My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic: The Official Guidebook

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My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic: The Official Guidebook Page 9

by Brandon T. Snider

Lyrics by Mitch Larson

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  Morning in Ponyville shimmers,

  morning in Ponyville shines,

  and I know for absolute certain

  that everything is certainly fine.

  There’s the mayor en route to her office.

  There’s the sofa clerk selling some quills.

  Yes, my Ponyville is so gentle and still.

  Can things ever go wrong?

  I don’t think they will.

  Morning in Ponyville shimmers,

  morning in Ponyville shines,

  and I know for absolute certain

  that everything is certainlyyyy—

  RAINBOW DASH! That’s not funny!


  Terribly sorry, darling. I’m afraid I’m not

  good with the thundery ones.


  [gasps] Something tells me everything

  is not going to be fine.

  Song: “What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Daniel Ingram

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  These animals don’t listen,

  no, not one little bit.

  They run around, out of control,

  and throw their hissy fits.

  It’s up to me to stop them,

  ’cause plainly you can see,

  it’s got to be my destiny.

  And it’s what my cutie mark is telling me.


  I try to keep them laughing,

  put a smile upon their face.

  But no matter what I try,

  it seems a bit of a disgrace.

  I have to entertain them;

  it’s there for all to see.

  It’s got to be my destiny.

  And it’s what my cutie mark is telling me.



  “We don’t usually go into a story

  meeting knowing for sure that there will be a

  song in the episode. The decision to include one usually

  just comes from the process of fleshing out the episode. As

  we’re figuring out the beats of the story, we start to see that an

  emotion a character is feeling might be better expressed through

  a song, or a montage we have planned calls for singing

  instead of just instrumental music behind it.”

  — Meghan McCarthy, story editor


  I don’t care much for pickin’ fruit,

  and plowin’ fields ain’t such a hoot.

  No matter what I try I cannot fix

  this busted water chute!

  I’ve got so many chores to do;

  it’s no fun being me,

  but it has to be my destiny.

  ’Cause that’s what my cutie mark

  is telling me.


  Lookie here at what I made,

  I think that it’s a dress.

  I know it doesn’t look like much.

  I’m under some distress.

  Could y’all give me a hand here,

  and help me fix this mess?

  My destiny is not pretty,

  but it’s what my cutie mark is telling me.


  I’m in love with weather patterns,

  but the others have concerns,

  for I just gave them frostbite

  over top of their sunburns.

  I have to keep on trying,

  for everyone can see.…


  it’s got to be…


  it’s got to be…


  my destiny…


  my destiny.


  And it’s what my cutie mark…


  it’s what my cutie mark…


  yes, it’s what my cutie mark is telling me.

  Song: “I’ve Got to Find a Way”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Daniel Ingram

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  I have to find a way

  to make this all okay.

  I can’t believe this small mistake

  could have caused so much heartache.

  Oh why…?

  Oh why…?

  Losing promise, I don’t know what to do.

  Seeking answers, I fear I won’t get

  through to you.…

  Oh why…?

  Oh why…?

  “As we are

  breaking a story

  into acts and eventually

  individual scenes, we start

  to see where it might be nice

  to have a song. The writer of the

  episode knows at the outline stage

  whether there will be a musical

  number and writes the lyrics

  into the script.”

  — Meghan McCarthy,

  story editor

  Song: “A True, True Friend”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Daniel Ingram

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  A friend will be there to help them see.


  A true, true friend helps a friend in need

  to see the light that shines from a true,

  true friend.


  Um, hello?

  Friend trapped inside, remember?


  Rarity needs your help.

  She’s trying hard, doing what she can.


  Would you try, just give it a chance?

  You might find that you’ll start to



  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  A friend will be there to help you see.

  A true, true friend helps a friend in need

  to see the light that shines from a true,

  true friend.


  Uhhh, what just happened?


  There’s no time to explain…

  but we need your help.

  Applejack’s trying to make dresses!


  Say no more.

  Applejack needs your help.

  She’s trying hard, doing what she can.

  Would you try, just give it a chance?

  You might find that you’ll start to




  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  A friend will be there to help them see.

  A true, true friend helps a friend in need

  to see the light that shines from a true,

  true friend.


  Oh my!…What a terrible dream I had!

  Or maybe I’m still having it.


  Rarity, Pinkie Pie is about to lose the

  Apple Farm.

  We need Applejack’s help.…


  Lose the Apple Farm? Well, we can’t let

  that happen now, can we?

  Pinkie Pie is in trouble.

  We need to get there by her side.

  We can try to do what we can now,

  for together we can be her guide.…



  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  A friend will be there to
help them see.

  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  to see the light that shines from a true,

  true frieeeend.…


  Yeee-haw! Now that’s more like it!

  What’s next?


  The townspeople are furious.…

  We need the old Pinkie Pie back!


  I’m on it, I know just the thing.

  The townspeople need you,

  they’ve been sad for a while.

  They march around, face a-frown,

  and never seem to smile.

  And if you feel like helpin’,

  we’d appreciate a lot

  if you’d get up there and spread some

  cheer from here to Canterlot.…


  Come on, ponies! I wanna see you





  A true, true friend helps a friend in need.

  A friend will be there to help them see.

  A true, true friend helps a friend in need

  to see the light…that shines…that shines!

  From a true, true frieeeend!

  Song: “Celestia’s Ballad”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Daniel Ingram

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  You’ve come such a long, long way,

  and I’ve watched you from that very

  first day

  to see how you might grow,

  to see what you might do,

  to see what you’ve been through,

  and all the ways you’ve made me

  proud of you.

  It’s time now for a new change to come.

  You’ve grown up,

  and your new life has begun.

  To go where you will go,

  to see what you will see,

  to find what you will be,

  for it’s time for you

  to fulfill your destinyyy.…

  Song: “Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Daniel Ingram

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  The princess Twilight cometh!

  Behold! Behold!

  The princess here before us!

  Behold! Behold!

  Behold! Behold!

  The princess Twilight cometh!

  Behold! Behold!

  The princess is,

  the princess is here!

  Song: “Life in Equestria”

  Episode: “Magical Mystery Cure”

  Lyrics by Mitch Larson

  Music by Daniel Ingram


  Life in Equestria shimmers,

  life in Equestria shines,

  and I know for absolute certain...


  that everything, yes, everything,

  yes, that everything, yes, that everything

  is certainly fine.

  Is fiiineee!

  “ There are

  actually quite a few

  songs I’ve found myself

  singing when no one’s around, but

  the one that stands out for me the

  most is ‘Celestia’s Ballad.’ As animation

  supervisor over the past three seasons,

  I actually got a little choked up the first

  time I watched the finished sequence

  where Princess Celestia shows Twilight

  flashbacks from her life. It was almost

  like seeing flashbacks from the past

  three years of my life!”

  — Ishi Ruddell, animation


  “It amazes me to think of

  how deeply children and fans of all

  ages are embracing the DNA and true

  essence of the My Little Pony brand. We

  are thrilled the brand has transcended age and

  gender globally because of our socially relevant

  messages of friendship, tolerance, and that it is okay

  to be who you uniquely are. It is quite wonderful

  and has been an honor to be part of this new

  generation of My Little Pony, and of all that

  the brand represents.”

  —Donna Tobin, senior director

  of global brand strategy and

  marketing, Hasbro

  My Little Pony

  Is Taking Over!

  Trends will always come and go, but none have taken the world

  by storm like the Friendship is Magic movement. Kids, parents,

  and fans of all ages have been mesmerized by this undeniable

  phenomenon. But what is it about these lovable ponies that have

  people celebrating the world over? Sure, they’re charming, sweet,

  and all-around awesome, but there’s more to these little ponies

  than meets the eye. In a market flooded with animated programs

  and requisite toy lines, My Little Pony has excelled because of its

  combination of branding and substance. The equation is simple:

  fun, bright characters + engaging storytelling mixed with a positive

  message = a perfect blend of entertainment and education that’s fun

  for families of all shapes and sizes. Kids love the characters, parents

  like the messages, and fans love everything in between.

  The My Little Pony animated series is filled with

  magic, wonder, and escapism just

  as any good children’s program

  should be. In a saturated television

  landscape, it can be difficult

  to project a positive message

  without coming across as heavy-

  handed. But the dazzling ponies

  of Equestria and their quest

  to become the best ponies

  “It makes me

  feel good to know I’m part of

  something positive. Goodness knows we

  need that in this world.”

  —Phil Caesar, location designer

  they can be have proven it’s

  possible to make entertaining,

  quality television that teaches a

  thing or two in the process. Whether

  it’s Applejack’s Southern charm, Rainbow

  Dash’s boundless energy, or Twilight Sparkle’s lovable neurosis, each

  pony is known for her distinct and unique personality. Viewers see

  themselves reflected in each character’s individuality and learn

  that it’s important to be who you are. They celebrate their favorite

  character’s triumphs and learn along with them when they make

  a mistake. The diverse cast is filled with relatable representations

  of a variety of distinct personality types. Conveying these positive

  lessons are frenetic and exciting stories that use music, dance, and

  a crisp pace to keep young people involved and energized. Episodes

  are simple to understand, are smartly written, and feature subtle

  adult humor to keep parents watching alongside their kids.

  Bright personalities, bold colors, and high energy have been

  proven to capture attention, but My Little Pony also empowers

  young girls to be anything they want to be in life. As simple as

  that tenet may sound, it can be difficult to find programming

  with a strong feminine point of view that doesn’t shy away from

  “It does surprise me that fans have

  connected so strongly with the Elements of Harmony.

  And the fandom has really impressed me with where they’ve

  taken the philosophy of the Elements. They have done lots of

charity work and fund-raisers, feeling that philanthropy is

  part of the message of the Elements.”

  —Amy Keating Rogers, writer

  “I’m not at all

  surprised at the fans’

  love of the show. It’s fun, funny,

  and full of adventure, but never shies

  away from the sincerity of emotion and

  heart inherent in the characters. I really

  believe the fans identify and admire those

  qualities in our main ponies. They represent

  the qualities we should all aspire to have

  when choosing our own friends: honesty,

  loyalty, generosity, kindness, and


  —Jim Miller, storyboard


  confronting the choices a

  young girl may be faced

  with. While some girls

  enjoy dressing up, others

  like to play sports. While

  some ponies love brushing

  their mane, others enjoy a

  hard day’s work. My Little

  Pony encourages girls to be

  girly in their own special way,

  but only if they want to be. In

  Ponyville, there’s room for everypony to be who they want to be and

  embrace their talents and individuality. The characters refuse to be

  easily defined and often encourage one another to try new things so

  that they have a chance to grow and learn.

  The word family means different things to different people,

  but we can all agree that a family loves and supports one another

  unconditionally. That’s why parents connect so deeply to the

  bonds among Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and the rest of the

  “My favorite fan art is a ‘Chomper’

  drawing done by my daughter when she came in to

  hang out with me at work one day. It’s a burger-eating shark-pony

  drawing that she did for a coworker who loves sharks. She wanted to help

  the director out with ideas for new pony designs. The director [James

  Wootton] took the drawing to the art director, Ridd Sorensen, to slick

  it up a bit and then handed it back to my girl for final approval.

  She and I were very touched with this gesture.”

  — Sherann Johnson, storyboard artist

  “I am definitely

  honored to be a

  significant part of such an

  amazing show and cultural

  phenomenon. As a parent myself,

  I’m glad that other parents feel

  that the work we do and the stories

  we tell are something they feel

  comfortable sharing with their

  children, as I do.”

  —Jayson Thiessen,

  supervising director

  ponies in Equestria. In addition to its entertainment value, My


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