Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  “Jack, contact Jake to get the plane ready for takeoff. Come on, you two.” He motioned to Ethan and Justin.

  Ethan led the way to his office and shut the door after the other two entered. He went across to his bar and poured a whiskey for each of them.

  Daren motioned for him and Justin to sit. He stayed standing, leaning against the desk front. “We’re into this job too deep to pull out now. Mitch and I, and the government, want the big guy caught soon. He’s yanked us around long enough. Ethan, you’ve made the best inroads, and just about messed it all up with this rescue.”

  “You didn’t expect me not to act?”

  “No. I’d have done the same. But it has us close to losing all we’ve gained.” He stared hard at Ethan. “You’re certain she isn’t one of them?”


  “And you realize how dangerous it is to have the woman both you and Justin are involved with participate in our operation?”

  “She was participating before I ever met her, she just didn’t know it.”

  “I am not involved with her,” Justin protested.

  “Quit lying,” both Ethan and Daren snapped at once.

  “He’s been chasing his tail around all year trying to forget her,” Daren said to Ethan.

  Justin’s face flushed red. “If you weren’t my boss, I’d punch you.”

  “Look, I understand how this can happen suddenly and knock you for a loop. But work is no place for what you two are experiencing. Still, I have no choice but to leave you here, Ethan. You’ve gotten further than anybody before, and we don’t have another person with your particular skills that could replace you, other than Justin. Justin, she may have to come to the ranch. If she does, she’s going to be your responsibility. Understand?”

  “All right, yes.”

  “Good. Try to keep your heads on straight. Let’s get the job done, and then you can decide if she’s right for both of you. Now, I’m going home. Next time I’ll send Mitch. He’s meaner than me.” Daren grinned and left, shutting the door behind him.

  “If I send for you, come get her quick,” Ethan said. “And I expect you to treat her well.”

  “Just remember, she’s not my choice.”

  Ethan watched his brother leave the room. “Liar,” he mouthed as he followed Justin out. He’d make his big brother face his true feelings. But first, he had Morgan to protect, and a job to finish.

  Shortly after their meeting, Daren, Sara, Jack, and Justin left to meet Jake at the plane. Charles, who had joined them after Jake left, followed them out to go to his condo downstairs.

  “Contact me if I'm needed,” Charles said on leaving.

  Ethan closed the door and put his arms around Morgan. “Finally, we’re alone again.” He rubbed his nose across hers. “I love your fragrance.”

  “I don’t have on perfume.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. Believe me, you don’t need any.” His hands slid down her back and pulled her tight against his cock.

  * * * *

  A hunger to taste him and mold her body into his shocked Morgan. She pushed against his chest. “Whoa. This is all happening too fast. I’m confused, and a little scared. Can we slow down?”

  “You want me,” Ethan stated. He looked deep into her blue eyes.

  “Just because I desire you doesn’t mean you’re good for me. You don’t understand. I dated your friend, Justin. He appeared to want me, care about me, fast like this. It sizzled out just as quickly. I don’t want to be hurt.”

  “Justin is my brother, actually I was adopted into his family.”

  “Brothers?” She pulled herself completely out of his arms. “He’s told you about me.”

  “Not much, just that you’re beautiful. But we’ll slow down for a while.” He grinned. “At least until we come back tomorrow from getting your clothes. Tonight, you rest and sleep.”

  She stared into his eyes and felt a tiny bit disappointed that he’d agreed so quickly. What was she thinking? Her brain must still be scrambled. The last thing she needed to do was to fall for Justin’s brother.

  Chapter Four

  Morgan unlocked her door and started inside. Ethan caught hold of her arm.

  “Remember, they may have put bugs in your apartment. Be careful what you say, but do show obvious affection toward me. Imagine they can see whatever we say or do.”

  She nodded her head and stepped into her stuffy living room. With all the windows closed and no air on, the place had a deserted feeling and smell. Ethan leaned against the shut door and surveyed the room.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “A little too fussy and feminine for my taste. Don’t think I’ll let you start painting my rooms peach or—what is this color?” He nodded toward the walls.

  “Leaf green.”

  “No leaf green, either.”

  Morgan grinned, shook her head at him, and headed toward her bedroom. “Make yourself at home. I have a lot of clothes and other incidentals to pack.”

  “Get all you need. I don’t plan on running by here every day. Have you got any beer?”

  “Look in the kitchen.” She glanced back at him before going into her bedroom.

  “Don’t look at me that way, or I might have to join you, and we wouldn’t get out of here until late tonight. You said you wanted to go to the Concert on the Lawn.”

  “I do. Stay out of my room. I’ll hurry.”

  She pulled her suitcases out of the closet and began to throw her clothes into them. She’d better take some warmer outfits in case, as Daren had mentioned to her, she ended up at the ranch later.

  Chills curled up her spine when she thought about her home being bugged. The apartment felt alien to her. She’d never feel safe and private in this place ever again.

  After filling two big cases, she went into the bath and began to pack her smaller case full of her personal care items and her makeup. She looked in the mirror. For a short time, she’d forgotten she had nothing on her face.

  Her mother’s voice echoed in her head, warning her how pale and plain she looked without her cosmetics. Beautiful mama, who’d had a plain, unattractive daughter.

  Mother was right. Morgan’s skin was pale, and she had circles under her eyes. She reached out for her foundation and began to restore her appearance. After doing her face and hair, she went into the closet and hoped they hadn’t put any cameras in there.

  She didn’t want to give them a show, but she did want to wear something more attractive. She hurriedly put on black slacks and a red-and-black blouse. Her low patent flats completed the outfit. She studied herself in the long mirror on her closet door. This was Morgan, not that pale, weak-looking woman who’d first arrived.

  “You changed.” Ethan leaned against her doorframe. He straightened and advanced slowly toward her. She loved to watch him walk. Desire curled inside her belly.

  Leaning down, he breathed deeply. “You smell good.” He licked her lips. “And you taste good. I don’t suppose we can skip the concert? We did have some unfinished business back at my place.”

  “No, we can’t. I’m ready. Those two big suitcases and the smaller ones in the bathroom are full.”

  “I’m going to need a bigger closet,” he teased as he lifted the first two cases and headed out to the car.

  Morgan sat on the side of her bed and glanced around the room. She’d forgotten her pictures. On the chest was her only picture of her mother, father, and her together. It had been taken right after her graduation from high school. She picked up the frame and studied her parents.

  Ethan returned and leaned over her shoulder. “They must be your mom and dad. You got your black hair and blue eyes from your father.”

  “Mom and I always wished I’d have gotten her long, golden hair and golden-brown eyes. She’s beautiful, and she had me for her only child.”

  “She was lucky.” His lips brushed along her neck. Her heart jumped. “Your father is a handsome man.”

“Mom said she liked his dark features at first, but it didn’t last. Most of the men she’s loved had been blond like her.”

  “Come on, baby, let’s get out of here. Want to take that photo?”

  “No. The only one I want is the one on my bedside table of Sara, Ellen, and me. They’ve been my family for the last ten years.”

  Morgan followed him out. She took one last look around. Whatever happened, the only time she’d come back here would be to get her furniture. She’d never live here again. She shut the door. The snap of the lock sounded very final.

  Ethan drove toward the west end of town. The creek meandered alongside the small town and at this end went straight through a large park. People had begun to gather with lawn chairs and blankets spread out to enjoy the music.

  A large band busily arranged their seats on the other side of the creek from where the guests were to sit. A few dark clouds floated across a blue sky.

  Ethan spread out a blanket he’d taken from Morgan’s closet. She sat and observed the people as they poured out of cars and found their spaces around the area facing the band.

  “Back at the apartment you said where we were going.” Morgan tilted her head to look up where Ethan stood surveying the crowd. “Why?”

  He sat down close to her. A little tingle of awareness crept across her skin whenever he got near. No other man had ever made her feel this way, except Justin. It didn’t make sense.

  “I want to see if I recognize anyone in the group. I’m certain they’ll send someone to keep an eye on us.”

  “Isn’t it dangerous to let them know our plans?”

  “It can be, but I want to draw them out. Are you frightened?” he asked and looked intently into her eyes.

  “Some, but I want to help you. I want to see Mr. Brown and Bill pay for what they tried to do to me. Who knows how many other women they’ve drugged and taken away somewhere?”

  “I’ll protect you, but if something should happen and they get me, then I have something back at my place I want to give you. You can use it to call for help.”

  “What are you people, part of the CIA?”

  “Sort of. I can’t say too much at this time.”

  “I’d be scared out of my mind, if it wasn’t for knowing Sara trusts you all. This is very strange.”

  His deep chuckle kindled sparks of desire racing through her. Moisture seeped into her panties. Leaning toward her in his black slacks and blue shirt, his blond hair blowing in the breeze, and taut muscles outlined by his clothes, he sent her temperature climbing to boiling.

  “If you keep looking at me like you are now, we’re going to leave, and I’ll be inside you the minute we get inside my door. I smell your desire, and my cock is hard and ready to fill you.” His sexy voice and frank words had the inner muscles of her pussy clenching with a voracious hunger. Without thinking, she reached out and ran her finger down his arm. His fascinating silvery blue eyes turned a molten silver.

  “One more touch and we’re gone.”

  Morgan glanced around them. People were talking and kids ran around yelling and screaming. No one noticed them. It was as though they were enclosed in their own little bubble of heat and desire. She leaned close to Ethan and whispered in his ear, “I want to hear the music and know you’re sitting beside me thinking about us together.” She deliberately looked away and leaned back on her arms.

  His breath hissed out of his mouth. “You’re going to pay for this when we get home.”

  She glanced around at him, but he had turned to study the crowd. He looked cool and calm. But she noticed his stronger, enticing scent and felt the heat radiating from him. Excitement built into her just thinking about having sex with him, and if she was honest, a tiny flicker of fear was present also.

  He turned toward her, as though he’d heard her thoughts. “I won’t ever hurt you.” His mouth brushed across her lips briefly. Her heart jumped a beat. At the same moment the band began to play.

  Music soared over their heads. Several birds disturbed by the sound rose out of the trees and flew away. People settled onto their chairs and blankets and held children in their laps. Ethan pulled her close to his chest and put his arms around her. She leaned into him, breathing in his spicy, woodsy fragrance, and feeling his warmth. For the first time in many years, she felt safe and accepted.

  But when he left, and he would as Justin had, she’d be devastated. Now was the time to pull back. Go away for awhile and let him finish his business. Then when it was safe, she’d come back and he’d be gone.

  He kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “Stop thinking, let the music inside you, feel the notes.” His voice flowed like warm honey into every cell in her body. She sighed. It was too late to run. She knew it, and so did he.

  Streaks of gold and pink colored the sky as the sun began to disappear behind the trees. The band had played for almost an hour. The leader stepped up to the mike.

  “We want to thank you all for being here. It’s great to see such a large community response. We have two more numbers to play, and then we’ll be finished. Have a good week, folks.” He raised his hands, and music filled the park.

  “Let’s get out of here before we’re caught in the crowd.” Ethan helped her stand and grabbed the blanket. A number of other people had the same idea, and cars began a steady move along the narrow road toward the exit.

  Morgan stretched in her seat as Ethan got into the slow-moving traffic. “It was a lovely evening, thank you.” She turned to smile at him.

  “You’re welcome. I enjoy music. I’ll take you to hear a symphony after all this is over.”

  “Will you still be around?” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

  “Wherever I am, you’ll be with me.”

  Her heart sank. He was trying to pacify her. Tell her she’d be in his heart is what he meant. Why did she have such poor luck with men?

  Ethan reached across and took her hand. “What’s wrong? Are you so determined to live here that you wouldn’t consider relocating with me?”

  She jerked her head around. “You’re serious? You hardly know me. Most men aren’t impressed after they’ve been with me for a while.”

  “What idiots.” He squeezed her hand. “I think they were afraid of you.”

  Now she turned in her seat to face him. “What do you mean?”

  “Honey, you’re beautiful, bright, the kind of woman an insecure man would be constantly afraid of losing, so he rejects you first.”

  “What an interesting theory. You’re not afraid of me?”

  “I’m not insecure.” Ethan glanced in his rearview mirror. “Hang on, honey.” He pressed his foot on the accelerator and the sports car raced down the street, turned a corner into a narrow alley, and sped toward the end.

  Morgan closed her eyes and felt the car go to the left. When she looked again, they were speeding down another road away from town. In the rearview mirror, she spotted a black sedan hurtling along after them.

  “Is it Mr. Brown?” She clutched the armrest on the door.

  “His goons, most likely.”

  Suddenly, Ethan yanked the wheel, and their car did a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn, heading straight for the sedan.

  Morgan started to scream but closed her eyes instead. Whatever was going to happen, she wasn’t going to look. Her muscles tensed, waiting for the inevitable crash of metal.

  “You can open your eyes now.” He spoke with a touch of humor in his voice.

  Instant anger ripped through her. “What the hell were you thinking?” She turned to look behind and saw the sedan come face-to-face with another car, swerve, and fly through the air, hitting flat and hard on the side of the road. A plain, gray car sped toward them.

  “You can relax. They’re my guys.”

  “Relax!” Her voice screeched. “You and your friends are insane.” She wanted to spit nails she was so angry, more than she had ever been before.

  He didn’t respond, but he did slow to the speed l
imit and shortly afterwards parked in the underground garage where he lived. He came around and opened her door.

  “I’m not getting out. You can take me back to my place. I’d be safer there than what I just went through.”

  “Like hell.” He reached in and picked her up and strode across to his private elevator.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Morgan saw the plain, gray car pull into another parking slot. She turned her attention back to Ethan and frowned. “Take me home.”

  Ignoring her, he got on the elevator and said a set of numbers. The lift started upwards. Heat sizzled around them. Neither spoke until he stepped into the condo.

  “Put me down,” she ordered. “I am not staying with you.”

  She stared into his eyes. They’d turned icy gray. His face a mask of sexuality, hard planes and tight mouth, a pulse beating in his cheek.

  He let her body slide down against his steely frame. One hand held her lower body tight against his obviously aroused cock. Reaching behind her, he slammed the door shut, and then pushed her hard against the wall. In a second, he had ripped the button off her pants and yanked them down and away, along with her panties.

  His mouth clamped over hers. Her heart beat hard and fast, and she shivered with a mixture of excitement and fright. She’d set something into motion, and had no control at this point. His strong, masculine scent pulled at her, and fluid gushed from her pussy. His fingers slipped between her tender, sensitive folds and into her aroused pussy. Her inner muscles immediately clamped around them. She moaned deep in her throat.

  Ethan pulled back and stared into her eyes. “You’re mine, and I’d never do something to injure you. Never, at any moment back there, was I out of control.”

  She started to protest.

  “Shh, don’t talk.” The words were spoken softly. “Don’t say anything, except that you want me. Or if you don’t, then tell me to stop.”

  Morgan stood there encircled by his arms, looking deep into his eyes. Her whole body shook with the need to have him inside her. And yet the anger still shimmered, and she wanted to tell him to go to hell. But something in his face and eyes stopped her. A slight flash of vulnerability? Maybe she imagined it. Whatever it was didn’t matter. She did want him, very much.


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