The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories

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The Duke's Dilemma: Regency Romance Menage Short Stories Page 22

by Lacoste, G. G.

  Mary and Anne continued their "sinful" activity and soon the wave of pleasure washing over Kenneth's wife was so strong that couldn't help but drop the clothes she had been using to shield her naked body. Once again, Anne's bare flesh was on show and linked directly to the bosom of Mary, which was covered only by the tattered blouse she had hastily put on when those knocks first came to her door. As he watched the women hold each other ever tighter, Kenneth hardly noticed his right hand begin to venture down to his nether regions in search of self-serving delight. As unruly as he had been before his marriage, he had never performed such an act on himself before; on this occasion however, masturbating seemed to be the appropriate action to take.

  While masturbation was the first of Kenneth's sexual explorations on that night, it would not be his last. Between deep moans and piercing sighs, Mary caught sight of what was going on the other side of her room and decided she had to put a stop to it. No man would ever masturbate himself in her home; she liked to consider herself a good host and so in the spirit of hospitality, she left her post at Anne's lips in favour of the awaiting penis.

  "You poor boy" said Mary as her tiny feet carried her in the direction of Kenneth, "let me show you how to do that right." With these words, Mary reached her arm out and seized Kenneth's penis tightly in her hand; her veteran palms knew all the right movements to turn Kenneth into a quivering mass of jelly. Of course, there was still another person in the room and, not wanting to be left out, she found her way to the back of Mary where she took the flesh of the busy woman's neck between her teeth as she had done so many times in the past. Kenneth shook, Mary trembled and Anne snarled; she knew Mary enjoyed being able to hear her as she bit down harder and harder on her skin. The feeling of Anne's warm breath on the back of her neck made Mary's body tingle so much that she feared she would be incapable of fulfilling her obligations to Kenneth. She was almost certain she would fall to the ground and spend the following days in an orgasm-induced blackness. Thankfully, Mary did not pass out and was able to successfully complete the task at hand. In turn, Anne ensured that her girlfriend experienced an orgasm before turning her fingers on herself while her husband and lover lay slumped together, holding each other tightly and feeling like they had just stumbled upon the most perfect arrangement.

  Chapter 4

  The weeks and months past, as weeks and months are prone to do, and the odd relationship between Kenneth, Anne and Mary continued to grow. No longer did Anne have to silently creep away in the middle of the night to be satisfied by another women and no longer did Mary have to turn to the street to make her meagre living. Instead, the arrangement was made that Mary would move into the house of Kenneth and Anne under the guise of a maid and the trio would spend the rest of their days as sexual partners. Of course, this plan, like all similar plans, was doomed from the start but the pig-headed couple and the foolhardy woman were too stubborn to realise this. The one catch to this new arrangement was that all parties involved were forbidden to engage in intercourse with each other unless all three members of the relationship were present. At first, this did not pose an issue and life proceeded as normal (or at least as normal as it possibly could), but one day would lead to not only the downfall of the relationship, but the downfall of all those involved.

  The day in question came during a particularly hot July in 1817. Like the days that had preceded it and the days which would follow it, this was a Saturday of singing birds, stinging bees and sweltering heat. The lady of the house had gone, as she did every Saturday, to the market where she would purchase a variety of breads and jams before calling into Ms’ Tricks to sample her freshly made goods. She had taken little Daisy with her in the pram and so the house contained only half its usual occupants. In the garden, Kenneth tended to the flowers that had become an obsession of his ever since the day they bloomed. They looked so beautiful on their first day from the soil that he could not stand to see them deteriorate in appearance and so whenever the weather and time were in agreement, he would inspect, trim and generally maintain them. Inside, Mary, nearly driven insane by the heat, decided to take a cold bath. Kenneth and Anne kept a large basin beneath the kitchen sink which was used whenever a bath was in order; however, they had strict rules as to the amount of hot water which could be used and so Mary often found herself sitting in a basin which was only a quarter filled. With no need or desire for hot water on this day, Mary was looking forward to filling the basin to the brim and spending a satisfying and cooling afternoon immersed in cold water.

  Mary's body glistened with sweat as she undressed herself in preparation for the bath. The basin, filled with ice cold water, lay in waiting while the young woman stepped out of her undergarments and into her own skin. She had always felt much more comfortable in the nude. While some people may feel insecure or vulnerable when in a state of undress, Mary found it liberating. To her, the human body was a wonderful thing and that included her own. In fact, there were a great deal of men (and women, for that matter) who would say Mary's body was a tad more wonderful than other human bodies. Though she was a humble person, Mary had to admit her body was an attractive one. She had done her best to keep it in a pristine state and had been quite successful in not losing her trim figure, as she grew older. Mary slowly ran her hands down her chest, running one down each leg once she reached her midsection. She crouched a little to make sure she was able to touch all of her leg before running her hands back up to her chest and starting again. This time, Mary gently traced the outsides of her breasts with her long, painted nails and shivered as she brought each index finger to her nipples and entered the basin.

  While Mary soaked herself in the bath, Kenneth continued his household chores in the garden. The spring had given the garden such perfect flowers that it seemed a crime to not pick some for the house.

  "I'll only pick four" thought Kenneth, "one for everybody in the house." The flowerbeds would never miss four flowers, there were more than enough to make up for the loss. In one flowerbed alone grew daffodils, sunflowers and roses; all within close proximity of each other. Though he intended to pick just four daffodils, Kenneth's capacity for choice waned as he began to imagine how Anne and Mary would react when they saw his selfless gifts. They would be without any physical gifts to give Kenneth in reciprocation and so would have to throw themselves at his feet and pledge their sexual services. The lips of both Anne and Mary would be placed on his penis while they covered it in saliva, pushing the spit out of their mouths with swirling tongues. Then, he would watch as both women pleasured each other in a number of different ways. Maybe Mary would force Anne to bend over the bed (or table, wherever they happened to be) for a nice, hard spanking. The sound of Mary's hand crashing against the rear of his wife brought Kenneth's male instincts to boiling point and there was rarely anything he could do to stop his cooling juices pouring out of the tip of his penis.

  Kenneth became so caught up in the fantasy of what was likely going to happen once his wife returned home that he failed to notice he was no longer picking daffodils and was instead reaching for a rose.

  "Ouch!" he yelled before quickly pulling his arm away from the flowerbed. Lifting his hand up to inspect the damage, Kenneth saw that the torn of the rose had ripped through the flesh of the index finger on his right hand, leaving him with quite a deep cut which was bleeding more than a safe amount. Though most medical knowledge in 1817 was reserved for those with parents wealthy enough to send them off to medical college, Kenneth did have a spattering of common sense. He knew if he did not cover up this cut and stop the bleeding, he would be met with an unpleasant and rather undesirable fate.

  Kenneth journeyed inside his house and made his way to the kitchen, where Anne liked to keep a role of medical bandage in a cupboard high out of the reach of Daisy (despite the fact the child could not yet walk). Opening the cupboard, Kenneth found that the roll of bandage was still full and had not been used even once. This filled him with a sense of satisfaction, as if the lack of injuries
confirmed he had thus far been a successful parent. Of course, Kenneth could not spend very long feeling good about himself as the longer he paused to be proud, the more blood poured from the wound in his index finger. His white shirt and brown trousers were already stained red with blood loss as he wrapped the bandage around the cut. He wasn't positive just how much wrap was necessary or just how tight it had to be; the best he could do was just assume he had got it right when the sensation of blood seeping out of his finger slowed and eventually stopped.

  Having successfully taken care of the bleeding, Kenneth's next order of business was to remove his clothes and change into one of the two other ensembles that he owned. The bloodied shirt was the first to go, although undoing the buttons was made quite difficult by the thick layer of bandage newly wrapped around Kenneth's index finger. Not wanting to spend the copious amount of time required to fully unbutton his shirt, Kenneth undid the top three buttons of the garment and began to pull it over his head. Pulling his larger than average cranium out of the shirt was no easy task, but it was a great deal less difficult than unbuttoning the shirt with an injured finger. When he finally did manage to remove his head from the shirt, Kenneth was startled by the figure that stood before him.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you,” said Mary as Kenneth tried to catch his breath. The woman was dripping wet and naked but for the towel which covered her breasts and the top quarter of her legs. "I didn't realise you were here" she went on to explain, "I thought you went to the market with Anne."

  Kenneth's mouth went dry. He was obviously in a very tempting situation with a woman he was only supposed to be attracted to when his wife was around.

  "I stayed here to do a spot of gardening,” he stammered as he tried desperately not to look at the perfect, shiny body before him. Mary was also experiencing her own struggle with temptation. She had been fantasying about a one on one session with Kenneth ever since she moved into the house, her most recent fantasy coming just moments before while she was in the bath. She couldn't help but notice the way the sunlight hit his chiselled torso, making it seem almost godlike in appearance.

  "You have blood on your trousers" Mary pointed out. Kenneth was glad she noticed this; it had been far too long since either of them had said anything. Of course, the end of the awkward silence wasn't the only reason Kenneth was happy Mary had noticed his stained trousers; by mentioning the bloodied pantaloons, she had essentially given him license to take them off.

  Kenneth clumsily unfastened his trousers and struggled to keep his balance as he attempted to step out of them.

  "I'll just go and change into something else,” he declared in a poor endeavour to leave the room. He knew full well that the sight of the siren had given him an erection, and he knew full well the siren in question could see it through his tight garments. Despite this, he did not acknowledge the situation and slowly began to make his exit. However, the only way out of the kitchen which did not lead to the garden required Kenneth to pass Mary, who gently took hold of his throbbing member as he neared her.

  "Mary" he began, "we can't."

  Mary could understand Kenneth's reservations, but she knew it was what he wanted. She moved her face closer to his and she seductively whispered, "We must, just once."

  Those softly spoken words were all Kenneth needed to hear before giving in and giving himself to Mary. With Kenneth's penis still hard in her hand, she dropped her towel and forcibly placed one of Kenneth's hands on her breasts. He couldn't deny it, Mary felt amazing in his hand; her glorious body was made even better by the fact he would not have to share it with anybody. That afternoon, in that very moment, Mary was his and his alone. Kenneth used his free hand to grab a handful of Mary's long, red hair and pulled it as hard as he could until she was looking towards the ceiling. He then stuck out his tongue and dragged from the top of her breasts to chin. He repeated this act several times before sinking his teeth into her supple neck. The young man could taste Mary's perfume as it poured into his mouth; it was delicious, she was delicious. Kenneth decided he wanted to taste more of this woman and so he used her hair to lead her over to the kitchen table, where he promptly laid her down before asking her to spread her legs. Mary was only too happy to do as her master asked and within no time at all Kenneth's tongue was moving up and down the outside of her moist vagina.

  "Oh Kenneth" moaned Mary as he moved his tongue deeper. "Kenneth" she moaned again, keeping her hands busy by rubbing her breasts.

  "Kenneth!" Kenneth stopped. That last voice was not the voice of Mary. It was the voice of Anne. Realising his wife had returned home earlier than expected, Kenneth jumped from the floor and turned to face her. Dazed and not entirely sure why Kenneth had stopped, Mary sat up on the table and froze when she saw Anne.

  "How could you do this to me?" screamed Anne as Kenneth pleaded for her to listen to him. In an ill-advised attempt to comfort his distraught wife, Kenneth approached her while spewing apologies and took her in his arms. Suddenly, the apologies ceased and Kenneth went limp against his wife before slumping to the ground with blood gushing from his naked torso. Anne's hand shook, holding the same knife she used to cut the bread in Ms’ Tricks house. This time, however, it was not covered in butter.

  Mary screamed in terror when she saw the blood covered knife being pointed towards her. Anne was not thinking straight. She had killed her husband on an impulse and was now about to kill the woman with whom he had cheated on her. Mary pushed herself backwards on the table as Anne neared her.

  "Anne, have some sense" she pleaded as she realised her life was nearing its end. Her words failed to strike a chord with the knife wielding woman and so, out of sheer desperation, Mary grabbed the fruit bowl, which sat next to her on the table and hurled it towards her former lover. Anne went crashing to the ground, as did the fruit bowl following its collision with her head. For a moment, all was silent as Mary tried to make sense of what had just occurred. She walked cautiously to where Anne's body lay and investigated. She was indeed dead, as was her husband. With tears in her eyes and blood soaking her feet, Mary picked up the knife, which Anne had intended to use on her and examined it briefly before using it on herself. With one last gasp of breath, Mary fell to the ground and joined the husband and wife in the next world.

  Daisy cried.


  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2016 by Rosamund Talbot - All rights reserved.

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  Maid’s Night Out

  A Regency Romance Novella

  By: Rosamund Talbot

  Maid’s Night Out

  Chapter One

  Harrison and his wife, Betty, did everything together. They lived together, they slept together and they ate their meals together. They even worked together. Harrison, who was three years Betty's senior, had taken a position as apprentice butler at the manor of the Duke of Grahamsdale just five days after marrying the love of his life. Six months later, having decided having children was not a priority, Betty secured a position as a maid and joined her husband at the manor. For twenty-five years, they loved every minute of working together. Betty, in time, became the most senior maid and Harrison, of course, became the head of manor staff. They saw many employees come and go. In fact, they even saw the Duke pass away and his son take his place. They were there for the younger Duke's wedding and had even been consulted by the young man when he was considering proposing
to the woman who went on to become his wife.

  The year 1811 brought many changes. Most notably, King George was forced to vacate the throne due to his on going mental troubles. His son, the Prince Regent, took the reins of the country and sought to take it in a new political and social direction. Within the manor of the recently married Duke, there were also many changes going on. Upstairs, on the fourth floor of the manor in the small room where Harrison and Betty lived, change, which they had never anticipated, was occurring. Harrison, who was fifty, was slowly beginning to realise that he was no longer attracted to his wife. While most men his age would be happy to have a wife who was any amount younger than him, Harrison could no longer force himself to appreciate Betty's long ginger hair nor her slight figure. Actually, 'slight' may not be the best word to describe Betty's forty-seven year old figure. Though it had been slight at one time, it could no longer be considered so. That is not to say that she was a heavy girl. She was still rather thin, but her body had become uneven. Inconsistent. Though she could hide it quite well in her modest maid's uniform, when she was nude or semi-nude, it was easy to see the various lumps and folds and bumps that were spread throughout her body. It was unsightly. Unappealing. And, as far as Harrison was concerned, unattractive.


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