The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871 Page 7

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Obviously since it appears all the children’s presents are here or she’s trying to avoid Dominic finding out how much she spent this year.”

  “Well, if she was here all day then there must be cookies or something.” Garnett walked into the kitchen and found five large tins filled with baked goods. “Do you think we’re supposed to save these for tomorrow?”

  “I guess I will be making breakfast in the morning. I really miss her.”

  Meeks stepped out on the front porch when he saw Mirisa standing in the orchard talking to Sr. Gomez. He was a wiry man who was very fit for his age. Meeks stepped down from the porch and walked toward her.

  “You know Mirisa, it appears that some little elf has been working in the adobe and we were really puzzled until Garnett found the kitchen filled with cookies.”

  “Hopefully the elf made enough that he can’t eat them all in one night.”

  “Where’s Dominic?”

  “Matthew said he had to go shopping for Christmas but I think they just like to have time alone.”

  “Why is Christmas at the adobe?”

  “Dominic obviously told all of you to keep your distance and he’s been brooding. The children need a happy Christmas and if he wants to join us then he can but I won’t withdraw anymore.”

  Meeks kissed her and told her that he would see her in the morning. She smiled and headed into the house to see if the twins were ready to be fed.

  The weather continued to decline with tremendous thunderheads rolling off the hills in the North. Dominic came down with Matthew for Christmas morning but he didn’t stay long. After Christmas, Dominic informed Mirisa that he was going out of town but gave her no other information. She started to ask him but decided that the cards were already on the table so what he did made no difference.

  James was in his office when Dominic came in and told him that he was going to New Orleans to handle family business and would be gone for a few weeks but would be staying with his oldest brother if they needed him. James listened and then told him they would handle the ranch. James went down to the post office and picked up the mail before he headed to the adobe. He laid the mail on the counter and poured a shot.

  Garnett put away his work and stretched. He walked over to the kitchen and flipped through the envelopes as Meeks dismounted and hung up his duster before taking off his gun. They talked about the ranch for a few minutes while James opened the letter from Miss Tyler reading it.

  Meeks put a key on the counter. “It’s to my mother’s brownstone if you think you need to find out.”

  “Want to go east?”

  “Only if we go now so we can head to Colorado in early summer. The Lodge should be finished by then.”

  “Works for me.”

  Garnett sat down and picked up a piece of meat. “You have actually gotten better at seasoning. What are you two plotting?”

  “We’re going to New York for a few months.”


  “Probably the end of February or March and then we’ll ride to Colorado.”

  “Probably a good idea. Does this have anything to do with Miss Tyler?”

  “That and it has been a long time since we have been in the big city.”

  “Dominic is leaving for New Orleans and will be gone a few weeks then he’s packing up and heading to Colorado. I told him that we were selling our share of the ranch and he decided to sell as well so while we’re in New York I’ll find someone to buy it.”

  Garnett looked at James and nodded. They all knew Dominic was going to spend the time drunk and partaking in dangerous liaisons. It wasn’t the first time he had gone missing and probably wouldn’t be the last time but New Orleans was the perfect place to drown your problems.

  James decided it would be better if they went to the Ross’ ranch for New Years since they were having a big barbeque and they all needed space from the problems. When Mirisa walked through the door, they were unprepared for their own reaction. She was wearing a very soft grey wool dress that was so understated and simple that it highlighted the pure beauty of every part of her. Her hair was shorter and curled around her face. The only jewelry was her tiny gold cross and the things they had given her.

  James looked at her. “Why did you cut your hair?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “It makes you look…it is…” She looked at James as Garnett laughed.

  “He’s trying to tell you that it makes you more attractive.”

  “Thank you.”

  The men set out the cards and uncapped a new bottle of whisky. Mirisa spent the evening socializing with the women and the younger Ross boys. The tension between her and Dominic was obvious but didn’t surprise anyone who knew him well.

  “Mirisa, do you want to play?”

  She looked up at Garnett. “No…I’m going to go back to the house and Matthew is going to spend the night here with Charlotte’s boys.”

  “How are you getting home?”

  She told Garnett to enjoy the evening as she said goodbye to Charlotte while Thomas got her cape then helped her into the coach. Thomas had spent a lot of time with Dominic during their stint out west and during the war but he didn’t understand Dominic’s attitude. Tom Jr. saddled his horse and fell behind the carriage as Mirisa started down the drive toward the road. Garnett stood on the porch watching and wondered how many men it took to protect her.

  James went to pour a shot wondering where the open bottle was. “Garnett, didn’t you just open a bottle?”

  Garnett turned and opened a second bottle then sat down and shuffled the cards. Meeks sat down and poured a shot before sitting back. Dominic was talking to Ross about selling the ranch and possibly selling the south eastern property below the town to Ross instead of including it in the sale of the ranch. They finally walked over and sat down at the table.

  “Where’s Mirisa?”

  Garnett started dealing the cards then picked up his cigar relighting it. “She went home.”

  Dominic looked up at Garnett. “That one is on you. That argument should have never been in front of her.”

  “I agree. It set her back emotionally.” Garnett picked up his cards and James sat down. “I am going to assume that she is sleeping in the guest room.”

  “She won’t talk to me, she won’t accept my apologies and she refuses to let me get close enough to touch her.” Dominic picked up his cards and put down one. “If I thought she was capable of it, I would believe she was the one who burned down the card room.”

  Thomas pulled out his money and sat back listening to the conversation. “I don’t know what argument you had but leaving her alone and pregnant in Mississippi without any communication hurt her more than any of you even realize.”

  Dominic looked at him and wondered just how much Mirisa had said to Charlotte or even Thomas while she was there. “She was better off at the Plantation where she was well cared for.”

  “I don’t argue that point and really before this year I can’t say I really knew her. I may be completely out of line but being a husband is about being a part of the woman’s life and especially being there when they are carrying babies. Being a husband is probably the greatest thing you could do in your life.”

  James lit his cigar and poured a shot. “Has she talked to you?”

  “No and I made it a point not to even inquire about Dominic. If you want to know about her year by herself then you need to talk to Mrs. Ross but if you want to know my opinion I think she is holding in a lot of sorrow.”

  Dominic controlled his anger. “She confided in Mrs. Ross?”

  “Yes and in Charlotte but Charlotte would never betray her confidences where Mrs. Ross will always give you a piece of her mind. Personally Captain, I think if some two bit cowboy came along and offered her a small house on the prairie that she would pack up and leave all of you sitting in the dust.”

  Garnett looked up. “It’s that bad?”

  “I believe it is but then I might be wrong

  Ross looked at his son in law and though he understood his affection for Mirisa and her closeness to Charlotte, he was surprised he would even put his two cents into the conversation but then he did serve under Dominic in the Army.

  Thomas sipped his whisky. “Dominic when Garnett told you that Mirisa went home you didn’t ask how she went home or if anyone escorted her. If you care that little about her safety, then maybe you need to tell her so she can move on. She deserves a chance at happiness if you aren’t willing to provide it.”

  Dominic kicked back. “Thomas I appreciate your concern but I have enough input lately into my behavior without your advice.”

  “You’re right. Please accept my apology for your personal life is not my business but I sure as hell would stay away from Mrs. Ross because everyone’s life is her business.”

  James pushed his chair back and downed his whisky. He thanked Tom for the great cook out picked up his hat and headed for the house. Sr. Gomez was putting up the carriage so he dismounted and walked into the house. Mirisa was upstairs sipping on a glass of wine.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were leaving?”

  “I told Garnett and Tom Jr. escorted me home.”

  James shook his head then looked back up at her. “You need to make a decision.”

  “You’re right. This stalemate between us is affecting my home and children and everyone around us. It’s never fun to be around people in a constant skirmish with no rules.”

  He told her everyone’s plans and she just nodded. James finally realized that she needed time alone so he locked up the house and went to the adobe. He sat on the porch until everyone came home. Dominic and Garnett headed to the house but Mirisa had already gone to bed so they sat out on the porch and got drunk while James and Meeks headed to bed. James knew she was about to leave all of them and he couldn’t blame her.

  Mirisa woke up after midnight and came out to the kitchen for a glass of water. The house was quiet and she felt so bad from the wine but didn’t think she would be able to go back to sleep. She climbed the stairs and walked over opening the doors to watch the rain which was coming down so hard that you couldn’t see the river.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” She turned to find Garnett lying on the couch with his arm across his eyes.

  “I was having bad dreams.” She turned back to the view and sipped on her water. Garnett got up and walked up behind her, took her glass away and set it down. He slowly undid the ribbon on her nightgown moving it off her shoulders as it fell to the floor. He kissed her while his hands moved over the curves of her hips. “Garnett?”

  Garnett stopped and let her speak.

  “What do you want?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Her voice was low as she watched his eyes in the glass. The fireplace reflected just enough against the doors that she could look in his eyes as he watched her. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you don’t understand.”

  Garnett slowly ran his hands down her body as she watched him. The rain was running down the glass causing a break in the images as he undressed. She had never seen herself with a man and found it so unbelievably beautiful. He was so slow and deliberate in what he was doing that she was mesmerized. He could feel the tension from having gone so long without any type of intimate contact and he knew her fear was bundled up in the fact that she needed to feel something. It was always this way with a married woman who had been neglected. This was their calling card. His hands moved over her stomach then between her legs always quietly talking to her as she slowly started to open up to his movements. Mirisa leaned back against him closing her eyes until there was no air left between their bodies and when she arched her back Garnett abandoned his control turned her and took her up against the cold glass with raw hunger.

  She released every problem, every tension and silently thanked him over and over. He waited because he wasn’t sure how she would handle it. “Garnett.”

  “What Mirisa.”

  “Why now? Why…?”

  “Because you doubt your own worth and beauty.”

  “Why did Dominic turn to another woman?”

  “Before you ask a question, you need to decide if you want the answer.”

  “I don’t think anything you say can hurt me any worse?”

  “I disagree but then I believe your bravado is built on very shaky ground. You really need to just deal with what you know.”

  “I thought you were close friends.”

  “What does this have to do with friendship?”

  “I don’t know, I guess I just find your relationship extremely hard to understand. Why did you just seduce me?”

  “It wasn’t my intent.” He lowered her to the ground and looked for his cigar. “Actually, it was. You have been withdrawing from personal touch to the point that you back away if someone gets close to you. Dominic doesn’t have the ability right now to crack your shell because you fell off the pedestal and he doesn’t know how to fix the cracks so he can put you back. Meeks won’t push you but I can guarantee you that if you walked down to the adobe right now that he wouldn’t let you out of his bed for hours. You refuse to go to him because of your guilt and because you can’t reconcile your pain of what Dominic did with the wrongness of what you did. You are in a stalemate and you don’t know how to get out of it. We both know that you are going to leave Dominic because we both know that he can’t change. Since we both know this, you need to decide if you are going to sit and wait for that miracle to happen or if you are going to cut your losses and be with a man who will make you happy.”

  “Garnett, what does that have to do with the fact that I just had sex with you?”

  “Because now it is no longer a onetime thing and it isn’t just one man. Funny thing darling is that nothing has changed. You are still beautiful and sweet and I am still in love with you.” She started to respond when he kissed her. “Why are you sitting here talking to me?”

  Mirisa slipped her nightgown back on, kissed Garnett and went to her room to change clothes. The rain continued to pound on the roof as she stepped down running to the adobe so thankful that they had finally put a rock pathway down. She stepped on the porch of the adobe and began to ring the water out of her hair when the door opened. Meeks leaned up against the doorframe in just his jeans and before he could ask her what she was doing she wrapped her arms around him. Without a whisper, Meeks swept her off her feet carrying her into his room.

  He started to unbutton her blouse when she pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. Mirisa pulled off her clothes without letting him touch her or even help then she slowly unbuttoned his jeans as he watched her eyes. She teased him until he couldn’t take it any longer and he rolled her over making love to her until he ran out of energy. She curled up around him and they talked for a long time. She finally redressed and quietly opened the door slipping out as Meeks put on his jeans following her. When she made it to the end of the hallway, James and Garnett were sitting at the bar drinking coffee. They looked at her then past her which made her turn around.

  “Mirisa, first rule to covert sex is to make sure you are back where you belong before the sun starts to rise.”

  “Is he up?”

  “Probably not. We tied one on last night which he hasn’t done in a while.”

  Mirisa turned around and kissed Meeks then slipped out the front door of the adobe and into the front door of their house which was still very quiet. She changed clothes putting on a soft house dress and pulling her hair back braiding it. Mirisa went into the nursery but the children were sound asleep so she went into the kitchen to make coffee and to put muffins in the oven.

  Meeks poured a cup of coffee and leaned up against the sink. James leaned across the counter. “How did she end up down here?”

  “I believe Garnett crossed the line on the pretense that if she was going to be bad then she might as well be very, very bad.”

  “Are you serious? Garnett weren’t you jus
t arguing about her withdrawing and all that other crap?”

  “I had to do something because Meeks hasn’t had sex for a year.”

  “But don’t you think what you did was risky?”

  “No, someone had to do something and Meeks was dragging his feet and you’re too damn proper.”

  “Screw you Garnett! Anyone want breakfast?”


  “On October 8, 1869, Virginia voted to ratify the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments as part of the requirement for being readmitted to the Union. The act readmitting Virginia to the Union and its representatives into Congress was signed by President Ulysses S. Grant on January 26, 1870.”

  Meeks and Garnett took a crew to San Antonio to deliver horses on Tuesday after New Years Day. Dominic left on New Year’s Day. Mirisa rose Friday morning to find James in the kitchen starting the coffee. She took down her cup and sat down at the bar watching him.

  “Don’t you want to go with them?”

  “No, I think they can handle horses without me.”

  “Can I help?”

  “No, it’s just the two of us.”

  James worked both Friday and Saturday at his office going over the ledgers to prepare for the sale of the ranch. He was unusually quiet both nights. Mirisa was locking up the house when she saw the woman come out of the adobe and leave heading east. James lit his cigar then walked up to the house so she unlocked the door. “I didn’t know you brought women home.”

  “Life is harder without the convenience of the card room.” She locked the door behind him and turned down the lanterns and they went upstairs. James put more logs on the fire and broke out the cards playing with her for an hour. “I really need to go home and you need to go to bed.”

  James watched her face and knew the best thing he could do for both of them is to get up and walk out that door. Never had he taken a woman into a room and not been able to even undress her but it happened tonight. He knew then that this was bad but at what point is something wrong and then really wrong and then just completely insanely wrong. James came to the house knowing what he was about to do and no matter how much he told himself to leave he didn’t move.


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