The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871

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The Visitor - Colorado 1869 - 1871 Page 27

by Barbara Svetlick

  The hotel was packed with everyone who was anyone. They were shown to their table where the server pulled out her chair. Dominic was already at the bar and Meeks told her he would get her a glass of wine. Two other couples were then seated across from her but she didn’t know them well enough to do more than acknowledge them. Meeks came back to the table and talked to both couples then introduced Mirisa to them. He put the glass of wine next to her before sitting down. The dinner was very elegant and the conversation was very festive with people moving from table to table. She leaned over and said something to her husband and he stood and pulled out her chair. She walked out of the dining room and into the powder room.

  She was about to leave when Betsy and several of her friends walked in. “Well, isn’t it so nice to see that you can dress appropriately?”

  Mirisa picked up her purse and stepped aside to leave but Betsy didn’t move.

  “He’s cancelled our wedding because he thinks he still has a chance to get you back. Don’t you think having three of them is enough without constantly holding on to the one who divorced you?” She was obviously not only agitated but a little tipsy. One of her friends tried to move her away from the door but she pulled her arm away causing one of her curls to fall from its place on her perfect set hairstyle.

  “Dominic knows I won’t go back to him because he was and is still incapable of being faithful.”

  “And you think Alexander will be any better? You think that most women in this town have not been in his bed?”

  “I am aware of his reputation and I find it funny that so much criticism of me is by married women who created those reputations that you are now throwing at me with such distain. I personally find sleeping with someone else’s husband to speak poorly of the woman for men really are easy to lure when you use sex and women use sex to get money. And I believe he said you refused to sign the prenuptial.”

  “And you think you can just waltz into town with your moralistic behavior believing that you are above the rest of us?” Betsy was moving closer to Mirisa but Mirisa was merely weighing how to get around her.

  “I believe I am in love with my husband and am quite fortunate that my love is returned.”

  “It won’t last. He will succumb to the lure of another woman. In fact, there is a wager as to which one of us is capable of making him stray.”

  Mirisa’s eyes changed just slightly before she took control over the urge to pull out Betsy’s hair and gouge her stupid eyes out of her head. Her friends were telling her to let it go as they tried to pull her away from the door.

  “Maybe the Ménage à trios was an unwise choice in trying to get into his pocket. The first night I attended a function with Dominic he showered me with emeralds and diamonds and I didn’t have to give him sex nor did he ever share me with his friends.”

  The other women gasped at the statement and Betsy reached out to grab Mirisa as she stepped back causing Betsy to stumble against the other women who held her up. Betsy pulled herself away from her friends screaming wildly as she ran at Mirisa when a woman opened the door hitting Betsy and knocking her off balance and Mirisa slipped out of the powder room while trying to regain her composure. She smiled sweetly and continued through the room.

  She got back to the table and bent over and talked to Garnett for a moment then sat down. Meeks looked at Garnett as he got up and walked toward the bar then he turned to Mirisa. She asked him if he would dance with her and they stepped into the ballroom. He was laughing so hard by the time she finished the story that she thought he was crazy. He told her that she was doing quite well dealing with the carnage of their behavior.

  Mirisa loved dancing with her husband. The orchestra finally took a break and they walked back to the table where dessert was being served. Garnett sat down next to her and asked her if she was going to share her piece of chocolate cake with him. She batted her eyes and told him that he knew that her husband always got her chocolate. When the orchestra came back James took her out onto the floor. Despite her attempt to be more subdued, they knew her too well for her attire to dampen their playfulness. Meeks finally took her back and did not let her go until the end of the night. She didn’t see Betsy again and Dominic disappeared as well. This was the last dance before the holidays but they had several holiday events that they would be attending.

  MIRISA SPENT the week shopping for the holidays and when she came out of the confectioners shop she ran into James.

  “Are you allowed out by yourself?”

  “I don’t have much choice since it’s almost Christmas and you have been incredibly busy doing business stuff. Plus my husband has hired someone to follow me.”

  “Then will you give me the pleasure of your company for lunch?”

  “I would love to join you.” She took his arm as they walked down the street to a small restaurant. They were seated in the front with a great view of the shoppers hurrying up and down the avenue. The snow started falling slowly and people rushed in and out of the stores as their packages were put in their carriages. “James, do you ever miss having a normal life?”

  “I don’t know because I never had one.”

  “Did you live here?”

  “I did after my mother died and after I went to VMI. I actually got to know Meeks when I was working in the bank but we didn’t become good friends until we went to the institute.”

  “What was he like?”

  “Your husband?”


  James turned his attention to the waiter and ordered lunch then turned back to her. “Much like he is now. He was always aloof and quiet unless he felt something was wrong. He basically is more of an individual then a team player except when we were on assignments. He’s very serious about everything and especially about you.”

  “That’s because he’s married to me.”

  “No, I mean before he was married to you. From the beginning, he made it a point to constantly be aware of not only what you did but how you felt. It should not have taken me by surprise when he made a serious play for you but it did. He never said anything and never showed signs of caring other then he thought you were over protected by the rest of us.”

  “Did Dominic call off the wedding?”

  “He did.”

  “Is he moving back?”

  “No, he leased the apartments for the season.”

  She nodded as the waiter put a cup of tea in front of her with sconces. “That’s probably better for both of us.”

  “He didn’t have a choice. Meeks told him that he was always welcome in your home but would no longer be allowed to live under the same roof as you.”

  Mirisa put her spoon down slowly as she absorbed his words. “Alexander didn’t tell me.”

  “I know but the strain on the entire house and your marriage was too much and Dominic ultimately agreed.”

  “Am I responsible for the strained friendship?”

  “They’ve never been friends. I can’t really say why but mostly because they have different ways of doing things and both are extremely controlling. Dominic wants to control everything and everyone and rarely acknowledges personal relationships until someone stands up to him but he has little control of himself. Meeks is the opposite. He doesn’t want to control other people but has unbelievable control of himself.”

  “You disapproved of my marriage to Dominic but you haven’t said how you feel about my marriage to Alexander.”

  “I never thought you would leave Dominic and Meeks always said you would. I’m not sure how much Meeks orchestrated the break up but looking back on it he always challenged you when you were struggling with your marriage. If I had to guess, I would say that Meeks went after you from the beginning and I think Dominic was very aware of it.” The waiter approached the table balancing the two plates on one arm. With great flair he put a plate in front of Mirisa while explaining the fresh ingredients used to make the seafood plate then he put James’ plate down and then filled Mirisa’s tea cup. James waited
until he left. “The reason I went to Washington with Dominic was because he was convinced I would look the other way if Meeks attempted to make a move. He should have known that Garnett would not interfere unless your life was in danger.”

  “Would you have?”

  “What? Allowed Meeks to make a move?” He smiled. “Seriously, I would have discouraged him but then I didn’t know if he could offer you more than Dominic had.”

  “I love our times alone.” She picked up her fork and tasted the crab salad. “The food here is wonderful.”

  “It’s one of my favorite restaurants on this side of town.”

  “It is a very interesting town with such diversity.”

  “Then we should spend more time enjoying the city. There’s so much to see and do.”

  “Meeks said you are taking business courses at the City College.”

  “I am. I find it exciting to not only be out of the house on my own but to be learning so much. My professor is quite funny and very elderly.”

  “Professor Curtis?”

  “Yes. Do you know him?”

  “I had him as a professor when I was working in New York.”

  “Do you have a degree?”

  “I have two degrees. One degree in business and one degree in history. If you need any help, let me know.”

  “Thank you. So far I have done fine though he is starting to use words that you frequently use when you are talking business. I am sorry we are only staying a short while for I would love to spend more time enjoying what New York has to offer other then the constant balls.” She sipped her tea. “I met Miss Tyler though that is not her married name.”

  James looked up at her. “She told me.”

  “I like her though I was surprised to learn she met the four of you in Texas. I think the fact that she makes me jealous is just a reflection of the chemistry that seems to be between the two of you.”

  “It’s different but then I believe being around you and Meeks has made a remarkable difference in my life but she is married.”

  Mirisa wrapped her fingers around his hand. “You are a wonderful man.”

  They spent two hours enjoying lunch before stepping back on the streets. The snow was still falling and the day had grown dark enough that the street lamps were lit. James took her into a small bookstore that was lined with books up to the ceiling, along the floors and on the many little tables in the center of the store. A small lady with wiry blue hair was sitting behind the counter reading a book and looked over her spectacles when the little bell interrupted her concentration. It was warm inside with the smell of cinnamon and press ink.

  James asked her if she had any rare books and she climbed down off the stool coming around the counter. She was barely five foot tall and wore a grey dress with a black shawl. Her blue hair was tied back in a bun with black netting over it and a pencil was stuck through it. They followed her to the back of the store where there was an antique glass book cabinet. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a tatter gold cord with keys on the end. She slowly fanned through them until she came to a very small key. She slowly placed it in the lock and turned it opening the glass doors. You could smell the mustiness of the paper and old leather. James picked up the lantern hanging on the wall and brought it closer to the cabinet. He went through the titles then picked out two handing them to Mirisa.

  “Hawthorns’ The Scarlet Letter?” She laughed. “Well that is appropriate I guess. The Wide, Wide World. Oh, James I think this will be a fantastic book to read in the evenings.”

  They ended up buying half dozen books and then went through the children’s books buying a dozen for Christmas. James paid her in cash and she wrapped them in brown paper tying it with twine. James told Mirisa to wait under the canopy as he whistled for the carriage. When it pulled in front of the store, James opened the door and helped her in. “My horse is in the stable and I have a few things to do before I head home.” She leaned out the window and kissed him.

  “I love you James Alcorn.”

  When she came through the front door, the children got up from the floor and ran to see whether or not she brought them something special. She laughed as they all talked at once then told the footman to put all the packages in the library. She took off her cape and draped it across the chair before she picked up the white box and walked into the dining room with all three of the children on her heels. Mirisa put the box on the table and opened the drawer for her kitchen shears so that she could cut the twine. Maggie climbed up on the chair next to Jonathan as Matthew put small plates and forks on the table. Mirisa slowly opened the box and took out a beautiful layered chocolate cake.

  Meeks came through the back door with Garnett and kissed her before he ran his finger through the icing. Jonathan looked up then ran his finger through the icing as Mirisa told him to wait until she could cut it. She pulled the bell and the kitchen maid came out.

  “Would you please bring out a pitcher of milk and glasses?”

  She nodded and went back into the back kitchen returning with a large glass pitcher of fresh milk. Mirisa cut each of the children a piece of cake as Garnett reached over and broke off a piece dropping part of it before he could put it in his mouth.

  “You are as bad as Jonathan.” She cut him a piece then cut a piece for her husband who had gone into the library.

  “It looks like you had good shopping trip.”

  “I did then I ran into James and we had lunch at O’Reillys.”

  He put his arms around her waist and looked into her eyes. “I love the days when you are happy. I’m sorry I have been so busy but I have cleared tomorrow to shop with you.”

  “The only shopping I have left is for Maggie.”

  “Perfect.” He picked up his cake and sat down next to his daughter.

  James heard the laugher coming from the house before he reached the porch. He knocked the snow off his boots and took off his duster hanging it in the mudroom. He put the package on the sideboard then took off his shoulder harness putting it in the upper cabinet.

  “I would think dessert would come after dinner but then I keep forgetting how many children really live in this house.”

  “What did you bring home?”

  “Fresh seafood from the waterfront.” He picked up the bag and took it in the kitchen to be prepared.

  Meeks put on his gloves as Mirisa came out of the nursery dressed to go out. He helped her into the carriage and they headed into the shopping district which was crowded with women and men rushing in and out of the stores balancing large packages as they darted between the Christmas crowds. He held open the door to the large children’s store as his sister was coming out.

  “Darling, it is so good to see you.” She kissed her brother’s cheek then Mirisa’s. “Can we expect you and the children for Christmas dinner?”

  “I didn’t realize you had sent out an invitation?”

  “Oh, I have been so incredibly busy that I must have forgotten. This is not good if I did not send out invitations.”

  Mirisa put her hand on Charisse’s arm and told her that they did receive the invitation and she had responded that they would love to come.

  “Fabulous.” She bid them good morning and headed down the street as her footman scurried behind Charisse precariously balancing so many packages that he couldn’t see where he was going and she just kept telling him to keep up.

  “I love your sister.”

  Meeks looked at her. “Really?”


  Mirisa and Meeks walked slowly through the store until he found the perfect doll for Maggie. Mirisa told him that she already had more dolls then she could play with but he told her that he didn’t know what else to buy a girl. Then they found a little wicker carriage that was so expensive that Mirisa balked at the price but Meeks said if he couldn’t buy her a doll then the least he could do is buy her a stroller to go with the doll he was still holding. Then they shopped for a Christmas dress and matching cape and muff in r
abbit fur when Meeks found a beautiful music box that was inlaid with a faerie in a flower. Mirisa kept reminding her husband that she was only two years old but he told her that she was only two once as he continued to buy.

  When they reached the end of the block, Meeks let go of her hand and took her arm helping Mirisa step down from the curb to cross the street. He walked her toward an old building as the doorman opened the door bowing slightly as they entered into what she would describe as a greenhouse that let in enormous amounts of light. There were rows and rows of wooden tables filled with every color of flower laid out and large greenhouses filled with fresh vegetables. As they walked through the building she asked whether they were going to buy flowers and plants and he told her he just missed being in Colorado. She squeezed his arm and told him she loved him. He listened as she talked about the flowers and then he ordered enough to fill the house for the holidays along with beautiful crystal vases. When they came out of the other end they were on another street that was more crowded than the one they had left. This avenue was filled with Christmas Carolers and Musicians that were walking up and down the avenue.

  Meeks took her into an Odds and Antique Store where he bought her several hair sticks and combs then they walked through the back where furniture was so thick that she had to turn sideways to get down the aisles before it opened up into a large room that was floor to ceiling furniture. She stopped in front of a gold leaf oval mirror and ran her finger across the dusty face and wondered how many things the mirror had seen before being placed in this dark store. Meeks watched her carefully and when she moved across the room he talked to the clerk to have it delivered to the house. She was standing in front of a Barrister Bookcase that was made out of solid oak with beautiful woodwork then she realized behind it was an identical case. She turned to her husband.


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