. Boiling-hot blood dribbled down her

  neck and cleavage as she consumed

  more and more of Frank's corpse. Joe

  lapped the stream of liquid life from her skin and used his knife to cut the duct tape from around her wrists, then her

  ankles, al owing him to kiss his way up her thighs to her moistening sex.

  Lost in rippling waves of ecstasy, Alicia blindly reached out and ripped off

  another piece of Frank's flesh. Even

  without looking at it she knew what she had grabbed as soon as her hands

  closed around it. Stil she tugged hard until it tore free. Joe rose up from

  between her legs and slid himself inside of her as she brought Frank's severed

  penis to her lips. She clenched the

  charred organ between her teeth and

  Joe bit down on the other end as he

  thrust his own hardened flesh deep

  between her thighs. They reached a

  mutual screaming, snarling release

  almost immediately as they shared the

  exotic delicacy. Alicia col apsed into the arms of her captor and together they lay in the glow of the campfire, watching

  Frank's remains sizzle, crackle, and burn to a charcoal cinder.


  The two detectives had been waiting al

  day for the autopsy report from the body they'd found in that old apartment

  building south of Market Street. They

  both had a bad feeling about it.

  "You think that could b
e our librarian?" Volario asked.

  "No reason to assume that yet," Montgomery said. "That building was pretty far from the campus."

  "Yeah, but did you see her shoes?

  Kenneth Cole. Not Prada, but not exactly Payless either. Pretty nice for a

  homeless woman or a streetwalker."

  "Which stil leaves a whole host of other possibilities. A lot of people get kil ed in this town besides prostitutes and


  "Yeah, but anybody with shoes like that has to have a job and that means

  somebody would miss her if she was

  gone. And the only recent missing

  person we have matching someone of

  that height and body type is the


  "Height and body type? We don't even know if that was a woman yet. And how

  could you tel if she was big or smal with half her flesh missing?"

  "The leg. Some slim model type wouldn't have a leg that thick. And she was stil wearing those Kenneth Cole pumps,

  which would lead me to believe it was

  probably a woman."

  "You know as wel as I do that that's no safe assumption in this town."

  The phone rang and they both reached

  for it at the same time. Montgomery got to it first.

  "Detective Montgomery here. Yeah?

  Final y! What did you find? And did you get a match? Damn. Okay. I'l be by to

  pick up the report later. Thanks for the cal ."

  "What? Was that the lab? What did they say?"

  "They matched the librarian's dental records to the corpse."

  "I knew it!"

  "And they also confirmed the presence of saliva in some of her wounds. Those

  were human teeth marks. In case there

  was any doubt, we've definitely got a

  serial kil er on our hands."

  "Not a serial kil er. Not according to the FBI. He won't be classified as a serial kil er until he kil s three more people. Right now al we have is a homicidal

  sexual predator with one victim."

  "You got any doubt that there are more victims out there or that there wil be?" Montgomery sighed. "Nope. You're


  "I guess we need to take a trip back to the col ege?"

  "We need to talk to that kid they were al talking about. That Joseph Miles.

  Everyone we spoke to said he'd

  probably kil ed her and that was before we even knew she was dead."

  "That's just because they think the kid's weird. He's probably just one of those

  death metal gothic freaks that like to act dangerous and mysterious to impress


  "Yeah, that could be. But that's probably what the cops in Columbine thought

  about those Trench Coat Mafia kids

  before they went on their murder spree. For some of those kids it's more than

  just a fashion. Some of them real y are disturbed."


  Professor John Locke had spent al

  morning answering questions from the

  police about his student, Joseph Miles.

  "You say he was obsessed with serial kil ers? How could you tel ? I mean, this is a course about serial kil ers. One

  could say the same thing about you or

  anyone else who attends your class." Detective Montgomery was a large,

  athleticlooking black man with a short

  Afro and sideburns. He wore a

  midlength leather coat and dark

  sunglasses that he had a habit of tilting down to the tip of his nose when he

  spoke so he could look over the top of

  them directly into your eyes. He looked like something from a seventies

  blaxploitation film, a poor man's Shaft. His eyes were deadly serious, though,

  and he spoke in clear, crisp tones like a newscaster or a politician and not the

  slang drawl you would have expected

  looking at his haircut.

  His partner was a middle-aged Spanishlooking guy who wore a pin-striped suit that looked like someone had fried a

  hamburger on it. What hair remained on

  his balding cranium was pul ed back into a ponytail barely the length of a thumb. He looked more like a mafioso than a

  cop. He didn't shake hands or introduce himself when they walked in but

  immediately walked over to the

  bookcases on the wal and began

  scanning the titles.

  Professor Locke fol owed the greasylooking detective with his eyes while he answered Detective Montgomery's


  "So what made this kid any different from the rest of you?" the detective continued.

  "Joseph took it al very personal. Whenever you suggested that these

  people were just crazy or evil he became very defensive, even hostile. He had a

  theory that there was a virus that creates signature sex murderers."

  "And what did you think of that?"

  "It's ridiculous. But I didn't want to discourage the boy so I told him to

  continue researching it and if he could find proof of his theory I'd give him an A for the year."

  "Perhaps he was doing research when he kil ed that librarian?" Detective Volario asked, seeming to take interest in the conversation for the first time. The professor glared at him and shook

  his head in annoyance as if he were

  speaking to an ignorant and petulant


  "That's a rather extreme supposition. People don't kil to get good grades.

  They kil because of severe

  psychological problems."

  You mean he's crazy?"

  "Not legal y, no. At least, there's no way I could know that without testing him. But even if he's innocent, and please

  remember that he very wel may be, I stil wouldn't turn my back on him. He's got a lot of problems."

  "You act like we're planning on lynching him or something," Detective Volario said with a sneer. He was holding a

  large volume titled A Criminal History of Mankind. "You read al these books, Professor?"

  "No other reason to have them," Professor Locke replied.

  "I guess it's no wonder that you attracted one of these monsters to you then." The professor ignored him. "Do you have any other questions, Detectives?"

  "Just one more. Did you do any

  experiments to test out his theory, that he had some kind of serial kil er virus?"

  "No. If he had come to me with a more apodictic theory I would have given it

  more credibility, but what he was

  proposing was just plain ludicrous."

  "Apodictic? What does that mean? I dropped out of col ege, Professor. You're going to have to speak a little more

  simplistic for me."

  Professor Locke crossed his arms over

  his chest and smiled.

  "It means demonstrably true."

  "Yet he claimed to be the living proof of the theory?"

  "But at the time I didn't know he was talking about himself. I assumed it was just general speculation."

  Detective Montgomery stepped closer to

  the professor until his breath was in the man's face.

  "That's funny, Professor, because al the students we spoke to said it was quite

  clear that he was referring to himself

  when he spoke about this virus theory.

  Even you said he took it al very

  personal. So you didn't bother to do any research at al to see if maybe he was

  suffering from some curable il ness?

  You didn't bother to contact the police or even a psychiatrist or a virologist? I

  mean, you're a prominent criminologist, a psychologist, a former FBI profiler

  who's worked on dozens of cases. If you had cal ed us up and told us you had a

  student in your class that you s
uspected might be a kil er we would have taken it seriously."

  "But how the hel could I have known for sure?"

  "It was your job to know. That's how you made your living when you were with the FBI, right? Tel ing al us ignorant locals how to spot kil ers? Yet, you let one sit right in front of you every day without saying a peep to anyone and without

  trying to get him any help. You just let him get sicker and sicker until he eventual y murdered someone?"

  "You don't know that it was him."

  "But you do. Don't you? I can see it al over your face. You know it was him. You know you fucked up. And right now

  you're probably thinking of how this

  fuckup is going to affect your reputation and your career.

  Detective Volario stepped up beside his partner. "My partner's right. You fucked up big time. If I was you, I'd do everything I could to help us catch this guy and

  restore your reputation before this gets out. `Kil er Student of Noted FBI Profiler.'

  That's a headline you don't want."

  "I've got an apodictic theory, Professor. I believe this student of yours is going to kil a lot more people."

  Detective Volario picked up a book from the shelves. The title on the spine was the same as the title of the course,

  Abnormal Psychiatry: Serial Kil ers and Why They Do It.

  "Is this your book? It has your name on it. You wrote this, right?"

  "Yes, I wrote it."

  "Wow. I bet this is real y going to fuck up your sales."

  The professor opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out but a helpless

  squeak. The detectives scowled

  contemptuously and shook their heads

  in disgust before turning their backs on him and walking out the door, dropping

  their cards on his desk as they exited. The detectives had just left when the

  phone rang. Professor Locke didn't

  recognize the voice immediately.

  "Professor Locke?"

  "Yes, and who am I speaking to?"

  "It's true! My theory is true!"

  "Who is this, please?"

  "It's me, Joseph. Joseph Miles. Your student? Remember I had a theory that

  serial kil ers suffer from a transmittable disease like lycanthropy?"

  "Do you realize that you are the prime suspect in a murder, Joseph? The police are looking for you in connection with the death of the campus librarian. They

  found her body in an apartment building downtown after it burned to the ground. There are witnesses who say that you

  lived there. The cops have been al over campus interviewing students who say


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