Awakening to You... In Boston (Awakening Trilogy #1)

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Awakening to You... In Boston (Awakening Trilogy #1) Page 5

by Fifi Flowers

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  “Sounds like fun, but I don’t know.” Why was I hesitant? Maybe I just wanted to keep him all to myself.

  “Sofa, text him now.”

  “Okay… okay… I’ll see if he’s up for it.” Digging my phone out of my new leopard Michael Kor handbag, I typed. “How do you feel about dessert and drinks with my theatre group followed by Shakespeare in the Park?”

  He texted back immediately. “I love you in the park.”

  To which I replied. “I take it that is a yes?”


  “Meet me at my hotel room after you get off work. I’m going to do laundry now.”

  “You don’t need clothes. I prefer you naked.”


  “Good, see you naked later.” I laughed and felt my face heat as I turned my attention to Marco’s inquisitive glare.

  “Okay, Marco. We’re in.”

  “Good. I can size him up,” he said with narrowed, pale-green eyes.

  “No interrogation! I expect you to be on your best behavior.” I shook a finger in his direction.

  His eyes opened wide and a naughty expression graced his face. “I don’t think your park man would appreciate me showing off my best behavior to him.”

  I laughed then pulled a straight face. “I’m serious. Behave!” Standing and thanking him for brunch, I kissed his cheek before we strolled out the door in opposite directions. Marco had a meeting and I had a bag full of laundry awaiting me.

  Every day I walked home from Drake’s home, dumped my dirty clothes on the floor, cleaned my happily, aching body, worked on my highly anticipated project, headed to the theatre, and in between, had lunch with my man. When night time rolled around, I was back in the house and arms that belonged to Drake and the cycle played out. The result was a heap of clothes, and though he had insisted I use a service or do my laundry at his home, I didn’t mind using the laundromat/coffee bar. It was a charming place to wash clothing. The couple who owned the place were delightful, offering to wash and fold laundry for patrons, but I enjoyed spending time in the place. Grabbing my soiled apparel off the closet floor, I shoved it into two pillowcases then tossed my reader into my bag and headed out.

  Walking in the front door, I loved the coffee smell paired with a clean, fresh laundry scent. The enchanting surroundings, mixed with the hum of soft music throughout the place contributed to the relaxing atmosphere and I looked forward to wash day. Some days I liked to sit on one of the black and white stripe leatherette upholstered sofas, in front of their turquoise tumbler washers and dryers with glass front, watching the clothes go round and round. Today, I chose to sit in a bistro-like section with a coffee and a book. However, I couldn’t focus. I tried to read, but my mind wandered to Drake’s words, “I love you in the park.” He loved me? Or he loved me in the park? Mmmm… I loved him in the park too… No, that wasn’t right… I just lusted after him. As my mind jumped between his words and Marco’s, I must’ve looked like an idiot sitting with a big grin on my face. As soon as my clothes were clean and folded, I hurried back to my hotel. I texted Drake that I was ready for him. I couldn’t wait to see him.

  In the matter of thirty minutes time, I opened the hotel door sans clothing to my very handsome and excited man, who filled me with pleasure. I was perfectly content to skip the meet up and stay in bed for the rest of the night with his beautiful cock buried deep inside of me. Drake, on the other hand, was ready to go out and promptly tossed me over his shoulder then headed for the shower.

  Dressed in a tank top and long skirt, minus panties as requested, we walked hand-in-hand to Finale Bakery and Desserterie at the Park Plaza. We were the last to arrive and it appeared the crew and a few cast members had already begun plying themselves with appetizers and bottles of wine. Marco had Kimee on his lap and she looked more than tipsy. I promptly introduced Drake to everyone before finding a seat. They were all cordial. By the time I got to Marco and his island tart, she was licking her lips, undressing Drake with her eyes right in front of me and then she opened her mouth. “You really know how to pick them. Damn! That new man of yours is fine! Thanks for leaving this one with blue balls for me to take care of the other night.” She then twisted her fingers in Marco’s hair and planted a big loud smack on his lips.

  Drake turned and looked at me. I was still in shock and stared back at him until the bimbette opened her mouth again. “Oops, I guess he didn’t know you were her boyfriend, Marco.” We both turned our attention to her. Marco laughed, winking at me.

  “Sofa was never my girlfriend, babe. Just a friend with benefits.”

  “Marco, I think you’ve had too much to drink.” I tried to stay calm. I had never seen him act this way. Over the years we had both been around each other with dates and we acted like the normal friends I thought we were. Now, all I could do was stare at him in disbelief and wondered why he would say anything to a chick that was nothing more to him than a temporary toy.

  “Hey, Sofa, don’t be mad,” he said, reaching his hand out to me.

  Instantly, Drake calmly spoke up. “Don’t fucking touch her.”

  Then as if Marco couldn’t just shut up, he had to add fuel to the fire burning Drake’s darkened, angry, lavender eyes to a shade I had yet to see. “Don’t worry, dude, she hasn’t been with me since you. Besides, she never gave a shit about me like…”

  I had had enough. “Shut up, Marco… just shut up,” I said and then grasped Drake’s hand and pulled him away from the group. “Do you want to leave? I’m so sorry about this.”

  “You’re fuck buddies with that guy?”

  “We were, yes… over the years… from time to time.”

  “She said the other night. Was she telling the truth?”

  “Yes, before you and I started anything, but after I had first seen you in the park. We were out having a drink and he came back to my room. We attempted, but I couldn’t do it. Visions of you popped in my head and rather than use him, I made him stop. We have never been anything to each other… just a convenience.”

  “The room I just fucked you in?” Looking at me with dark and angry eyes, his tone was unfamiliar, one I had never heard before. When he said “fuck” on other occasions, it was sexy. But this was like fingernails, scraping a chalkboard. I grew ridged and nodded my head.

  “You’re checking out of that room tomorrow morning and you’re bringing everything to my house.”


  He cut me off. “Not another word about this.” I stared at him, wondering what to say… wondering what was he thinking. He knew I wasn’t a virgin. Yes, this was my fault. I could’ve told him about Marco, but Marco had never thrown me under the bus before so I never ever anticipated this happening. Drake hadn’t spoken about past sex partners, why would I bring one up?

  “Do you want to leave? We can leave right now. Everyone would understand.”

  “No, I want to stay. Besides, your friend and his chick with the nice tits are leaving.” I turned and saw them exiting the desserterie. I was saddened by the turn of events but relieved that there would be no more confrontations tonight with the remaining crowd. Walking back to the tables, I finished with introductions and we engaged in devouring some sinfully delicious desserts with champagne before we all made our way to The Commons to see the night’s performance. By the time we entered the park area where the stage was set off of Tremont Street, there was a big crowd awaiting Shakespeare in the Park to commence. People were seated in low chair and others sat on the grass or on blankets; picnic baskets were all around. It made me think of our indoor picnics and that we should take ours outdoors, as well. I would have to plan something.

  Situated off to the right side of the stage and too far away, as far as I was concerned, we watched the action begin. I loved Shakespeare. I had the best teacher in college who read the plays to the class and acted out scenes. He was far better than any cliff notes I ever read. This was my first time seeing Shakespear
e performed outdoors, in a park, and it was the first time I had an orgasm while watching a play. Yes, sitting between Drake’s massive legs, he causally slipped his strong hand down the front of my skirt. Luckily for me and the people around me, the performance was Richard III which included many dueling swords and lots of clanging to drown out the quiet whimpers that escaped my quivering lips.

  We never made it to the end of the performance nor did make it completely out of the park before I was impaled by Drake’s own magical sword. Part of me wanted to object as he pulled my skirt up and bent me over, but the other part of me was begging to be fucked. He was different than usual… rougher… he pulled my hair and thrust hard into me as his words between bites echoed in my ear.

  “Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.”

  “I’m not a fuck buddy.”


  “No, what?”

  “No, you’re not a fuck buddy.”

  “Tell me again.”

  “You’re not a fuck buddy.”

  “No the other part… you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours… I’m yours… I’m yours,” I panted wildly as his hand took command of my clit and he drove us both over the edge. I was his.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning I was sore and wishing to stay in bed all day as he had proved to me over and over the night before that I was his. However, after claiming me one more time when he awoke, he hurried me to dress without a shower so we could leave. Grabbing a taxi back to my hotel. He was really making me check out. I thought for sure he wasn’t serious but apparently, he was and with the stern look on his face—I didn’t argue. Truth be told, I never stayed in my hotel room and I was perfectly happy to spend every waking moment in Drake’s presence. I was addicted to him… I loved being with him.

  “That’s everything. Let’s drop it back at the house and then you need to pack an overnight bag.”

  “Drake… I have to go into work tonight.”

  “Call in sick. We won’t be back until Sunday night. I have business in Cape Cod and you are going with me. I’m not leaving you in the city alone.”

  Shit! Where did this possessiveness come from? Did he think I would fuck Marco if he was out of town? I stood with my mouth gaping open, watching as he gathered my things to give to the two bellhops. I had no desire to cause a scene so I remained calm and silent as we made our way downstairs. At the front desk, I checked out, paid my bill, thanked them for everything, and then gave one last wink to the concierge as we walked to a waiting taxi.

  Sitting in the backseat, a lighter, happier, normal Drake reappeared. “Have you ever been to the Cape?” I shook my head and he continued. “You’re going to love the Cape.” Was he for real? He acted as if nothing had happened as he rambled about his plan to take me for a lobster lunch and show me one of his projects. I sat and listened and grew calmer by the minute; uncurling my nails that I had been imbedded into the palm of my hands. When we reached his townhouse, he and I brought my luggage upstairs.

  Within an hour I had made arrangements, promised Lila a big bonus, packed an overnight bag, and seated myself into a Nara bronze Range Rover. Drake drove us out of the city. I’d seen on a map where Cape Cod was located and since we were leaving the city, along the water, I expected to see the Massachusetts coastline. I was shocked that our drive was nothing but greenery on either side of the highway. It looked like we were driving through a forest. I imagined this drive must be spectacular during the autumn. Something I would never see. Seeing signs for the Cape Cod turnoff I was excited to finally see the beach, but once again, no beach. The forest was gone and in its place was green countryside. Was there not a highway that ran along the coast? Giving up, I closed my eyes and slipped away to dreamland until I felt a pair of lips on mine, announcing we had arrived before capturing my mouth.

  Opening my eyes first to gorgeous lavender ones, I then saw that we were parked in a dirt lot on a harbor. “Welcome to Hyannis, Sofie. Ready for some lunch?” That was when I realized we never had our customary Saturday morning breakfast with Sherry and that I was, in fact, quite hungry. I nodded. “Lobster?” Again, I nodded and received an amazing kiss before he got out and walked around to open my door. Slipping from the seat, Drake took my hand in his and walked me to the back deck of The Dockside restaurant. Seated under a navy blue umbrella on a bright sunny day, we watched ferries load and unload many passengers coming and going, to and from Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Drake ordered us two lobster plates and a bottle of white wine to sip while we enjoyed each other’s company.

  “What time is your appointment?”

  “Not an exact time… this afternoon before the sun goes down.”

  “Is this a new architectural project?”

  “Not exactly. I think you’ll love it. As soon as we’re done here, I’ll show you one of my gems.”

  Leaving the harbor, we drove maybe a mile and a half down the highway, then turned down a private road to a gated area complete with a guard house. Waved through, we pulled into a gravel circular driveway, stopping in front of a two-story, shingled house in variegated shades of grey with white trim and big windows. Off to the side was a large, six-car garage with what appeared to be living-quarters above. The house looked old. He assured me it was not but it was made to look that way inside and out. From the outside, it was gorgeous. I couldn’t wait to see the interior and fortunately, Drake didn’t make me wait too long. Turning a key in the red-lacquered front door, we stepped over the threshold and were rewarded with an instant view of the Nantucket Sound through large, multi-paned, white wooden sliding doors.

  “I love the view.”

  “Let me give you a tour of the house first, then we will go outside and enjoy the sun going down.”

  Pulling me up a wooden spindle staircase, Drake walked me from room to room. He showed me two master suites at opposite ends of the second floor, looking out to the water, and two guest rooms with ensuite bathrooms on the other side of the hallway. In the middle of all the rooms was a sitting area with a large flat screen TV complete with a remote control that closed off an enormous ocean view, bay window with black-out curtains for movie viewing. Making our way back downstairs, there was a state-of-the-art kitchen, a formal dining with a butler’s pantry, housing the most gorgeous China dishes and crystal stemware; it looked vintage. Off of the dining room there was a formal living room we passed as we had entered the home. On the other side of the kitchen, there was a family room and a game room with access to the backyard through more multi-paned glass wooden sliding doors.

  “The house is stunning. What amazes me is the mixture of ultra-modern furnishings and old world architecture; it blends perfectly. And the view… wow.”

  Opening one of the sliders, we walked out onto the stone-paved patio under a large white wood pergola that extended from one end of the house to the other. Two sitting areas with outdoor furniture flanked each end of the patio and in the middle was an outdoor dining area. Beyond the covering was a lush green, manicured lawn and in the middle, a rectangle in ground pool with a row of lounge chairs on one side, faced out to the Sound. Drake grasped my hand as we strolled to the edge of the property where a set of white wooden steps led down to a private sandy and rocky beach. We stood side by side, watching a ferry boat fade in the distance before walking back up to the house.

  “Let’s go in and see if we can find a nice bottle of wine.” I saw a smile play on his face when I looked up into his dazzling lavender eyes.

  “Wine? Your clients allow you to drink their wine?” He laughed, kissed my forehead, and guided me across the yard back into the kitchen. Cracking open a bottle of Pinot Noir from a glass front wine refrigerator, he poured two glasses and smirked the entire time. “You like being a naughty boy, don’t you? Breaking the rules. Stealing wine.” My words brought great laughter to my ears.

  “I don’t believe it is stealing when the house belongs to your father.” He took a sip of wine, look
ing intently at me over the rim of the glass and I had to laugh.

  “So… you built this for your father?”


  “There was no appointment schedule for today, was there?”

  I saw a boyish glimmer mixed with a bit of evil in those amethyst eyes. “No.”

  “You wanted to get me alone? Out of the city?”

  He nodded, took sip from his wine glass, set it down on the granite surface, and prowled around the counter in my direction. I set down my wine and backed away from him. I could play his little game. I knew he liked public displays of affection so I continued out the open sliding door. I would give him what he craved. As he continued toward me, I stripped off the scarf I had weaved through the belt loops of my white, short shorts; a no-no item. When he was in reach, I grabbed his wrists, pulled them around him and tied them together tightly behind his back and watched a wicked smile spread from ear to ear. Stepping back, I removed each article of my clothing slowly and dropped them to the ground. There would be no discreet PDA today; we would be in full view.

  Naked, I move in front of him; close enough to touch. “Not fair,” he groaned, “I can’t touch you.” I just smiled, unbelted, unbuttoned, and unzipped his khaki shorts. I pulled them down his tanned, muscular legs. Licking my lips, I grabbed a cushion off a nearby chair and fell to my knees. I was always so excited to take him in my mouth, to slide my lips, my tongue, and my teeth up and down his firm length, swirling and sucking his crown, taking him deep into my throat. God, his cock was glorious. So beautiful. The sounds that elicited from his lips drove me wild and made me sopping wet; I could feel it rolling down my thighs. His panting of my name encouraged me to suck even more vigorously as I cupped him with one hand and dug the fingernails of my other hand into his ass cheek, drawing him all the way in my mouth. I heard moans from both of us as he thrust forward and released. “Fuck… I’m one lucky bastard… your mouth is perfect… oh God, Sofie… you’re the best.”


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