Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 1

by Paige Cameron

  Wyoming Warriors 2

  Commando Cowboys Rescue

  Their Bride

  Morgan O’Malley is drugged at her boss’s party. Ethan Wright rescues her although it might make his assignment more difficult. Almost immediately, his body has a strong response to hers. But he has to keep his head. She may be part of the group he’s infiltrating.

  Justin Stanton has been fighting his own attraction to Morgan ever since he met her last year. So he had talked Ethan into taking this assignment. He was having a difficult time forgetting her, and he didn’t plan to let himself love her, no matter how his heart and senses reacted to her.

  Morgan is attracted to both men but thinks Justin doesn't like her, and how could she choose between them anyway? One wife for two men. It never entered her mind.

  Ethan sends Morgan to the ranch under Justin’s protection. Sparks fly, danger threatens her life, and love comes to their rescue.

  Genre: Contemporary, Multiple Partners, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 54,228 words


  Wyoming Warriors 2

  Paige Cameron


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Polyromance


  Copyright © 2011 by Paige Cameron

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-916-4

  First E-book Publication: October 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Thanks to my family and friends who have encouraged me in following my dream, to write.


  Wyoming Warriors 2


  Copyright © 2011


  “Explain again why you want me to take this job instead of you?” Ethan Wright Stanton was lounged back in his chair, while Justin Stanton found himself unable to sit still. He paced the floor of their cabin.

  “If you don’t want the assignment I’ll ask someone else,” Justin snapped.

  Ethan chuckled. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to do the job. I asked you a question. You’ve never turned down anything your cousin and boss, Mitch, asked of you.”

  Justin threw himself into the chair facing Ethan. “Part of the assignment involves a woman…”

  “Hah, you said good-bye, and now the situation is awkward.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “No, there’s something else you’re not telling me, but I’ll find out.” Ethan stood and stretched. “I’m going in first, undercover?”

  “You’re better at that than I am,” Justin said.

  “All right. Give me the packet of information. I’ll study it tonight and be ready to leave first thing in the morning.” He raked his hand through his black hair. “The thing I hate most about undercover is dyeing my hair. But it’s not much of a disguise if I don’t, since I never wear contacts to change my eye color. You owe me after this.” Ethan grabbed the packet from Justin on his way to his bedroom.

  “Ethan.” Justin spoke, stopping his brother before he closed his bedroom door. “Be careful.”

  “I always am.”

  Justin had wanted to say, be careful with your heart. But that would have brought on more questions. Ones Justin didn’t want to answer about Morgan O’Malley. Damn, the woman still haunted him a year later. It didn’t help that she’d just visited the ranch a few months ago to see her friend, Sara, and Sara’s baby.

  Even if he wanted to further their relationship, which he didn’t, eventually he’d have had to say good-bye, or explain about him and his people. How they all had special, heightened abilities, and his and Ethan’s plan to marry the same woman. All very normal at the ranch where his descendants, and the other family’s descendants, settled centuries ago.

  But people outside their community thought they were simply cowboys working a regular ranch. Sara hadn’t even told her friends or family that she had two husbands. He and Ethan would have to be serious about marrying Morgan before sharing their secrets. And that wasn’t going to happen.

  And why was he even thinking about this? She might be beautiful and kissed like the sweetest woman on earth, but she was also a fashion plate and afraid of animals. He was a veterinarian. How ridiculous to have even considered her, for a moment, to be his wife.

  Restless, he walked outside and stood on the porch. The air was crisp and cool, and the night sky dark except for the millions of stars. This was his favorite place on earth.

  He’d heard Morgan talking to Sara on her last visit. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop.

  “How do you stand all this wide openness, Sara? And there are so many animals.”

  Justin had seen her shudder. He hadn’t waited to hear Sara’s answer.

  No, Morgan
O’Malley was the last woman on earth for him. But what if Ethan fell under her spell? She’d tempt a saint, and Ethan was no saint.

  Whatever he had to do, he wasn’t going to let Morgan come between him and his brother.

  Annoyed with himself for even thinking about her, Justin strode off toward the barn. He had a sick horse to check on.

  Chapter One

  Two months later

  Morgan O’Malley tried to shake off the uneasy feeling that crept up her spine and had her heart beating faster than usual. Over the past six years she’d attended numerous parties her boss, Bill Sams, had given. She was being silly.

  Her three-year-old sedan looked incongruous among the fancy automobiles parked on the circular drive and along the street. Stepping out of her car, she straightened her spine and headed toward Bill’s front door.

  “Morgan, I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” Bill said, and ushered her inside. “Everyone is here. They’re in the family room, or out on the patio. Get a drink and circulate.” He motioned her toward the bar, set up in a corner of the room.

  She studied the crowd as she strolled in that direction. The majority of the men were business acquaintances who she’d seen come in and out of Bill’s office. Most had first appeared this past year. She didn’t recognize any of the women.

  If only Ellen had been free to come with her today, she’d be more comfortable. She missed Sara since she’d married and moved to Wyoming. Sara and Ellen were Morgan’s best friends. They had gone everywhere together. More and more Morgan either stayed home, or found herself going places alone.

  “What’s your pleasure?” the bartender asked her.

  “Can you make me a virgin strawberry daiquiri?”

  “I can, but what a waste. A little buzz at a party always makes for more fun.” He gave her a flirty smile.

  “I can do without the buzz.”

  He shrugged and began to mix her drink.

  “Morgan, hello.” A short, plump, partially bald man stepped to her side. “After you get your drink, join our group on the patio.” He slid his cold, pudgy hand along her arm. “I like the sundress.” His eyes pointedly stared at her heart-shaped bustline.

  Morgan fought to keep from shivering at his touch. Her stomach churned. Bill had introduced her to Mr. Brown about six months ago. She suspected Brown wasn’t his real name. Since then, the older man had made a determined effort to date her. Apparently, a repeated no was not enough of a rejection.

  She deliberately turned her back to him and reached for her drink. “Excuse me. I’m going to mingle.” She strode off in the opposite direction from the group on the patio.

  Two women stood by long windows facing the wide yard leading down to the river. Morgan joined them.

  “It’s a beautiful day for a party,” Morgan said to start a conversation. How inane she sounded, but at least it kept her away from Mr. Brown, and several of the other men who always looked at her as though they were undressing her in their minds.

  “The weather doesn’t matter to me. Anytime I can get into a group with this many powerful, rich men is a good day,” the tall, anemic-looking blonde said.

  “Me, too,” her friend added. “This is the first party of this type I’ve been invited to. I don’t plan to waste any time. Let’s go meet some men.” She and the other woman ignored Morgan and headed to the glass doors.

  Morgan’s gut had told her to stay home, but she’d been doing too much of that lately. She took a sip of her drink and walked across the room to the buffet. She’d eat a small amount, finish her drink, and get out of here.

  After selecting a variety of stuffed shrimp, mushrooms, vegetables with dip, and cheese bread, Morgan took her plate and drink and found a seat to the side of the room. She’d been hungrier than she’d realized, and cleaned her plate quickly.

  Gradually the room had emptied. She and another couple were the only ones left.

  She took a long sip of her daiquiri, left her plate on a nearby table, and strolled out a side door, managing to avoid Mr. Brown. She walked toward the river and the dock where a large houseboat sat waiting to take them all on a ride later. She planned to be gone long before then.

  Morgan reached in her pocket for her sunglasses and blinked her eyes. The sunlight had made her dizzy. She hurried the last few steps to get to the bank and sink onto the grass. Her stomach didn’t feel so good, either. Maybe the shrimp was bad?

  When she tried to raise her glass, her hand appeared to be moving in a circle. “Whoa.” What the hell was happening to her? Taking two hands she guided the top of the glass to her mouth.

  “I’d throw that away if I was you.”

  A smooth, sexy voice echoed in her ear. She turned her head to see him, and the world swam around her. Her stomach rebelled. All her food and drink spewed out across polished black shoes.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I meant.” The man spoke from a distance and strangely sounded amused.

  “So sorry. Don’t know what is wrong.” She let her body fall flat against the grass.

  “Let me help you.” Warm hands sat her straight and then his strong, muscular arms picked her up and held her against his hot body. His scent had her turning her head into his chest and taking a deep breath.

  “You smell good.”

  “Thanks.” This time he definitely chuckled. She felt it under her ear. Taking long, smooth strides, the man carried her back toward the house.

  “No,” she whispered. “Take me to my car. Don’t want to see Mr. Brown. Might throw up again.” She barely managed to get the words out around her stumbling tongue.

  “He has the same effect on me. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”

  Morgan blinked and tried to see her rescuer. A tanned face with eyes that moved around and blond hair falling over a forehead were brief impressions. She gave up and closed her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with Morgan?” She heard Bill’s voice from a distance.

  “She’s not feeling well. I’ll see her home,” her rescuer answered.

  But he doesn’t know where I live. I have to tell him. The words refused to form on her lips. The rest of the conversation was lost as she sank deeper into the blackness.

  * * * *

  Ethan Wright Stanton held Morgan close to his body. The other men stood watching and listening to the interchange between him and Bill. He was in a tight spot. From the angry expression on Mr. Brown’s face, Ethan expected he held what Brown had paid to enjoy. The other women here today looked like ladies of the night. The woman in his arms didn’t. Whatever Brown had had in mind for her, it wasn’t going to happen.

  “You don’t know where she lives, do you?” Bill asked.

  “Actually I do. We went to dinner the other night. I followed her home to be sure she got there all right.” He lied, but they wouldn’t know. “Anyway, I plan to take her to my place until she’s feeling better.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You can leave her with me. I’ve known her for six years. She’ll be more comfortable waking up in my house instead of someplace she’s never been.”

  Bill frowned at him.

  “I promised her I’d take care of her. I never break a promise.” Ethan stared him down.

  “Wait a minute.” Mr. Brown had walked across to stand by them. “I’ve paid for this,” he whispered to Bill.

  With Ethan’s heightened sense of sound, he had no difficulty hearing the weasel. He’d suspected as much. Her drink had been spiked, probably with a date rape drug. Why would her boss do this to her?

  “I must insist you leave her with me,” Bill repeated. Sweat formed on his brow. “If not, there will be serious repercussions.”

  “Such as?”

  “We’ll stop you,” Mr. Brown snapped.

  “Just try.” Ethan turned and strode across the grass and around the house.

  “Wait. I demand you stop.” Mr. Brown stumbled and fell flat in his effort to catch Ethan.

  “Good riddance,�
� Ethan said, over his shoulder. His chauffeur waited holding the door to his limo open. Ethan carefully placed Morgan inside. He stepped back out to face Bill Sams.

  “After this behavior I doubt you’ll be invited to continue to be a part of our group,” Bill threatened.

  Ethan shrugged. “If you don’t need my money, that’s fine.”

  He started to step back inside the car.

  Bill grabbed his arm, but let it go when Ethan stared at his hand. “Come to my office Monday morning. We’ll talk.”

  “Charles, close the door and drive.” Ethan stepped into the limo. Let the asshole sweat. He sat on a side seat and studied Morgan. She was beautiful. He’d seen her twice, just recently, at Bill’s office. But he hadn’t spoken to her, other than to acknowledge their introduction.

  Money had paved the way for him to infiltrate into the espionage group. Then, a few weeks ago, he’d been introduced to Bill Sams.

  Justin had been right about the man. But Ethan still had no idea of the identity of the mastermind leader, or how all the different personalities worked in the spy ring that included many diverse illegal activities. He glanced at the woman passed out on the long back seat.

  What was her role? It was difficult to believe she was totally innocent, and yet she was a close friend of Sara’s, his leaders’ wife.

  Ethan slipped off his ruined shoes. He smiled, remembering. It was his fault for stepping so close, but he’d noticed her coming his way in her lemony-colored sundress, the sun making her black-as-night hair glisten. She’d simply taken his breath away.


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