Punt: A British Bad Boy Football Romance

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Punt: A British Bad Boy Football Romance Page 24

by Vivian Wood

  “Something to drink?” the human woman purred.

  “Gin and tonic,” Maddie groused, still pouting.

  “Corn Hole whisky, on the rocks. Make them both doubles, please,” Jasper said, propping his elbows on the table and refocusing on Maddie. She was watching the dancers, particularly one woman that had a beautiful black and pink flamenco skirt paired with a matching set of cowboy boots. The look was odd, but not unattractive.

  “Those are some nice boots,” Jasper commented, trying to start with a neutral topic. Maddie shrugged.

  “They’re pretty, but they don’t really look comfortable.” Jasper chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Let me see what you’re wearing on your feet right now,” he said, amused. Maddie rolled her eyes and stuck a foot out from under the table, showing off her three inch spike-heeled ankle boots. Sexy as hell, but Jasper would wager not the least bit comfortable.

  “To each her own,” Maddie said, shrugging again. He could see the gears turning in that fascinating brain of hers as she looked around the room, studying everything. She’d speak her mind when she was ready, he supposed. Taking a sip of the whiskey the waitress had just delivered, he sat back and relaxed a bit. He let the music wash over him, taking with it some of the tension that had built during the car ride.

  The waitress returned to take their orders. Maddie ordered a filet, while Jasper chose the prime rib. They both sat back, awkward silence filling the air between them.

  When Maddie didn’t speak again, Jasper decided it was time to reveal his plan. He’d been mulling it over since they’d crossed the Mississippi state line, and he was ready to put it out there. It couldn’t possibly be worse than things were now.

  “I have a proposal for you,” he said, setting his glass down.

  “Oh really?” she said, cocking her head to the side as she toyed with her drink.

  “I will make you a trade. Your good behavior at the Bunker during our stay, for my willing participation in Jace’s wedding,” he said, watching her face.

  “What’s the fine print?” she asked, suspicious.

  “No fine print. You be a good mate here, I’ll return the favor there,” he said, spreading his hands out on the table.

  “Fine,” she said, still suspicious. Jasper offered her his hand, and they shook on it.

  The food arrived, their steaks still sizzling. Maddie ordered another round of doubles for them both, and they dug in.

  “This is a friggin amazing steak,” she said, her tone worshipful.

  “I know. I come here whenever I get a chance,” Jasper replied, trying to restrain himself from inhaling his meal.

  “You eat like you’re in your wolf form,” Maddie noted, wrinkling her nose.

  “When you’ve gone hungry before, you never take chances. It’s an unbreakable habit,” he said with a shrug. Maddie frowned at his response and changed the subject.

  “You’re kind of a celebrity here. You must be more than just a nice regular. Is this where you pick up women or something?” she asked, looking askance at the females that were now crowding the dance floor.

  Jasper was in the middle of a sip of whiskey and coughed, choking a bit. Eyes watering, he shook his head in wonder at her overactive imagination.

  “No,” he grimaced, clearing his throat.“Definitely not. Just a good tipper, I assure you.”

  “Hmm,” Maddie said, pushing her plate away and twirling the straw in her drink. “You got something against humans, or just cowgirls?”

  “It’s not that, although I do try to avoid human women. Mostly it’s because I haven’t been free. To pursue anyone, I mean.” He took another sip of his drink, not liking where this conversation was going.

  “You had a girlfriend?” she asked, surprised.

  “You don’t have to act so shocked. Some women actually find me desirable, if you can imagine,” he said with a smirk.

  “How long did you see her? What happened?” Maddie asked, not to be put off by his off-topic statement.

  “Almost two years, and it just didn’t work out.”

  “She dumped you?” Maddie asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “If you must know, it was the other way around. I ended things,” he said, scowling into his drink. She could give him a little credit, for god’s sake.

  “What was wrong with her?” Maddie fired back, insistent.

  “Nothing,” Jasper said with a casual shrug.

  “But you broke things off with her.”

  “She was pretty close to perfect. She just wasn’t what I wanted. It wasn’t fair to her. And on that note, I think I’ve said enough. Unless you want to discuss your past lovers as well?” he asked, lifting a dark brow.

  Giving him a mischievous look, Maddie scooted out of the booth and held her hand out to him.

  “Since you’re such a catch, we should dance,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes to make him laugh. He grinned at her, accepting her hand and getting up.

  He followed her to the packed dance floor, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. Jasper had expected her to try to lead, bullheaded as she was. But she was actually a perfect dance partner, following his lead with ease.

  One song led into another, alternating from fast to slow and back. They took frequent breaks to visit the bar, although Jasper switched to water when they started dancing. Maddie relaxed in his arms, laughing when he pulled out a fancy move or twirled her in his arms. Soon enough she wore him out, seeing as he hadn’t slept well in several days. Okay, a month if he were honest. But he stayed and danced with her until his feet ached, unwilling to disturb their fragile peace.

  The band played their last song, and thanked the audience. Maddie applauded and whistled, and Jasper couldn’t help but find her enthusiasm amusing.

  Turning to him, she gave him a bright smile.

  “I’m so glad we’re truced,” she giggled, leaning against him as they exited to the parking lot. Jasper half-carried her to the car, wishing he hadn’t let her have the last couple of drinks.

  “Me too, Madd. But I have some bad news,” he said as he tucked her into the car.

  “What’d I do?” she asked, affecting a pout.

  “Nothing. But I can’t drive us all the way out to the Bunker tonight. I’m exhausted, and you’re too drunk to keep me awake.”

  “Am not!” she hiccuped as he got in the driver’s side and closed the door. “Okay maybe a liiiiiiittle drunk. I don’t want to sleep in the car, though!”

  “There’s a nice hotel down the street. I’ve stayed there a few times when I’ve needed to get away from the Bunker,” Jasper said.

  “With your girlfriend?” she asked, suddenly serious.

  “Jesus. No. I’ve only ever been there alone. I wouldn’t take you somewhere— nevermind. Just buckle your seatbelt, okay?”

  “Fine,” she said, complying. “I just want to lie down in a real bed.”


  Jasper drove about half a mile to the motel, leaving Maddie in the lobby while he went to check in. When he came back, she just pouted at his suggestion that they head to the elevators.

  Picking her up, he slung her over his shoulder and carried her to the elevator. She chose to find this hilarious, giggling all the way to their room.

  “Okay, here we are,” he said, setting her and her overnight bag down. Swiping the key, he pushed open the door and urged her inside. He followed, dropping her bag on a plush chair near the dresser. Maddie had stopped still, looking around the opulent room.

  “There’s only one bed!” she squawked, rounding on him.

  “It’s what they had. Don’t make a big deal over it,” he sighed, kicking off his shoes and pulling his socks off.

  “Suuuuuuuure,” she said, crawling onto the large bed. “You know what I think? I think you want this.”

  Her hands came up to frame her breasts, pressing them together. A second later she was peeling off her top and jeans, kicking her heels into the corner.

  “Maybe you should take a shower to sober yourself up a little bit,” he suggested, rubbing a hand over his face. Her bra hit the floor at his feet, and he genuinely tried not to look up. At least for about half a second anyway.

  “Maybe you should take one with me,” she teased, stretching out on her back to showcase her incredible body. Her pert breasts bobbed, and her long legs begged to be touched. Her cream-pale skin was without flaw, contrasting against the velvety pink tips of her lush nipples.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jasper said, picking up a bath robe and tossing it to her in hopes that she’d come to her senses.

  Maddie flung the robe off the bed and peeled off her panties, flinging them carelessly to the side of the room. She ran a hand down between her breasts, circling her navel in a playful motion. Then she slipped her hand lower to the perfect nest of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs, giving him a sultry expression.

  “Don’t you want this?” she asked, biting her lip and giving a little moan when her fingers dipped to caress her wetness.

  “Damn it, Maddie. I don’t want to take advantage of you!” Jasper rumbled, giving her a black stare.

  “I think you do,” she said, withdrawing her damp fingers and brushing them against her nipple, her lower lip. She knew exactly how to drive him to the brink, the minx. He was desperate for a taste of her, so hard it was painful. He could image the sweet, salty flavor he’d find if he touched his tongue to her lip, her nipple, or lower…

  “How about just a kiss?” she asked, pouting.

  “No such thing with you, Madd,” Jasper said, unable to stop himself from sinking down onto the bed next to her. Maybe if he just kept his own clothes on, he could enjoy her for a moment without letting things go too far.

  Maddie flashed him a mischievous smile and scooted toward him on her knees. She grabbed one of his hands and pressed it to her breast, biting her lip.

  “Touch me, Jas,” she said.

  He couldn’t help but smile. Reaching out, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap. Resolving himself to keep a level head, he leaned down to her upturned face and brushed his lips over hers.

  She responded in an instant, releasing a breathy moan and leaning her chest against him. Cupping her chin, he angled her head to give himself access to her ear. He kissed her jaw, scraped the stubble on his chin against her earlobe. Maddie went still, her breathing growing heavy.

  Jasper used the tip of his tongue to trace her earlobe, catching the sensitive flesh between his teeth and giving it a soft tug. Maddie leaned into the warmth of his mouth, crying out softly when he nipped her neck just below her ear and again at her nape.

  Maddie took his face in her hands and pulled his mouth to her own, her kiss rough with need. Jasper was floored, taking her rough kiss and returning it with equal measure. He thrust against her, pressing the evidence of his desire against her naked warmth. She rocked back against him, the scent of her arousal rising from her skin and driving him wild.

  Jasper pushed her back on the bed, eliciting a mewl of protest from her at the separation of their bodies. Half a second later, Jasper had his shoes off, and he sprawled out next to Maddie. He laid her out beside him, positioning her on her back so that he could see her at his leisure.

  He trailed his fingers across her collar bone before cupping one of her breasts. When she tried to rise and reach for him, tried to pull at his shirt, he pushed her back with a firm hand. She made an impatient noise, but Jasper just smiled. He ran a hand down her arm, then over her ribs. He outlined her ribcage, touched her navel, explored her hip bone.

  By the time his slow touches had gone past her hip and reached her inner thighs, Jasper could smell her arousal, so strong that he knew she must be drenched for him. His fingertips brushed the silky curls of her mons, and he relished Maddie’s desperate moan. Touching her soft slit, he found her so wet and warm that he stopped for a full beat, considering how he might get his clothes off the fastest.

  It was only when Maddie stirred against his fingertips, seeking, that Jasper could think enough to resume his explorations. He dipped downward first, circling around her core. Traveling upward, Jasper sought her the center of her sensitivity. He brushed her clit with the lightest touches, gradually increasing the pressure and tempo until he could feel Maddie’s most intimate muscles begin to flutter as she came close to orgasm.

  When Jasper dropped his fingertips lower again, Maddie actually growled at him for denying her gratification. Jasper smirked, sliding his fingertip against her swollen sheath. Her gasp of response only widened his smirk to a grin, especially when he slid his finger deep into her and felt the ripples of pleasure inside her body.

  Jasper withdrew and added a second finger, pressing harder this time to slip within Maddie’s center. She was tight and wet and already clenching around his fingers. She felt so amazing that Jasper had to close his eyes and bite his lip to keep his concentration from straying straight to his cock, which was begging to take the place of his fingers.

  He slid his fingers in and out of her warmth several times, then plunged them deep and used his thumb to rub her clit at the same time.

  “Jasper!” Maddie screamed, starting to come around his fingers. Jasper continued to rub her clit as she peaked and clenched him, his mouth watering as he watched his mate splinter and shatter in her ecstasy. She rocked against him hard, prolonging her pleasure until she’d squeezed the very last drop from her body.

  When at last she slowed and stilled against him, Jasper withdrew his hand. Maddie grumbled at him, sated but not pleased with his distance. He stood and pulled off his shirt, not minding the inspection she gave him as he shucked the rest of his clothing.

  Reaching down and taking his cock in his hand, Jasper almost sighed in relief at the contact. He was aching by now, just as he had been at their first joining. He grimaced, thinking of how short their first time had been. He’d been without a female for months, and on top of that Maddie had been all over him, doing everything he’d ever so much as fantasized about seeing her do.

  Still, he wanted more for her this time. In order to do that, he was going to have to cool off for a minute. And there was no way that was happening with Maddie in the room, not the way she was looking at him right now. She was biting her lip, transfixed as she stared at his cock with hungry eyes.

  “Be right back,” Jasper said, almost wincing when he saw her look of complete bafflement.

  He walked to the bathroom with a sigh, turning on the tap at the sink and splashing his face with water several times. He actually thought about taking a cold shower, then decided against it. He’d simply have to weather the storm and not let himself come before his mate had done so. Several times over, if he could help it.

  Heading back out, Jasper stopped short. Maddie had rolled onto her side, her head resting on her arm. Her eyes were closed, her breathing soft and easy.

  While Jasper had been dithering, Maddie had fallen asleep.

  Laughter bubbled up from within him, escaping as a low chuckle. Looking down at his painfully erect cock, Jasper could only shake his head and shrug.

  “You did it to yourself,” he said aloud.

  Sighing, he sat down on the bed next to Maddie. He stayed like that for a while, just soaking in her presence and the soft, natural beauty she posed in her sleep.

  After a long time, Jasper stood up and pulled back the bedspread. Scooping his unconscious mate up in his arms, he slid her between the sheets. He laid down next to her and pulled the covers around them both, cocooning them against the coolness of the air-conditioned room.

  Sighing, he buried his face in Maddie’s hair and closed his eyes.

  He’d waited a lifetime to have her once. He could wait until she was ready to come to him again. That was what he told himself, anyway. It didn’t seem to make him feel any better, or any less horny.

  Breathing in Maddie’s fragrance, Jasper waited for sleep to take him.

/>   “Hurry up. We have to get to the Bunker.”

  Maddie cracked her eyes open when she heard Jasper’s gruff words. She growled as a pile of her clothes hit her face, flung by a very aggravated-looking Jasper. Maddie would have snapped at him, but her throat was dry as sand. Now that she thought about it, she also had a thunderous headache.

  Pulling her clothes on, she watched Jasper. He was fidgety, something she’d never really seen on him before. The tension in his body was evident as he dressed without saying another word.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Maddie asked, crossing her arms.

  “Nothing. I’m just preparing myself for the Bunker,” he said with a frown.

  “You look like you’re headed to your execution. When Shaw returns from a trip, he’s pleased to see his pack,” Maddie noted.

  “Shaw isn’t the Alpha of this pack. There won’t be any celebration of my return. It doesn’t matter, anyhow. My beta runs the pack in everything but name,” Jasper replied, pulling open the hotel room’s door and ushering Maddie out to the car. The car ride was silent but short.

  When Jasper stopped the car, Maddie got out and stretched as she checked out their destination. They had parked about three rows back from an enormous grey brick building. It appeared to be some kind of huge warehouse, about three stories high and windowless. Big and bland, easy to overlook. A good place to hide something in plain sight, Maddie supposed.

  The one thing that stood out about the place was the low throb of music pervading the air, a pulsing baseline spilling from the building. Maddie shut her door and moved to get her bags, but Jasper waved her off.

  “I’ll send one of the males down to get the bags,” Jasper said. Maddie shrugged and followed him to the large set of steel doors at the front of the building. The rhythmic thump of the music grew louder as they approached, and by the time they got to the doors it was loud enough that Maddie could feel the vibration coming up from the soles of her shoes. Jasper stopped and pressed his thumb onto a small black panel to the right of the door, then stepped back to wait.


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