Trial by Fire: Silverstar Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) (SILVERSTAR MATES SERIES Book 3)

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Trial by Fire: Silverstar Mates (Intergalactic Dating Agency) (SILVERSTAR MATES SERIES Book 3) Page 2

by Lea Kirk

  “The monarch of the Raptorclaw clan.” Uri stopped pacing and turned his golden-eyed gaze toward him. The color was more common in their kind than Kai’s own dark purple. “Someone should clip his wings.”

  “You mean, Kyzel Raptorclaw?” The most rational and dependable monarch of all the Bezchian clans.

  “Yes. Yes.” Uri fluffed his wings in agitation, something he rarely did. Whatever had happened had deeply unsettled the eldest Elder.

  “What has he done, Most Esteemed?” And why am I about to be dragged into the situation?

  Uri compressed his mouth so tight his lips nearly disappeared, and his eyes widened far enough that they appeared about to pop out of their sockets. This was bad.

  “He has shunned the Elders and left Bezchi two days ago to seek a mate from Earth.”

  He what?

  Kai reached out a hand, closing his fingers around the smooth edge of the wooden table. “No.”

  Had Kyzel Raptorclaw been gripped by the mindlessness? It was rare that the cognitive-stealing disease occurred in someone of barely sixty sun migrations, yet it could happen. Although, the surviving monarch of the Raptorclaw clan had seemed perfectly rational at his mate’s funeral a sun migration ago.

  Still, there was no guarantee. The mindlessness was an exceedingly slow disease, giving the victim and their loved ones several sun migrations to plan and prepare. And in Monarch Kyzel’s case, he would have stepped down immediately so a new monarch pair could be elected.

  “Sadly, yes.” Uri resumed his pacing. “The situation is unacceptable…and dangerous. If he is successful, more Bezchians could turn to this…this…agency for mates. It could spell the end of our ancient tradition of matching mates. This cannot be allowed. Traditions are put in place for reasons.”

  “What agency?”

  “The Silverstar Agency.” Uri smacked his fist into his palm. The crack of skin meeting skin echoed through the room. “They match older Earthlings with beings of like age from other worlds, and have a stellar reputation for success.”

  The Earthlings practiced mate-matching? Kai shook his head. Well, why not? Many worlds did, but none had dared encroach on Bezchian tradition.

  Uri raised his still-clenched fist. “They must be stopped. We must determine Raptorclaw’s intentions.”

  “You suspect he has an agenda?”

  “I do not suspect; I am certain. Over the last couple of sun migrations, he has pressed hard to convince the clans to back his idea of opening up trade relations with Earth. Once they agreed, his prime advisor, Rol Raptorclaw successfully managed to arrange the negotiations.” The most esteemed narrowed his eyes. “I fear this new move is a way to undermine the elders’ authority.”

  “But why would he want to do that?” Kai snapped his lips back together, but it was too late. The question was out.

  “Why?” Uri’s face was almost as red as his headfeathers. “Why? If I had the answer, then I would not have to send you to Earth to investigate.”

  And, there it was. The reason he was here. “Would it not be better to send a physically younger elder?”

  Uri peered at him through narrowed eyes. “Have you had any of the signs of rebirth? Hot flashes? Cold shivers? Cravings for cinbin? Urges to nest?”


  “Pah.” Uri waved a hand as if in dismissal. “You have never rebirthed before your hundredth sun migration anyway.”

  “But, why me? Should not another with a better matching record be honored with this duty?”

  Uri drew himself up, his eyes flashing with condemnation. “Are you questioning me, Kai?”

  “Forgive me, Most Esteemed.” Kai pressed his palms together and bowed from the waist. “I know I have been a disappointment most of this incarnation, but I promise not to fail you, or our clan, in this duty.”

  It was a big promise, but this was an opportunity to restore his reputation, so naturally he would fully dedicate himself to the task.

  “Good.” Uri nodded, apparently satisfied. “Now, go prepare yourself for your journey. You will need a portable deep-space communicator, as I will expect regular updates. We must know more about Raptorclaw’s intentions, and put an end to this plan of his to take an off-worlder as a mate.

  “Also, if the Silverstar Agency is the threat I suspect, they must be stopped before other clans turn to them for their mates. The trip to Earth takes two days. A transport will depart from the dock an hour before sundown, so you have just enough time to have a universal translator implanted.” Uri made a shooing motion with his hands. “Go now. Go, go, go.”

  “Aye, Most Esteemed.” He hustled back out into the afternoon sunshine.

  It seemed a bit farfetched that Kyzel Raptorclaw intended to ruin the Firewing clan, but the most esteemed’s concern was not without merit. The monarch’s behavior did seem odd.

  Chapter 2

  Nixy Vogel stared at the Silverstar Agency’s application on her computer screen—her application. The one that’d been a simple test to see how her employer’s most recent version worked—because that was what a responsible agent did for her clients. She’d done this every single time there was an update, and never, ever, had her faux applications been mysteriously sucked into the system. There one moment, then—pow!—gone the next. And it’d been in there for seven stinking months now.

  Dammit, dammit, dammit.

  She finger-punched the delete key on her keyboard with rapid-fire precision.




  The monitor screen blinked with each error chime filling her tiny living room.

  “Why won’t you just delete?” There were a thousand better ways to spend a Saturday, but here she was once again, futilely wrestling with technology.

  She fought back another wave of impending doom. This was going to cost her her job. Eight years of stellar service notwithstanding. On the positive, no one had discovered her faux pas. Yet. She pursed her lips into a pucker. Should she be relieved or disappointed that no match had been found?

  A small stress-laugh escaped her. Wow. Her brain had actually gone there? Not having found a match was literally the least of her concerns. Besides, she’d already met the love of her life...and lost him. Her gaze drifted to the eight-by-ten frame on her fire place mantle. She and Efrem on their wedding day, ten long years ago. Efrem tall, slim, and handsome in his tux, with a head full of salt and pepper curls, and her in a lacey, ivory tea length dress, with baby’s breath woven into her brown hair.

  A huff of humor escaped her. Brown hair that’d gotten too gray over the years, until she’d caved and colored it a reddish-purple. Gray had looked distinguished on Efrem, but not so much on her.

  She brushed one straight, blunt-cut strand back behind her ear. Her memories of the three years they’d had together had been enough to keep her going so far. And it looked like those memories would be all she had after her supervisor, Jordan fired her.

  Reality check, Nix: you’re not the first agent to have broken that rule.

  She was just the only one who hadn’t been fired for it. Yet. It was only a matter of time. How could her supervisor have missed this?

  Maybe because you used your full name on the application.

  Everyone called her by her nickname, she had made sure of that. Nixy would have definitely caught Jordan’s attention by now.

  But, geez, how was she ever going to explain this one? One thing was for sure: it was an accident probably wouldn’t cut it. Silverstar had strict rules for a reason, and one of the top rules was Employees may not apply for a match.

  A strange tingle blossomed at the base of her skull, as if something exciting was about to happen. It spread like goosebumps down her arms and over her breasts. Damn, even her nipples stood at attention, visible through her T-shirt. Had a ghost touched her, or something?

  She let her gaze sweep through the living room. Everything seemed normal…the well-padded couch, end
tables, lamps, built-in bookcases. “Efrem?”

  Silence, except for the laughter of the neighbor’s kids playing next door. But still, the feeling lingered. She gave her head a shake. It didn’t feel like Efrem, and besides, he only ever appeared to her when she revisited their wedding day at the winery in her dreams.

  You’re spending too much time inside alone again.

  An easy thing for a fifty-five-year-old widow to do.


  She glanced at her cell phone on the side table and grinned at the text on the screen.

  Opal Lentz: Tea?

  Goodness, her elderly neighbor had the best timing. It was such an unlikely friendship, but Mrs. Lentz had shown up at her door shortly after Efrem’s passing, bearing the gifts of understanding and the bond of widowhood.

  Nixy picked up the phone and thumb-texted back—a skill she’d managed to teach herself despite having fat thumbs.

  Nixy Vogel: Yes! Bringing shortbread.

  Thank goodness Mrs. Lentz had agreed to installing a friendship gate between their backyards. Made it easier to visit.

  Opal Lentz: The girls are out. Close the gate.

  Ah, so the chickens were free-ranging in Mrs. Lentz’s backyard. Cute little fluff-bonnets.

  Nixy Vogel: Will do. See ya in 5.

  She flipped the lid of her laptop closed, set it aside with the phone, and pushed out of the easy chair. Tea was just the thing she needed to distract herself from work woes and weird feelings of anticipation.

  A smaller shiver went through her. What in the world would make her feel like that anyway?

  Kai floated on Earth’s air currents toward a boxy building built on the right angles of a street corner. Earth was unexpectedly delightful. At least, the desert site of the galactic spaceport was. The small city where the Silverstar offices and guest residences were located was situated on the other side of a small mountain range, closer to the coast, and therefore somewhat cooler. Still within an acceptable temperate range, though.

  He alighted on the roof, and adjusted the pack attached to his flying leathers. Then he squatted to run his hand over the closely cropped blades of greenery covering the landing area. The plant struck a familiar chord, a memory he could not quite grasp. He had seen something similar somewhere before, but how was that possible?

  In all likelihood, it was nothing important. What he needed was an entrance to the building. Kyzel was purported to be residing on the top floor of this five-story building, so it should not take much time to find him.

  Kai scanned the rooftop. There; that glassed in archway must the access point. He rose and strode toward it. The glass double doors parted even though there was no obvious sensor visible.

  He stepped through the doorway into an open space large enough to comfortably fit at least a dozen phoenixes. Frigid air surrounded him, sending a shiver down his spine and through his wings. It was as cold as winter in the mountains where part of the Rockdweller clan lived. And as barren. Just some potted plants, a tall counter, and another pair of double doors—in silver-green brushed metal, not glass. Almost the exact color as the leaves of the cinbin bush back home.

  “Welcome to Silverstar. Can I help you?” The question came from a young, wingless female seated on a tall perch behind the counter.

  “Aye.” His gaze fell on a meter-tall metal piece affixed to the wall next to the metal doors behind the female. “What is that?”

  She glanced over her shoulder, revealing a tiny device plugged into her ear, partially hidden under her straight blonde head-silk. “That’s the letter ‘R’ in the English alphabet. R for roof.”

  So, it was a letter? Why had his visual translator not recognized this? He gave the implant behind his ear a sharp tap, then focused on the letter again. An almost imperceptible click came from the implant, followed by recognition of the letter.

  He breathed out a soft sigh of relief, then turned his attention to the female. “I must go to the fifth floor.”

  “You need an appointment with one of our agents before you can access the residential floors.”

  “Why? I am here to see Monarch Kyzel Raptorclaw, who resides on the fifth floor of this building.”

  “What’s your name?”

  He straightened with self-importance. “I am Elder Kai Firewing.”

  Surely now that she knew he was from the revered clan of mate-matchers, she would grant him access.

  “Okay, hold on a sec.” She tapped her finger against the ear device. “Adam, there’s a visitor up here for Monarch Raptorclaw…. Elder Kai Firewing…. Okay, thanks.” She tapped it again and met his gaze. “Adam will be right up to help you.”

  “Can you not take me to the monarch?”

  “No, I’m sorry.” She smiled in a friendly way. “I’m stuck behind this desk until my shift ends. But he’ll only be a couple minutes.”

  “Is that a long time?”

  “Um, no?”

  Good. “I will wait.”

  It would probably be advantageous to learn how time worked on Earth, even though he should not be here long enough for it to matter. He had even packed lightly: a few changes of clothing and the portable deep-space communication device.

  The silence in the space lengthened, and still no Adam appeared. Kai pursed his lips. If left to his own devices, he would have located Raptorclaw by now.


  The chime was followed by the soft swish of the silver-green doors opening. A small, wingless male stepped out of the box-like room behind the doors. “Elevator hold.”

  Human clothing varied widely, it seemed. The workers at the spaceport had been attired in loose dark-blue one-piece uniforms. The female behind the desk wore a short-sleeve white top with tiny round fasteners running down the front, and dark gray leggings with crisp, vertical creases.

  This male, however, had a different style. His fitted long-sleeved shirt hinted at sinewy muscles underneath. And the black leggings, made of a thick fabric, hugged his legs, ending in narrow openings around his ankles that seemed too small for his feet to fit through.

  The female stood up as the newcomer strode forward. “Thanks, Adam.”

  “Sure thing, Steph. Hello, Elder Kai, I’m Adam Rosse.” Everything about the human was friendly, from his smile to his brown eyes. Even the sandy streaks through his light brown head-silk hinted at a relaxed personality. “Lucky thing I decided to come in today. I’m usually not here on Saturdays. Unfortunately, Monarch Kyzel isn’t in right now, but his advisor cleared you to come to their dormitory. We can take the elevator down.”

  Not much of what he said made sense, except the part about Kyzel. “What is an elevator?”

  “It’s a transportation contraption that gets us from floor to floor.” Adam beckoned him forward with a hand wave. “The entire building was designed to comfortably accommodate even the largest of the Alliance’s species. Step this way.”

  Kai, following the younger male, stepped into the windowless box-room.

  “Is this your first time on an Earth elevator, Elder Kai?”


  “Then I recommend you hold onto the bar at the back.” Adam pushed a round button directly under the one marked with an R. For roof. “It’s not fast or anything, but it might be disconcerting if you’re not used to it.”

  This was all very strange, but Kai shrugged and wrapped his hand around the silver bar attached the back wall. The doors slid closed, and the sensation of downward movement pressed against his body.

  He met Adam’s gaze. “This is like an Alliance lift.”



  The doors opened to reveal a long, wide corridor.

  “This way.” Adam stepped off the lift and strode forward, and Kai followed. “The building is ‘L’ shaped. The lower two floors are our offices, and the upper three are residential units, called suites, where our clients—and sometimes their guests—stay. This floor is reserved for
winged clients, so they can access the roof.”

  “If an ‘L’ is the same as a right angle, then I understand.”

  Adam chuckled. “Close enough. Here we are.”

  The door was as wide as the ones on the roof, and matched the coloring of the elevator doors. The only thing differentiating it from the lift were the hand-high symbols “5-A” in silver. Adam tapped his knuckles against it, and it opened with a swoosh.

  Just inside stood the imposing figure of Rol Raptorclaw, prime advisor to the Raptorclaw monarch. Most of the clan were large, like him, but Kai had had enough dealings with them over his lifetimes to not be intimidated.

  Rol nodded. “Elder Kai.”

  “Prime Advisor Rol.” Kai stepped into the spacious common room. “I am sorry to intrude, but I must speak with Monarch Raptorclaw.”

  “He is not here.”

  Kai puckered his mouth in distaste. “So I heard. When is he expected to return?”

  “Later tonight.” Rol shrugged his massive shoulders. “You may wait here, if you wish. We have an extra room if you need it.”

  Adam clear his throat. “If you’re all okay here, I’m going back to my office.”

  “We are fine,” Rol replied. “Thank you, Mr. Rosse.”

  The door slid shut and Rol turned away. “Make yourself comfortable, Elder.”

  “Thank you.” Kai fumbled with his pack’s straps and dropped it on the floor against the back wall of the room. “It has been a long trip.”

  “I understand.” Rol sat on one of the four tall, backless perches around the eating table. “Please, take a perch, Elder. We have not seen you since Careene’s funeral. Have you been well?”

  “Well enough.” He slid onto the perch directly across the table from the prime advisor. “I am eager to speak with Kyzel, though. Where is he?”

  “He is spending the day with the female he has been matched with by the agency.” Rol gazed down at the tabletop with a frown.

  This was not the news he wanted to hear, but there was a small, suspicious tick in Rol’s jaw that indicated he too was not entirely pleased with the situation.


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