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Brock Page 11

by Shameek Speight

  “Ahhhh! God no, no! Help me, help me!” Trevor hollered in excruciating pain as he continued to pound on Brock’s head to get him to stop.

  Grrrr! Brock growled while snarling and continued to devour what was left of Trevor’s stomach.

  Trevor’s body went into convulsions from the pain and loss of blood. He flip flopped around on the floor like a fish out of water. Brock could care less he hadn’t eaten in seven days. If Trevor never entered the condo, Natalie would have been his meal as the pain of being hungry was getting the best of him. Trevor was a full blown feast of thick succulent juicy meat. Trevor’s body finally came to a stop when the convulsions stopped and he regained consciousness to only lift his head to see Brock tearing into his right thigh.

  “Ugh! Ahhhh!” he screamed weakly as Brock snagged a piece of his thigh away. Trevor turned his head and looked at Natalie in the corner crying hysterically as she watched Brock turn her husband into lunch.

  “You killed me! You killed me!” Trevor mumbled as he coughed up blood and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he exhaled his last breath as he died.

  “Noooo!” Natalie let out a piercing scream that made Brock stop eating and stare at her.

  His mouth and teeth were covered in blood. He growled and snarled at her, but it didn’t stop Natalie’s tears from falling. She sunk to the floor with her back against the wall. She turned her head as Brock went back to devouring Trevor ripping his right leg away from his body, then lay down snacking on it.

  “Noooo! God no! Why? Why? Why?” Natalie screamed while crying hysterically and buried her face in the palm of her hands. The world as she knew it was now over.

  Chapter 16

  Natalie had finally stopped crying after three days. Brock had refused to let her leave the living room corner to even wash up or pee, like he normally does. She was forced to urinate in the corner on the floor where she slept at. She looked over at what was left of Trevor’s body. Brock had ripped both of his arms and ate all the meat off them.

  He stood up and faced Natalie. Natalie knew he could only want two things; water or to be inside her. She slowly eased off the floor and grabbed the chrome metal bowl. She walked nervously into the kitchen and turned on the cold water in the sink while staring at the knives in the holster.

  ‘I should just grab one of those really fast and slit my wrist. I have nothing more to live for. My family disowned me the day I married Trevor. Now, my husband is dead and what’s left of him is what Brocks been eating every day. If I kill myself, that dog from hell won’t be able to get inside me no more. He won’t have anyone to give him his water. He’ll die in here by himself, wouldn’t he? Or will he just eat my body to help him survive longer? What am I supposed to do?’

  I just stood there frozen like a deer staring in headlights while Brock killed the only person I loved, ‘I’m so weak,’ Natalie thought to herself as the sound of Brock’s growling from getting impatient with her sent chills through her body.

  She quickly walked back over to him, but not before staring at the knives one last time as she placed the chrome bowl in front of him and swiftly ran to her corner of the living room. She squealed with disgust as she stepped in a big pile of shit with her bare feet. Brock lapped up the water with his long tongue.

  After he had his fill, he stared at Natalie and began to growl at her, while snarling, showing his long shape razor teeth.

  Natalie couldn’t fight back the tears any longer as they streamed down her face as she got on her hands and knees knowing what Brock wanted. He mounted on top of her as his heavy body made her hands and knees buckle. He outweighed her by a hundred pounds.

  She had lost weight from the lack of not eating in days. She held in her screams as Brock entered her vagina and began to thrust in and out of her at rapid speed.

  “God why, why Lord?” she mumbled as her tears dripped down onto her hands.

  Ten minutes later, Brock stroked very slowly as he released inside her and eased out of her. He walked back over to the couch and laid down closing his eyes. Natalie curled up on the floor and cried herself to sleep.

  “Ugh! Damn it, this is the second time this morning,” Felicia said out loud to herself as she stood bent over the toilet vomiting the eggs and cheese sandwich she just ate for breakfast. She wiped the left over vomit off her mouth and stood up straight, “I hate this fucking feeling, but I know it could only mean one thing. My meal ticket has finally come through,” she said out loud.

  She walked over to the bathroom sink and turned on the cold water and placed her hands under it washing away the vomit. She then used her right hand to scoop up some water and rinse out her mouth spitting the water out into the sink.

  She opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror and grabbed an EPT pregnancy test. She pulled it out of the box and sat on the toilet and peed on the stick. She pulls the stick from up under her, a huge smile spreads across her face as she read the plus sign, letting her know she was in fact pregnant, “Yes!” she shouted in excitement and quickly wiped herself and pulled up her gray sweatpants and ran out of the bathroom.

  “This fool thinks he can stay with me for over a month and just up and disappear, hell no!” Felicia said out loud as she exits her condo with the EPT pregnancy test in her hand.

  She got on the elevator and rode it to the third floor. She stomped the whole way to Trevor and Natalie’s condo door, “This motherfucker thinks he can fuck me any time he wants to and just leave me with a wet pussy, hell no. I don’t care if he went back to his damn boney ass wife. I don’t think so. He can keep her, but he’s going to be sending me half of his pay checks, if he likes it or not. Child support with the right man is a woman’s goldmine and ATM machine. I’m going to get mines, one way or another,” Felicia said out loud hyping herself up even more as she pounded on the door with a closed fist.

  “Oh, don’t act like you’re not home Trevor, I see your car! It’s only one p.m., I know your schedule. You don’t have to be to work until six p.m. and that loser of a wife of yours never leaves the house. It’s time she knows about us. I’m shocked her slow ass didn’t put the pieces together a long time ago!” Felicia screamed and became even more frustrated when she didn’t get a response at the door.

  She placed her right hand on her hips while tapping her feet, ‘I’m not going anywhere until we get all this shit straightened out. DNA tests can be run and all, but this motherfucker will be paying me every month,’ she thought to herself.

  Something told her to twist the door knob. When she did the door opened right up, “Hello, Trevor!” she said as she peep her head inside the condo and a foul odor hit her nose.

  She twists up her face in disgust as she inhaled the smell of feces, urine, and a smell of something rotten. Everything in her body told her to shut the door and turn around and go home, but curiosity was killing her.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” she said out loud to herself as she entered the condo and shuts the door.

  The sun shined brightly through the large glass living room windows. She waited for her eyes to adjust before stepping deeper inside.

  As she walked, she found herself stepping over large piles of shit, “What the fuck?” she said when she saw what looked like Trevor lying on the floor in front of the white leather couch.

  As she got closer, she stopped and screamed at the sight before her, “Ahhhh! Holy shit! Holy shit, what the hell going on?” she said then covered her mouth with her hands as she stared at the carpet soaked in blood and what was left of Trevor’s face, that had been completely chewed up.

  All the flesh on it was now gone and his stomach ripped up to shreds. Both of his arms were missing and so was his thigh.

  “Oh my God, what in the fuck did I walk in to!” Felicia’s eyes opened even wider as she spotted Natalie naked covered in blood with her arms wrapped around her body as she rocked back and forth sitting in the corner. Their eyes locked on to each other.

  “Shhhh, quiet, you’re
going to wake him up! Quick, leave and go get help, please,” Natalie said with tears in her eyes.

  Felicia’s facial expression twists up as she looked at Natalie as if she was insane and had lost all her marbles. Felicia’s mind started to race, ‘This crazy heifer must have killed him when he told her about us. She ruined everything,’ she thought to herself.

  “Bitch, you killed him! You done ruined everything! Fucked up my whole plan! What gives you the right to take money out of my pocket and food out my mouth! I’ll help you alright! I’m calling the police!” Felicia shouted then dug in her sweat pant pocket and realized she had forgotten her cell phone.

  “Shhhh, you’re going to wake him up! It’s not what you think!” Natalie said with a gruntled look on her face, “Please, go get help!” she tried to whisper, but then realized it was too late.

  Just as Felicia was about to shout at her again, her heart stopped and skipped a beat from the sound of growling. Her loud voice had woken Brock who was in a deep sleep behind the couch and couldn’t be seen right away.

  Brock rose and stood on all four legs glaring at Felicia. Fear consumed her body and she lost control of her bowels and urinates on herself. Urine ran down her leg and soaked up her gray sweat pants as she stared back at Brock, who came up to her breasts and looked about the size of a baby horse. His gray fur was covered in blood and so were his sharp razor teeth. His gray greenish eyes seemed to stare right through her as if it was burning a hole into her soul. It all started to become clear to her now.

  It wasn’t Natalie who killed Trevor, but the dog. Her heart raced feeling like it was about to pound out of her chest. She back pedaled slowly as her whole body trembled in fear. Felicia quickly turned around and took off running while screaming, “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!”

  Grrrr! Brock growled while snarling showing his razor sharp teeth. Brock stepped up on to the couch and leaped up into the air and landed on Felicia’s back. His heavy weight knocked her forward to the ground also knocking the wind out of her.

  When Felicia caught her breath, she let out a piercing scream as Brock stood on her back. His weight felt like it was going to crush her spinal cord. She hollered as Brock snarled and growled while on top of her as drool dripped from his mouth on to the back of her knee. She felt Brock ease off her back, and then his teeth locked into her neck.

  “Ahhhh! What the fuck? Ahhhh!” she screamed in pain and fear as Brock dragged her away from the front door back into the living room.

  She was dragged through a few piles of shit and pieces of flesh that flew in her mouth. She kicked backwards with her left leg wildly panicking and spitting out the feces, “Help! Help Me! Someone please help me!” she screamed as Brock dragged her passed what was left of Trevor’s body. She tried to flip over to get a better look at Brock in hopes of punching him in the eye, but had no luck as Brock’s teeth sunk deeper into her neck and his mighty jaws locked. He shook her side to side across the living room floor as if she was as light as a feather.

  “Ahhhh! Oh God! Oh shit stop, stop please! Please, someone help me! Ahhhh help!” Felicia screamed in pain mixed with fear.

  Her heart was pounding and throat was becoming sore from screaming at the top of her lungs. Brock tossed her from side to side while ripping her sweat pants to shreds and tearing into her legs leaving deep teeth marks all over her.

  “Help me! Someone please help me!” Felicia wiggled and squirmed to get Brock to release his grip.

  Felicia lay on her stomach breathing hard and out of breath praying if she stayed still he wouldn’t attack her any more. Her heart pounds even faster as she felt Brock stand directly over her, “Oh no, oh God no!” Felicia said with her facial expression balled up in pain as she looked toward Natalie curled up in the corner crying, “Help me please!” Felicia cried out as she felt Brock’s hot breath on the back of her neck. Then, something hard and stiff pressed on her butt cheeks. She had felt that feeling many times before during her life and knew it was a hard penis, but this one didn’t feel right. It was thicker and larger than any mans she had been with before. Fear consumed her body and realized her sweat pants and thong had been completely ripped off to shreds.

  “Oh God, oh God, what the fuck is going on in here?” she screamed and started to crawl away towards the front door. She lets out a piercing scream as Brock sunk his teeth in her shoulder by her neck and dragged her backwards, “Ahhhh!” Felicia hollered and screamed, but was unable to move or put up a fight as Brock control her whole body, “Help, help me! Somebody please help me!” she cried out and then felt Brock’s heavy body weight collapse on top of her knocking the wind out of her lungs.

  What happens next she wouldn’t have believed even if she saw it with her own eyes, the fact it was now happening to her she had no choice, but to. Her eyes opened wide in horror as she felt Brock’s stiff, thick long dick try to force its way in her vagina, “No, no, no! Hell fucking no! This ain’t happening. I’m not about to get raped by an oversized dog!” she shouted as she wiggled and squirmed trying to break free from up under Brock’s heavy weight.

  His teeth locked in her shoulder and neck, but it went in vain. She clenched her butt cheeks squeezing them tightly together preventing Brock’s penis access to her vagina, “No! You’re not getting inside me, I don’t care! You’re going to have to kill me first, fuck that!” Felicia screamed.

  She hollered in excruciating pain when Brock sunk his teeth deeper inside her, “Ahhhh! Oh God no! Ahhhh! Stop, stop!”

  The harder he bit her the harder it was for her to concentrate on keeping her butt cheeks clenched together. They started to slowly relax and open. Her eyes opened up wide as she screamed for her life. In one swift move, Brock had squatted down and slid his thick, long pink dick inside her and was working himself in and out of her with long slow strokes, then starts to speed up.

  “Ahhhh! This can’t be happening! No! Help! Help someone, please help me! Oh God! Oh God! Ahhhh!” she hollered as Brock’s teeth sunk deeper into her causing her to arch her lower back putting her ass higher in the air.

  Brock pushed his dick deeper inside her with every thrust. Felicia cried hysterically and tears streamed down her cheeks. Her pussy lips swelled up from the pain. Brock’s penis was bigger, fatter, and longer than anything she ever had inside her. His dick stretched and ripped her walls and inside her vagina. Between that and his teeth still sunk deep in her shoulders, the pain was unbearable.

  “God, Lord Noooo!” she let out a piercing scream as Brock pumped and pounded away even faster and she passed out losing consciousness from the pain, but could still feel Brock deep inside as warm, thick semen splashed all in her womb.

  Chapter 17

  Felicia screamed and groaned in pain as she slightly opened her eyes. She had no idea how long she was unconscious for, but the living room was completely dark. She prayed everything that had occurred was just a nightmare, but the soreness from her body lets her know otherwise. She blinked her eyes a few times until objects in the darkened room were able to be seen. She slowly eased her body up off the floor while sitting straight up. The sound of chewing and meat being ripped away from something caught her attention in the dark. She could see huge gray greenish eyes glowing a few feet away from her in the dark. Her eyes adjusted even more and could see the monster sized dog ripping in what was left of Trevor’s stomach swallowing large chunks of rotten flesh. Felicia opened her mouth wide opened and let out a horrifying scream. Her heart raced as she felt a hand wrap around her mouth.

  “Shhhh, don’t scream. You’re only making him angry, and he’ll come attack us or worse rape us again. He’s calm when he’s eating. Once his stomach is full, he’ll go straight to sleep hopefully for the whole night,” Felicia heard a voice say and turned her head to see Natalie squatting down right next to her.

  She had forgotten all about her. Natalie slowly removed her hand from Felicia’s mouth, “What? What the fuck is going on here?” Felicia said in a whisper.

  “I re
ally don’t know and wouldn’t have believed this had happened,” Natalie said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Felicia stared at her. She was naked, dirty, and smelled like wet dog as if she hadn’t bathed in days, “We’re being raped by a damn over sized dog and he made a meal out of my man. I mean your husband,” Felicia replied.

  Natalie stopped crying and stared at her. “So, you’re the one this the whole time. He didn’t even cheat on me with someone from a different neighborhood. He had to fuck someone in our own building,” Natalie said while shaking her head in disbelief.

  “Ummmm now isn’t the time for us to get into all of that. We need to figure out how we’re going to get away from here,” Felicia replied.

  “There’s no escaping here, Brock hears everything even when he’s asleep. I have been trapped in my own condo for three and a half weeks praying someone would hear my cries for help. After he killed Trevor, I was hoping the smell of his rotting body would cause someone to investigate,” Natalie said.

  “What? You been in here that long, letting that huge dog rape you? Hell fucking no! He raped me once, but I refuse to let a dog take my goods again. There’s got to be a way out. You lost your damn mind,” Felicia said.

  Natalie replied with an attitude, “Shhhh, keep your voice down! You can say what you want, but there’s no way for us to get out of her without killing ourselves or him killing us. Brock is bigger and faster than us. You can put up all the fight you want, but no matter what, he’s going to take what he wants from you,” Natalie replied meaning every word.


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