Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4)

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Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4) Page 5

by Janet Lane-Walters

  “You will,” Allie said. “She lives at the apartments.”

  After finishing the almond flavored Crème Brûlée they went to the car. At the apartment Allie got out while Cassie parked. When she reached the foyer Allie waited.

  “Come in for coffee. I have some questions.” Allie winked. “Also some info on my brother.”

  “I can’t stay long. Tomorrow’s my day to make early rounds at the hospital.”

  “Matt said you’re a cardiologist. You must know a lot about mending hearts.”

  Cassie laughed. “As long as they belong to patients and they have a condition I can treat.”

  “Maybe you can fix Matt’s.”

  “Not unless he calls.”

  Allie opened the door of the ground floor apartment. “He forgot to ask for your number.”

  Cassie shook her head. So had she. Did that mean she should call him? She decided to wait a day or two especially since her sister knew where she lived.

  Over coffee laced with chocolate liquor Allie weaseled a bit of the story of the dramatic weekend, especially the bit about Tim’s actions.

  “Are you looking for revenge?”

  Cassie shook her head. “His marriage to Rhonda and having to wait to be named a partner are revenge enough.” She rose. “This has been fun but six AM comes early.”

  “Are you free tomorrow evening?”

  “On call and I never know when I’ll have to leave.”


  “Can do. I’m off on Friday.” She looked away so Allie wouldn’t see her expression. Hurt and anger collided. Friday was the day she would have been preparing for Saturday’s wedding.

  “Come by at six thirty for drinks. I’ll invite Matt.”

  “Sounds good.” Cassie carried her purchases to the elevator. She liked Allie. Would the friendship last when the fling with Matt ended?

  * * *

  On Wednesday morning Matt dialed Jules’ number. The investigator’s secretary answered and sent the call to his friend. Matt drew a deep breath. “Any news about where Cassandra Moore can be found?”

  Jules cleared his throat. “You said you knew where to find her so I stopped looking. You’ll have to wait until her mother arrives. I have pending matters for your dad.”

  “That will be too late.”

  “Didn’t think there was a rush on buying that house.”

  Matt groaned. He wasn’t about to admit his forgetfulness. “I want to sign with the contractor. He’s antsy. I worry he’ll be booked and the project will fizzle.”

  Jules hummed. “What happened on Monday?”

  “She wasn’t where I left her. That was upstate. She was staying at a borrowed cabin. Here’s the location." He gave the route numbers and the town. “If you can locate the owner he can tell you where she is.”

  Jules chuckled. “Hopefully I’ll have something for you on Friday. I have some new hires to vet.”

  Matt paced behind the desk. “Sooner if possible.” He disconnected. Though he wanted the house he wanted Cassie more. One night hadn’t been enough. If he found her would she be glad to see him? He’d promised to call. He’d told her to save Saturday night for him.

  Moments later his secretary delivered the proofs for the November issue of Good Livin’. He pushed his worries aside and concentrated on the pages.

  Just as he finished Allie burst into his office. Her expression warned him she had another of her matchmaking schemes under way.

  “I don’t want to be fixed up with any of your friends.”

  She stood with her hands on her hips. “Are you sure?”


  “Shame. She’s beautiful and just might be your type. We invited her for drinks Thursday evening. Come and stay over. Meg has a guest room.”

  He shook his head. “Not interested.”

  “Really. You should have seen what she bought at Peek-A-Boo. Lots of greens like her eyes and colors to go with her auburn hair.”

  Matt groaned. What trick was she planning? How completely had he described Cassie to her? “Just what are you planning?”

  “A reunion. I found her.”


  “Cassie Moore. She lives in the same building as Greg and I.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “What’s her number? I need to talk to her about the Smiton property.”

  Allie turned to the door. “Is that the only reason?”

  “What else could there be.” She poked a finger in his chest. “She’s great. Maybe I’ll invite Jules and Tony.”

  “Do what you want.” He hoped he showed disinterest. “Give me her phone number. Maybe I can settle the house sale and avoid drinks.”

  “Her number’s unlisted.”

  He glared. “Thursday, I’ll be there.”

  “Just remember no business discussions.”

  “What time?”

  “Six thirty.”

  She stepped into the hall. “You’re next.”

  Matt closed his office door. His grin broadened. He would see Cassie and they would laugh about his forgetfulness. Then they would go to her apartment, spend the night and make love. His imagination spawned a dozen fantasies. Desire filled him. Not now. Not here.

  Was there a way to discover her number? Talking to her might give him a way to ease his frustration. He dialed Jules cell but was directed to leave a message.

  His phone rang. The caller wasn’t Jules but the contractor. “Robert, what’s up?”

  “Just wondering what you’ve learned about the Smiton house. I’ve had feelers about other jobs.”

  “I figure we can start with the inside improvements by late November. Not that long to wait.”


  Before hanging up they discussed what they needed to do.

  When the call was completed Matt called Jules’ office. The secretary reported her boss was out of touch until the weekend. Matt’s excitement fizzled.

  “Have him call me if he checks in.”

  “Will do.”

  Matt leaned back in his chair. He would see Cassie tomorrow. Tonight he would pack for the overnight stay. He needed to replace the red bikini he’d ruined but he wanted to shop at the store his sisters had mentioned.

  He pushed the chair to the desk and reviewed the assignments for the remaining winter and spring issues. Then he worked through a tack of freelance articles and selected several he might use. Thursday evening would come soon. So would he, again and again. He cleared his inbox and desk by noon. He left the office, checked his duffle and started the car. He beat rush hour traffic across the bridge. At the Peek-A-Boo Boutique he glanced in the window and saw several women clustered near the counter. No way would he face a mob scene so he drove to the apartment complex and parked in one of the visitor’s slots. He strode to the foyer and waited for the doorman to let him inside.

  At Allie’s, Greg opened the door. “You’re early. Eager to meet our new neighbor. Though you didn’t like being set up.”

  Matt scowled. “You’ve got that bit, I know her. She has something I want.”

  Greg guffawed. “So that’s the way this falls.”

  “She owns a house I want to buy.”

  “Keep saying that. I know the signs. I’ve been there. Can’t fight the Blakefield Curse. Once Allie saw me being single was over for both of us. Once a Blakefield meets their true mate no other will do.”

  Matt turned away. Thinking about the curse always troubled him. He recalled his mother’s sadness. Not that his father had ever strayed once they were married. She had loved her husband completely but she had known though he cared for her he remained in love with his college sweetheart. Matt had no intention of causing the same sadness to himself or anyone.

  Greg walked to the kitchen. Matt followed and opened a beer. “Something smells good.”

  “Crab puffs and other appetizers.” He took a tray from the freezer and popped it into the oven. “Allie says you knew Cassie in high school. No wonder you’ve had a
hard time settling on a woman.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “Not the case. You and my sister are a matched set of bookends.”

  “I’ve no problem with that.”

  A short time later Allie arrived. She changed clothes and joined them in the kitchen. After plating the finger foods she popped them in the warming oven.

  The doorbell rang. Matt answered and let Meg and Steve in.”

  His sister grinned. “Allie told me.”

  “Really. She’s inventive. All we need is for Mark and Dad to arrive with their wives.”

  “Not happening. Dad’s watching Davy while Mark and Christa are honeymooning.” She grabbed Steve’s arm. “To the kitchen. Maybe we can help. Matt can play doorkeeper.”

  At six thirty the doorbell rang. Matt found Cassie waiting. She carried a bottle of white wine. “Where’s everyone?”

  “Kitchen.” He took the wine and clasped her hand. “We need to talk. I would have called but I didn’t have your number.”

  “I know. I should have called your office.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I met Allie.”

  The other four called greetings. When she started to respond Matt steered her through the living room and out the door to the patio.

  “You still could have called.”

  “I made the first move years ago. You know what happened.”

  He closed the door. “Result would have been different this time.” He tilted her chin. “I want to be with you for as long as the fire between us burns.” He covered her mouth with his and drove his tongue over her teeth. He cupped her rear and rocked her against him. “I want you.”

  “I can tell.”

  “Let’s go somewhere. I’ve a bag in the living room and supplies for the weekend.” He caressed her back.

  Cassie hit his shoulder. “I was invited for drinks and I will be a good guest. I’m not leaving yet.”

  “You were invited…” He pressed her hand against his fly. “Can you resist my offer?”

  “Yes.” She slipped free and went inside.

  For a moment Matt fought to regain his composure. Maybe caveman wouldn’t work.

  Allie and Meg pointed their fingers. “You’re next.”

  “Place no bets.” He picked up a beer and strode to the living room.

  Cassie sat on the couch and popped a crab puff into her mouth. “These are delicious.”

  Allie sat on the rug beside Meg. “A joint effort. Greg and I keep one shelf of the freezer filled with frozen snacks.”

  Greg and Steve raised their beer. “To a new friend.”

  Matt ate a dozen of the bite size snacks to feed his growing appetite for food. Conversation flowed around him. He glanced at the clock every few minutes. How long did Cassie plan to stay? One beer became two. He slid closer to her and touched her jean clad leg. Would she take the hint?

  At seven thirty Meg and Steve rose. “We’re in the city tonight.” She tossed Matt a key. “In case you plan to stay.”

  Cassie rose. “It’s been great getting to know you.”

  “We’ll see you soon,” Meg said.

  Matt sucked in a breath. When Cassis spoke to Allie and Greg he stood. He caught her hand. “Leaving?”


  “I’ll walk you home.”

  “No need. It’s just an elevator ride away.”

  He captured her gaze. “I want to.”

  She turned to Allie and Greg. “Thanks for the invite. I’ll have you up soon.”

  Allie pointed to her brother. “You okay with him tagging along.”


  “Matt, be good.”

  “I always am.”


  Greg laughed. “I hope you understand what’s happening.”

  Once outside the door Meg and Steve vanished. Meg turned. “Stop by over the weekend. We’re on the second floor.”

  “I’m on the sixth.” Cassie waved.

  Matt dropped his bag and pulled her into his arms. “Show me.”

  They rode the elevator to the sixth floor. He gripped the bag. If he touched her they would never enter her apartment without him making a foolish move. As she used her key to open the door he pressed against her. He closed the door with his foot and turned her to face him. “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I.” She pulled her sweater over her head.

  Matt kicked off his shoes and pulled his trousers off. He quickly sheathed himself, tore off his jacket and shirt. He lifted her and dove in. She fastened her legs around his waist. Her back pressed against the door.

  As the sudden and explosive climax slammed him he shouted her name. He sank to the cool tile floor of the foyer and framed her face with his hands. “Sorry for the rush.”

  “I’m not.” She brushed her lips over his.

  “We have all night.”

  She traced his mouth with a finger. “I have all weekend.”

  “Any requests.” He sealed her lips with his. Saturday would have been her wedding day.

  “None. This is better.” She gathered their scattered clothes.

  He stood behind her and cupped her breasts. The way they tightened brought a rush. “Want to go out for dinner?”

  “I’ve steaks in the freezer, potatoes to bake and salad fixings. We can grill on the balcony.”

  “Were you expecting me?”


  He snagged his trousers. “I won’t be long.”

  She turned and winked. “So I can see.”

  * * *

  Cassie drifted in a half-sleep. Matt held her against his chest. His even breathing and occasional snore told her he slept. What was she going to do? The moment she saw him at Allie’s told her she was in too deep. Her emotions had morphed from teenage crush to something deeper. She was falling in love with a man who had no intention of marrying her or any other woman. Strike two.

  When Matt walked away she would be completely crushed. She searched for a way to end this but as yet nothing occurred. She wanted a few more days to bask in the heat of his presence. She pressed her head against his chest and allowed the steady beat of his heart to lull her to sleep.

  Rays of sunshine filtered through the curtains. Cassie opened her eyes and found Matt staring at her.

  “You’re an early riser, too,” he said.

  Cassie giggled. “Not with as much evidence as you’re displaying.”

  “Shower,” he said.

  “Good idea.” She slid from the bed and padded to the bathroom.

  Matt followed. The scene was a replay of the shower at the cabin. After an explosive climax Cassie rested against his chest. Once again she wondered what she would do when he walked away. She prayed on that day she could keep from confessing her love and begging.

  He held her close. “You are amazing.”

  Cassie stepped away and grabbed two towels. She dried and pulled on one of the newly purchased thing sets. “You’re not so bad either.”

  “Like the thong.” He growled the words.

  “Courtesy of Peek-A-Book. Allie chose them.”

  He groaned. “How much does she know?”

  “As little as I could manage.”

  “Good thinking.” He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed the palms.

  After breakfast they cleared the table. “About tonight. Order in or eat out?”

  “Five Cuisines does take-out but it’s too early to call.”

  She leaned across the table. “Why don’t we walk to town and explore a bit? There are dozens of interesting places.”

  He rose. Their lips touched. Cassie felt warmth spread through her chest. Don’t wish for what you can’t have. How easily she could want forever with him.

  Matt caught her hand. “Let’s walk.”

  Their first stop was the bookstore where they browsed through the new and used volumes. Two storefronts later Cassie paused to stare at a display on jewelry store.

  “See something you like?” Matt asked.r />
  “Just about anything Antoine designs is beautiful. That ring is my favorite.” She pointed to one with a square cut emerald. Small diamonds were set at the four corners of the stone. “That’s my Christmas present to myself.”

  “Have you set it aside?”

  “Not yet. I will probably next week.”

  “Don’t wait too long.”

  Hand in hand they strolled and made a stop at Five Cuisines to order their dinner. At the Peek-A-Boo Boutique Matt reached for the door. “I owe you some underwear.”

  Her face felt as though she burned from within. He pulled her into the shop. While Matt spoke to the owner Cassie studied a selection of camisoles and teddies.

  The owner opened a drawer and removed a red satin set. “I’ll take them,” Matt said.

  Once the transaction ended Matt handed Cassie a bag. The look in his eyes showed a rising desire. She glanced at him. “Shall we go home?”

  “Good idea.”

  As they continued their way to the apartment they stopped at a deli and a bakery. Cassie laughed. “We’ll have enough food for a week.”

  “What I plan takes energy.”

  The moment their food purchases were stored Matt pulled her into his arms. His tongue and mouth explored while he deftly removed her clothes. With hands and mouth he worked his way down her body.

  Cassie whimpered. “Matt, I need you.”

  “Glad to oblige.” He led her to the couch, unzipped his jeans, sheathed himself and plunged inside. The roughness of the denim rubbing her thighs and the feel of his sweater against her breasts brought her to a climax.

  For a time they clung together. He rose and stripped. “Every time is different.”

  “And wonderful.”

  He held out his hands and helped her to her feet. “What now?”

  “You’ll see. Come to bed.”

  “Will do.” He pulled her down the hall.

  “On your back.” Cassie used a wet cloth to cleanse him and herself. After putting the cloth aside she caressed his feet and worked her way along his thighs. He groaned.

  She bent and kissed him. “Matt, I…” She swallowed the words of love she’d been about to say. If she spoke he would leave.

  Chapter Five

  Realization slugged Matt in the gut. He was in deep trouble. His emotions bounded like volleyed tennis balls. The curse had struck. Possibly today or maybe all those years ago when the tall, skinny girl with carroty hair and glasses thick enough to obscure the color of her eyes had asked him for a date. Since that day she had lurked in his thoughts along with memories of his rude behavior.


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