Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 11

by Paige Cameron

  “Whoa, Justin, it’s only me,” Ethan said, noting the tension in Justin’s muscles. “I thought you’d be in bed long ago.” He glanced at the wall clock. “One o’clock and you still awake must mean trouble.”

  “I’m afraid I’ve ruined things for both of us with Morgan,” Justin blurted out.

  “I’ll make coffee while you tell me what’s been happening.”

  Justin followed Ethan into the kitchen and sank into one of the chairs by the table. He gave a quick recap of all that had occurred since Morgan arrived.

  “She really threw mud in your face?” Ethan grinned.

  “Yeah, the guys have ribbed me every since, and the wives said it was about time I met a woman that would stand up to me.” He shrugged. “It was funny after I got over being mad. But let me finish and tell you about the real disaster tonight. You know me. I’m not eloquent like you. I messed it up, but maybe it didn’t matter. She doesn’t like the idea of two husbands, and I may have scared her talking about our unique differences.”

  Ethan sat a coffee cup in front of Justin. “Start at the first and tell me all of it.”

  After Justin finished, Ethan tried to think of some way they might change her mind. He wasn’t going to give up until they’d tried at least once or twice more to convince her to marry them. Mitch’s ultimatum made one of them marrying her impossible. Neither of them would be happy having to live outside the community. The ranch was an integral part of their lives. Others had left, and most seemed happy, but it just wouldn’t work for them.

  “How long are you going to be here?” Justin asked.

  “Not long enough. We’re waiting for word of a meeting with the head guy. Bill has supposedly gone to arrange our get-together, but neither Daren nor I trust him. I suspect he realized who I was when I went into warrior mode and beat him up after he insulted Morgan.

  “We’re concerned he might decide to come here and bring others with him. I went by and saw Sahale on my way here tonight. He’s going out on rounds to check the cattle, and to look at all the perimeters. He has an uncanny ability to sense if strangers are around.”

  “He amazes me with his natural instincts in his work as a vet.”

  Ethan picked up their empty cups and put them in the sink. He leaned against the counter’s edge. “He inherited more abilities from his Native American ancestry than his mother did. And since her mother, his grandmother, taught him how to utilize those instinctive skills, we have no better tracker. That means you and Mitchell will be the only vets available until he gets back.”

  “Who’s going to watch out for Morgan?”

  “I will while I’m here. If Bill’s going to show his face, it’ll be soon, or he’ll call me about the meeting.”

  “All right. I’d better shower and get to work. You going to sleep for a while?”

  “No. I slept a little on the plane. I’m going to visit our girl and start convincing her how happy she’d be with the two of us. If you get a chance, stop by later.”

  “Will do. She’s in the smaller visitor cabin.”

  Ethan stretched and rolled his shoulders. He was tired, but he didn’t doubt he could rest much better with Morgan beside him than in his bed alone. He’d surprise her.

  * * * *

  Morgan put on her nightgown and sat on the side of the bed, looking out at the moon. Her heart ached and tears ran down her face. She didn’t know what to do. For now, she couldn’t just go home, not until Ethan and the others said it was safe. And home wasn’t really home anymore, not since they’d broken in and bugged the place.

  What would Mom and Dad say if she arrived on their doorstep? She gave a halfhearted chuckle thinking of their surprised faces. They’d try to appear pleased and welcoming, but she always knew they were wondering how long she’d stay. Morgan didn’t fit in their lifestyle of jaunting around the world and hobnobbing with the rich and famous. Especially since she was grown and had chosen not to work for them. She’d wanted to live her life her own way.

  With her trust fund, she could go most anywhere. None of her friends knew she was embarrassingly rich. She worked and kept within her budget, pretty much. She’d never wanted to be seen as different. Much of her money was directed to favorite causes, all done anonymously. Even Sara and Ellen would be shocked to know her secrets.

  She padded into the kitchen and put a pot on the stove to warm water. She’d bought several types of herbal teas at the store today. One was suppose to help you sleep. But she expected she’d have to be physically knocked out to rest tonight.

  After making her tea, she found a pencil and paper. There were three choices. The first was Ethan and her. The second choice had her marrying Ethan and Justin, and the third one, she’d disappear. She’d go where no one knew her and start over.

  Her eyes began to droop. Maybe that tea did work. Thinking she’d just lie down for a minute and rest, she went back to her bedroom. She lay across the bed and curled up where she could see the sky. She still clutched the paper with her choices.

  Vaguely, she thought she heard a slight whisper of movement in her room. Her heartbeat jumped into overdrive. She lay still, hoping she was wrong, and then she smelled his scent. Opening her eyes, she saw him outlined by the moonlight. He held the paper she’d written on in his hand and was reading her options. Lowering the paper, he stared into her eyes, sending a rush of heat flowing through her veins.

  “The only viable option on here is the second one.” He moved toward her. His muscles fluid like a sleek cat stalking her.

  “I can’t marry two men, especially ones that are admittedly different in ways I still don’t understand.”

  “Why not?” He’d stopped at her bedside and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Stop. We can’t make love.”

  “We’ve already made love before, and you liked it. You begged for more.” His sensuous lips curved into a smile. The inner muscles of her pussy clenched tight as a craving to have him slide deep inside her began to build.

  “I let Justin make love to me.” Tears pooled in her eyes again. “I’m so ashamed. I wasn’t able to stay true to you.”

  “But you still love me.”

  “Yes. I’ve never been interested in two men at once. Never!” She took a deep breath. “And yet I find I can’t choose between you, and I refuse to cause a rift between brothers.”

  While she’d been looking away from him, he’d finished undressing. His boots, jeans, and shirt lay on the floor. He sat beside her and nipped her earlobe. A zing went straight down to her pussy.

  She tried to move away from him, but he held her chin tight, and his mouth captured hers for a deep kiss. A shiver of anticipation ran over her. Her hands started to push him away, but forgot what they were supposed to do. Her fingers brushed across the soft hair on his chest and teased his nipples.

  Ethan reached for the hem of her short gown. He pulled it over her head and off. Then he lifted her to the middle of the bed and grabbed a condom from his jeans pocket. He opened the package and slid the condom over his aroused, pulsing cock.

  “See how much I want you. You want me. I can smell your desire. Your nipples are swollen with longing for me to suckle them.”

  His words ratcheted the heat level inside her to on fire.

  He straddled her body and looked down. She almost felt him touch her with his intense stare. “Rub your nipples. I want to see you.”

  His command had her shivering with excitement. Her hands cupped her breasts while her thumbs stroked her nipples. All the muscles below her waist clenched tight as she watched his eyes turn to liquid silver.

  “Move one hand down and grip my cock.” His husky voice brushed across her skin like warm silk. She gripped him firmly and began to move her hand up and down. The muscles of his face drew taut with desire.

  “Oh, baby, I missed you.”

  He leaned down to her chest and brushed her hand aside. His mouth covered her taut nipple and suckled on her breast. Like a line pulling tight sh
e felt the tug in her pussy. All her womanly instincts yelled yes. He went back and forth between each breast, giving each one attention.

  She rubbed across the top of his penis and along the sensitive underside. He groaned and his tongue flickered around and over her nipple more quickly.

  Ethan raised his head and caught her chin in his warm hand.

  “I want you. I’m glad you love Justin, too. We always wanted to find a woman who would please us both. You don’t need to feel guilty about any of your actions. And we’re not that different from other men, just better equipped to fight the battles we take on.

  “I’ll stop now if you want, or you can tell me to continue.”

  His impassioned words speared through her heart. Turn back? Her body throbbed with need and burned with the fire he’d kindled inside her. She was wet with the juice from her desire. Her pussy lips ached to clamp around his hard cock. She tried to think clearly, but her mind screamed to take him inside her.

  She pulled his head down close to her lips. “Take me, damn you.” She whispered the words.

  He bit her lower lip and whispered back, “Anything to please, my lady.” He spread her legs wide and plunged deep. Her body arched with the intense pleasure. She pulled his hips tighter, pulling him in even more. All the time their eyes were connected by an unseen wire.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” she taunted him.

  “Damn you.” His sizzling grin sent a tremor of response rippling across her skin. Pulling her legs up to his wide shoulders, he sank as deep as he could go. Then just as suddenly he moved out. He bent his head to suckle her clit and taste her sweet honey. His mouth and teeth teased, tasted, and suckled all along her pink folds and across her nub.

  Morgan screamed for him to take her, but he only laughed and continued to torment her, bringing her to the edge, backing down, and then doing it again. Finally, when she thought she’d explode, he moved to her opening and slid back in. This time he moved slow and easy. Her pussy clamped around him, and her inner muscles trembled against his hot cock.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he said, as he went in all the way, and she split apart with the deep ecstasy of her orgasm. From a distance she heard his shout of release.

  “You two are having too much fun without me.”

  Morgan managed to turn her head in the direction of her bedroom door. Justin sauntered in, dropping his clothes as he came.

  Ethan rolled off of her and smiled across at his brother. “It’s your fault for not getting here sooner. I’m not sorry.” He spoke between gasping for breath. “She,” he said, and nodded at Morgan, “and I have had a wonderful time alone. But you’re welcome to join us.”

  “No. I—”

  Both men stared at her, but Justin continued to undress. He sat on the side of the bed and removed his boots, then stood to take off his jeans.

  “You were saying, darlin’?”

  “I can’t. This isn’t right.”

  “Sure it is.” Justin climbed into the bed beside her. Ethan had moved over and pulled her with him. Justin leaned down and kissed her. “Sweetest kisser I’ve ever known.”

  “And I’m sure you’ve known quite a few.” Morgan said.

  Justin looked across her to Ethan. “I love her smart mouth.” His lips covered hers again, and his hand moved down along her neck to her breast. He barely brushed the palm of his hand over the tip of her nipple.

  She didn’t think her body could move after what she’d just experienced with Ethan, but her breast seemed to swell right in his hand, and a sizzle went straight to her pussy. His tongue slid inside her mouth and licked along the top and sides. She hadn’t realized she’d turned toward him until she felt Ethan’s hands rubbing her back and cupping her backside. His lips nuzzled at her neck.

  Their scents and warm bodies enveloped her, and her head and body responded immediately. Her every nerve more sensitive than they’d ever been to a touch or a kiss. Her insides wept with moisture. She felt her pussy pulse with a craving to have one of their hot, hard cocks inside her.

  Justin’s mouth traveled down her body. At the juncture to her thighs, he separated her pink folds and rubbed his thumb across her clit. She moaned. Ethan had moved to her breasts and suckled one while he teased the nipple of the other. A tremor started inside her pussy and traveled to every nerve. She had a voracious hunger for her two men that both thrilled and frightened her.

  Her legs were spread wider. Justin quickly put on a condom and placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He began to move in slowly as Ethan kissed her mouth, and moved his tongue in and out to match Justin’s rhythm below. Ethan still rubbed across her taut nipples and Morgan was sure any moment she’d explode with the tension building inside her.

  “Let go, sweetheart.” She heard Ethan’s voice in her ear. Justin moved faster and deeper, and a tide of pleasure shook her and sent her over the edge. She heard Justin groan out his release.

  The inner walls of her pussy clenched around his cock and held as soft ripples continued to roll through her. She savored the feeling of being held close in their embrace, a warm, sexy cocoon to rest in and catch her breath. But as she did, reality intruded.

  Justin moved to her side, trying to catch his breath. Ethan still held her close, muttering in her ear about how sweet she was, and how much they wanted her to be their wife.

  After a few moments Ethan lay on one side turned toward her. Justin kept close to her from the other side. “What are you thinking?” Ethan asked.

  She looked at them. They were gorgeous men, masculine and strong, and they had beautiful eyes. They both had said they wanted her for their wife. Still, the whole concept was difficult to conceive.

  “Who else here is married to two men?”

  “The majority,” Justin answered.


  “I think Sara would rather answer that question herself,” Ethan said.

  “I have to have room to think. Ethan, how long will you be here?”

  “I’m not sure.” He sat up and grabbed his clothes. “I’m going to take a quick shower, and then we’ll talk. Want to join me?” He grinned at Morgan.

  “If I do, we’ll never get anything done.”

  “True. I’ll hurry so you and Justin can shower, too.” He walked quickly into her bathroom.

  Justin pushed her curls off her forehead and leaned down to kiss her. His fingers stroked down her cheek and across her lips. “You’re so soft. I can’t get enough of touching you, kissing you, being inside you. Can you really leave and forget us?”

  “I’m not sure whether I can leave, but I’m equally not sure I can stay and live such a different lifestyle. I never saw myself as a farm girl.”

  “But you do enjoy being here. I’ve seen your smiles and laughter. You’d adjust.”

  “We would hope. There are things about living in town that I’d miss. A big city has concerts, plays, libraries, and wonderful restaurants.”

  Justin moved quickly out the bed and pulled his clothes on. “That’s why I said you’d never do for us.” He turned and stormed out of the room.

  Morgan heard the door slam. She fought to swallow around the lump in her throat and blinked to keep the tears from falling.

  “I heard Justin leave. Did something happen between you two?” Ethan stood leaning against the doorframe, a white towel hanging low around his hips.

  “We aren’t suited. I told you it would never work.”

  “You two had me fooled a few minutes ago.”

  She flushed at his words and frowned. “Because I said I’d miss concerts, and plays, and restaurants if I lived here all the time, he said I’ve never do for you two.”

  Ethan sat on the side of her bed and pulled her into his arms. She clung to his strong body, reassured by his warmth and his embrace.

  “Justin was hiding his hurt. He loves you. What you said seemed to him like a rejection of all he is.” Ethan kissed the top of her head.

  “You said men might reject
me because they were insecure. Justin doesn’t seem like an insecure man.”

  “Definitely not, but he’s more of a loner. He has a few close friends, and can be sociable. Unlike a lot of people, he also enjoys solitude. It’s a big decision for him to consider marrying. Well it is for both of us, but more so for him.

  “Justin and I are also different in that I enjoy visiting the city from time to time. I like to travel.

  “I own a home on a hill in San Francisco. I go there frequently for short vacations to take in the city life. When we’re married, I’ll take you there or wherever you’d like to go when I’m off.”

  “What about Justin?”

  “It’s not his thing. He likes to camp out or stay home and read or watch a movie. Occasionally, he’ll take a trip to the seashore. He’s much more of a homebody. But I think you have both these sides to you. And you’d enjoy doing them with whichever one of us is available.”

  “He didn’t explain that at all. He just went off in a huff as usual.”

  “Justin isn’t much of a talker. He tends to lash out and be angry with himself later. You’ll get used to him.” Ethan smiled reassuringly.

  “I haven’t said I’d stay here any longer than is absolutely necessary.” Morgan raised her chin and stared straight into his eyes.

  “No, you haven’t. And we’ve been pressuring you. I’ve got to go and check on things. I’ll see you later.” Ethan dressed quickly, kissed her softly on the lips, and was gone.

  She was glad they left. She got into her shower and let the warm water soak her. Taking the soap, she made a suds and washed her body then shampooed her hair.

  After dressing, she suddenly didn’t know what to do next. Yes, she did. She was going to confront Sara and find out what was really going on at this ranch. What type of people she’d gotten involved with, and how soon she might leave. Spurred on by her anger, frustration, and confusion, she walked toward the main ranch house. If she passed anyone, she never remembered later.

  Ethan or Justin must have called Sara. She sat on the front porch obviously waiting for her. Sara rose when Morgan got to the steps.


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