Babysitter's Club Sydney

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Babysitter's Club Sydney Page 5

by Jordan Silver


  What is it with this girl? There’s something there but I just can’t seem to put my finger on it. I’m still trying to come to terms with the two completely different aspects of her.

  The dowdy skittish girl I’d met weeks ago and again yesterday, and this siren sitting across from me now. What am I missing here? Why am I seeing her in a new light all of a sudden?

  No, it’s not sudden. It’s after seeing her last night in that see through gown that showed off the curves beneath, and then again today, in the pool.

  I’m finding it hard to reconcile the two personas or to even figure out why she would go to such lengths. Am I some kind of target? If so why, and by whom? Nothing makes sense and I’m never comfortable with situations like that. There’s no one thing I can put my finger on, except for the metamorphosis of course, but even that can be easily explained away I guess.

  I can’t imagine why this girl that I don’t know and had never met before would want to get close to me. And if that’s not what’s going on here then what exactly the hell is?

  I can’t even say she’d pulled a fast one because there was nothing to support that, and yet, there’s no way that she doesn’t know that she’s gorgeous. So why hide it and those amazing tits under those ugly clothes, only to show this side of her now?

  She hadn’t done any of the usual things women who’re trying to get my attention has done in the past. But there was a certain allure about her that just naturally drew the eye. How the hell had she hidden that shit so well?

  Those eyes and that hair, how could she even think of hiding her assets? Unless there was a reason for her to do so? Is she hiding from something, someone?

  I started rethinking everything from the moment we met to see if I’d missed anything. The truth is, I hadn’t been paying much attention. The first time we met was a rushed deal. Claudia had decided for no reason that I could think of, to get rid of the babysitter that we’d hired when the twins were born.

  As someone who’ve been very attentive where my children are concerned, I never saw anything wrong with the way she took care of them, but there was so much going on at the time, I didn’t put up much resistance.

  So when I met Sydney my mind was miles away. As uncaring as I’d grown to believe my wife to be, I still didn’t think she’d knowingly hire someone unacceptable to watch our girls.

  And when I went over her resume later that night I’d seen no red flags. In fact she was a much better choice than her predecessor, on paper at least.

  My mind has been too preoccupied of late and that could be the reason for me not noticing her until now. Unless she’d gone out of her way to hide herself, which I can see no reason for her doing such a thing.

  Then again some women wouldn’t appreciate someone as beautiful as she is under the same roof as their husband. Is that why she’d gone to such lengths? Could that be it?

  But Sara had been an attractive young lady herself and there were never any issues. In fact Claudia had done the hiring then too. Claudia! Now that was another kettle of fish. My hands clenched and I bit back the anger that was ever present these days when I thought of her.

  It’s no secret between us that she came up pregnant just about the time I was growing tired of her. In the beginning she’d seemed like the kind of woman I could settle down with.

  In my fast paced world I needed someone as vivacious and intelligent as her by my side, or so I thought. I’d been halfway in love with her, until I started looking past her beauty to the woman beneath.

  There was something very cold and calculating about her that I’d missed, again because of my preoccupation with work and making the next million.

  But eventually I’d put down the spreadsheets and took a really hard look at the woman I’d been contemplating asking to marry me. Funny that it was only then that I realized I couldn’t stand her.

  I’d made up my mind to call it quits and was well on my way to doing just that when she came to my office one day, bursting with excitement and told me the news.

  At first I was flummoxed. I’d never slept with her without a condom, in fact we’d only had one mishap when the condom burst and I still don’t know how that shit happened.

  It was too much of a coincidence not to suspect that she’d sabotaged the condom somehow. I’d been pissed at the situation and quite honestly had serious doubts about letting this person give birth to my child.

  But I won’t regret my kids no matter what I think of their mother. I’d resolved myself to becoming a father and of course for a man in my position marriage was the only way to go.

  It never entered my mind to doubt their paternity at the time and thank fuck they look like me so I didn’t have to do them the injustice of getting a paternity test.

  After the kids were born, Claudia had gone back to her ways. Those annoying little things that grated on my nerves. She was short with the staff, people who’d worked for my family in one capacity or another for many years.

  Not only that, she was dishonest. I’d caught her in too many lies to count. Lies that didn’t need to be told sometimes, small shit that didn’t matter.

  I’d lost whatever feelings I had for her when I realized she only used my kids to get to me and wasn’t really interested in being a mother. She had no idea that her days were numbered, that I was already plotting in my head to get rid of her and get her away from my kids that she was obviously only using as a meal ticket.

  Still it wasn’t an easy thing. She was the mother of my children, and though she had no real use for them, they did have some feeling for her; until they didn’t. Some days I doubt they even missed her.

  It was a hard thing to accept. I had to take responsibility for part of the blame. This was as much my doing as it was hers, though there’s no way I could’ve known the condom would break.

  So from day to day it was a close call as to whether or not that would be the day I finally had enough. The thing that lit a fire under me and made the decision a no brainer, were the emails.

  Out of nowhere, seemingly just in time, someone had started sending me emails. With pictures of my wife and the things she got up to while I was at the office.

  It wasn’t the men so much that bothered me, Claudia’s always been a flirt. But the drugs and the other illegal shit she was mixed up in was a big fucking no-no.

  I’d started divorce proceedings once I verified that the shit was true and if that wasn’t enough, I’d taken a gander at the diary she kept online that she thought no other eyes but hers would ever see.

  She didn’t know that I’d seen the lawyer, or that when she came back from wherever it was that she’d gone this time she wouldn’t be allowed back in my home, any of them.

  I’d sent her off believing that she still had me fooled, that I was none the wiser. My lawyer had everything he needed to see that she went away quietly. Whatever she’d gotten from me thus far in our marriage is all she would ever get. As for my kids, they’ll be fine because I’ll see to it that they are.

  But now there’s this new wrinkle to take care of. And I can’t help but wonder if there’s any significance to the fact that she’d shown up here now, while this was all going on.

  No way, you’re overthinking things too much now. How could she possibly have anything to do with what’s going on in your life? Claudia obviously didn’t know her and she didn’t seem to know me or my family.

  Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but somehow, between last night and today, I have a feeling that there’s more to her than meets the eye. A lot more.

  And I’m not just talking about the kickass body she’s been hiding beneath those ugly clothes. The body I’d seen when she went down to the pool.

  If I’d been stymied last night when I got a look at her with her hair down and those amazing eyes, seeing her body in that suit just about threw me for a loop.

  She’s fucking supermodel material. Except for the fact that she has tits like a real woman and an ass that would
fit perfectly in my hands while I fuck her into the mattress.

  At least I know my libido isn’t dead. Not that there was ever any doubt about that. Ever since I lost interest in Claudia I’ve been playing the field.

  I’m no cheat, never have been. But once I made up my mind that we were through, that was enough for me. She’s so caught up in her own grift that she hadn’t even noticed that I hadn’t touched her in six months.

  I never told her a word, biding my time until my lawyer gave me the all clear. As soon as I learned that I could win custody of my kids and keep her out of the picture based on the evidence we had, I was through.

  I didn’t want the scenes, and didn’t want my kids caught in the middle of shit, so I had to bide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity. I knew that our summer escape was coming up. It’s something I started for my girls when they turned one. I’d spent my summers here as a kid growing up and wanted my children to have the same.

  Sure they had a backyard and every amenity known to man in the city, but there was something about being in the country this time of year that I’ve always loved.

  So with my mind set and everything already in the works I’d set out for here knowing that by the time my kids and I went back at the end of summer everything would be different.

  I hadn’t put too much stock in the new babysitter because she was only here for the summer and I had no doubt that I’d find someone else permanently, even if I had to recall Sara.

  In fact I’d made up my mind to do just that. Letting her go that easily was part of my plan not to tip Claudia off to what was going on behind the scenes.

  So, she left yesterday thinking everything was okay, not knowing that for all intents and purposes we were already divorced and that there would be someone to greet her at the airport with the divorce papers and an order not to come within ten feet of me.

  Harsh I know, but it’s better than she deserves. Still, that was a completely separate issue from the one I’m faced with now. I know she felt my eyes on her, the little blush on her cheek gave her away.

  And when she toppled over on her side I was more than sure that she felt my eyes on her. The quick look she threw me over her shoulder was proof that I was right.

  I think I’m gonna have to keep an eye on this one. Nothing I like more than unraveling secrets and something tells me she has plenty. She’s so young though, what the hell could she possibly have to hide?

  Then again in this day and age everything seems to be moving ten times faster. That’s one of the reasons I had to get rid of Claudia now. Now that my girls were still young and wouldn’t be too scarred by her fucked up ways.


  I’m not too worried about my daughters though. As long as there’s breath in my body they’ll be safe. No one, not even their mother will be allowed to fuck with them in any way shape or form. Not my blood!

  The most pressing issue plaguing me right at this moment is the hunger I went to bed with last night. The savage need I felt as I laid awake alone in my bed, hurting, wanting.

  Had she known that the gown she wore played peekaboo with her pussy, her bare uncovered pussy? Or that the bow between her cleavage drew the eye to her firm high breasts?

  Had she done that shit purposely, or had I become jaded after dealing with Claudia and her shit? Was I now going to look at every woman with suspicion? I hope I’m not the weak.

  But how could she not have known? There’s a mirror in her room, I’m sure of it. So there’s no way she hadn’t known that the sheer gown had shown off her assets to perfection. Especially those mouth watering tits. They’re the finest I’ve seen in a while and I’m good enough to know that those shits are real.

  I’d gone to bed imagining my mouth on them, my hands on her pussy, folding back the lips and teasing her, getting her ready for my cock. All because of that one glimpse my mind had been off on a hormonal tangent.

  It has been a while since I felt this rush of excitement over a woman. Not even Claudia had drawn this out of me in the beginning. I’d been attracted sure, but my mind had never gone to the places it traversed last night.

  Like wondering if Sydney’s pussy hair was the same color as the white blonde tresses on her head. Or how tight she would be around my fuck meat.

  She’s only twenty-one, she may not have had much experience and even if she had, my cock isn’t exactly made to fit. So imagining squeezing into her tight hot body had kept my dick hard and my imagination running amok.

  Did she have a gripper? Would her pussy bleed on my cock the first time? What kind of fuck would she be? Would she just lay there and take me, or is she a fighter? One of those women who know how to fuck back in bed.

  Those are the things that plagued me throughout the night. That followed me into sleep. I’d tossed and turned wondering, which one she is. Who is the real Sydney?

  The nondescript girl I’d first met, or the luscious woman who’d stood in my kitchen with a glass of milk because she couldn’t get to sleep in a strange place? More importantly did I even care to find out?

  Yes! The answer is most definitely yes. Now after seeing her body in that suit, studying her face as she laid next to the pool. What red blooded male wouldn’t want to plumb those depths?

  And there was nothing stopping me, as far as I’m concerned I’m no longer married and haven’t been since my lawyer filed those papers. It didn’t matter to me that Claudia had no idea she was no longer married.

  Not that I see how that would stop her anyway. It’s not like that’s gonna change who she is, or keep her from doing the shit’s she’s been doing while we were married.

  There was no question of her going after my money because the airtight prenup I had her sign took care of that. As to the kids, with what I had on her, I’m sure she wouldn’t push the issue.

  So the no fault divorce filing was a done deal, she just didn’t know it yet. And contrary to what some may believe a man or woman does not need their spouse’s approval to get a divorce, that’s bunk.

  Now all I have to decide is if it’s worth it to go after Sydney, or if it’s too close to home. There’s obviously a story there somewhere, but what that story is I don’t know.

  What I do know is that I find her body attractive, enough that I’d spent the last hour or so while she’d been down by the pool watching her.

  She’d been able to distract me from my work, something that only my children have been able to do in years. And what’s more she’d agitated my gut and my senses.

  As a man who’s always prided myself on following my gut, I’m afraid I have no choice now but to see where this thing leads, if anywhere. But there are some roadblocks even if only in my mind.

  First I don’t know her, never heard of her before she showed up for the interview. At the time I trusted Claudia for lack of a better word, because she was being hired to look after the children and only a monster would fuck that up.

  When I vetted her I was only looking at her credentials as far as her babysitting duties go, but what kind of woman was she? There’s surely a vast difference between hiring someone to look after my children and courting someone for my bed.

  And then again maybe I shouldn’t start this shit. Fucking your kids’ babysitter probably isn’t the brightest idea, but damn. She was pushing all the right buttons and that’s not an easy task.

  I watched her now as she played with the girls, saw the way she seemed genuinely attentive. At least that was one thing she had going for her. If she got Courtney to accept her this soon then she must be doing something right.

  My younger daughter by two minutes is tough as nails, just like her father. She seems to have an uncanny knack when it comes to reading people and has never been shy about making her dislike known.

  Now I watched as she passed her favorite doll to Sydney and in her bossy way ordered her to change the doll’s outfit. I like that Sydney corrected her behavior instead of letting the little diva get away with acting like a brat.
r />   I liked even more that Courtney, after giving it some thought, obeyed her elder. For a while it was as if I weren’t even in the room. The three of them carried on playing with each other, leaving me to my own thoughts.

  That may not have been the best thing, since it left me free to wander aimlessly in the dark recesses of my mind. It’s been a while since I imagined doing to a woman the things I wanted to with this girl.

  But her body just seemed to invoke that in me. There was no emotion involved in any of the scenarios playing through my head, how could there be? We just met after all.

  So it was lust, pure unadulterated lust that was pushing me towards a decision. Lust that was tempting me to throw caution to the wind and say fuck it.

  The little short dress that fitted her ass and cupped her tits that were obviously untethered by a bra wasn’t helping matters at all. In fact I’d say it was part of the problem.

  She dresses like someone who’s running hot and cold. One minute it’s the overtly sexy and the next she’s dressed down, closer to somebody’s maiden aunt. Almost like a game of cat and mouse.

  Is she teasing me, is that it? Or is she just that innocent and have no idea what she’s doing to me? I almost wish Claudia was here to see if she’d act the same way.

  Would she have worn that nightgown last night if the woman she thought was my wife was in residence? I hate fucking games and this feels like a game to me.

  The hard part is that I have no idea what game it is, and what the rules are. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem though, I never play a game that I can’t win. And I damn sure never walk into anything with my eyes closed.

  So I’ll go with my instinct and watch. There are ways to test her without showing my hand. But I’d much rather she make the first move. Unless she’s afraid to because she thinks I’m still married.

  What a fucking dilemma. If she goes after a married man I’d lose all respect for her… I think. But if she doesn’t and I’m the one left doing the chasing, what would she think of me?


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