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Brock Page 13

by Shameek Speight

Brock locked down on Mr. Yang’s leg and dragged him towards the roof door with the thought of bringing him back to the condo and snacking on him for days at a time. While Mr. Yang was being dragged, he looked at his wife’s dead body and tears watered up in his eyes. He noticed Natalie standing naked holding herself as she trembled on the far end of the roof on the other side of the pool.

  “Help me! Help me get your damn dog! Noooo! Don’t let him take me!” Mr. Yang hollered as Brock pulled him towards the staircase.

  Mr. Yang grabbed onto the door frame holding on to it for dear life as Brock tugged on his leg, “Help! Help me! Help me, please! Oh God!” Mr. Yang hollered as Brock tugged away. Mr. Yang’s eyes focused on Natalie as his eyes pleaded for her to do something, anything to help him escape Brock’s grip. A ripping sound drowned out Mr. Yang’s scream as Brock tore away the lower half of his calf and ankle from his body sending blood squirting out everywhere. Mr. Yang hollered while still holding onto the door frame for dear life.

  “Help me! Fucking help me! Don’t just stand there!” Mr. Yang screamed as his strength was giving way on him. Mr. Yang screamed as he lost his grip and his fingers slipped. He felt every bump as Brock dragged him down two flights of stairs, through another door, and down the hallway.

  Mr. Yang wiggled and squirmed trying to break free. He caught a glance of Felicia’s shredded body in the elevator and panicked even more.

  “Help! Noooo! Someone help me! God no! My wife! You fucking animal you killed my wife,” Mr. Yang screamed as tears stream down his cheeks onto the blood smeared floor.

  Brock pulls him inside the condo. Mr. Yang turned around onto his back and sat up and began punching Brock with jabs and uppercuts to Brock’s body. Mr. Yang screamed in excruciating pain as Brock locked onto his right hand and ripped it off with ease swallowing it in two bites. Mr. Yang’s body shook as he fell to the floor blood oozed out of him and he lost consciousness.

  “My wife, my wife, I love you….,” were the last words he mumbled as tears escaped the corner of his eyes and soaked into the filthy white carpet mixed with blood and urine.

  Natalie’s heart continued to pound not knowing what to do as she stared at the only exit of the dark staircase. She nervously walked over to Mr. Yang’s pants and dug around and pulls out his cell phone and dials 911 while standing back up and walking towards the staircase.

  “Hello, this is 911. State your emergency,” an operator on the phone said.

  “Hi, I’m Natalie Braster. I’m stuck on the roof of my condo building. My dog has killed my husband, a lady in the elevator, and also two people on the roof and has been raping me. Please help! I don’t know how much longer before he comes back for me,” Natalie said.

  “Miss, is this some kind of joke?” the operator said, “Calling 911 is for emergencies. We don’t have time for games. Dogs do not rape people. You’re wasting valuable time that can be used for someone else that is in real need.”

  “No, please send help. I’m not lying people are dead,” Natalie said then stopped talking as she heard a low growling sound. She squint her eyes staring hard at the dark staircase and could see a pair of large, gray greenish eyes staring back at her, “Ahhhh! He’s here! He’s here!” Natalie screams in the phone.

  “Whose there, miss, who?” the operator asks but gets no answer.

  Natalie had dropped the phone and took off running. She looked back behind her to see Brock coming at full speed. Not knowing where to run and nowhere else to go, Natalie leaped up in to the air and dove face first in to the six foot pool.

  Brock stepped at the edge of the pool and begins to bark wildly while snarling. His anger rose from not being able to reach her. He paced around the pool staring at her as if she was his next meal. ‘Why hasn’t he jumped in after me?’ Natalie thought to herself while keeping her eyes on him as he paced back and forth around the pool. ‘Wait! He’s scared of the water and must not be able to swim,’ Natalie said out loud as a smile spread across her face as she inhaled filling her lungs up with air. She went under the water. She swam around scanning the pool for what she was searching for. She located and grabbed it and stood up under the water.

  Arrrr! Arrrr! Arrrr! Brock broke out of control from being unable to see her. He started to make a whimpering sound as he became more frustrated. He looked hard into the water and still couldn’t see her. He put his right paw into the water and quickly snatched it back, then stuck his leg back in the water. He let out a loud yelp, Arrrr!

  Natalie popped up out of the water and grabbed his leg and pulled. Brock was completely off guard as Natalie pulled him into the pool. He panicked as he tried to doggy paddle and get out of the water.

  “Where the hell you think you’re going?” Natalie said as she gripped what was left of Mrs. Yang’s head and swung it repeatedly hitting Brock over the head. “Arrrr! Arrrr! Brock hollered in pain as his head split open leaking blood into the pool as he tried to doggy paddle away, but his massive body weight slowed him down. He snapped at Natalie, but couldn’t put up a good fight.

  “You fucking beast. I fed you, loved you and took care of you. What do you do in return? Rape me and kill the only man I loved! I’ll fucking kill you! I’ll kill you, you stupid dog!” Natalie shouted in a rage as she spit out some of the water she swallowed. She dropped what was left of Mrs. Yang’s head after hitting Brock with it three more times. Brock panicked and cried out loud as he tried hard to doggy paddle to the edge of the pool.

  “Oh, where the hell you think you’re going?” Natalie screamed as she pulled him back by his hind legs. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his thick neck choking him with all her might. She inhaled all the air she could fill her lungs with and pulled him under the water with her. Brock panicked squirming and trying to break free. Natalie held on for dear life as flashbacks of him raping her played over and over in her mind. Brock struggled and continued to try to break loose of her grip, but it was too late. His lungs filled with water. His body got weak. Natalie could feel his heart beat slowing down through the veins in his neck. Brock stopped kicking and struggling as Natalie pulled him all the way to the bottom of the six foot pool. She held him there until her lungs felt as if they were about to explode from lack of oxygen. She released her grip on Brock and watched his body float lifelessly. She swam to the top gasping for air. She crawled out of the pool breathing hard and lay on her back, “It’s over! It’s over! Thank God! Thank you, God,” she said out loud.

  She eased up off the ground and looked at Brock’s lifeless body floating around at the bottom of the pool one more time. She walked over to where the Mrs. Yang’s clothes were at. She picked up Mrs. Yang’s royal blue blazer jacket and covered her naked body. Tears of relief streamed down her face as she limped towards the staircase. Her body was beyond beat up from the abuse she suffered through the past few weeks as well as not eating. As she limped down all two flights of stairs, Natalie sighs in relief as she seen the double glass front door to the lobby exit, “Thank you, God,” she said out loud as she walked towards it and a smile spread across her face.

  Grrrr! Grrrrr! A low growling sound mixed with the sound of water dripping on the marble lobby floor made her stop in her tracks. Her heart raced fast as her facial expression twists up as she fought back her tears. She slowly turned around on the heels of her feet to see Brock standing a few feet from her blood leaking from his forehead where she had attacked him. He snarled showing off his razor sharp teeth. Natalie saw nothing but rage in his eyes and knew there was no escaping this time.

  Raghhh! Raghhh! Brock barked and took off running toward her at top speed.

  “Noooo! God no! Noooo!” she screamed in a horrified tone.

  Brock leaps in the air with his mouth wide open ready to lock on to her face. Natalie planted her feet, “I’m not running no more, never again will I fear you!” she shouted with tears in her voice.

  As soon as Brock was in her arms reach, she grabbed him by his front leg using his own force and body weight
. She turned him around in a blink of an eye pushing him with all her might in the double glass lobby doors. Glass shattered into pieces cutting up his back and her hands and face. Two long pieces of broken glass entered Brock’s rib cage piercing it and it traveled straight through his body and entered Natalie’s.

  “Ugh! Ahhhh!” she gasped for air as she fell to the hard concrete sidewalk. Brock landed a few inches from her. “AHH!” she hollered in pain as she dug in her open cut and pulled out the piece of broken glass tossing it to the side blood gushed out of her stomach. She started feeling weak and fought to keep her eyes open.

  The sound of sirens coming toward her direction gave her hope. She looked to see Brock covered in cut marks and pieces of glass stuck in his rib cage. Arrrr! Arrrr! He whimpered and cried out in pain as his body twitched and blood poured out of his open wounds. Natalie coughed and spit up blood. She watched Brock as he stopped moving, “I got you motherfucker. I finally got you,” she mumbled as she lost consciousness.

  “Miss, Miss, what’s your name?” Natalie heard a voice say repeatedly. She opened her eyes to see a police officer in a blue uniform squatting down in front of her with a flashlight in his right hand. His left hand was in his pocket. Natalie weakly opened her eyes.

  “Oh my God, Miss just hold on the ambulance is coming around the block now! Don’t close your eyes try to stay awake. There’s no telling what will happen if you close your eyes again, but I need you to tell me who did this to you. Was it your husband, a boyfriend or a stranger?” the police officer asked while looking at her badly abused body. Even knowing how badly cut she was by the glass lobby doors, he knew all her marks hadn’t come from just that. She smelled bad and looked like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

  As Natalie parted her lips, he could see dry white spit holding them together, “It…it was my dog!” Natalie replied weakly and in a very light tone.

  “What? Please say it again. I couldn’t hear you, Miss,” the police officer replied.

  Natalie exhaled as it hurt her to breath. ‘Ugh, all I want to do is close my eyes and go to sleep. I feel so tired and for once I don’t feel any pain. No! I must stay up,’ she thought to herself.

  As she opened her mouth so she could speak again, she swallowed some of her saliva. Her throat was dry and itchy, “It was my dog,” she said once more while pointing.

  The police officer looked to where she was pointing. He couldn’t believe a dog could cause this must damage, “Ummmm, Miss what dog?” he asked.

  “My dog Brock, Brock did this,” Natalie replied while still pointing.

  “Miss, there’s no dog over there. What are you talking about?” the police officer responded.

  Natalie had a confused look on her face as she lifts her head up and tilts it to the side. She looked past the police officer to where Brock was laying, but Brock wasn’t there just a pond of blood stained concrete.

  “Noooooo! Noooooo! Brock! Brock! Noooooo!” Natalie screamed at the top of her lungs knowing Brock was still alive somewhere.

  Beastiality 2

  The man with the scar on his face inhaled smoke from his cigarette mixed with crack and exhaled. He drove his black car cruising down the street and the speeding cop cars were heading to where he just left. He looked in the rearview mirror and stared at Lawanna tied up with a thick brown rope wrapped around her body. Her pregnant stomach looked about the size of two basketballs. He then looked next to her and stared at the over sized large freakishly looking dog and a smile spread across his face as the dog stared back at him. He was badly hurt with blood leaking from the wounds from his rib cage where Black Ice had pulled the glass from. At that moment, Brock was like a puppy all over again and wagged his tail as Black Ice had tended to his wounds.

  “It was a good thing I was driving by after I picked up this bitch and seen you. I watched the whole thing and how you attacked that woman. I think you’d be a perfect pet to add to my collection,” Black Ice said in a sinister tone then busts out laughing, “Hahahaha!” his laughter sent chills down Brock’s spine as he sensed pure evil in him.

  “Ugh!” Natalie gasped for air as she popped up from lying in bed. She scanned the room looking for any sign of Brock as her heart raced in fear. It took her a few seconds to calm down and regain her memory. As she realizes she wasn’t home, but in a hospital. The walls were painted sky blue. She looked down to see an IV in her hand and that she was dressed in a white gown with blue polka dots. As she exhaled and inhaled, she felt as if she was breathing funny and starts gagging. She reached for her nose and felt a long thin tube jammed deep inside.

  For the first time, she could feel the tube travel through her nose and down her throat, “Ugh!” she groaned in pain while gasping for air and gagging while pulling it out. Natalie wasted no time to get out of the hospital bed. Her legs buckled a little, but she caught her balance. She walked to the door, opened it, and walked out. The hospital hallway was packed with nurses.

  A young, Caucasian nurse noticed Natalie walk down the hallway and ran up to her, “Miss! Please get back in your bed until the doctor checks you out. You were badly hurt and asleep for three days. Police officers have questions about what had taken place in your condo building,” the nurse stated.

  Natalie paid her no mind. Her eyes had a dark look in them as she walked, “I have no time to rest. I have to find him and kill him. He’s still out there, I know it,” Natalie replied talking to herself, not the nurse.

  “Who’s still out there, Miss? Who are you going to kill? Oh my God!” the nurse responded in shock as Natalie walked towards the front double glass doors of the hospital exit.

  Natalie stopped and turned around and said one name before she disappeared out in the Los Angeles streets, “Brock!”










  NOVEL by Maxine King



  NOVELS by Shameek A. Speight






  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Beastiality 2

  Other books




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