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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

Page 12

by Lacoste, G. G.

  The Duke was surprised to hear this and, quite unsurprisingly, he was not pleased by this news. Indeed, his youthful, blue-eyed lover was to blame for his present situation. Nevertheless, he did all he could to keep his anger hidden and reassure Marina.

  "My dear, my dear, this was inevitable. All there is for me to do now is face your husband like the man I am."

  "No, no you must run! We must run, together! Perhaps this unhappy situation was thrust upon us to force you and me to flee this manor and begin a new life. The life that we have always discussed."

  Jasper thought for a moment. Marina's argument was not without merit. They had been talking for quite some time about leaving their respective spouses and beginning life anew in some far off land. Unlike the majority of married men who have such discussions with their young lovers, the Duke of Halsbury genuinely did want to follow through on this promise of eloping. Perhaps an angel of some sort had introduced this duel as a means of forcing the Duke to cease his procrastination and flee with Marina. Maybe it was even the work of God. Yes, it must have been the work of God. God himself was demanding the Duke leave his wife and spend the rest of his life with the young and beautiful Marina.

  "Very well" he said after a moment's thought, "we shall leave this very night."

  "Tonight?" Marina asked, stunned that the Duke had agreed to her suggestion. She had so often fantasised about running away with the Duke that she had grown to believe it would never happen. Every time she had proposed eloping, Jasper would tell her that the time was not right and would promise to run away with her at a later date. Suggesting it that evening, she did not think for a second that her lover would agree to it, but now it seemed that the time was indeed right.

  "Yes, my dear, tonight. Tonight we will flee this manor and begin a new life."

  Before he had a chance to reconsider his decision, the Duke sent for his butler and instructed him to prepare a case full of his finest clothes, his most durable footwear and quite a bit of money. Earl obliged without asking any questions. It was quite clear what the Duke was planning. He felt a degree of guilt for helping his master escape the manor with his mistress, but he prided himself on being a great butler and would not allow his human emotions to get in the way of his professional duties. Besides, the disappearance of the Duke would not affect his employment in the slightest. As long as the unfaithful husband was not killed, he would remain married to the Duchess and the Prince Regent would permit her to remain in the manor, with all of her servants and riches (with the exception of the riches Earl was aiding the Duke in stealing).

  Hardly able to contain the excitement she felt at the prospect of finally having the Duke to herself, the giddy young girl leapt into his arms and laid a barrage of kissed onto his cheeks and forehead. Her red lip paint stained his face as he giggled and attempted to push her away.

  "My dear, we do not have time for these antics. We must leave now, under the cloak of darkness. If we do not make haste, we risk encountering your brutish husband on our journey." Marina paid little attention to the protests of her lover and continued to redden his face. Pushing her away a second time, the older gentleman opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a single word past his gums, he felt the tongue of his lover enter his mouth. He would have distanced himself from her once again but he simply could not find the strength to deny such an incredible, sexually charged young woman. Now the fact that they were in quite a hurry began to drift from the Duke's mind. Time, as all things, has a habit of fading into irrelevancy when sex is involved.

  Though Jasper's study was void of a bed, it proved to be little more than a slight hurdle for the resourceful Duke to jump. He took his woman in his arms and lifted her from the ground. Laughing, and a little fearful that her lover would lose his grip and send her crashing to the floor, Marina wrapped her legs around the Duke's waist. Finally, he placed her in a sitting position on the shining mahogany table, which he had inherited from his father. Marina sat expectantly, her legs crossed and dangling as Jasper stepped away to examine her. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated. They were alive with desire, perhaps even lust, for his woman. Slowly, and without breaking eye contact, the Duke began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt. In an attempt to contain her near overwhelming sexual desire, Marina found herself biting her lip and forcing her hands into balls so tight her nails dug deep into her palms. His toned torso now bare, the Duke dropped his shirt into the dust and cobwebs, which had gathered on the study floor. Marina was beginning to unfasten her shirt now too, however she did it at a much faster pace as she did not posses the level of self-control which had allowed her lover to so artistically remove his clothing. Her shirt joined the shirt of the Duke on the dusty floor, her black fabric providing a pleasant contrast to his white.

  Jasper re-joined her at the study table, standing between her legs and taking her in his arms so her naked torso was pressed closely to his. He kissed her neck as she placed her arms around his back and began to massage and knead. The Duke, being the pleasure-loving fellow that he was, derived an incredible amount of enjoyment from being stroked and pampered in this manner. In his childhood, he would drift off to sleep every night with his mother massaging his hands, moving his knuckles back and forth while applying some sort of moisturising cream. Of course, there was no sexual pleasure in those childhood manicures. However, these massages, implemented by Marina's masterful hands, blurred the lines between childhood innocence and insatiable adult desire. She buried her nails into the skin of his back - deeper than she had buried her nails into her palms - and felt his penis as it doubled in size within his trousers. Even when flaccid, Jasper's penis was of an impressive length and width. At least, it seemed so to Marina, whose husband was not what would be considered well hung in any era. Franklin Peers' member was short and thick, not unlike a tree stump, surrounded by long (very long) weeds and nettles. For reasons unknown to Marina, the penis was almost always red and raw, covered in goose-pimples and dead skin; not to mention the repulsive taste of the organ and the liquid which oozed out of it - which it always did just as Marina was beginning to feel excited.

  Marina grabbed the Duke's penis through his thin, cream coloured trousers. It was hard. Fully erect. She could feel it pulsing as the blood left his hands and legs and came to his penis. He moved his lips from her neck to her right shoulder and kissed her as she busied her hands, one at his front and one still massaging his back. Though they had already had one steamy sex session that day, both Marina and the Duke were excited and energetic and more than ready to embark on a second. He pushed her to her back. The shining, polished table was not covered by sheet or cloth and the bare wood felt cold on Marina's naked back. She writhed and squirmed, hoping to find a comfortable position in which the least amount of her skin as possible would be touching the cold table. The Duke leaned forward and kissed her stomach. It was soft and flat, featuring several random patches of short and barely visible hair. Her bellybutton faced outwards. Of course it did, nothing else would suit a girl with such an unusual and delightfully bright personality. Soon, Marina forgot all about the cold of the table and was able to lie flat on her back and lose herself in the pleasure brought on by the feeling of the Duke's lips on her stomach. He ran his tongue from side to side a number of times before running it up and down, leaving a cross of saliva on the young girl's abdomen. One final time, the Duke brought his tongue downwards from the girl's naval, coming to a halt only when his tongue reached the waistband of her red and black striped skirts.

  Jasper pulled himself upright and assigned his hands the task of removing the woman's trousers. Franklin Peers had always insisted his wife wear trousers. The controlling husband harboured a strong and intense hatred for all dresses and skirts and gowns for he believed them to be too wide and too puffy. Such wide-spreading clothing prevented him from wrapping his short arms around his wife, which made him feel insecure. Of course, Marina was never allowed to protest these choices of clothing and she was certainly not
permitted to complain about her husband's weight problems when his copious rolls of fat prevented her from adequately embracing him, not that she wanted too anyway. Jasper did not mind the constant slacks, in fact, he too had always favoured slacks to skirts and dresses and gowns. The length of his arms was not a problem, but he thoroughly enjoyed sitting back and watching a woman's rear in her slacks as she went about her business. It should be noted that Marina possessed an incredible rear.

  Finally, the Duke managed to unfasten the buttons that held Marina's slacks together. This task had taken a tad longer than it should have and was made a great deal more difficult by the uncontrollable shaking of the Duke's hands. In a way, he was sexually immature and became as excited by the prospect of engaging in sexual intercourse with Marina as he had the evening he had lost his virginity to his mother's wrinkled, cigarette smoking friend. The Duchess no longer had this affect on her husband, as only the woman with whom he was going to run away could make him feel this giddy. He tugged at Marina's trousers and pulled them from her legs with such force that he very nearly pulled her from the table to the floor. The trousers joined the discarded shirts in their pile on the floor and the Duke joined Marina on top of the table. His legs were still covered by his trousers but that was perfectly fine as far as he was concerned. By this point, he had totally lost all track of time and was no longer in a rush to do anything. When he was so aroused that his penis was fit to burst from the fabric of his slacks, he would remove them. For the time being, Jasper returned to kissing and biting the neck of his lover while his right hand ventured downwards, bound for the space between Marina's long and shapely legs.

  Marina pushed a breath through her teeth and past her full lips as she felt the fingers of her lover brush against the outside of her vagina. She felt one finger enter her slowly, cautiously, followed by a second. The sensation was beyond what words could describe. Her selfish husband would never pleasure her in this way. He was a lazy lover and was not concerned with her sexual needs. When he did make time to have intercourse with her, he would force her head down upon his penis and hold it there until he was ready to mount her and ejaculate inside or outside her body, whichever he felt like at the time. The Duke, however, he was a wonderful lover. So generous and caring, so talented with his fingers, all of them. He made sure to scrub the outside of her vagina with his thumb as he moved his fingers in and out of her body. Marina was a generous lover too, which was incredibly impressive when one considers the horrible self-centred "love" which she had been forced to endure from her husband. She continued to massage and stroke and caress Jasper's member as he kissed her neck and penetrated her with his fingers.

  The Duke removed his digits from Marina and pushed himself from her body back to his feet before promptly dropping to his knees and spreading her legs. He paused for a moment to take in the sight. There, glistening with the beginnings of her juices was her vagina. Seeing this part of Marina's body always brought a smile to the Duke's face, it was as if he were visiting with an old friend. She placed her hands upon the back of his head and pushed him towards her, clutching his hair. Jasper was more than happy to go where he was directed and soon his lips were pressed tightly to her vagina. She tasted wonderful, she always did. The Duke was never sure how she managed to remain so fresh all the time, but it made his job a great deal easier. She shook and wrapped her legs around Jasper's head as he licked her and pulled at her clitoris with his lips. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him, despite the fact she could not get much closer than she already was. He forced her upon his face. Marina moaned as she felt her lover's tongue burry inside her and his nails claw at her skin. She was beginning to lose all control of her body. If the Duke did not mount her soon, it was quite possible that he would miss his opportunity.

  Somehow, the young girl was able to overpower the Duke and pry his face away from between her legs. She rolled from the table and joined him on the unpleasant study floor. Immediately, she began to unbutton his slacks. By now, his erection was so great that the seams of his trousers were close to tearing. It was a great relief for both the Duke and his trousers when they were removed and his penis was allowed to breath freely. Marina took his throbbing member in her hand and began to gently move it back and forth. She was always careful not to hold it too tight or move it too rapidly as the one time she had done that the Duke had ask her to stop. When she really put her mind to it, the young woman was a master at pleasuring Jasper with her hands, she was almost as good at it as he was. She placed the organ inside her mouth and formed a seal with her lips. Jasper groaned as he felt her saliva wash over his glands and her tongue brushing against the very tip of his penis. As she tickled the head of the organ with her tongue, she continued softly stroking the shaft with her hand until the Duke finally declared that he could take no more and it was time for him to be on top of her. Marina heard his decree and removed his eager penis from her mouth. After delivering a quick, affectionate kiss to the Duke's member, she lay on the floor and pulled him to her. It was finally time for her to feel her lover's penis deep inside her body. It was time for the moment, which felt as though it would last forever, which was never long enough.

  Chapter Four

  The Duke was awakened by the sound of somebody knocking on the front door of the manor. The knocks were forceful and urgent and refused to stop even for a second. Still dazed and groggy, he turned his head to the left to see Marina lying next to him. They lay on the floor but she did not look the least bit uncomfortable. She was peaceful, smiling in her slumber. He looked to the window, which was located on the opposite end of the room. The blinds were open - he had been in such a panic the night before that he had forgotten to close them - and the morning sun shone through the glass and warmed the room. It was high in the sky, firmly placed and already well into its job for the day. Then it hit the Duke. He remembered the situation and his fears returned in full.

  "Oh dear Lord!" he cried at such great volume that he awoke his young lover, "The morning is upon us!"

  "My dear, what ever is the matter?" Marina asked, sitting up and as groggy as the Duke had been when he first awoke.

  "It is morning! It is morning! We must have fallen asleep!"

  "I do not understand." The poor girl yawned as she spoke. She was caught in that odd realm between sleep and consciousness. She was certainly in for a rude awakening, if there ever was one.

  "You do not understand? You do not understand?" He grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. "Do you hear that knocking? That horrible, unrelenting knocking? That is most surely your husband, here to end my life!"

  The reminder of the seriousness of the situation, combined with being such powerful shaking by the Duke, served to wake the girl and sent her straight into a panic.

  "Oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my!" She screamed, seemingly incapable of saying anything else.


  "What are we going to do?"

  "You do not need to worry about what you are going to do, dear, your husband is not going to murder you. It is I who needs to be concerned." The knocking continued. In fact, the knocking even seemed to grow louder, which the Duke had thought to be impossible. There came a knock to the study door. Both Jasper and Marina jumped. Could it possibly be Franklin Peers? Most likely not, if he were capable of breaking into the manor, he probably would not take the time to politely knock on the study door. Besides, somebody was still knocking on the front door of the house. Still, the fact that he did not know who was on the other side of the door made the Duke more than a little apprehensive. What if it was his wife? He would have preferred for it to be Franklin Peers. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

  "Who is it?" he forced himself to ask.

  "It is Earl, sir." Jasper sighed a sigh of relief.

  "Very well, you may enter."

  When he entered the room, the butler looked as concerned as his master. He too had been awakened by the knocking at the manor door and had exited his chamber to
see the Duke's packed bags still sitting outside the study, which told him his careless master had slept through the night instead of fleeing the area as planned.

  "Sir, there is knocking at the manor door."

  "I am aware of that, Earl,” the Duke snapped, taking his fear and frustration out on his loyal butler.

  "Would you like me to answer it? It is most likely Franklin Peers."

  "That's what I'm afraid of, Earl."

  "We must do something, Sir."

  "He's right" Marina chimed in, agreeing with the butler. "My husband is a persistent man and when he is wronged there is nothing on this earth which will keep him from getting his revenge. He is not simply going to go away."

  Jasper began to pace the room, chewing on the side of his thumb in an attempt to alleviate his tensions.

  "Tell me Earl, where is my wife?"

  "You know as well as I do, sir, that the Duchess is quite a deep sleeper. She is in your chamber, fast asleep and undisturbed by the knocking.

  "Very well. Marina, we must leave when we still have the chance." Marina was confused. She had not realised that they still had a chance to escape. Her husband was already at the manor door, surely this meant there was nowhere for them to go. Leaving the home would mean encountering him, and that would almost certainly mean death for the Duke.

  "But Jasper, how ever are we to flee when that brutish husband of mine is at your doorstep, his weapon in hand?"

  "We shall escape through the back of the house. It will mean travelling through the wet and beast infested forest, but it is our only hope. Earl shall have to answer the knocks and distract the man as we make our escape."


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