Guarding Me

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Guarding Me Page 2

by Slayer, Megan

  When she returned with the bottle she waved her hand. “On the house.” A piece of paper was wrapped around the beer bottle. Candy 555-6789 Ready when you are.

  He smiled at her, then turned away from the bar and shuddered. Levi could only imagine how many men she used the exact same line on. Dancers bounced in the middle of the dance floor and country music with a techno flair blasted on the speakers. Not his taste in music, but he hadn’t expected much when he came to the club.

  A couple of the girls on the dance floor winked at him. One curled her finger in his direction. He shook his head, held up his beer and continued his quiet observation. He’d almost given up on finding Maya when he spotted her. Ringed by what he assumed were her friends, she had her arms folded, and her hair obscured his view of her face. Part of him warned him to stay put and leave her alone. The rest of him wanted to talk to her.

  Levi made his way across the room to where she stood. Time to change his fortunes a little bit.

  Chapter Three

  Maya blinked back tears. Damned pregnancy hormones. Of all the things for Nicky to leave her with, he had to knock her up. Okay, so yes, part of the blame rested on her shoulders. She should’ve been more vigilant with the condoms. The birth control pills were good, but a second line of defense never hurt. Now any defense didn’t make any difference.

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the funk. If she had to take responsibility, then so should Nicky—the ass.

  Tia, her sister, draped an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll get you through this. Momma didn’t raise quitters.” She rubbed Maya’s arm. “My two can’t wait for a cousin to come along. Hell, Adaline will probably beg for a girl so she’s got someone to play with besides Drakon.”

  Maya massaged her temples. Girl, boy...didn’t matter. She didn’t need a kid in her life right now. Having Tia’s twins was enough. What about her dreams? What about what she wanted to do with her future? How the hell was she going to get her head out of her ass and worry about what mattered, not the past she couldn’t change?

  “I need to get some air.” Maya detangled from her sister and strode to the cooler air of the patio. Thankfully the breeze wrapped around her. She rolled her eyes and tried not to get weepy yet again. She hated tears and weakness but seemed to have both in spades. No, she’d work herself through this crisis and push forward like she did the rest of the time.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  She knew the voice. Maya glanced over her shoulder into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. Levi. Her heart skipped a beat and her stomach flip-flopped. From the baby or him? She wasn’t sure.

  “You okay?” Levi motioned to the picnic tables. “Want to sit?”

  She nodded. “I’m—” She could lie or be brutally honest. Honesty won out. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Congratulations.” He didn’t dart away or excuse himself to leave. No, Levi stayed beside her. “Is the father in there passing out cigars?”

  “No.” She folded her arms. “He’s in California following his dream to become a rapper.” She shook her head and laughed. “I should’ve known it was a lie because Nicky was never good at honesty. I saw him tonight. He’s down in Geneva at a club. He might be rapping, I don’t know. I never heard him, but I know he was working the females in the room. I never was enough for him and I knew it, but stupid me, I thought he’d change once we found out I was pregnant. I should’ve known.” She glanced at Levi from her peripheral vision. “I bet you didn’t want that version, did you?”

  “I don’t mind.” He downed the last of his beer and then tossed the amber bottle in the nearest recycling bin. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing. How far along are you?”

  He hadn’t said much, but his words soothed her. “I’m not usually the one to open up to strangers. This is the second time you’ve managed to get me to talk.”

  “I’m a good listener.” He draped his arm across the tabletop, then hesitated.

  “I could use a strong arm around me right now.” She leaned into his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. “Rosie told you to come here, didn’t she?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “She’s always trying to hook me up. According to her, I’m a good girl looking for a not-too-bad boy. I think she’s nuts.”

  “I don’t know. Any guy who would walk away from his kid is pretty stupid to me.”

  “I’m four months along, and Nicky never had much patience. Standing still took a lot of thought out of him.”

  “You should be just about out of the woods danger-wise. My sister never told anyone about the girls until she was four months along. Brother-in-law loves those girls.” He kept his arm around her, but he didn’t sound thrilled. He shouldn’t be thrilled. She knew how men worked. Levi wanted a date and hearing her talk about her ex and a baby wasn’t going to win him over.

  Maya tensed. She couldn’t really blame Levi for being irked or Nicky for wanting out. The relationship had been dead for a while. He’d done what he needed to do to survive—in his own twisted way. She straightened her shoulders and sat up.

  “You know, this is my last night to have fun. I don’t mean go crazy, but my last night to really have a good time.” She turned to Levi. The freckles on his nose and cheeks were more evident and so were the tiny chips of green in his blue eyes. “I want to have a good time with you. What do you say?”

  Maya held her breath, awaiting his reply. Please let him say yes. “I know I don’t know you, but you make me feel comfortable.”

  “Ah, I’m like a big soft blanket?” He crooked one brow.

  Damn it. She wanted to wrap herself in his arms and never let go, but boy did he go out of his way to get under her skin. “Something like that. You make me forget what’s bothering me and besides, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you were at the diner.”

  “Where do you want to go?” He crooked his fingers under her chin. “You’re hurting, confused and don’t need to be alone right now.”

  “Your place?” She liked the way he touched her. Confident and strong, but sexy and silky.

  “Ah, just as soon as you let our audience know what you’re up to.” He nodded behind here. “Your friend? Sister?”

  Shit. Tia. Maya scrambled off the picnic bench and stood. She smoothed her fingers through her hair. “Tia, this is Levi. Levi, this is my sister, Tia.”

  He stood and offered his hand. “Good looks run in the family. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Tia snorted. “You’re a smooth one, aren’t you?” She wrapped her hands around his biceps. “Strong, too.” She navigated him away from where Maya waited and talked in hushed tones.

  Maya strained to hear whatever her sister was saying. Levi grinned a couple of times, then nodded. His gaze vacillated between her and her sister. After a few minutes and more nodding, Tia and Levi strolled arm in arm back to where she stood.

  “I gave him my blessing.” Tia beamed. “Told him he’d be minus his dick if he fucked with you and he agreed. Maya, I think you found yourself a good one.”

  “I barely know him,” she stammered. “You can’t hook me up with a guy after knowing him for five minutes.” Dear God. In a matter of minutes, he’d reduced her from a strong woman to a simpering girl.

  “I’m sure that won’t last.” Tia knocked elbows with Levi and laughed. “Girls, our baby has hooked up.” She waved her hand and her friends strolled back into the club.

  “That was awkward.” Maya sank onto the nearest picnic bench. Awkward and all kinds of fucked up. Her stomach lurched.

  “Could’ve been worse.” Levi sat beside her. “She cares about you and didn’t tell me much I didn’t already know. Granted, I didn’t know I was being screened for a long-term relationship, but I’ll deal. It’s what you’re thinking that matters.”

  Maya stared at him. The man was too good to be true, especially after only knowing him for one day. No one was that perfect. He cared about her, worried about her opinion and
hadn’t balked when her sister pounced—not to mention the way he handled finding out about the baby. Way too good to be real.

  Then again, she wanted a fantasy man. A guy to sweep her off her feet and take care of her. A man who wasn’t afraid to stand up to her, but could still rein her in. Someone like Levi.

  “I want you to take me home, make me remember what it’s like to feel sexy and make me forget the shit that’s happened today. Think you can do that?”

  “I’m sure I can.”

  Chapter Four

  Levi willed his heart rate to slow to normal. Tia wasn’t kidding. Maya was hurting in all sorts of ways. Her ex, from what Levi had gathered from both her and Maya, was a real piece of work. Maya deserved better, and he’d do his dead-level best to give her what she needed.

  “Want to ride along or follow me?” He watched her expression. Sure, she said she wanted a fantasy, but he refused to push too much. She controlled this ride.

  “I’ll follow.” She nodded, probably to reassure herself. Beneath the sad and slightly confused exterior was the strong woman he knew she wanted to be.

  “I’m in the ’86 Dodge.” He offered his arm. “She’s ugly and beat-up, but she runs like a dream.” He whistled. The truck wasn’t the best looking, but it got him where he wanted to go and once he saved back for a new paint job and some body work, she’d shine.

  “I’ve got a Toyota, blue.” She rubbed his arm and walked beside him through the noisy club to the parking lot. When they reached her car, she stopped and let go of him. “I shouldn’t have been so forward at the restaurant. Marty wasn’t pleased. He reprimanded me—again.” She half laughed. “He spends more time reprimanding me for the things that get the customers to come back—treating them like family, talking to them on their level, never letting them know when we’re having a bad day. The little things, you know?”

  “I do.” He opened her car door. “If you’d rather not do this, we can say goodbye and part ways.” He had to give her an out. Had to.

  “Are you nuts?” She smoothed her hands up his chest, sparking a fire in his veins. “I’ve been waiting on a man who will treat me like I’m in heaven, not in the pits of hell. I think you’re the man.”

  Maya leaned forward and stood on her tiptoes. She met him for a kiss, swirling her tongue along his bottom lip. Unable to hold back, he captured her in his arms. Levi caressed her lower back, learning her curves and tasting her sweetness. Good Lord, she was honey in his hands. The sweetest kind. He threaded his hand into her hair enough to massage her scalp with his fingertips. When she moaned, he pushed the kiss farther and tangled his tongue with hers. She rubbed her body along his, grinding on his crotch. His cock throbbed behind his zipper. Oh, shit. They needed to find a bed and soon. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, no way, but he fully bought into the idea of lust at first touch. She was lust in human form.

  Maya broke the connection first and wobbled on her feet. He kept her in his arms, unwilling to let her go just yet.

  “You know when you eat a spicy bowl of chili how your lips tingle?” she murmured.

  “I’m feeling it, too.” He rested his forehead on hers and tapped her nose with his. “I’m glad I walked into the diner.”

  “Me, too.”

  Music from the club filtered out to the parking lot and she swayed in his arms. Maya stared up at him and kissed him again, this time slower and softer. She continued to rock in his embrace, moving in slow motion to the raucous beat.

  Christ, he wanted to explore every inch of her, but being in the parking lot they’d get into trouble. He broke away from her long enough to catch his breath. “I want to bring that sparkle back to your eyes. We need to go somewhere else.”

  “We do,” she whispered. “I’ll follow you.” Maya slipped from his arms and climbed behind the wheel of her car. She rolled down the window. “What’s the address?”

  “Geddy Street apartments, Building E. I’m on the second floor.” He squatted next to her car door. “I’m right over there.” He nodded over his shoulder. “I’ll follow you.”

  Levi strolled to his car, his step lighter and his mind at ease. He’d found one hell of a woman. Maybe not forever, but for now, and that suited him just fine. Forever never quite worked for him.

  Fifteen minutes after leaving the club, he pulled into his parking lot. She waited in the row of visitor spots and climbed out when she spotted him. She’d pulled her hair up into a ponytail and wore a jacket. The bulky garment hid some of her curves and turned him on all the more. More to the imagination and oh, how he liked to fill in the blanks.

  “Ready?” Levi offered his arm to her once more.

  “So ready.” Maya cuddled up beside him and rubbed her cheek on his shoulder. Once they reached his apartment, he held the door for her.

  “So this is Chateau Levi. Nothing too fancy.” He closed and locked the door. “The rent’s reasonable and my neighbors are cool. Make yourself at home.”

  Maya plopped on the couch and crossed her legs. Sort of at home and mostly guarded. Levi sat opposite her.

  “This isn’t your thing, is it? Coming home with a guy?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not much of a one-night-stand kind of girl.” She laughed and met his gaze. “It shows, doesn’t it?”

  “A little. Want to talk?” Probably not, but she couldn’t hate him for not asking.

  Fire lit in her eyes. “After.” Maya scooted across the couch and straddled his lap. “This good girl wants to go bad for a while.” Mons to groin, chest to chest and eye to eye, she cuddled against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and bit his bottom lip, then kissed him.

  Holy Christ. Stars burst behind his eyelids. He wanted—no, needed more of her. Levi palmed her ass, hooking his thumbs in her belt loops. The more he tasted of her, the more he appreciated walking into the diner.

  Maya sucked on his tongue, moaning just a little with each tug. She rocked her hips. The move put delicious pressure on his engorged cock.

  Lust flowed through his body. He craved her. Wanted to feel her silken heat surrounding him.

  Maya broke the connection first. “You’re dangerous.”

  He wasn’t sure how. He’d barely done anything.

  She grabbed the hem of her shirt and whipped the garment over her head. The white lace bra cupped her breasts, accentuating the taut little nipples. Her hair settled around her shoulders.

  “Like what you see?” she whispered.

  “I do.” He tipped her forward and shoved one of her bra straps off her shoulders. The lace dipped, revealing more of her breast. “Love this.” He sucked her nipple into his mouth and scraped his teeth over the dark skin. She tasted as sweet and sinful as she looked.

  She ground her hips. “I want my soldier to fuck me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he said around her nipple. Levi flicked the catch on her bra. The lingerie plopped on his lower belly and he shoved the lace out of the way. He rubbed one hand over her belly. He’d seen plenty of pregnant tummies in his time, but hers captivated him. So smooth and perfect, even with a bit of fullness.

  “So sexy.” He buried his face between her boobs and breathed her in.

  “Levi,” she panted. “Fuck me.”

  Instead of answering her in words, he stood with her in his arms and then laid her out on the couch. She might be in control, but he needed to taste her pussy first. Levi removed her high-heeled shoes, then kissed his way down her jean-clad leg. She gripped the edge of the couch cushion and watched him.

  “Tease,” she murmured.

  “You have no idea. I’m just getting started.”

  Chapter Five

  Levi licked his lips. Tasting her only whetted his appetite for her. Was it possible to want a woman too much? Probably, but he didn’t care. Yes, things were moving at light speed, but if fate wanted them together, he’d go along with the plan.

  Once he reached the zipper of her pants, he popped the button and tugged. Her skimpy panties clung to her h
ips. “I dreamed I’d find a woman like you.” He grabbed the cuffs of her jeans and pulled.

  “Didn’t have to look far.” Maya shoved her panties down to her ankles, exposing herself to him. Her cream glistened on her cunt lips. He marveled at the smooth skin. So pretty and brown.

  “I like you bare.” With his gaze fixed on hers, he nipped at her ankle. He trailed his fingers along her inner thigh and then spread open her pussy lips. Her juices slid down her cunt to the crack of her ass.

  “I like feeling sexy,” she replied. She grasped the backs of her knees and spread her legs even more.

  “You’re doing a very, very good job.” Using the tip of his tongue, he traced the line of her labia, then tapped her clit. She cried out, but didn’t squeeze her legs together. Hell, she opened herself up more.

  “Yes, baby. Do that.” Maya closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. “Feels so good.”

  Oh, yeah? This time he blew cool air over her fevered skin. When he reached her clit, he scraped his teeth over the tight bud. She shivered, but didn’t pull away. Levi grinned. He eased her pussy lips apart with his thumbs. He flattened his tongue along the mocha skin. Her juices exploded on his tongue. He moaned, vibrating her clit.

  “Oh, wow.” She let go of her knees and grasped his head.

  For a moment, he missed having hair. He loved the feel of a woman yanking on his hair during oral sex to tell him she liked what he was doing. She dug her nails into his scalp. Not quite the same, but still hot as fuck.

  He slid one finger into her cunt and pumped, all while licking her labia. Her taste, like no other, imprinted itself on his brain. She shuddered and moaned, wrapping her legs around his shoulders. Maya rolled her hips and fucked herself on his finger.

  “More,” she cried. “More.”

  Then more she’d get. He added a second finger, then a third. She clenched around him like a fist. Her liquid excitement drenched him. Levi sucked hard on her clit and stroked her pussy.


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