Fake it Baby

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Fake it Baby Page 21

by Tia Siren

  “How can she be allowed to make recommendations when she formed an opinion before she even completed the investigation?” I asked. “She doesn’t like me. Can’t we ask to get a different caseworker?”

  “Let’s see how the hearing goes. A judge may see through her own biased opinions. I think you’re getting upset over nothing. It hasn’t happened yet.”

  I ran a hand through my hair. “She all but told me there was no way I would get Iris. She isn’t going to recommend we get custody. What if she decides to pursue this fake marriage crap? Could we be facing some legal charges because of what she thinks?” I asked, suddenly realizing I may have opened a can of worms I wasn’t prepared to deal with.

  “She can’t prove that. Don’t let her ruffle your feathers.”

  I guffawed. “They are ruffled.”

  “We’ll file a motion should your petition be denied. But, I need you to understand, it isn’t easy to fight the family courts. They aren’t like a regular court. They stand behind their choices, claiming it is in the best interest of the child. That’s tough to argue,” he explained. “For the most part, I believe they are doing what they can to help kids. We don’t want to come out swinging if we don’t have to.”

  “You’re damn straight we’re going to fight it if we’re denied. I’ll be swinging for the fences if that woman gets between my niece and me. How can they deny me? I’m the damn uncle!”

  “I understand, Mr. Colter, and it would have to be something serious for them to reject your petition. You have a good chance of pleading your case to the judge. They don’t like to separate families if they don’t have to. You look good on paper. Your wife has a bond with the child. Don’t worry about anything yet. Let’s wait for the hearing notice. Janice is blowing smoke,” he said in a gruff voice.

  “Fine, but can we get a restraining order or something to keep that woman from bothering either one of us again?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You don’t want to cause more problems if you don’t have to. I know it’s hard, but you need to sit back and let the system do its thing. Let’s see how it plays out. Then we’ll make a move.”

  I groaned. I was not the sit and wait type. It didn’t sit right with me. I needed action. I needed to know I was doing something. It made me crazy to think my entire life was hanging on Janice’s opinion. It didn’t seem right. It was an injustice I wasn’t used to dealing with.

  “I’ll wait,” I conceded. “But I swear, if this thing goes bad, I want that woman’s head on a spike.”

  He laughed. “Be careful with the threats. Those government workers get pretty jumpy when you start tossing out threats. They circle the wagons and come out with guns blazing.”

  I chuckled, feeling a little better about the situation. George was a good old boy. He was a wheeler and dealer and fond of backroom deals. It was that kind of shady dealing that got things done. I hadn’t met a successful lawyer who wasn’t a shark. George was a shark, which was why I didn’t mind paying his exorbitant fees.

  “All right, George. I’m leaving it in your hands. Don’t let me down.”

  “Good. In the meantime, you and your wife keep proving you are happily married and can provide the best home for the child. I’ll take care of things on my end. Don’t you worry.”

  “We will,” I vowed. “We will. And don’t let me down, George.”

  We ended the call. I felt marginally better. I knew what Janice was going to do. There was no doubt in my mind the woman was going to do everything in her power to keep Iris from us—permanently. If the judge agreed with her, we would have to go into another court battle. I dreaded the thought, knowing it was stealing away precious time from Iris and me. I would do it, though. I would spend every last dollar I had to make it happen. I wasn’t ready to give up, and I had confidence in my lawyer, but what if the worst happened? I couldn’t deal with that.

  Once again, I found myself climbing the walls. I had to get a treadmill in the place. I didn’t really like running outside. It was hot. I much preferred the air-conditioned gym or office I was used to. Arizona was hot, like really hot. I headed upstairs to change and got ready to pound the pavement.

  As I ran, I thought about the state of my personal life. It was a mess. What I had thought would be an easy mission was proving far more challenging. I knew it was the right thing to do. It was hard, and it was certainly bringing far more stress than I needed, but I had to do it. Life wasn’t supposed to be easy. I had been taking the easy way for too long. It was time I stepped up and did right by my family.

  My parents were probably up there in heaven getting a good laugh. Tracy too. I hoped I was making them proud or at least showing them I wasn’t all bad. I had been skating through life the past few years, no cares and no strings. I didn’t get into relationships because they got messy. I didn’t like messy. I didn’t like being held in check by a woman who thought I should call her at a certain time or act a certain way. I was a shitty boyfriend. I knew it, and before all this happened, I didn’t care.

  It had been a fairly easy existence, but it had all been shallow, like I was skating along the surface of life and not getting too involved. My mother had warned me my uncaring attitude was no way to live. I had laughed and argued it was the right way for me.

  Now look at me. I was supposed to be this badass business guy who took no prisoners in my business dealings, and here I was over a barrel because of one tiny baby.

  That wasn’t true. It wasn’t only Iris that had me all twisted inside. Avery was in my head and my heart. I had no idea how to navigate a relationship. I didn’t do relationships. What if it was love? I had no idea what love felt like, but I had a feeling I was in it. I had fallen in love with my fake wife. How ironic was that? The woman had enchanted me from the very beginning. It wasn’t until I let my guard down that I saw how amazing she was. When I let myself do the home and hearth thing, I realized it wasn’t a life sentence of boredom. It could be exciting and fulfilling. It was what I wanted.

  “You’re a fool, Jake Colter,” I said, laughing as I ran through the small park at the bottom of the hill.

  I was sure people probably thought I was crazy. I didn’t care. I kind of felt like I was. It was the women in my life. I blamed them, Janice included. That woman was a different kind of problem. I couldn’t wait to get her out of my life for good. I was going to laugh in her face when I got custody of Iris.

  It was after five by the time I made my way up the hill. Avery’s car was in the driveway, sending a shiver of excitement through my body. I was hoping she wasn’t still mad. I was prepared to grovel if need be. I should have told her about Janice.

  I walked inside and found her in the kitchen. I tried to gauge her mood and could see it was a mixture of stress and anger.

  “Hey,” I said, finding her sitting at the bar in the kitchen, drinking a glass of wine.

  “Hi,” she mumbled. “Running?” she asked dryly.

  “Yes. I needed to blow off some steam.”

  “I wonder why,” she said sarcastically before taking a long drink from the wine glass.

  “Rough day?” I asked, only half joking.

  She put down the glass and looked at me. “Gee, you think?”

  I pulled off my sweaty T-shirt and used it to wipe the back of my neck before tossing it on the back of a stool. I needed water. Wine was not an option for my dried-out body. It had been way too hot to be running. I headed to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I was gulping it down when I saw her looking at me. I knew that look. I took a few more swallows before putting the water down.

  “Hungry?” I asked in a sultry voice.

  She shrugged. “Maybe.”

  I sauntered toward her. Her mouth parted and her tongue darted out, licking her lower lip. Her gaze was roving over my sweaty chest and arms.

  I smiled. She wanted me. That was a good thing. In the chaos that was my life, it was a relief to know she still wanted me. I could deal with some hot sex after a st
ressful day. I assumed she could too.

  “Hungry for what?” I asked, standing close to her.

  She looked at my chest before tilting her head back to look up at me. She didn’t answer. Instead, she ignored me and went back to her glass of wine.

  “Wine,” she said, taking another drink.

  I smirked. “I’m hungry too. I’m going to shower and then maybe we can satisfy that hunger together.”

  She looked at me, raised an eyebrow, and smiled. “Maybe.”

  I smiled and walked out of the kitchen, walking slowly toward the stairs, waiting to see if she would follow. I stripped out of my shorts in the room and headed for the shower. I cranked up the hot water and stepped inside, letting the heat wash over me. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back, and let the water run over me, washing away the sweat and stress. I heard the shower door open and smiled.

  “I guess you are hungry,” I said, turning to face her.

  She giggled. “Just a little something to hold me over.”

  I smiled. “I’ll take care of you.”

  I wrapped my arms around her naked body and pulled her in close. I was going to take care of her and myself. It was about the only thing that was right in my world.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Jake had a late meeting with a client who had flown in to meet specifically with him. I had picked up takeout for dinner and was planning on a nice, quiet evening. Yesterday and today had been very calm and easy. I should have known it was the calm before the storm. I checked the mail and tossed it on the kitchen counter. After dishing up some orange chicken and fried rice, I sat at the counter and started to sort through the mail. It was surreal to be getting mail at the new address. Jake told me I had to change my address or no one was going to buy our story.

  I hadn’t changed my name, though. I had argued that plenty of women kept their name in this day and age. The man actually seemed offended by the idea. I wasn’t quite ready to make anything real. If we didn’t get Iris, the whole marriage would be a joke anyway.

  A letter addressed to Jake and me caught my eye. I picked it up and stared at the return address. “Oh no,” I whispered.

  I ripped open the official letter and felt my heart plummet into my stomach. Our hearing was Friday. In two days, we would learn our fate. That had happened fast. Too fast, in my opinion, to be a good thing. Janice had followed through on her promise. She wasn’t going to let us have Iris. I could feel it in my bones.

  I checked the time and hoped Jake would be home soon. I was going to go crazy stressing out over the letter and what it meant. I knew he was going to tell me it would all be fine; his lawyer would handle it.

  I heard the door open and rushed into the foyer, carrying the letter with me.

  “It’s Friday! We have a hearing on Friday!” I was waving the letter, acting like a crazy woman.


  I handed him the letter. He quickly read it and put it on the small table. “Okay. Well I for one am glad to have this coming to an end. This will tell us what we’re going to do next.”

  “Jake! What if we don’t win?”

  He shrugged. “Then the lawyer steps in and does his thing. It’s going to be okay.”

  He stepped toward me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I didn’t know whether I want to cry or yell in frustration.

  “Relax,” he murmured close to my ear before kissing the top of my head.

  I turned to look at him and could see warmth and comfort in his eyes. I felt safe in his arms. A feeling of calm washed over me as he held me close. I could feel my heart melting, and I knew I was in trouble. The man had stolen my heart. I was in big trouble. In the moment, I didn’t care. I needed the security he gave me. His lips touched mine, gently at first before things quickly changed.

  I practically crawled up his body, needing him like I had never needed him before. He must have understood what I was asking for. He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to our bedroom. I never, not for a second, thought about stopping it. I wanted the man in every way.

  Once we were in our bedroom, he stopped in the middle of the room and turned to me. I waited for him to throw me on the bed or push me against the wall. I was game.

  Instead, he reached out and slowly began to unbutton my blouse. His gaze held mine the entire time. I felt the shirt drop open. One hand ran over my stomach and between my breasts before coming to hold my cheek. He leaned down and kissed me with such passion, I nearly fainted.

  He held my face, his thumb stroking over my cheek as he lovingly kissed me with a different kind of passion. I reached out and put my hand in his hair, pulling him closer to me. I needed his skin against mine. I moved to undo the buttons on his shirt, quickly getting frustrated with the tiny things. When I finally got them all undone, I reached up and pushed his shirt down his arms, all while his mouth stayed on mine.

  My hands roamed over his chest, squeezing his pecs before moving to his back and pulling him against me. I could feel his erection pressing against my stomach, kicking up my desire another notch. I fumbled with his belt while his hands moved to the back of my skirt to unzip it.

  I soon found myself standing in my bra and panties. He took a step back and shucked his pants, his eyes moving over my body.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  I stood there, waiting for him to make a move. Instead, he just stared with such intensity, I could practically feel him touching me. Goosebumps popped up all over my skin.

  He reached out and trailed a finger down my arm before taking my hand and pulling me toward the bed. I willingly and very eagerly followed, practically jumping on the bed.

  He grinned. “In a hurry?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I need you.”

  He leaned over me. “I need you, too.”

  “Take me. I’m yours,” I heard myself say.

  His mouth closed over mine, pressing my head into the mattress as his body hovered inches above mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him against my center, needing to feel his dick. I moaned when his chest pressed against mine. His hot skin felt like fire. I gyrated under him, spurring him on. The man seemed determined to take his sweet time.

  His face moved down, kissing a hot trail down my neck. I arched my back, demanding he give my breasts some attention. He slid his hand under my back, and with a flick of his fingers, my bra was unsnapped and being pulled away. His mouth closed over my nipple.

  “Oh, Jake,” I moaned, feeling heat spread across my body.

  His mouth moved to my other nipple, which he gently suckled before running his teeth across the tender flesh. I looked down and watched his head trail down my stomach. He used his muscular arms to slide me up the bed, lining my pussy up with his face. I leaned back and closed my eyes, lost in the sensations coursing through my body. I felt my panties being pulled away and waited for the first touch. It was nothing more than a feathery kiss across my lower lips. That single, whispery touch of his lips against mine was nearly my undoing.

  When his fingers rubbed over me before gently parting my lips, I stiffened in anticipation. I was so hot. I knew I was going to come with the first touch of his tongue against me.

  “Jake, I’m so close,” I said, my voice strangled.

  “I know, babe. I know.”

  I whimpered, waiting for him to lick my pussy. I could feel his breath close.

  “Jake?” I asked.

  His mouth moved to my inner thigh. He kissed, then licked, and then nibbled. I could feel my pussy seeping, my legs bent, opening myself wider, hoping he would find his way back to my core. His fingers held my pussy open but never went inside. His mouth moved to my other thigh, repeating the action. When his teeth clamped down, he slid a finger inside me. The pleasure-pain combo sent me reeling over the edge.

  His mouth moved to my pussy and lapped at the juices pouring out of me as I bucked up against his face with a violent orgasm.

  He slid up my body,
trailing kisses over my stomach before lavishing my nipples with his tongue. I reached down and pushed his briefs down over his hips before using my toes to pull them all the way down.

  He chuckled against my mouth. “That’s very talented. Do you want something?”

  “I want you inside me.”

  He smiled and moved to kiss my neck, sucking and nibbling, stirring up another orgasm. The man’s mouth was dangerous.

  He rolled onto his back. “Ride me.”

  It was a new one for us. The man had always been very dominating during sex, which I loved. This new position would give me all the power. I climbed on top of him and immediately took advantage of my new vantage point to stare down at his glorious chest and abs. My hands ran over the many tattoos before I dropped my mouth to his chest and used my tongue to trace the outlines.

  “Babe?” He groaned.


  “I’m going to throw you on this bed and fuck you senseless if you don’t sit on my dick real soon. Your tongue is driving me mad,” he said.

  I chuckled against his flesh, reached one hand between my legs, and grabbed his dick. “You’re rock-hard.”

  He jerked upward. “I know. Fuck me. Please.” He groaned as I slid my hand down his shaft and then back up.

  “I want to give you pleasure like you give me,” I whispered, bending close to nibble at his ear.

  “I’ll die.”

  “You’ll die happy,” I murmured against his neck, sucking and biting as I went.

  “I can’t!”

  His hands moved to my hips, and with a force that shocked me, he yanked my butt down toward him, shoving me onto his dick and pushing high inside me. In unison, we shouted, “Fuck!”

  Neither of us moved for several long seconds. My pussy was contracting around him, adjusting to the surprise impalement. Each contraction sent electric shocks radiating through my body.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking tight,” he said, his jaw clenched.


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