Babysitter's Club Sydney

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Babysitter's Club Sydney Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  Dear diary, my hand shakes as I write this. Sebastian saw the real me, or a glimpse of me anyway, for the first time, just a little while ago. If the heat in his eyes when he ate me up is any indication, this should be as easy as I’d wished.

  I still have this annoying attraction to deal with. I felt a stirring when his gaze stayed on me, but maybe I can use that to my advantage as well. There’s nothing stopping me from enjoying my time with him now is there?

  I closed out the diary and laid back against the pillows, my mind replaying that little scene over and over again in my head. I fell into sleep easily, now that the first part of my plan had gone off without a hitch and had the best night’s sleep in ages.

  When I rolled over in the morning I was more than ready to face the day. I kept my dress simple but not as demure as the day before. I was going for a cross between the buttoned down librarian and the sexy vixen of the night before.

  There was no under vest this time, to hide the fact that I had a whopping DD chest under the tee shirt I wore with the pleated skirt. Nothing too racy, the average catholic school girl wears something similar after all.

  But I was sure the way it fit over my firm ass and showed off my young nubile figure isn’t what it was meant for. Fashionably short, the skirt fell a ways above my knees with a little swing and twirl when I moved.

  I paraded myself in front of the little camera so that she could see what her husband was about to feast his eyes on. I made a show of hefting my breasts that were on rather prominent display beneath the tight tee before leaving the room.

  In the nursery I got the kids up, making a show of playing with them lovingly, before following them into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Then it was downstairs to meet their father for breakfast after getting them dressed.

  My morning greeting was subdued and appropriate for an employee greeting her employer. There was no lingering reaction from the night before, at least not as far as I could tell.

  His response was cool and disinterested and for the first time I started to doubt myself. Just a little, and it was early days yet, but I needed to hook him before too long. I couldn’t afford for this thing to go on much longer than was necessary.

  Not that I had anything more pressing to attend to, but I wasn’t sure how long I could keep up the charade. Plus there was the matter of the prisoner being held hostage in another part of the house.

  Ignoring his less than welcoming tone, I set the twins up at the table and turned to leave, intent on following the serving maid back to the servant’s kitchen to have my own meal.

  “No, you can eat here with us.” I stopped and turned at his voice, making my way slowly back to the table, not showing the relief I felt. “You may bring her breakfast in here Mary and she’ll be having her meals with us from now on.”

  I couldn’t hide the blush that kissed my cheeks, or hold back the silly fluttering of butterflies that took flight in my tummy. I guess my little show had worked after all. Mr. Fisher was not as unaffected as he’d like to pretend.

  Throughout the meal I kept my focus on the children, all the while feeling his eyes on me. I used the time to regroup, making sure the girls were eating enough and keeping up a funny little conversation with them, but I was very conscious of his presence.

  “What do you have planned for the day?” It was Saturday, my first full day with the girls. “I thought I’d take the girls for a nice morning stroll, get to know the grounds. You said that there’s a little playground here so I guess we’ll spend some time there as well.”

  “Sounds good, they love to play outside, don’t you girls?” They both cheered loudly and it was plain to see they loved their daddy. Which was good, because if all goes to plan he’s all they’re gonna have left soon.

  I spent the morning with them until early afternoon when it was time for their nap. I hadn’t seen him since leaving the breakfast table, but somehow I was constantly aware of him.

  I could’ve gone for a swim it was so hot and decided to search him out in his study to ask permission. “Come in.” His voice came through the door at my knock.

  This time when I entered and stood before him I didn’t lower my head, but neither did I look him in the eye directly. I stood with my back straight, shoulders back, showing my breasts to full advantage. Just in case he’d forgotten how perfect they are. “Sorry to interrupt, I was wondering, would it be okay if I took a swim while the girls take their nap?”

  “Sure, you don’t need to ask. When you’re not tending to the girls the whole place is yours to explore.” I returned his magnanimous smile and turned to leave. “Just be careful in the woods behind the house though, the groundskeeper hasn’t been back there yet this summer and who knows what’s lurking in them.”

  “Okay I will.” I slipped out and headed to my room with butterflies playing in my stomach. I was very aware that there were cameras by the pool and surrounding the outside of the house.

  My hope is that he’d be watching because I plan to put on a show. I didn’t bother turning on my laptop, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to her today, but I was sure she was watching my every move as I moved around the room changing into my swimsuit.

  I’d brought three suits with me. This one matched my eyes and was cut high on my hips. The way the stretchy material hugged my breasts showed them off to perfection.

  I turned in the mirror for a look at my firm rounded ass and was sure I looked good enough to tempt a saint. I threw on the crocheted cover-up and grabbed a towel and a book to read on my way out.


  As I moved through the house, making my way to the pool, I pretended not to feel eyes on me. I know the feeling only too well, and had taught myself not to react. Not to give away the fact that I knew I was being watched.

  The other servants were busy doing what they do and I was sure not to be interrupted. If I’d planned to stay here long I’m sure there would be murmurs and bickering about my allowed freedoms, as is to be expected when dealing with other females.

  I know for a fact that none of the others had ever swam in the pool or were invited to eat at the master’s table. But since I wasn’t planning on staying here long I didn’t let it worry me.

  Once poolside my every move was calculated to show off my assets. The way I dropped the cover-up off my shoulders, the way I bent at the waist, making sure my ass was pointed right at the camera that I’d already scoped out.

  I gave him a perfect shot of the split between my thighs before standing straight again. My hands lifted, above my head as I turned to tie my hair up, making my chest more pronounced as I arched my back, shoving my tits towards the camera.

  I knew he was watching and the feeling of having his eyes on me, secretly watching, made me hot in forbidden places. I didn’t realize that being watched could be such a turn on.

  I was more excited than I needed to be, but there was no help for it. It looks like I can’t fight my attraction to him and I didn’t have the time to waste trying.

  Maybe it’s better this way. Maybe it would make sleeping with him easier. As long as I don’t do anything as foolish as falling in love with him.

  The thought brought me up short. When I started this I never let myself imagine such a thing happening. I didn’t know I still had any feelings left truth be told, so didn’t even consider it.

  My sole focus had been on the one I wanted to destroy and he, though by far the biggest weapon in my arsenal, was just a byproduct of all this.

  When we first met and I felt that tingling in my arm from his handshake, I’d done all I could to brush it off as nothing. But since seeing him again I know I’ve just been fooling myself.

  I do feel and these feelings aren’t like the others that I have so ruthlessly controlled in the past. Somehow I know he’s not going to be so easily dismissed when all is said and done.

  Why that should make my heart feel warm and expectant I’m afraid I know. It would be silly of me to give in to these new yearnings, even for
a moment, no matter how enticing.

  But I’m leaning towards wanting to. Just for a little while to see what it would be like to be wanted, cherished, by someone like him. To give myself over freely just this once.

  No matter, I’m still going to walk away when this is all over. I may give him my virginity with relish, but I’ll never give him my heart. That’s just not part of the game.

  I pulled at the legs of my suit, fixing what didn’t need to be fixed, but hoping to draw his eyes to the shape of my behind and the way the bottom half of the suit molded my perfectly toned flesh.

  I’d practiced these coquettish moves in front of the mirror and was sure that they were very effective. My studies and research had assured me that no red blooded man could resist a constant exposure to the wiles of a female in heat. Especially one who was seemingly on the prowl.

  My mix of innocent and alluring had also been designed for this very purpose. The illusion of soft and sweet with just enough spice to keep me from being dull, and to appear more interesting. Like a secret gift waiting to be unwrapped.

  I wanted him dying to unravel my depths, to yearn to uncover all my secrets. What man can resist the chance of awakening a beautiful woman to the pleasures of the flesh?

  With my mind finally back on track, I walked to the diving board and dove in, slicing through the water perfectly. Even as I breathed and concentrated on perfect form, my mind was on my task.

  As I swam I hoped his eyes were following my every move. The way I spread my legs in the water as I kicked. The way the suit clung to me in all the right places as I sat on the lip of the pool to catch my breath after ten laps.

  Every arch, every deeply inhaled breath was for his benefit. My hands on my head as I adjusted the swim cap and then the goggles. A movement that lifted my breasts even as it caused my back to arch, highlighting my rear end.

  I repeated this for a total of thirty laps, pulling myself from the water after each segment of ten, repeating the same movements almost exactly, and hoped.

  Hoped that he was fighting with his natural instinct as a man. That I’d made him so hot that he didn’t know what to do with himself. Was he touching himself as he watched my firm young body? Or was he too sophisticated for that?

  Did he imagine his hands cupping my breasts, or running over the firm plumpness of my ass? Was he even now contemplating ways to get me into his bed?

  Had he even given her a thought? Or was he fighting it, fighting his need for the hot new thing under his roof while the wife was away?

  It doesn’t matter if he fights, I have no doubt that I will win. I’d done more than enough to see that it happens and will not fail now, not after I’ve come this far.

  I brushed away thoughts of doubt as I treaded water while my mind formulated and planned. As the old saying goes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat and I always have a plan B in place.

  Still, it was hard to imagine that he wouldn’t fall for my charms. I know he hasn’t slept with his wife in quite some time, my doing of course.

  And neither has he gone elsewhere, not in a while anyway, as far as I can tell. It was all part of my plan and I was sure, for someone with as voracious a purported sex drive as he has, that the self enforced celibacy must be getting to him.

  If this little show doesn’t work I have plenty of armor to work with. One of which was sure to work at breaking down any walls he might have.

  It was a gamble I know to go up against his moral code of ethics, but I’m banking on his disgust with his wife and her exploits which had been laid out for him months ago.

  I wasn’t bothered by the fact that nothing had come of this. Like I said, he’s a very private man who plays everything close to the chest, so who knows what that mind of his had come up with.

  I’m sure unlike others before him, he was putting the needs of his two little girls before his own. But it’s up to me in the short time I’m here to show him that they’d all be better off without his wife.

  Just thinking of her was enough to make me miss a breath and I pulled up for air before putting my head back under water. I swam faster now as my thoughts moved ahead of me.

  I want not only to bring a wedge between him and her, but to watch him throw her aside like the garbage she is, leaving her out in the cold, separated from her children and the friends she’d made through her association with him.

  If he proved difficult and was able to withstand my attempt at seduction, well then, I’ll just have to make everything public. And that’s something I’m sure he doesn’t want.

  A man like him would hate for the world to know that the woman he’d married was not all she seemed. At least that’s something I’m banking on at any rate.

  But that was only half the battle. His discarding of her will go a long way to assuaging some of my anger and hate, but making her watch as I fuck her husband will be more than the icing on the cake.

  It will give me great pleasure to imagine her turmoil as she watches someone younger, prettier, take her place, if only for a time. I never knew it was possible to smile under water.

  I rolled over and floated on my back as my thoughts made my body heat up once more. Are you looking your full Sebastian? Do you like what you see?

  Soon! Soon you can have me while your wife has a front row seat to the whole show. I’ll make you do things to me that she’d never imagine you capable of.

  I wonder if I can get you to admit while buried deep inside me, that I’m the best you’ve ever had. All while she watches and listens through the camera I’d left in the room with her.

  I let my fingers trail lazily up and down my body as if absentmindedly. But I was aware of my every movement. Each brush of my fingers across my nipples was calculated. Every indrawn and released breath was timed with the picture I had in my head of him watching, wanting and burning.

  When I opened my legs wider as I did the backward stroke it was in the hopes that his eyes were drawn to my sex, wondering, imagining, what it would be like to sink into my depths.

  I know from my studies that it doesn’t take humans long to form an attraction no matter how society may debate the fact. I know well the laws of attraction and what it takes to bring a male to the boiling point.

  I have only one more day according to my self imposed schedule to get him there. Just one more day to make him put aside whatever objections he might have and just give in to the lust I’m trying valiantly to awaken in him.

  As I dunked my head under water for one final lap I felt sure in myself that I was more than halfway towards that goal. He’d only been given a taste the night before after all, and already he’d invited me to eat with him at the table.

  I can’t imagine that it would take much more than that coupled with this to get him to where I wanted him to be. But just in case, I plan to turn up the heat before the day is done.

  A rush of adrenaline shot through my system and a fine tingle started in my core. I hadn’t counted on the rush that I’d get from all this. But it was a welcome distraction.

  As long as I didn’t let it get out of control and take me over completely. This business of feeling desirable could become addictive and since I know my own tenacity once I set my mind on something I’m hoping I can get through this without losing myself.

  A little voice whispered that it may be too late but I silenced it before it could make me doubt myself again. I’m more than up to the job and then walking away when it’s all over.


  I didn’t stay much longer in the pool, just a few cooling down water exercises before climbing out and making a show of drying off before laying on one of the lounge chairs and picking up my book to read.

  I don’t know why, but somehow I knew his eyes were still on me, that they hadn’t left me since I stepped outside. Take a good look Sebastian. Soon you’ll be doing more than that I’ll make sure of it.

  If this didn’t work then those other means of getting him to do my bidding could be easily put into
play, so I wasn’t too worried about his morals getting in the way.

  As I held the book up to my face, instead of reading, I actually let my mind wander to where this all began. To the thing that had brought me here to this place all these years later, after the fact.

  I’d once been a very carefree well rounded girl. An only child who came from a loving family, who never knew want or need, or danger of any kind.

  I had a mother who loved me and a father who was indulgent and adoring of his only child. Nothing could mar my world. The world of a thirteen year old on the cusp of adulthood who had a strong foundation and was allowed to dream big because there was never anything standing in her way.

  I’d been blessed with everything a human being could ask for and had stood out among my peers because of not only my beauty, but the kindness of heart that only took a few minutes of knowing me to shine through.

  Even those who out of jealousy or whatever teenage angst wanted to hate me, always found that they couldn’t, because I’d always made it a point to treat others the way I wished to be treated in return.

  I’d enjoyed my family’s wealth and all it could give me, but I was humble enough not to need to make a constant show of all I had. I had more than enough friends both in life and on the net, and was a very busy child whose every moment seemed to be filled with some activity or another.

  I was one of the rare children who had both parents at home and not only that. Whatever activity was being showcased at any given time, they could both be counted on to be there, cheering me on.

  And then out of nowhere, seemingly overnight, it all changed. My adoring father suddenly became distant, not only with me, but with my mother as well.

  It wasn’t too obvious in the beginning, just little things here and there. But when it became noticeable there was no ignoring it. Like an oversized elephant in the room.

  Then the fights began. Long screaming matches that went on into the night and mostly ended with him slamming out the door and my mother crying alone in their room.


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