Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones: The A-to-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health Page 16

by Shelley Kaehr


  . . . there are in their experiences in the present opportunities for service! Do not sow thy pearls before swine . . .


  Learn ye then that lesson in the present, ‘Cast not pearls before dogs nor swine.’ . . .


  Q: Should this message be sent . . . to help them?

  A: Cast not thine pearls before swine; neither make thine house of no estate. Pity is akin to love. Love him that hateth thee . . .


  More on Pearls

  Although we use pearls as gemstones, they are organic, being formed from living creatures.

  Revisiting the Cayce readings for this project rejuvenated me and provided much intellectual stimulation for several areas of my life, as the readings always do for me. The idea that the pearl originates from an irritant and thus assists us with anger issues makes complete sense to me. Have you ever worked with homeopathy? The philosophy of that discipline is that in order to heal from an ailment, you must ingest it. It makes sense, therefore, to use a material that has irritation as its fundamental building block to rid us of irritations. Brilliant!

  My prior understanding of working with pearls was capitalizing on their ability to impart innocence and purity to the wearer. They were perfect to use for a woman on her wedding day, for example.

  If you remember the television show Leave it to Beaver back in the old days, the pearls on June Cleaver reminded me of someone who exemplified the perfect mother and wife. Thinking about that show and others like it brings a nostalgic feeling for the innocence of a time when life was simpler. Similarly, when you see someone wearing pearls, it can give you a warm and fuzzy feeling.

  For whatever reason, if you need to appear innocent to others, pearl is the stone to choose. If you are meeting your potential in-laws for the first time; going on an important job interview; or undertaking a situation requiring you to appear morally steadfast, devoted, and innocent—wear the pearl!

  Years ago on a trip to India, I had the opportunity to have my palms read one evening. The palmist approached me while I sat under a tarp on a dirt floor near a restaurant where my friends and I were about to have dinner. The palm reader walked to the table to see if anyone wanted a reading. I thought this sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime chance, so I agreed.

  The reader told me that to attract love I should wear a pearl ring on the little finger of the left hand. He said that wearing a pearl strengthens the planet Venus and thus brings love into your life. I am passing that wisdom on to you now; try it, if love is what you seek!

  If you study a chart of the palm, which is what the reader interprets, the marriage sector is located directly under the little finger on the palm. The heart can be accessed by working with the area under the ring finger, which is also appropriate since that is typically where we wear a wedding ring.

  Pearls have had long associations with love. Strings of pearls covered the coffin of Mumtaz Mahal after her death. Of all stones, the pearl was appropriate because the Taj Mahal represented a pure form of divine love as well as the loving devotion that the grieving husband had for his deceased wife.


  Found in: Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, China, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Namibia, USA

  Named for: Péridot is the French word for “olivine,” and chrysolite is derived from the Greek words for “gold” and “stone.”

  Birthstone: August

  • Bible •

  And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones . . . the seventh, chrysolite . . . Revelation 21:19-20

  • Cayce Readings •

  Chrysolite, which is another term for peridot, is mentioned four times in two documents.

  The Romans believed that peridot, which is also called chrysolite, would protect a person from melancholy, as substantiated by the Source:

  As to stones . . . preferably the chrysolite . . . will bring as an attunement the quieting, and the entity will find that whenever there is a feeling of physical depression, physical reactions that are as dis-ease in the body, the colors in any of these natures or forms will bring quietness to the body; as in having about the body the chrysolite . . .

  Q: What is my seal?

  A: The shield as the center, raised, though, rather at the points than in the center, see? and upon same, the berry—as a snowberry—as chrysolite in color, and the purple as a portion of the outer part . . .


  . . . through its attunements, or through the visions and the associations of the entity; the chrysolite . . . For the color purple should be close to the body . . .


  More on Chrysolite

  I had a major breakthrough in my understanding of gems in the Bible while researching chrysolite. The Latin word chrysolithus means “chrysolite” or “topaz,” and the Latin word topazion indicates a kind of chrysolite or green jasper.

  I considered including chrysolite in the topaz section of this book, but refrained. After further research into the mineralogical term, I discovered the word refers to a high-grade form of olivine, which is a type of peridot.

  More on Peridot

  Loved by Cleopatra and prized by people around the world since ancient times, peridot is a stone that everyone should experience firsthand.

  At one time, I acquired an entire tub of the volcanic material, including many tiny gem-quality crystals of peridot. These were wonderful specimens with which I continue to enjoy working.

  I learned about the healing properties of peridot years some ago when a piece of it straightened my spine after a long car ride. Since that time, I have been using it successfully in energy healing with clients. I once placed a piece of peridot in the middle of a client’s back. After the session, the client reported feeling much more aligned. The dull ache in her back had also disappeared.

  Later on, I took many pieces of my peridot stones on a trip to the Seattle, WA area. The people in Seattle resonated with them, more so than in other areas that I have visited. I considered that perhaps their connection was due to the watery energy in the Seattle area as well the volcanic and fiery properties of peridot. I believed that the students were attracted to the grounding energy of the stones.

  Reviewing the Cayce readings makes me wonder if peridot worked much in the same way as the Source said it would—to stave off depression. The cloudy weather in the Northwest has been known to engender a certain amount of melancholy in susceptible folks.

  Several of my students in Seattle experienced past-life regressions, but there was no particular information to connect anyone to those stones. Although there was no concrete conclusion, I can report that everyone experienced feelings of peace and stability while working with peridot.

  I call the peridot the “chiropractic stone” because I believe that the volcanic matter is like the spine of the Earth. When you align yourself with the Earth’s spine, it brings you back into perfect balance. Whether you need physical or spiritual realignment, peridot is a powerful stone to use.


  Found in: Burma (Myanmar), India, Sri Lanka, Thailand

  Named for: Ruby is derived from the Latin word ruber for “red.” It is the gemstone variety of the mineral corundum.

  Birthstone: July

  Vedic astrology: Sun = ruby

  Chinese astrology: Tiger, dragon, dog = ruby

  • Bible •

  It is interesting to note that the word ruby often appears in the plural in the King James Version of the Bible.

  . . . for the price of wisdom is above rubies. Job 28:18

  She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Proverbs 3:15

  For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. Proverbs 8:11

  There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Pr
overbs 20:15

  Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

  Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies . . . Lamentations 4:7

  There are references to the word ruby in the singular in newer translations of the Bible.

  And they mounted four rows of stones on it. The first row was a row of ruby, topaz, and emerald; Exodus 39:10 (New American Standard Bible, NAS)

  You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The ruby, the topaz and the diamond . . . Ezekiel 28:13 (NAS)

  the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite . . . Revelation 21:20 (New International Version)

  • Cayce Readings •

  Rubies are mentioned sixty-two times in forty-two documents.

  The ruby would make for the body that not as something which would be other than the power that self attributes to same, through its actual experience. But the light or reflection from same, worn on hand or body, will enable the body to concentrate in its mental application the greater—through the influences such a stone brings to material expression.

  In this particular one (the ruby) there is that fitness with that which has been the experience of this soul, this entity, through material expression. Hence it is an aid, a crutch to lean upon. But, as has always been given, let it be a stepping-stone; not that which thou standest only upon!


  Mary Ann Woodard followed up with Mr. 531 about his reading and received this letter on 8/15/46:

  Do not remember how I came to be in possession of a small stone a few months after the reading, and far from being a genuine ruby . . . I admired the little stone while it hanged on my chain, holding an old watch which I had for over 35 years, and some way, somehow, watch, chain and ‘ruby’ disappeared . . . I do know that up to that time I had my ruby I was more contented, and today I miss the contentment I had when I knew I possessed the stone . . .

  . . . someday again—who knows—I’ll have another ‘ruby’.

  531-9, Report #11

  . . . the stones of the ruby . . . though under stress it may come into being; the valor and the strength that is imparted in the inner influence of the ruby about the body.


  To what color, symbol or stone does the entity vibrate best?

  A: The ruby. . . . and as to colors—the radiation of colors from . . . the ruby . . .


  However, if the ruby is kept close to the body, it will bring strength, power and might in a manner to the purposes set by the entity, or those choices given.

  . . . the ruby; this should be worn by the entity always.


  . . . the seven virtues,—hence seven stones, in the varied colors . . . the ruby . . . indicating love . . .


  The stones that should be about the body would be of the ruby . . .


  Q: Ruby . . . ?

  A: In the Roman experience we find the associations were most helpful . . .


  The entity was . . . a carver of stones . . . as of rubies . . . and those prepared for those in authority and in power.


  . . . Ye should find . . . the ruby close to your body oft, for their vibrations will keep the vibrations of the body in better attune with infinity and not with purely mental or material things in life.


  More on Ruby

  The red color in ruby comes from chromium, which is an element that stimulates your metabolism and helps to burn unwanted calories. The browns that deepen that red color come from iron found in hematite and can assist you with circulation and temperature regulation.

  In ancient times, the Burmese people wore ruby talismans to protect them against illness or misfortune. They called rubies with a good red color pigeon’s blood, which the Burmese considered to be the blood drops of Mother Earth. Burmese rubies were among the gems used in the Taj Mahal.

  People in the middle ages believed that rubies could predict the future based on the changing color of the ruby they wore.

  Hindus treasure rubies for bringing courage, peace, energy, friendship, and romance to the wearer. They consider ruby to be the king of all precious stones, symbolic of a fire that burns for eternity.

  A Beautiful Gift

  Years ago I received a gorgeous, three-carat, pure ruby from India as a gift. At the time, I don’t think I truly appreciated how rare it was. Stones that large that are not man-made are unique.

  Rubies have captivated mankind throughout the ages. The jewel of love, the ruby carries the red ray, which is valued as extremely auspicious in many cultures. Red is a protective color, believed to ward off the evil eye. Ruby is consequently one of the most highly protective stones in the mineral kingdom. The healing potential of this carrier of the red ray is limitless.

  In modern times, rubies have been used in laser technology. If you want to use them for that same purpose, allow your ruby to shoot with laser precision to any place on the body that is out of alignment. Notice how things are able to shift back to their proper place.

  Like medical lasers, rubies cut through whatever is not needed on a spiritual level to bring out the true healing potential and perfection in one’s spiritual body. Just as a sculptor takes a slab of stone and carves a masterpiece from it, the ruby cuts away at anything that is unneeded or unwanted, revealing the perfection of the true self. Ruby steps in to enable you to stand in all your glory, allowing the light within to shine its brightest. Ruby helps to attract love, aids with circulation and anything concerning the heart and blood, and improves the energy around you in general. Do you need to get things moving in order to attract new energies? Ruby will help to circulate unwanted energy away from you so that the higher new energy may easily flow into your awareness.

  Grounding with the Red Ray

  The red ray is the root chakra, which is all about how to remain grounded in the world. For years, I was a person who loved purple and enjoyed floating around in the ethers, tuning into the universe at large. Certainly there is nothing wrong with that proclivity. As time passed, however, I eventually bought a house, curtailed some of my traveling, and became more grounded.

  Looking back, I attribute my change to a trip to Russia that I took in 2006. I knew I had been there before in a past life. When I returned to the United States, I bought a house, settled down, and began decorating my new place with gorgeous fabrics that reminded me of the beautiful trappings I’d seen in the Russian palaces. I even painted a few walls red, which represents the base chakra and complete grounding.

  I will never forget the look on the salesperson’s face in the paint store the day I went to choose the paint. He took one look at that cherry red color and said, “Are you sure?”

  I enjoyed that color immensely and eventually accented the other walls in the room with a cocoa-brown color that reminded me of the Southwest. The place looked like a Native American kiva, which is a sacred underground chamber. When people visited, they always commented on how cozy and peaceful the energy felt.

  Even if you are usually opposed to red, try it anyway. You might like it! As a color, I think that red has been appearing more often recently, concurrent with the need for greater grounding in the universal consciousness. With so much turmoil in the world at large, along with the fast pace of our society, our spirits crave a calm and stable environment. In healing, red is good for conditions of the blood, circulation, and heart.

  Years ago when I began working on my PhD, one of the books that I read in one of my energy medicine courses was Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber. In the book, Dr. Gerber wrote extensively about the fact that he believes the ruby is, without a doubt, the most powerful healing stone ever! Using charts and graphs, he showed actual scientific evidence that depicted the vibrational frequency of the ruby. To this day, his research remains one of the most influential pi
eces of writing for me in terms of shaping how I think about energy medicine. If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly encourage you to do so. Unfortunately, Dr. Gerber passed away several years ago, but he lives on through his influential and brilliant work.

  Focused Attention

  I talked to a friend of my grandmother’s today. She is ninety-two years old and sharp as a tack. She has studied many metaphysical disciplines in her lifetime. In fact, she had a friend who knew Edgar Cayce personally.

  We chatted about how many kids today are so glued to their mobile phones, electronic tablets, and text messaging that they are completely oblivious to the here and now.

  Our obsession with machines is a widespread problem in society today. We are often scattered and too busy communicating electronically to think about or notice what is right in front of us, to drive our cars, or to listen to actual conversations with people in person.

  I believe we are heading in a direction reminiscent of Atlantis. I sincerely hope that we will collectively turn things around and put our priorities in order.

  I have always been a multitasker—I talk on the phone, send email, and do several projects all at once. I am trying to get better about multitasking as I “mature,” but I am still distracted at times. Having the red color in my house has helped my productivity levels tremendously. It has definitely taught me something about being present.

  During these more grounded years, I have enjoyed working with rubies more than ever before. The red-ray energy supports the intention of being. As the Source said, the ruby can impart feelings of mental toughness and strength, both physical and emotional, while sparking feelings of love on a universal and personal level.


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