Let Me Heal Your Heart

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Let Me Heal Your Heart Page 23

by Lily Foster

  “Please, Anna, I could think of worse things than being admired, ogled and borderline felt-up by Dylan Cole.” When I glared at her, she help up her hands laughing, “I’m joking!”

  Tom and Ben were great company, as usual, and as the game wore on, Dylan was civil again as well. “Hey, Anna, that defenseman keeps looking over here. He’s not trying to move in on my Fiona, is he?” he teased, winking playfully at Fiona. Maybe I’d spoken too soon.

  “Uh, yeah, why does Warner keep staring over at you?” My eyes went wide. “Is that who you were out with last night?”

  Her smile told me everything I needed to know. “Oh my God! I love the idea of you two together. That’s freaking perfect!”

  “Well hush,” she warned. “It’s just that…the idea of us for now. I mean, I like him, he’s gorgeous, he’s sweet. It’s just, like, too good to be true. I don’t want to believe it yet, hope yet, you know?”

  I nodded. I completely understood.

  No goals for Declan tonight but he’d had a great game with two assists. Fiona asked, “Can we wait a few minutes until they get out? I just want to congratulate Warner and you can introduce the guys to Declan.”

  “Declan?” Dylan asked, surprised. “What’s up, Anna?”

  “We’re taking things slow, Dylan. We’re just friends for now.”

  “Puh-lease. The boy is head over heels in love with her, Dylan,” Fiona chirped.

  “You’re a traitor!” I snapped at her.

  “We’ll meet you girls by the gate in twenty,” Tom said. “I think we can safely let Dylan consume a beer now, right?” he asked, looking at Ben.

  There were some other people gathered, waiting by where the players exited the locker room. Victoria spotted us and made her way over. She looked testy. “What’s up, Vic?”

  “What’s up? I’ll tell you what’s up. Do you know that witch Charlotte measured Brandon for a fucking costume for that bullshit Valentine’s Day dance? I overheard Charlotte, Paige and Cassie laughing, comparing the guys’ cock sizes because she’d measured their inseams! Can you fucking believe that? I’m going to kill him. I’m all for people being cordial and polite but I think he’s been a little too accommodating when it comes to those…those…”

  She had started crying. “It’s ok,” Fiona and I said collectively, gathering her into a group hug.

  “He likes her. I see it. He likes the fucking attention. I don’t kiss his ass like she does.”

  “Shh,” I soothed. “Vic, come out with us tonight. Forget about all this for a while.”

  As we were walking her towards the gate, back to the car waiting outside, I saw Paige, back pressed against the corridor wall, chest pushed out suggestively, with my cousin Dylan caging her in, his hands on either side of her head, leaning in about to kiss her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Oh hi, Anna,” Paige said, sweetly.

  “Get in the car, Dylan.” He looked like he’d just slammed back a few shots, glassy eyed and lazy. “Now!” I shrieked.

  She raked her nails over his chest as he backed away and when he looked as if he was going to move in on her again, I pushed between the two of them and got up in Paige’s face. “You bitch!”

  Victoria, who didn’t even know who Dylan was, had read the situation accurately and forcibly led him out the door, where the other boys were waiting. Fiona came for me, grabbing my upper arm. “Come on, Anna. She is so not worth it.”

  The six of us rode in silence to the restaurant. When Dylan slumped over and started snoring, Tom looked at me and said, wearily, “Welcome to my life, Anna. He’s been a mess this past month.”

  “We’re sorry, Anna. We should have kept a better eye on him tonight.”

  “It’s not your fault, guys. I feel so bad for him.”

  Tom kind of rolled his eyes, as if to say Dylan had made his own bed. I’m sure he had but I always felt fiercely protective over him anyway.

  We left Dylan sleeping in the car, the driver keeping watch over him, and the five of us had dinner together. Both Tom and Ben are really funny guys. They even had me and Victoria laughing inside of ten minutes and all of us girls wound up having a good time. Victoria came back to our room after. She didn’t really have a close bond with her roommate and her closest friend, Olivia, was on a date. “What should I do?”

  “Is it that obvious to you?” I asked.

  “Yes…no…I’m not sure. I don’t have any experience with serious relationships. I’m crazy about him and I thought he felt the same way. He did, I know it. But now, I just don’t know. It’s like he can’t stand not being the star anymore. He’s not getting a minute of playing time. And Charlotte…those girls…”

  Fiona said, “Be careful. Those girls have a way of making you think something is going on while the guys are clueless. Brandon might be totally oblivious to what’s happening and to what you’re feeling, you know?”

  “They’re like spiders. Trying to snare them—all of those boys. I’m in Finance with Cassie. She’s all over Declan. He seems oblivious, like you said, Fiona, but she’s preying on him. It’s sickening. It’s not right!”

  When Victoria took in my expression, she back peddled. “Cassie does that to all the boys, Anna. She rubs Terrence’s shoulders, blatantly flirts with Colin…it’s with all of them.”

  “Well, Saturday is that party, girls.” Fiona slapped her booty as she looked in the mirror. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be looking good when I walk in.”

  “I hate that I’m agreeing with you, Fiona. Agreeing to objectify myself,” I said, laughing.

  “I’m not going,” Victoria said sullenly.

  “Fuck that, Victoria,” Fiona said, shaking her head.

  “Do you know they’re coordinating their outfits? Each of the eight ambassadors,” she sneered, “is going to be dressed to match their girl.”

  “Who’s matched with who? With whom?” I corrected myself. Damn Declan and his grammar lessons.

  “I don’t know aside from Paige and Colin, because Lauren told me. She didn’t really seem to care because I think she feels a hell of a lot more confident in Colin’s feelings than I do in Brandon’s. When I asked Brandon he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about. I hate that I seem so weak, like I’m accusing him of something. I seem like a jealous shrew.”

  “I once got some very good advice from an old friend, Victoria. I’ll tell you what he told me. You’re waiting for him. Don’t. Wait.”

  She looked down at her phone. “He hasn’t even texted me since the game. We’re done.”

  “Maybe you are, Victoria, but you’re not rolling over for those girls. I don’t care what you feel like. You stick with us this week. You’re going to laugh, look good and have fun, you hear me? Suck it up and fake it. And when you walk into that dance and he sees you, if he still wants the plastic version of a woman—what girls like Charlotte are?—then you’re better off finding that out now.”

  I didn’t see much of Declan that week aside from class. He had a heavy practice schedule, I knew, and I was busy with my classes. I was keeping a distance, too.

  Tuesday when I walked into class right before the professor closed the door, I saw Paige sitting next to Declan, whispering in his ear. He was leaning back, away from her, but it still irked me. I saw there was an empty seat on Declan’s other side but I chose to sit on the opposite side of the room, away from them all. He kept craning his neck to meet my gaze throughout class but I pretended not to notice. What had she told him? Some bullshit about Dylan, no doubt. Maybe playing it off like he was the aggressor.

  God, I could kill my cousin sometimes. It wasn’t like him to be so reckless, to leave himself vulnerable for unflattering pictures, or compromising situations. He’d called me the next day, apologizing profusely, and I’d accepted, of course. I had hoped he and Kasia would work it out but I had a gut feeling that it wouldn’t be happening. She sounded very final, sure and resigned when I’d spoken to her the last time. I was
so sad for Dylan; Kasia had been the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  After class, Declan was waiting for me. “Hey, what’s up? I saved you a seat.”

  “Didn’t want to interrupt the tongue fucking your ear was getting.”


  “Let me guess,” I said, sporting a lip pout. “Was she telling you all about big, bad Dylan taking advantage of innocent little Paige?”

  “No, she was telling me some stupid shit about that dumb dance that they think is top secret. What are you talking about with Dylan?”

  “Nothing,” I said, shaking my head, looking at the floor. “She just took advantage of a very crappy situation after the game on Saturday. You know her M.O.”

  “I do. She tried to maul me twice within the first month of school.”

  “Nice.” I was about to snark it up and ask Declan who his partner was for the dance but then thought better of it. That would be weak on my part and I wouldn’t be heeding the great advice that I’d just given Victoria. Declan hadn’t done anything wrong, I reminded myself.

  Next class I sat in the seat Declan had saved for me. He and I traded drawings and notes during class but while it wasn’t strained, it wasn’t easy. How could it be with the four of those girls turning around every five minutes to remind Declan about some inane detail pertaining to the dance? At one point he said to Paige, “Enough! I have a game on Saturday. You think I give a crap about this dance?”

  Cassie affected a hurt expression but she nodded, defending Declan with so much false sincerity that even I almost fell for it. “He’s right, Paige. Declan has so much on his shoulders already. The dance isn’t as important as the game.”

  She was good, I’ll give her that. Of course, the stupid boy felt the need to reassure her, comfort her. “No, Cassie, I know you girls worked really hard on this. I didn’t mean to make it seem like it’s not important. I just have the game to think about, that’s all.”

  She licked her lips and then said, lyrically. “Don’t apologize, Declan. You’re so sweet. Saturday night you don’t need to do anything besides show up on my arm and look good.”

  He was paired up with Cassie. Her words were like a kick to the gut.

  The professor was calling out to everyone about a paper that was due at the end of next week and people were filing out of the class. Declan wasn’t moving, he was sitting there stock still, like me. He didn’t pack up. He didn’t even look up until everyone around us had cleared out. I unfortunately was looking up and saw Charlotte’s barely contained glee as she said something to Cassie that was likely at my expense.

  “Do you get off on it, Declan?” I asked, evenly. He didn’t respond. “Do you need it—the adoration, the girls? Does it make you feel like a man?”

  “Anna,” he said as he let out a tired breath.

  “Don’t,” I snapped as I got up and angrily shoved my arms into my coat.

  “Wait a fucking second and hear me out. That sounded like it was something and you know it wasn’t.”

  “It sounded like you have a date, Declan.”

  “Fuck, Anna,” he said, raking his fingers through his hair.

  “Do not,” I threatened. “Do not act like you need to placate me. I’m not some pathetic, clingy bitch who needs you, ok? Get over yourself.”

  Yeah, I thought, I hope that one stung, Declan. I grabbed my things and left the classroom before he could catch up to me. Actually, I don’t know if he even tried to catch me.

  I didn’t look back.

  My heart wasn’t in it as Fiona, Lauren, Victoria, Colleen and I were scouring the mall for outfits on Friday.

  I knew I’d messed up.


  I wanted to put my fist through something.

  When I walked into the locker room, tossing my gear against my locker, Warner took in my expression and demanded, “What the hell, Banks?”

  “Nothing. Anna just driving me fucking crazy. Same shit, different day.”

  Bertrand chimed in, “I know you don’t want to hear this, Banks, but did you ever think about satisfying some of the very serious tail that’s throwing itself at you right now? How maybe you should take some time and enjoy it? Some happy, no-strings-attached sex?”

  “Whenever women are referred to using the pronoun ‘it’, I can guarantee the advice isn’t good,” Warner cautioned.

  Callaghan added, “Girls like the ones following you around are the kind of girls that like it that way. They’re using you just like you’re using them.”

  I rolled my eyes. I hated that asshole but I wasn’t about to start a fight in the locker room the week of the semifinal game. I got up and left. Warner followed me. “Hey,” he said, grabbing my shoulder and turning me back to face him. “Anna’s a good girl, the kind of girl that has your best interests at heart. It kind of pisses me off that you’re using that ‘same shit, different day’ line about her. You want one of those sluts that would fuck any one of us, a new guy every day of the week? Then dump Anna’s ass. I can name a dozen guys who’d line up to treat her like gold.”

  “I’ve never treated her with anything but respect.”

  “Yeah? Saturday after the game, at my party, I recall seeing that girl Cassie with her tits practically pressed into your face, pouring a shot into your mouth. Maybe you were too drunk to remember it but I saw you. Would you have let her do that if Anna had been there?” He looked at me with disgust. “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Truth is, if Anna was my friend, I’d advise her to stay away from your dumb ass.”

  It was washing over me again, the misery, the regret. “I love her, Warner, I really do.”

  “Then fucking act like it.” He waited a moment and then shook his head. “I get it, Declan. You think I haven’t been in the same position? Freshman year I met a really nice girl, Sarah. We went out for over a year. I loved her. Sophomore year, though, I started getting caught up in everything; all the people kissing my ass, the drinking, the partying and the girls. Sarah dropped me. I fully deserved it. And those girls who were so hot? Tempting me when I was with Sarah? They started to look pretty ugly real fast. When I begged Sarah to get back together, she wanted no part of me. She had her shit together and she didn’t need me. Junior year I was a mess. I had a different girl in my bed every weekend and I was fucking miserable. Those girls want you just for the image, they don’t want you. And screwing girls like them? It leaves you empty, Declan. You…are about to lose your Sarah. Understand?”

  I sat alone for a while and then took a few minutes to send some texts before stepping out onto the ice. First text was to Cassie: Count me out for Saturday. I’ll be there, give whatever support you need, but I’m with Anna. I don’t walk in on anyone else’s arm.

  The next one was to my father: You and Diana coming for the game Saturday? There’s someone I want you to meet.

  The last one was to Anna: You are everything. Do you understand me? I love you.

  Chapter Ten


  When I casually mentioned the seventies-themed party to Aunt Margot during one of our twice weekly checkin video chats, she’d insisted on coming up on Saturday afternoon with her friend Bunny to help us girls get ready. Apparently, she had some decade appropriate clothing and accessories that would be “just fabulous.”

  The girls loved it. Margot and Bunny actually could have made a career out of being make-up artists; they were awesome. By the time they were finished with me, my hair was a big, sexy mass of glossy ringlets and my make-up was sexy, with a liberal dusting of gold shimmer over my shoulders, leading down into my cleavage. I had wanted them to leave before we got dressed because, in my opinion, we had all purchased clothes that were decidedly more provocative than we’d ever wear in real life. No chance of that.

  I squeezed into my tight black leather pants and donned the gold lame halter top that exposed my belly and the majority of my back. Margot suggested the double-sided tape to prevent what would have been a certain wardrobe malfunction. “Anna, you c
annot wear a bra with that top, it will ruin the effect.” My thoughts exactly, I mused as Margot inspected me from every angle. “But unless you dance without moving at all, you are going to be flashing some serious nipple, understand?”

  “Yes ma’am,” I said, as all of my friends collapsed into laughter.

  “Margot and Bunny, can you come here every weekend?” Lauren gushed as she eyed herself appreciatively in the mirror. “I look freaking awesome!”

  As I slipped into my black, open-toe, high heeled booties, I thought to myself that we all did look pretty great. Fiona had on a tube dress that barely covered her cheeks, showing off the best set of legs on the east coast, Lauren was a very sexy hippie, and Colleen, who had decided to channel Daisy Duke, looked positively combustible.

  My heart felt heavy, looking in the mirror one last time. This ‘trying to look good to make Declan crazy act’ was getting old. I thought back to the text he’d sent me yesterday. All that was well and good, but talk was cheap. The fact that he was planning to be on Cassie’s arm, in a coordinating outfit no less, confirmed to me that he wasn’t all-in. I just couldn’t be with a man who didn’t love me as much as I loved him.

  After Margot and Bunny finally left—I think Bunny was hoping we’d ask them to tag along—us girls had a few drinks in the room and then made our way to Rusty’s.

  We decided to make a make a semi-late entrance so that we didn’t have to watch the stupid homecoming court-like procession of our men with those scheming girls. I hate to admit it, but I knew the sight of him walking in with Cassie would have torn me in two.

  No such luck. As we stood at the top of the stairs, about to walk down into the large open room, I scanned the area and did not see them. Shit. We were definitely turning heads as a group as we walked in, though. There were many tongues-a-wagging but it was small consolation. I only cared what he thought. In fact, the feeling of my breasts bouncing with each step I took and the knowledge that my pert nipples were probably saying hello to everyone in the room was making me feel overexposed. Just then, the music changed and the light in the room started reflecting off the giant disco ball that had been hung from the center of the room. Bad Girls, by Donna Summer, blasted from the speakers. “How fucking appropriate,” I yelled over the din to Fiona.


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