His One Sweet Thing tpa-1

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His One Sweet Thing tpa-1 Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  “I want to tie you up and fuck you would you let me?” She faltered slightly before nodding yes.

  “Not to worry baby you’ll like it I promise.”

  I couldn’t wait to share one of my favorite things with her, I don’t know what it was about her but something about being inside her pussy triggered something very carnal in me. When I was inside her my mind went to places I hadn’t visited in a long time.

  “Squeeze my cock with your pussy, that’s it now finger your clit, good girl, I’m gonna do you rough now so hold on.” I pushed her head farther down on the island and taking her hips in hand fucked her like I owned her.

  Chapter 4

  Breakfast has been eaten and the dishes cleaned and put away, we’d finally gotten dressed, well sort of, I was still just wearing jeans and she’d put on some short leather pants that hugged her ass and outlined her pussy, shit was driving me crazy if I kept this shit up I was going to be raw. I’d had her sit on my cock while we ate breakfast and she’d ridden me to a nice slow cum. All inside her pussy, I’d now cum in Nat’s pussy five times in one day and I was sure I would be doing it again before the day was out.

  “Where are you with your classes Nat?”

  “It’s a little late to be asking that isn’t it breeder?”

  She grinned at me from her place on the couch while I sat on the recliner reading the paper.

  “Smart ass, just answer the question.”

  “Well I started at sixteen on an accelerated program so I’m almost done, not to worry I can transfer to the local college they have a great program and I’d planned to go there originally anyway so it’s no biggie.”

  ‘You started college at sixteen? How the hell did I miss that and why didn’t you go to the local university if that’s what you wanted?” From the look on her face I knew there was a story there, yet another something that I didn’t know about.


  “Well uh, let’s see…shit this is hard.”

  “Just say it babe.”

  “Jenny found out I had a crush on you and had a fit.” She said the words in a run on sentence but I heard every word.

  “How did she find that out?”

  “She uh, read my diary.” Her face grew red and she looked down in obvious embarrassment.

  “Fucking bitch why the hell did she do that?”

  “She said she’d always suspected and that she just wanted proof so one day she went into my room searching and found it, that week my parents and I were discussing whether or not I should go away or stay. I had always planned to stay to be close to you. I know it was wrong to be in love with you I’m sorry I would never have done anything about it I swear but I couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing you I’m sorry.” I got up from my chair and walked over to her.

  “Hey you didn’t do anything wrong, look at me, you can’t help what you feel, you didn’t do anything wrong, when did all this happen?”

  “It was a few days after the hairbrush incident and I’d written about that too, she was so mad I thought she would kill me. Anyway as I said, my parents and I were discussing me going away or staying I was fighting hard to stay but they wanted me to have the whole college experience. In the end Jenny made the decision for all of us, she told me if I didn’t go away she was going to tell mom and dad and the whole family what I’d done, I was mortified so of course I left, she said she wouldn’t say anything about it, but I found out later she’d actually told mom and mom told me later.”

  I picked her up and sat with her in my lap. “I’m sorry she did that to you baby, she was wrong and mean, you were a young girl, she could’ve handled that better.”

  I pulled her head down to my chest and rocked her gently. “It’s okay now baby, you’ve got me; so you don’t mind transferring?”

  “I already did as soon as mom told me the news about the divorce I just had to finish out the year; I start in September. Lots of pregnant women go to college now it’ll be fine if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Yeah, after giving it some thought it seemed kind of selfish of me to just tell you I was breeding you without giving you much of a choice in the matter.”

  “I liked it, I like the way you take me over, I like how you order me around during sex it’s hot.”

  ‘Yeah?” I turned her chin to see if she was telling me the truth or just telling me what she thought I wanted to hear.

  “Stand up.” She stood still as I pulled her shorts and her underwear down.

  “Step out, now turn around.” I used her lace panties to tie her hands behind her back securely.

  “On your knees.” Her body trembled with excitement as she did my bidding.

  “Suck my cock and do it right or I’ll spank your ass.” She rubbed her legs together and moaned.

  Her head came down and she took half of my cock into her mouth.

  “More you can do better than that.”

  She took more of my cock into her mouth until her nose was buried in the hair at my groin.

  “That’s right, good girl that’s how I want you to suck my cock from now on I want to feel your throat every time my cock goes in your mouth.”

  “Hmmm…” She answered me with a mouth full of cock.

  “Don’t make me cum, all my seed goes into your womb until you breed, it’s the only reason I haven’t fucked your ass yet because I know when I do get into that tight ass of yours I’m gonna last five minutes tops.”

  When she’d gotten my cock nice and stiff and I was about ready to blow I eased her off.

  “Pull off.”

  She pulled off of my cock scraping her teeth gently along my shaft on the way up, helping her up with my hands under her arms I lifted her up on the chair until she straddled my face both feet planted on the chair arms and her pussy right over my mouth. Right where I wanted it.

  I ate her pussy nice and slow enjoying the sweet sounds she made as I held her ass in my hands.

  “Fuck yourself on my tongue.” She gyrated her hips as her pussy moved back and forth on my tongue.

  She was cumming in my mouth as I held her ass with one hand and stroked my cock meat with the other, when she’d calmed down I lifted her down and sat her on my cock.

  “Ride me.”

  She rode me as we kissed our mouths fused together in lust as I dug up into her pussy trying to find her cervix with my cock head.

  “Come.” I lifted her off my cock and placed her on her knees on the hard floor pushing her shoulders until they touched the floor and with her tied hands caught in one of mine I fucked her from behind finally getting that deep penetration I needed. I butted against her cervix not too hard but hard enough to break through into her womb. It was tight as fuck in there and felt completely different from the rest of her pussy.

  “Oh shit, Marc, so deep, ahhh fuck.” She was going crazy as my cock fucked into her unprotected womb her pussy squeezing me tighter as she rocked back and forth forcing me even deeper inside her.

  “I’m cumming in your pussy cum with me.” Reaching around I played with her clit until she twitched and clenched around my cock and I spewed my hot cum into her womb as she came with a low growl. I stayed like that lying heavily across her back as I fought to catch my breath. Sweet fuck I’m going to die from pussy overdose but what a way to go.

  I had the strong urge to treat her to a gentle touch, it seems all I’d done was fuck her since she came into my bed. Listening to her, watching her all day I came to realize something, when someone loved you that much it was hard not to reciprocate, everything she did showed her feelings for me. The way she watched me, the way she lit up when I touched her, or even just the way she held onto my every word, a man could get very used to those things. I fought not to let thoughts of past betrayals intrude, it wasn’t easy but neither was it fair to the young girl I’d compromised with my seed. I untied her hands and worked the kinks out before putting her on the couch to lie down.

  “Stay right here I’ll be back for
you.” I kissed her nose softly before retreating to the master bath to run her a bath. The shit she’d shared about what Jenny had done to her really pissed me off but I couldn’t go back and change it, I could only move on from here and hope that whatever we had was worth the wait.

  When her bath was ready I went back to get her and couldn’t help stealing another kiss and pushing two fingers inside her.

  “Your pussy has some sort of magic in it, I can’t seem to get enough as soon as I cum in you I wan to fuck you again.”

  “So fuck me.” I looked down at her as she moved against my hand.

  “If I fucked you as often as I seem to want to you’d be sore for a week.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do.” I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom placing her gently into the warm sudsy water before climbing in behind her.

  I held her close to me as I questioned her about her life for the past three years while she’d been in exile because of the bitch, she’d had to come up with excuses for not coming home for holidays hurting her parents in the process, lying to them about staying with friends while she stayed in one room sublets over the summer and working full time.

  “What about your friends aren’t you going to miss them?”

  “Not as much as I’d miss you if I went away again, I don’t think I could bear to be apart from you not after this.”

  “Do you really love me that much?”


  I looked down at her head as it rested on my chest; she’d said it so effortlessly, like it was the most natural thing in the world to love me. I didn’t know how to answer that so I squeezed her gently before picking up the cloth to bathe her.

  Chapter 5

  We spent the day getting to know each other, in between shared kisses and soft touches I learned who she was and was more than a little surprised to learn that she knew a hell of a lot about me. She’d been keeping up with my life even in exile, collecting newspaper clippings whenever I’d been lauded for some business feat or the other. She’d also shyly admitted to cyber stalking me.

  “I usually start my day off by going to your LinkedIn page, then I have a little scrap book on the mini tablet mom and dad got me last year where I keep all your pictures. Then I search the web for any new news on you.”

  “Why baby, why would you go through all of that for me?”

  “Because you’re more than just a high school crush, you’ve always been, that’s why I felt so guilty when Jenny found out, because it was true, I was mooning over you and it was wrong, you were hers.” Here her voice broke and her eyes fought back the tears forming there.

  “Don’t forget you’re talking about the woman that I found with not one but two men so I wouldn’t put too much stock in her moral yardstick.” Shit I wasn’t even bitter about that anymore when the hell had that happened? I’m pretty sure when it crossed my mind yesterday like it usually did I’d still wanted to strangle the bitch; but for some reason right here and now as I prepare a dinner of broiled salmon fillets with oven roasted baby potatoes, Natalie bustling around me making a salad and stealing feels of my ass and cock, I didn’t feel that rage, that hollow feeling, that deep dark sense of betrayal.

  Instead I felt lighter than I had in years, I wanted to do a million things with this girl at once and not all of them revolved around getting my dick in her cunt, well ninety nine percent of it did but that other remaining one percent had me envisioning walks on the beach, going for long rides in the country on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I actually felt my heart lurch in my chest at the thought of all the things I could do for and with her. I wanted to take care of her.

  “You’ve been staring at me for the last five minutes Marc, what’re you thinking?” She seemed so unsure of herself sometimes when at others she bubbled with self- confidence. I kept looking at her not having realized I’d been doing it for so long. She was beautiful, young sweet and beautiful and she was in love with me, how the fuck did I get this lucky?

  “Come ‘ere.” I held my arms out as she flew around the island and landed on my chest, I had to grin at her exuberance as I kissed the top of her head and gave her one of my squeeze hugs that she seemed so fond of.

  “I love you Marc.”

  “Yeah baby I know.” I felt her tense up for a minute before she relaxed again and I knew, I understood what that was about.

  “Look at me baby.” I lifted her head with a finger under her chin so I could see her eyes.

  “When I give you those words I want them to mean something, I want you to know that they mean something to me; give it time okay?”

  She smiled but I could still see the sadness there and it tore at my heart, I couldn’t just say those words though not unless I was sure, I knew I felt more for her than I’d ever felt for anyone else before in my life, I know that almost overnight she’d infiltrated my life and made it just that much better than it had been, but I wanted to give her more, I wanted to give her all of me.

  Silver, Jordan

  His One Sweet Thing (The Pregnancy Affair)

  We spoke softly over dinner, our hands holding each other’s as we fed each other little tidbits from our forks, I liked looking at her, I liked seeing her there, it felt…whole somehow like it was supposed to be.

  “What do you want to do for the rest of the evening? The night’s still young yet.”

  “Guess.” She grinned at me facetiously.

  “Geez Nat are you a mink, I think my cock is about to expire you’re one greedy girl.”

  “Only for you though, no one else, besides we have years to make up for and my little pussy is hungry she hasn’t been fed in at least four hours.”

  “Oh well then we can’t have that let’s go feed the bitch.” I stood up to head for the bedroom my cock already on the rise.

  “Uh uh, I want to suck your cock right here, its my dessert after all.”

  “Fuck.” She licked her lips and ran her hand over her denim-covered pussy.

  “Take them off.” I did some rubbing of my own on my cock as she reached for the zipper of her jeans.

  “Yes sir.” Fuck she was going to fuck around and get fucked into a coma if she kept this shit up.

  “Are you going to tie me up sir?”

  “No, not this time, get over here.” I unbuttoned my pants and took my cock out leaving it hanging there.

  She walked over to me discarding her top and bra on the way.

  “On your knees, I want to throat fuck you.” She actually groaned out loud and her eyes went a little glassy, dropping to her knees she held my cock and teased the head with her agile tongue before sucking me into her mouth. She kept her eyes on mine as she throated my meat and all I could think was those lessons really paid off. I grabbed fistfuls of her hair and started fucking her mouth deep stroking until I hit the back of her throat.


  I love the way she hums around my cock the pleasure she gets from pleasuring me.

  “Up.” I lifted her onto the island and once again feasted on her dripping wet pussy with a little ass paly thrown in to keep things interesting. I could keep my head buried in her cunt for days and still not get enough of her taste. I tongued her going as deep inside of her as I could reach while diddling her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Wiping my mouth off in her tummy I stood up and taking my now fully erect cock in hand guided it into her waiting pussy.

  “Yeah, fuck my pussy with your big cock.”

  Fuck I pushed into her her words spurring me on as I held her hips in a tight grip and fucked her tight pussy.

  “I can’t wait to watch my son growing in your womb.” She clenched down tight and lifted her hips.

  “Fuck me, give me your son, please.” She kept saying shit like that as I fucked into her making me want to breed her ten times at once if possible. I’d never been so fucking turned on in my life.

  “Cum in my pussy, give me your hot thick cum, breed my little pussy.”

uuuucccccckkkkk.” I slammed my hand into the counter as my body was hit with the Mack truck of all orgasms, I felt it in my toes, my neck my head, I think I felt it even in the ends of my hair which felt like it was standing on end. I tilted her pussy up so I could go deeper the better to keep my seed inside her. With our bodies still joined I picked her up and headed upstairs to the bedroom. Looks like it was going to be another long night.


  Nat stayed with me for the rest of the week and I was in her every chance I got, I was on a mission after all, to breed her before the end of summer.

  “I have to go home I need more clothes.”

  She was lying on the couch in my home office which she’d taken to doing while I worked; I looked up from my computer screen to study her.


  “What?” She sat up straight and looked at me with a look of confusion on her face.

  “I said no you’re not going anywhere.”

  “But why, it’s just for a few days and then I’ll be back I’ve gone through all my clothes and yes I did the laundry but it’s still the same clothes over and over.”

  “So shop.”

  “Why would I want to do that when I have perfectly good clothes at home, you’re being silly Marc, I’ll be back.”

  “Nat, I said no.”

  “Why you don’t trust me, you think I’m like her?”

  I’ve never seen her angry, I’ve seen her horny happy sad but not angry except for that one time I’d called jenny her aunt and her little face had got so red, now she was angry or hurt or both I’m not sure which. She was also about to her little ass beat for questioning me.

  “First of all lower your voice, second of all the thought never crossed my mind you’re nothing like her if you were you wouldn’t be here, and lastly you’re not going because I said so, don’t question me again.”

  She flew off the chair and out of the room.


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