Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health Page 3

by Shelley Kaehr

  Unfortunately, all of us will suffer loss in our lifetimes. Whether we lose family members, friends, jobs, or living places, each loss will be challenging for various reasons. Agate will aid the healing process regarding whatever kind of grief might affect us, and for that reason, I highly recommend blue agate as a necessary tool to keep in the medicine bag.


  Found in: England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Pakistan, Spain, USA

  Named for: Alabaster is derived from the Greek word, alabastros, which was used to define a variety of massive, fine-grained gypsum.

  • Bible •

  There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. Matthew 26: 7

  And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head. Mark 14:3

  And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, Luke 7:37

  • Cayce Readings •

  Alabaster is mentioned three times in three readings. The first mention is in a booklet that was published in April of 1930 by The Association of National Investigators, Inc.:

  And now began preparations for the coming of the great King from far away, and for the wedding, and about the castle . . . and they erected an entrance of alabaster . . . 254-107, Report #1

  While giving a reading to a client, Cayce dreamed about alabaster, as he noted in the first report:

  I was conscious of the fact of separating my physical self from my soul self, my physical self being encased in a box like an alabaster . . . box, from a material I could not describe. It seemed the material manifestation of my physical and mental self was in the box. I gave the box to someone and felt, as I gave it, ‘This is one I can trust.’ . . .

  257-130, Report #1

  In another reading, the subject was a high priestess in Egypt and the term alabaster seemed synonymous with a higher spiritual state of purity:

  Throughout that particular period we find that the entity sojourned in that city where the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple Beautiful performed their functions, their offices, as the aid to the people . . . For, few of those had arisen to that state in which there were the preparations so as to produce the alabaster, or all white, or all relationships that brought or made for individuality and better expression for the personality of the entity throughout that sojourn.


  More on Alabaster

  Alabaster is a vague mineralogical term referring to either gypsum or calcite. Snowy white and often translucent, light can pass through it.

  Depending on which variety of alabaster you choose, this material will connect you with the energy of Egypt or ancient Europe—and with any past-life connections you have had in those places. An important material in the ancient world, alabaster assists with tapping into the lifetimes of ancient civilizations by helping to recover skills and memories associated with places such as Egypt, Greece, or Italy.

  Ancient Egyptian alabaster is a form of the calcite variety. In the Egyptian reading, Cayce would have referred to calcite alabaster.

  Ancient Egyptians used alabaster for sacred objects such as sarcophaguses and other ritual items. King Tutankhamun’s tomb was filled with items carved from alabaster.

  Oriental alabaster, another term for this stone, refers to the calcite-based marble, which will be discussed in a later section.

  One of my most profound adventures was a trip to Egypt back in the year 2000. While in the magnificent city of Luxor, I went to a shop where several people were carving scarab beetles, bowls, and other items from huge blocks of alabaster. It looked like extremely challenging work, but luckily both kinds of alabaster are soft and easy to carve.

  The scarab was a sacred symbol of the morning sun and renewal in ancient Egypt. The dung beetle laid eggs in a dung ball and rolled it across the ground, an action that soon became symbolic of the physical embodiment of the creation god Khepri, who moved the morning sun across the sky. Even today, the beetle is considered lucky in Egypt, and these scarabs are considered popular tourist items.

  In terms of Biblical probability, the alabaster of the Bible would also be calcite because of its prevalence in the Middle East.

  Spiritually speaking, calcite is a wonderful material to use for meditation because it calms the nerves and brings peace to the core or stomach area, connecting you with Mother Earth.

  The second type of alabaster is from the material gypsum. Medieval Europeans used this variety of alabaster.

  While both materials are soft, the gypsum is even more fragile than the calcite. I am a big fan of the gypsum-based material called selenite, one of the most profound healing stones ever.

  Most healing stones require occasional energetic clearing because they take on unwanted energy to help with healing. For that reason, they must be cleansed from time to time. Gypsum materials such as selenite and alabaster are different from most other minerals because they never need cleaning. They do not become bogged down energetically after being used. Alabaster and selenite are of such high frequency that the issues and circumstances of mundane worldly life do not affect them.

  Selenite works wonders on the chakra centers and energy fields around the body. Since selenite is often flat, you can use it to clean other stones by placing them on top of it. How long you leave the stone there depends on you. I recommend cleansing for at least twenty minutes. The high-vibrational energy quickly balances unwanted frequencies and cleanses your other stones so that they are ready to use once again. Whether placing the selenite on the body or using it to clean your healing tools, this material creates a higher overall vibration by transforming lower frequencies into pure white light.

  I can certainly see how either variety of alabaster might have played a critical role in our spiritual history. Many of the sacred rituals performed in Egypt where priests and priestesses were busy transcending normal reality to access higher realms involved the use of alabaster. Many of us, like the woman who went to Cayce for her reading, have probably lived previous lives in Egypt and performed similar rituals. For that reason, we would all benefit from working with alabaster.


  Found in: Brazil, Burma, Canada, India, Mexico, Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, USA

  Named for: Amethyst is derived from an Ancient Greek word meaning “not intoxicated” since it was believed to prevent inebriation.

  Birthstone: February

  • Bible •

  And the third row . . . an amethyst. Exodus 28:19

  And the third row . . . an amethyst. Exodus 39:12

  . . . the twelfth, an amethyst. Revelation 21:20

  • Cayce Readings •

  Amethyst is mentioned sixteen times in thirteen documents.

  Well that the entity have the stones or minerals about self when in periods of meditation, or in those periods when it may find itself the more easily attuned to the influences that may use the body, either in the healing forces that flow through—through its attunements, or through the visions and associations of the entity . . . the amethyst. For the color purple should be close to the body, and the perfumes or odors as of lavender have their influence—not in great quantity, but that which makes for attunements.


  As to the stones . . . amethyst should be a part of that which would be about the entity—because of the very natural vibrations for the entity. For they will bring as an attunement the quieting, and the entity will find that whenever there is a feeling of physical depression, physical reactions that are as dis-ease in the body, the colors in any of these natures or forms will bring quietness to the body; as in having about the body . . . the amethyst color, in cloth, in drapery, in hangings.


  In the temple were to be found enormous se
mi-circular columns . . . inlaid with amethyst . . . 364-13, Report #3

  . . . there were those mines of the precious stones . . . amethyst

  . . . that came from the sea near what is now called Madagascar . . .


  . . . In this temple, we find . . . amethyst . . .


  . . . The omen the body should ever wear on the person is . . . amethyst—for their vibrations are better. But as the body should comprehend in regard to all such influences, it is as to what the body does about same, not that it relies upon such but knowing that such influences aid in increasing the ability or efficiency in the periods of exertion or activity . . .


  The reading mentioned earlier describing the virtues goes on to list amethyst as one of the desired stones, and Cayce explains why:

  . . . the seven virtues—hence seven stones, in the varied colors . . . the amethyst . . . patience . . .


  Amethyst stones should ever be a portion about the body, either in amulets or adornments about the body. These in their very vibration will make for an influence that has to do with the entity in its innate and manifested expressions in its associations.


  Stones,—the entity should have the amethyst (the white) about self often. These vibrations will bring greater harmony, in not only body but in the mental attributes.


  In the choice of stones, do wear the amethyst as a pendant about the neck, as a part of the jewelry. This will also work with the colors to control temperament.


  More on Amethyst

  Amethysts have long been associated with imparting patience and allowing people to release addictions with grace and ease. How could Cayce have consciously known this? This reading demonstrates the power of the information from the Source. We can attain true wisdom from Spirit and our ancestors concerning the benefits that various stones and minerals provide for us.

  The Source mentions lavender in one of the readings. Amethyst is the color of the violet ray, which opens the third eye. If we could assign an essential oil to that same frequency, it would be lavender because it aligns with this energy and brings calm and peace to the user. The Source also mentioned amethyst’s ability to calm and quiet the body. By helping to eliminate what is not needed by a person, amethyst brings a sense of calm and peace to the energy body, allowing users to become stable and at one with themselves and their environment.

  Amethyst Chunk Energy Bath

  In my book Gemstone Journeys I discussed how I first discovered the healing properties of gemstones after meeting a shaman who taught me how to use stones to heal the body. He described how to give oneself or others an energetic bath by running rocks through the energy fields surrounding the body. By using your imagination, you envision the energy beginning to move the way you want it to.

  Amethyst chunks are best used for the energy bath. Why? Amethyst has a higher frequency than many other stones, making it the best one to get things moving again.


  I have spent a considerable amount of time working with pets. I have found that one stone above all others works well for them, and that is the amethyst. For the same reasons that an amethyst energy bath works on people, I believe that the energy of amethyst assists our pets in moving unwanted energy from their delicate fields in order to restore their natural balance.

  I believe that pets are earth angels. They are innocents and as such they perform a great service to mankind by helping us transcend our suffering. Pets are willing to take on our “stuff” to help us shift and rise above any unwanted energy.

  When our pets are ill, we owe it to our beloved friends to try to help them. Some stones would be toxic to use on your pet, so I always choose the quartz family—amethyst, rose, or clear quartz. You can place the stones in direct contact with your pet. I have even put stones in a horse’s stall to calm the horse down. I arranged for my ill cat to sleep on amethyst chunks until he felt better, and I used clear quartz with an unhappy dog that was in a kennel waiting for his owners to return. Use your imagination; it works! Your intuition will tell you what stone is best to use. While naturally gifted in this area, pets do need a little extra help when they are upset or sick. Gemstones can assist with these energy shifts.

  Why This Works So Well

  Amethyst is the carrier of the violet ray. As such it can assist the body to move lower frequency energy, while at the same time being energetically accessible to everyone.

  By accessible, I mean that some stones have such high vibrations that they are beyond the perception of most people. Some individuals have a difficult time with certain stones energetically. And various minerals may have such a high frequency that some people may not even notice the vibrations at all.

  For example, I used to own a beautiful harp. I wanted to play in public, so I called a local bookstore and went there to play. This harp was not the norm. It was an Angel Harp, expressly prepared to play very high-frequency, healing sounds. As I played, I quickly noticed something. Nobody could hear me! Even people who were only a few feet away never bothered to look at the harp or react to the sounds in any way whatsoever.

  Quite some time passed, and there I was, playing the harp for the few friends who were with me at the bookstore. I was about to give up when a woman and her daughter walked over, and we had a pleasant chat. Eventually, a few others joined in, but most people in the store had no idea that we were even there. It was like wearing a cloak of invisibility. What I discovered is that unless the people vibrated at a particular frequency, they could not receive the healing from the music. The two frequencies were utterly incompatible.

  Stones are the same way! Some stones emit such high vibrations that people cannot notice them. Such stones work in particular instances, but for a mineral to be efficient and shift the vast collective consciousness frequency, it must normally be able to be perceived by most people.

  Amethyst is noticeable to everyone and most people respond to it. I’ve seen this reaction for years at gem shows and shops. Whether or not people are of the mindset to understand consciously how stones can heal, most people react positively to amethyst. Such responses might include commenting on the beauty of the stone. That is enough to prove that someone is getting something from the stone. Amethyst has a high enough frequency, or as Cayce would say—vibration—that things will shift for the better for the person who sees or uses it.

  Additionally, because amethyst opens the third eye center, there is no better stone for developing psychic abilities and becoming open to receiving information from other realms.

  There is a Greek legend about a girl named Amethyst who travels to pay homage to the goddess Diana. On her way, she encounters Bacchus, the god of wine and libation, who accidentally strikes the girl down and turns her into a white stone. When Diana chastises him, he cries his purple wine-colored tears and turns her into the gorgeous stone that we know today. Ever since then, amethyst (meaning not drunken in Greek) has assisted those who suffer from addictions.

  Amethysts help to quell our unhealthy thirst and bring us back into balance. Let’s face it—we all are hooked on something, even if it is good for us. Remember the old saying about too much of a good thing? It’s hard to admit at times, but addiction is often a part of the human experience.

  As a hypnotherapist, I use amethyst stones quite often in sessions. Having the person hold an amethyst chunk can be restorative. Even though it is not being washed over the energy fields, it still causes a shift to occur.

  Relationship issues are challenging for many people, and sometimes people become stuck in a bad situation because they cannot find a way out. Amethyst energy assists people who travel into past lifetimes to reveal the source events of painful relationships. The energy of amethysts can help people to see the higher vision and lessons of the past while gently releasing the karmic link in the current incarnation.

  So if you find you ne
ed to release anything that is no longer serving you, amethysts will help a great deal.


  Found in: Brazil, Columbia, Egypt, Europe, South Africa, USA, Zimbabwe

  Named for: The Greek word beryllos refers to “blue-green stones of the sea.”

  Birthstone: March (Aquamarine is a variety of beryl.)

  • Bible •

  And the fourth row a beryl . . . Exodus 28:20

  And the fourth row a beryl . . . Exodus 39:13

  His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl . . . Song of Solomon 5:14

  The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl . . . Ezekiel 1:16

  And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. Ezekiel 10:9

  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering . . . the beryl . . . Ezekiel 28:13

  His body also was like the beryl . . . Daniel 10:6

  . . . the eighth, beryl . . . Revelation 21:20

  • Cayce Readings •

  Beryl was mentioned fourteen times in twelve documents.

  Q: Can you give the exact location where sufficient Beryl deposits can be found for the most economical and commercial production?

  A: Well, this would require a great deal of seeking out. . . . those in the Ural range, and in the Siberian country, show greater quantities . . . in the southern Andes Range or near that border line between the Chilean and the Peruvian . . . In those points, then, where the least change has taken place will be found the greater deposits of these beryl.


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