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Fiona Page 6

by Pepper North

  Fiona closed her eyes to process the massive orgasm and her body’s reaction to the enema. She knew that she would try to convince him again in the future that she didn’t want an enema. He would know that she was not telling him the entire truth. After several minutes, she felt him release the restraints and lift her carefully from the enema horsie. Kissing her again on the forehead, he took her hand and lead her slowly over to an adult-sized potty chair that was decorated like an ice cream cone with differently colored scoops of ice cream above it. He helped her squat into position over the potty and pulled the enema nozzle from her body. The sounds of the enema escaping from her body made it impossible to deny that her body had needed the cleansing treatment. Her face flamed red as he stood leaning against the changing table as she filled the potty. She dropped her eyes to look at the carpet at his feet afraid that she would see disgust on his face.

  “Little girl,” he said in his low voice. “Look at me.” He waited until her green eyes raised to meet his dark ones. “Daddies love to take care of their Little girls.” He held her gaze steadily until she finally nodded.

  “You’re going to give me another one of these soon, aren’t you?” she asked realistically.

  “Yes, Fiona. Your bottom will be much happier here in your nursery,” he smiled at her gently.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She shifted uneasily on the hard seat. Georges had cleaned up the enema equipment and stowed everything away by the time she had been able to stand up from the potty. Her face flamed again at the embarrassment of leaning over his bent thigh as he wiped her bottom clean. He had lifted her next onto the changing table and wrapped a thick diaper around her hips. She had tried to argue with him but with one bandaged arm and shoulder there had been nothing she could do to stop him. The diaper felt so alien on her body. He had not allowed her to wear anything else, but the shoulder wrap covered her bare breasts. She couldn’t shake the feeling of being totally exposed. The thick padding between her thighs had made her waddle slightly as he walked her slowly to the kitchen making her very aware that of her diaper. He’d set her in this elevated chair and latched the tray in front of her. Giving her several teddy bear shaped crackers to munch on, Georges had begun to fix her a nutritious lunch that smelled amazing. Fiona tried to munch on her snacks and allow her body to adjust to the padded diaper as she watched him cook for her. Squirming didn’t help so finally, she just relaxed against the back of the highchair.

  Very quickly, Georges brought their meal to the table. It was a delectable smelling cheese soup and grilled ham sandwiches. Georges cupped her face and kissed her lightly before sitting down at the table next to her highchair. “Are you hungry, precious?” he asked as he cut one of the sandwiches in small fingers. As if on cue, her tummy growled furiously.

  Fiona covered her stomach with her free hand, “I guess so.”

  Placing a thin piece of the sandwich on her tray, Georges smiled. “Little girls with cleaned out bottoms are always hungry.” He laughed with delight as Fiona turned bright red. When she glared at him, he reached out to run a comforting hand over her healthy shoulder. “Precious, I know you’ve had a lot to adjust to in a very short period. I’m not laughing at you. I’m enjoying having my Little girl here. You’re beautiful at all times, but you are enchanting when you blush. Okay?”

  She nodded her head slowly. “It’s hard to let you take care me totally. I really don’t want to wear this diaper. Can’t I take it off?”

  “You will wear your diaper, Fiona. Good Little girls use their diaper for all their bathroom needs. You will only use the potty if you have an enema. I don’t think you’re ready for another enema, right?” he looked a her with a raised eyebrow.

  Shaking her head vigorously to say no, Fiona ducked her head to avoid his eyes. She picked up the sandwich and raised it to her lips avoiding his eyes. She was embarrassed. She should have hated the enema, but Georges had coaxed her skillfully into a massive orgasm. “People weren’t supposed to be aroused by an enema,” her inner voice scolded her.

  “Fiona, look at Daddy,” Georges commanded sternly. He waited until she slowly lifted her chin to meet his eyes. “I can almost hear that voice in your head. There is no need to be embarrassed. Little girls don’t have a choice when their Daddies treat their bodies to keep them healthy. It’s the Daddy’s responsibility to help their Little girls tolerate treatments like enemas. A good Daddy’s goal is to always help his Little girl find pleasure in everything.” He smiled at her tenderly. “Now, let’s eat,” he said lifting a soup to her lips.

  She tried to take the spoon from his hand to feed herself, but he pulled it away. Meeting his eyes again, Fiona swallowed and opened her mouth. She understood from one flinty look that would not be allowed to feed herself. The flavor of the soup burst into her mouth distracting her. “Mmmmmmm! That’s amazing,” she hummed in appreciation eating several bites in a row as she wiggled in delight in her highchair.

  “I’m glad you like my cooking, precious,” Georges smiles alternating feeding his Little girl and himself until the large bowl of soup was finished. “Eat your sandwich, Fiona. I’ll tell you what schedule I’ve decided for us.”

  Taking a big bite of her sandwich, Fiona looked at him curiously as she chewed.

  “After lunch, we’re going to give you a dose of medicine and get dressed and cleaned up. You’ll go with me to the restaurant and take a nap while I oversee the evening dinner rush. I have a very comfortable twin bed in my office. I have slept there often. Then, we’ll come back to eat a light dinner before I put you to bed in your crib with the pain medication deep in your cute bottom,” he winked at her.

  “I don’t need any more pain medication,” Fiona reassured him. She clenched her bottom automatically.

  “Dr. Richards and the urgent care doctor prescribed pain medication regularly for two full days. This is just day one. The suppositories will be going in your bottom every four hours. You want your shoulder to get better, right?” he asked piercing her with his gaze.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “Are you finished with your sandwich?” he asked softly.

  Nodding her head, Fiona knew she couldn’t eat another bite. “I’m full, Daddy.”

  Georges cleared the table and wiped off Fiona’s tray. He put a small basket of new crayons and a fairy tale coloring book in front of her. “Color Daddy a picture, Fiona.” He watched her carefully choose a picture of a beautiful princess and begin coloring her hair a dark brown. He kissed the top of her bent head and moved to clean the kitchen. A short time later, Georges announced, “Time to get dressed, Fiona. You can color later.” He tried to take the crayon from her hand and she jerked it away.

  “I’m almost finished. Can’t you wait five more minutes?” Fiona said testily.

  “No, Fiona. Hand me the crayon,” he said holding out his hand as he looked at her seriously. He waited for several seconds. When she did not follow his directions, Georges caught her hand as she waved it and removed the crayon. Closing the coloring book as well, he set it on the table and sat the basket of crayons on top. He smoothly released the tray and lifted Fiona into his arms. Without saying a word, he carried Fiona to her nursery. Georges took a seat on the padded rocker and laid her across his lap on her tummy. He pressed firmly on the small of her back, putting pressure on her full bladder.

  “Noooooooo,” Fiona howled as her full bladder began to empty into her diaper.

  “Relax, Fiona. The first time is always the toughest.” He rubbed her back softly as he maintained the pressure on her bladder. When the sound of liquid flowing ceased, Georges unfastened her diaper exposing her rounded white bottom. She immediately froze in place. He rubbed his hand over her bare skin. Her bottom was rounded and muscled from lifting boxes of produce. Her muscles were softened with a good layer of soft padding. He loved her generous curves.

  “Fiona, you did not cooperate with me when I asked for the crayon you were using. Do you think you were being a good
Little girl then?” he asked laying his heavy hand to rest on her bottom.

  “I just wanted to finish coloring her dress. You could have waited two minutes,” she said indignantly.

  “Daddy gets to make the rules, Fiona, not his Little girl. I’m going to ask the question again. Do you think you were being a good Little girl?” Georges asked in his deep voice.

  “I just wanted to finish,” she said softly. Fiona’s anger had subsided suddenly as she realized that she might be in trouble.

  “Do you think you were being a good Little girl?” Georges repeated. He was not swayed by her argument. Fiona needed to learn that Little girls always followed their Daddy’s directions or there were consequences. She was just about to learn about consequences.

  “No,” she whispered. “But I’ll be a good girl from now on,” she promised tugging at the hem of his pant leg.

  “Because you new to your new life as a Little girl, I will be more lenient than I will be in the future. You will receive ten swats with my hand only. Count them for me, Fiona,” he commanded as he raised his hand and brought it down smartly on her right buttock. He rubbed the red handprint on her white bottom and warned, “Count Fiona.”

  “I don’t want to count. I don’t want a spanking. You can’t do this,” she yelled.

  “Smack!” His hand spanked her left buttock. “One, Fiona,” he reminded her.

  “I’m not going to count. This is inhumane,” she shouted as she wiggled to get off his lap. Her bottom smarted from the two swats.

  Georges held her easily on his lap. He raised his hand again and spanked her again concentrating on the lower part of her bottom. “One Fiona,” he repeated. “You could have been almost finished by now, precious. Drop your pride and live fully as a Little girl.”

  He spanked her again for the fourth and fifth time repeating, One. Finally, he felt her body melt over his lap. Her body shuddered with tears. He spanked her once again.

  “One,” Fiona counted in a trembling voice.

  “Good girl,” Georges praised before continuing to spank her exposed bottom. Finally, they said “Ten,” together. Georges rubbed her generous bottom in small circles to sooth her reddened skin for several minutes. When her tears continued, he turned her in his arms and cuddled her close to his chest. “Fiona, precious, you’re okay. Did you hurt your shoulder?” She shook her head ‘no’ against his chest as she sobbed. “Can you tell Daddy what’s wrong?” he asked tenderly.

  “I’m . . . sorry,” she stuttered and then, she began to sob words as they gushed from her mouth. “You’re not going to send me back to my apartment, are you? I love my nursery. I love my crib. I love being here with you. I’ll even wear a diaper if you want me, too. I really want to be your Little girl. I’m sorry I was disrespectful and didn’t follow your directions. Can you forgive me?”

  “Fiona, you are my Little girl. I’m not going to send you anywhere. I’m keeping you close to me for as long as you will have me as your Daddy. Can you look at me?” he angled her body away from him to look at her face. Tears streamed down her red, blotchy face. He tenderly wiped her tears away before leaning in to kiss her lightly. “Your Daddy loves you already, Fiona. You haven’t been in my life for very long but already my heart knows you’re mine.” He pressed her hand against his chest over his heart.

  She looked at him with hope pouring from her eyes. “Daddy?”

  “For always, precious, I will be your Daddy,” Georges reassured her. Her brilliant smile in response seemed to make the sun shine brighter. He cuddled her against his chest rocked her for just a few more minutes. It would be time to leave for the restaurant, but he could hold her for just a little longer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Georges looked back at his Little girl. She had protested being buckled into the back seat of his large SUV on their way to the restaurant. She had fussed about the outfit that she was wearing. Her jeans were too form-fitting to accommodate her diaper easily, so he had simply dressed her in a baggy pair of his sweats. He thought she was adorable, but she was worried that someone would be able to tell that she was wearing the thick diaper or that she wasn’t wearing a bra. They would need to shop for some clothes that fit his requirements for her care as well as made Fiona feel secure and inconspicuous. He’d make time for them to visit Gordon’s tomorrow.

  Before they left the house, he had placed the pain medication deep in her rectum. Almost immediately, she had begun to get sleepy. They were a few turns from the restaurant and her head lolled against her seat belt’s shoulder strap. Georges navigated the streets carefully. He laughed at himself realizing that he was being as cautious as a new Daddy driving his infant home for the first time. All he needed was a yellow placard in the window warning that there was a baby in the car.

  He parked in his usually spot at the restaurant and carefully picked Fiona up in his strong arms. He pressed the delivery button to call someone to the backdoor to open it for him. Georges enjoyed seeing the surprise on Pierre’s face as he opened the door to see the owner carrying a sleeping woman in his arms. “Good afternoon, Pierre. Could you help me with the office door as well? I’ll tuck Fiona into the bed in my office and then, we can discuss tonight’s menu.”

  The dinner rush went splendidly. As always, Pierre and Georges worked together as if they shared a common brain. Pierre had been afraid that Fiona would be a distraction to interrupt his boss’ singular focus on producing delicious food. Georges’ goal had always been that the dishes delivered to each table tempted the diners visually as well as through the aroma and taste. The reports back from the tables underlined that everyone had appreciated the specially prepared dishes. As usual, Georges had visited the dining room at different intervals to greet his guests. This evening, he also made time to visit a special Little girl.

  Fiona had slept for a couple of hours in the office right off the kitchen. There was a one-way mirror from the office into the kitchen area. She had amused herself watching the staff run around in a well-rehearsed ballet of movements. Her Daddy, of course, drew her eye the most. She could feel herself bristling with pride that this handsome, talented man belonged to her. She had a few rough minutes when she realized that she needed to use the restroom. She’d crossed her legs and tried to think of anything else. Just when she’d decided to open the office door and search for a bathroom, the door opened in front of her.

  “Fiona, were you coming to find me?” Georges said delighted to see her awake.

  “Daddy, I need to use the restroom. Can you show me where it is?” Fiona asked desperately.

  “Let me help you, precious,” Georges said nodding his head knowingly. He shut the door behind him and pulled her close to his body pressing her pelvis in towards his. “Relax your muscles and use your diaper, Little girl,” he instructed. With a groan from the desperate Little, her bladder released filling her diaper. Without any hint of reservation or feeling of weirdness, Georges stripped her sweats to her ankles and laid her on the bed. He raised her hips to slide the changing pad under her hips and stripped off the wet diaper to clean her thoroughly before wrapping her hips in a fresh diaper and pulling up her pants once again. “There you go, precious – a fresh diaper for my sweet Little girl. He pulled out her crayons and the coloring book. “Would you like to finish your picture now, Fiona?”

  At her enthusiastic nod, he cleared a space for her at his desk. Lifting her up to sit in his big office chair, he smiled broadly as she gasped softly when her red bottom touched the lightly padded chair seat. The sore reminder of her spanking would stay with her for a while to remind her to follow her Daddy’s instructions. Georges helped her get settled before kissing her head tenderly. Just before he left the office, he looked back to see her turning the chair back and forth with one arm as she tried to decide which color to choose next. She was humming a cheerful tune. Fiona was absolutely happy. She was adjusting well.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next three days went very smoothly. Fiona’s injur
y had begun to heal, and she now only needed to wear a sling to support her arm. Georges had stressed to her that she was not to lift anything with her right arm as the urgent care doctor had ordered. She was trying to be very careful because she didn’t want to have it immobilized again by the tight bandages. It was very hard to remember not to use her right hand.

  Their daily schedule fell into a pattern. They would spend time together at home in the morning and then Fiona would stay in Georges’ office at the restaurant. The nursing students came for the first few days to remove splinters from her damaged hand. Each day, they found fewer and fewer until they proclaimed her splinter-free. Once the two days of pain medication had passed, Fiona didn’t need to nap. She started getting a little bored in the office all alone while Georges cooked. Unfortunately, a bored Little is not a good thing for their Mommy or Daddy.

  The first mischievous trick, Fiona did was to attach all the paperclips in the little cardboard box all together. But she didn’t just make a chain, she made a ladder of paperclips. The first time Georges reached in his desk to get a paperclip, the whole box of clips pulled out in a big snarl. He didn’t realize that someone had attached them all deliberately. He just growled how tough it was to pull out one paperclip. He blamed the manufacturer’s equipment. Fiona hid her giggles against her arm as she colored seriously.

  After one day switching the color caps on all his pens to a different color, Fiona decided to try something that would have a bigger impact. She moved everything in his desk to a different drawer. She laid on the bed and pretended to nap when Georges came in looking for the key to the butcher’s room. Her shoulders shook as she tried to stifle her laughter when he began to swear softly as he looked everywhere. She would have gotten by with it if she hadn’t peeked back at him. When he saw that she was awake and laughing, he knew immediately who had caused the problem.


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