Guarding Me

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Guarding Me Page 6

by Slayer, Megan

  Water splashed and sloshed onto the floor. A couple of the candles extinguished, darkening the room a bit. Levi increased his thrusts. Oh, shit. He groaned and clutched her to his chest.

  “Levi,” she groaned. “Please?”

  “Please, what?”

  “I need to come.” She rested her forehead on his. “Need. To.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Want you to.” His balls vibrated and his lower belly churned. Heat curled through his veins. He’d never be able to hold back.

  “Maya.” He bit out her name and filled her pussy with his seed. From his head to his toes, his body trembled. Fuck.

  “Whoa.” She slumped against him and her breath fanned over his shoulder. Her nails bit into his biceps. They snuggled together in the tepid water for what seemed like forever.

  He didn’t want to let go of her and ruin the perfect moment. He shouldn’t need her so much. Shouldn’t be so head over heels for her.

  The click of claws on tile filtered into his senses. Peaches galloped into the room, then stopped. She sniffed the air and snorted.

  “I guess she says we’re done.” Maya laughed. “She probably snuck into the food on the table.”

  “Serves us right for not putting it away before we screw around.” Levi curled his toes around the drain plug and pulled. Slowly the water drained from the tub. He let go of her long enough to grab the towel. “Can you stand?”

  “Yeah.” She wobbled to her feet. “You’ve worn me out.”

  “So no round two?” He draped the towel around her. “Not even if I let you nap first?”

  “Maybe then.” She stood on her toes and kissed him. “I mean it. I love you.”

  “Good thing, since I love you, too.” He swatted her butt. “Let me blow out the rest of these candles and check on the potential mess in the kitchen. I’ll join you in my bed.”

  As she wandered into the bedroom, Levi tugged on his damp boxer shorts and surveyed the damage on the table. He snorted. Domestic bliss with Maya would mean keeping an eye on the dog and soon the baby. A lesser man would run screaming. Not him. He accepted the challenge with open arms. He scooped the half-eaten food into the garbage. Bites here and there from the dog were evident. Oh, well. Next time he’d keep a better eye on the dog.

  Once he placed the dishes in the sink and extinguished the candles on the table, he checked the lock on the front door. Levi strode back to the bedroom. Peaches was curled up beside Maya, snoring. Her tail thumped when he entered the room.

  Maya grinned. “She’s protective of us, too.” She patted the mattress. “Join me?”

  “You bet.” He slid between the covers and settled. “I finished inside you.” A pang of guilt hit him hard. “I shouldn’t have.”

  “You do realize this is partly my responsibility?” Maya reached over the dog and rubbed his hip through the sheet. “You can’t get me pregnant. Not right now.” Her smile lit up her face. “I trust you. Most guys wouldn’t propose so fast. You’ve been nothing but honest with me. I’m glad.” She sobered. “What was it Amy did that hurt you?”

  “Interesting post-sex discussion topic.” He shifted until he got comfortable. He’d mentioned his ex briefly over supper, but Maya deserved the full truth. “She was the first woman to make me think about settling down. Before Amy, I lived by the theory, fuck all the women I can and have a good time. Rest is for saps.” He snorted. “She started out as one of the fuck friends, but we got along. She kept coming around. I liked her. She made me laugh, made me think…but it was bullshit.”

  “What happened?” Maya shrugged. “Nicky just walked out on me.”

  “She walked out, but as it turned out, she was fucking one of my good friends. She wanted us to move to Ohio. Closer to her family or something like that. What she wanted was for one of us to pop the question. Hurlow did first. I thought I wanted to marry her, but I dicked around. Something about her just wasn’t right, and I hesitated. At the time I was pissed. I thought I loved her. Turns out I loved the idea of settling down.”

  “Is that why you’re with me?” Maya linked their fingers. “Or do you have a thing for pregnant chicks?” She smiled, but the mirth didn’t quite make it to her eyes.

  Levi drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. He’d pondered the reasons he wanted to marry Maya. Yes, he loved the baby, even though he or she wasn’t there yet. He’d grown to love the dog and couldn’t see his life without Maya. She wanted the truth.

  “I don’t know what it was about you, Maya. Any of the other waitresses could’ve taken my table, but you did. Any of them could’ve started a conversation with me, but the moment you spoke, I knew there was something special brewing. I wanted to tell you everything. I thought I was nuts, then Rosie told me to ask you out. I couldn’t say no.” He scooted closer to her, careful not to squish the dog between them. “Everything about you turns me on. I love when you’re curt, when you laugh…the way you second guess things until you find your gumption.”

  “Amy was crazy to let you go. That other guy might have been fine, but she missed out and I’m glad.” She angled her body on the bed, keeping their feet separated but resting her head on his left shoulder. She held up her left hand and wriggled her ring finger. “I keep telling you it won’t be easy. From here on out, I’ll get more irritable, more hormonal and huge.” She placed her hand over his heart. “If you can handle the stress of protecting the country, then you’re overqualified to handle me. You’re my brave, strong warrior. I love you.”

  He grinned. As her breathing settled and she gave in to sleep, he stared at the ceiling. She’d accepted his proposal and knew the truth about Amy. Whatever the future held for him, he accepted the challenges with open arms as long as he had Maya at his side. He’d be able to do anything—with her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Four months later…

  Maya drove up to the security gate at the airport. From the freeway, the airport looked so small. Up close, the thing was massive. Hulking C-130 planes waited alongside the freeway and funny little open vehicles scurried across the tarmac. She pulled the card Levi had given her from her pocket and handed it to the guard. He spoke into his radio, waited for return chatter, then nodded and opened the gate.

  “Park in the guest spaces, please. Have a good day.”

  “Guest spaces,” she mumbled and drove at the speed limit across the lot. Maya stopped in one of the designated spots. Levi begged her to come to the tower and see what he did for a living. Like she could tell him no.

  She opened the car door and swung her legs out of the vehicle. Her back twinged, and she groaned. If she thought the baby was active before, she had a lot to learn. The kid seemed to love to do jumping jacks in her belly. She itched her lower tummy, then stood. Wasn’t it about time to have the kid already? She checked the app on her phone. Twenty-six more days until her due date. Too damned slow.

  Across the lot, two figures bounded out of the building. Maya knew one of the individuals. Levi. He spun on his heel and said something she couldn’t see to the other person. He waved his hand and pointed like he did when his temper got the better of him.

  “Heaven help whoever pissed him off,” she whispered. They’d argued a couple of times, but nothing a night of hot sex hadn’t cured. The guys at the tower, though—they managed to get under Levi’s skin from time to time. Her body ached, but this time the twinge settled in her lower belly. She winced and shook her head. Must be the burrito coming back to haunt her.

  “We went on one date a year ago,” Levi shouted. The veins stuck out on his neck. “Patty, I can’t do this. I can’t. Find a guy who will light your fire. He’s not me.”

  Maya stood and cracked her back. She’d heard of Patty plenty of times, but never saw her in the flesh. The woman wasn’t bad looking from a distance. Her attachment to the guys at the center seemed a bit obsessive, but at times, they were all one big family. Maya strode over to where Levi and Patty were arguing.

  “Hey.” She wrapped her han
ds around his bicep and flashed her ring. “This must be the infamous Patty. I’m Maya, Levi’s fiancée. Nice to meet you finally.”

  Patty’s blue eyes widened, then her brows knotted together. “You’re right. It was one date and in the past.” She stared at Maya’s belly. “I don’t date guys with kids.” She turned on her heel and flounced away.

  “That was awkward.” Levi didn’t look at Maya. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t know. It was funny. She’s lonely and holding on to whatever she can.” She squeezed his arm. “I’d hold on to you pretty tight if you weren’t already mine.”


  “And if she’s the biggest hurdle we have for a while, we’re set.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “We’ve got birthing classes tonight. Think you’re ready?” Another twinge hit, this time not as bad as the first one. “I swear this kid is trying to stand up by sticking his feet through my gut.”

  “I am ready for the kid and classes. I can’t wait to meet him or her.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m also ready to show you the center—my home away from home.”

  Four hours later, Levi massaged his temples. Maya had insisted on the birthing classes to be sure they both knew what to do when the baby arrived. He knew the drill when a woman had a baby. He’d been there when his sister went into labor with Kennedy. Not the prettiest experience, but he’d lived. Seeing a similar situation on the gigantic television screen made his stomach roil. He rubbed Maya’s shoulder.

  “This is boring,” he whispered. Anything to take his mind off the bloody Caesarian section being performed on the video.

  “Not the most exciting thing I’ve ever done.” She squeezed his thigh. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  “Oh, yeah?” He couldn’t wait to hear her answer. Sex wasn’t out of the question—not yet. He glanced over at her. Maya winced again. He’d noticed her suppressing groans all day. “Babe.” He leaned closer to her. “Are you okay? The color keeps draining from your face.”

  “Feels like the baby wants to pop out, but it’s too early,” she bit out. She closed her eyes. “I feel like I’m going to explode.”

  Levi turned his attention to the screen, then back to Maya. Could be Braxton Hicks. He checked the time on his watch. 15:46, or 7:46 in the civilian world. The more the nurse talked, the more Levi paid attention to Maya. She blew out a couple of long breaths and gripped his leg tighter, then released. He looked at the time. 8:03. Hmm. Not ten minutes apart. He tapped his foot on the floor. Natalie’s kids both came early.

  “Do I have any questions at this point?” the nurse asked. She smiled. “We do have quite a few first-time parents here.”

  “Yeah,” Levi piped up. “I think my fiancée is going into labor.”

  “No.” Maya shook her head.

  “I’m pretty sure you are,” he replied.

  “I meant, no, my water just broke.” Fear flashed in Maya’s eyes. “Help me?”

  Levi’s instincts took over. “What’s the next step from here?” He hated to sound so gruff with the nurse, but he couldn’t handle the terror in Maya’s voice.

  “Here’s a chair.” The nurse, Molly, steered the wheelchair to where Maya sat. “Things are going to be fine. Babies have a tendency to want to show up at the most inopportune times, but you have nothing to worry about.”

  Maya hesitated before leaving her chair. “I made a mess.”

  “Not the first time that’s happened.” Molly grinned. “Everything here is easily cleaned. Nothing to worry about.” She spoke into her radio, then her gaze vacillated between Levi and Maya. “How close together are the contractions?”

  “They might be false labor,” Maya said. “They aren’t close together.”

  “Honey, if your water broke, then it’s time.” Levi massaged the back of her neck. “A little less than fifteen minutes apart.”

  “How’d you know?” Maya snapped.

  “I watch and listen.” He glanced at his watch once more. “The last one was about ten minutes ago, so if they are indeed fifteen minutes, then the next one should hit in a minute or two.”

  “Great.” Molly steered Maya to the door. “Oh, good. You’re here.” She spoke in hushed tones with another nurse, then continued wheeling Maya down the hall. “We’ll go straight up to the birthing ward. Mr. Court, I’ll have you go to registration.”

  “I don’t want to miss anything,” he protested.

  Maya handed him her wallet. “All my info is in there on a card. I’ll try not to start without you.” She offered him a weak smile. “But hurry.”

  Levi nodded. The soldier in him took over. He hurried to the first floor to the registration desk. He read off her information like he was orchestrating planes through the sky. Thank God she’d given the hospital written permission for him to sign her in. He filled out form after form, inputting information over and over. Christ. How many pieces of paper were there? Wasn’t this country supposed to be going paperless?

  “Okay, Mr. Court, you’re set. Here’s your band.” The receptionist wrapped a wristband around his wrist, then pointed to the main bank of elevators. “You know where the birthing floor is?”

  “I do.” He didn’t give her a chance to say anything else before he sprinted to the stairs. No way in hell he’d miss the most special moment of his life. Common sense told him Maya would never have the baby in a matter of forty-five minutes. Babies sometimes took their sweet time. Still, he offered up a small prayer.

  “Dear Lord, let me get there in time to meet the child I’m going to love like my own.” He burst through the main doors to the birthing floor. “I’m here to see Maya McCombs. Tell me I’m not late.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Maya gritted her teeth. No time for an epidural! What the hell? She gripped the arms of the maternity bed and groaned. She’d never felt pain so bad in her entire life.

  “Don’t push, honey, but breathe,” Molly said. She wiped the sweat off Maya’s forehead. “You’re doing fine.”

  Don’t push. Maya continued the breathing exercises, but whispered a curse. Where the hell was Levi? Another wave of pain hit and she doubled over as much as possible. Damn Nicky for doing this to her. Where the hell was he? Probably in a hot tub with four hotties. She wished his junk would shrivel up and fall off in the scalding water.

  Clad in scrubs and wearing a mask, another figure was herded into the room. She knew that walk. Levi. Thank God. Maya reached for his hand.

  “I’m here for you, babe.” He squeezed her fingers. “Always.”

  The pain hit hard and she dug her nails into his palm. She tried to remember the breathing exercises, but damn. The harder she concentrated, the more she swore her body would rip in half. Molly dotted Maya’s forehead with a rag.

  “There’s the head,” her doctor said in a calm tone. “You’re doing well. We need one more good push.”

  “I can’t,” Maya wailed. She didn’t have another ounce of strength left in her body. She’d never be able to do this. She gritted her teeth. “I hate you, Nicky, and I want you to rot in hell.” With all her might, she pushed. “Oh. My. God.” She clenched her eyes shut. If her lousy ex couldn’t take responsibility for the child, the least he could do was disappear into a mammoth hole in the ground. The pressure in her lower torso swelled, then released.

  “It’s a girl.”

  Maya opened her eyes. She wasn’t sure who spoke, but she knew what they said. Molly draped the baby across Maya’s chest, then covered them both with a sheet.

  “You make pretty babies,” Levi said. He kissed Maya on the temple, then trailed his fingers over the little girl’s peach fuzz head. “Really pretty.”

  “You take some of the credit. We’re a family.” She rubbed her nose along the baby’s forehead. “I’m your mommy and this is your daddy.”

  “Maya?” Levi gripped the rail along the side of the birthing bed. “Are you sure?”

  “Let’s clean her off and run the tests while we get you settled
in your room.” Molly wrapped a new wristband around Maya’s wrist, then added one around the child’s ankle. “There. Daddy?” She secured a third band around Levi’s wrist. “Now no one can remove the baby from this floor without you or the father’s approval.”

  Reality sank in as Molly wheeled Maya to a recovery room. Maya blinked back tears. She had a baby. She’d done it, and now she had the love of her life by her side and the job of her dreams. She’d have to marry Levi—not that marrying him would be a hardship. She couldn’t wait to be his wife. But so many changes in less than a year...she wouldn’t change a moment.

  Five minutes later, Levi knocked on her door. He held a pink teddy bear and a bouquet of pink roses. “Would you like some company?”

  “You know I would.” She smiled and sagged against the sheets. Damn, having a baby took the strength right out of a person. “Come here.”

  He crossed the expanse to her and settled on the armchair beside her. “You’re a brave solider,” he said and kissed her. “Brave under fire.” He handed her the flowers. “These are for you and the bear is for the peanut. Thought of a good name for her?”

  “I don’t feel brave,” she murmured. “I was scared.”

  “Fear is healthy. Coming to Ohio was scary as fuck, but I’m glad I did. Brought me to you.”

  “I love you, too.” Maya breathed in the sweet scent of the flowers. “I’ve got a couple of ideas for her. What is your mother’s name?”

  “Jill...well, Jillian.” The tips of his ears burned. “Why?”

  Molly knocked on the door. “Hey, you two. You’ve got a visitor. Are you ready?”

  Levi brushed a lock of her damp hair from her forehead. “The kid is lucky to have you.”

  “And you, too.” She folded her hands. “I’ve decided on the baby’s name. Grace Jillian McCombs. When Molly brings her back, that’s what’s going on the birth certificate. I don’t have to list him, and if he’s not going to stick around, I don’t see the need. I’ll show her pictures and won’t keep her from him, but this is the best option.” Her heart lightened as she voiced her decision. Things with Nicky were all out of whack, and she couldn’t count on him for anything, but she wouldn’t have to go it alone. She had Levi and Grace, as well as her sisters. Life couldn’t be better.


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