The Price of Love

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The Price of Love Page 11

by Adrienne Perry

  Abby swung open the door and lost her breath at the sight of Carter before her. For the first time, she saw him in something other than a suit. He was wearing light-colored tailored pants that fit him perfectly, and a crisp blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up in acknowledgement of the summer heat. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing just a tease of muscular chest beneath the soft looking fabric. Abby realized that though Carter had already seen her naked, she had never seen him in any state of undress. That thought had her imagining stripping off his clothes to reveal the skin and muscles hidden underneath. Involuntarily, her eyes trailed down his body before resting on the bulge in his pants, wishing she could pull them off right then.

  Carter’s voice interrupted her wanton thoughts. “Keep looking at me that way, and we won’t make it to dinner. In fact, we probably won’t make it past this foyer before I’m inside you again. And that would be a shame, because for what I have in store for you tonight, you’re going to need to eat to keep your energy going. You’re going to need some stamina tonight.”

  Abby swallowed, and grabbed her purse and sweater. Part of her, and not a small part, wanted him to take her again right there, just like he’d threatened. An image of him naked on the floor while she kneeled above him flashed in her head, leaving her weak in the knees and wet between her legs.

  Carter grinned with a knowing look, as if he could read exactly what she was thinking.

  “Not that I wouldn’t love to take you right here, but I’ve got bigger plans for you this evening than a quick fuck on your entryway floor.”

  Then Carter reached out and took her hand and guided Abby to the door. He let her hand go while she locked the door behind them, but took it again after she’d dropped her keys into her purse. As they walked down her front steps to her car, he said quietly in her ear, “You look fabulous tonight. Good enough to eat. I think I’m going to do just that to you later tonight…lick you up and down until you scream and come in my mouth.”

  Abby’s steps faltered as her knees gave out, and her clit began throbbing in response to his words. Carter smiled and put a hand on her elbow to support her as they made their way to the dark Mercedes parked in front of her house. He held the door for her and helped into the low-slung car. She slid onto the soft, leather seat, and tried to keep her feet from twitching and her hands from fidgeting. But damn, she was nervous. As seemed to have become a pattern with Abby in response to Carter, after suffering from nerves and self-consciousness around him for a while, she would suddenly be overcome by a fit of boldness and daring that was somewhat uncharacteristic for her. She was typically unsure of herself at times, and Carter seemed to inspire in her a confidence to take risks. Around him, she felt safe enough to act in ways that weren’t totally natural for her without feeling like she would make a fool of herself. She felt accepted by him, and while he could totally turn her on with little more than a look, she felt a power in her that she could turn him on in the same way. So while he walked around the front of the car and let himself in the driver’s side, she let the feeling of daring roll over her and was ready when he sat down beside her.

  Though the car was roomy enough, if felt about ten times smaller when he was seated beside her. The space felt close and intimate, and as the engine purred quietly as Carter pulled out of the parking spot, Abby reached out her hand and rested it on his thigh. She let it trail lightly up and down his muscled leg, feathering her fingers out to explore the inner edge of his thigh and inch closer to what she hoped was his already hardening cock. She smiled in satisfaction when she felt his muscles tense under her touch and reveled in her power to make his breath quicken. A quick glance up at him, and she could see his pulse jumping in his neck, and his fingers gripping so tightly on the steering wheel it looked as if it might snap.

  She kept going, her fingers exploring the contours of his legs, wondering how far he’d let her go. Finally, he reached out with one hand to grab hers.

  “Abby, honey, you are driving me crazy. You want to know what you do to me?” and he pushed her hand onto his dick, already hard. It twitched at her touch. Carter pulled her hand away from him, and said in a hoarse voice.

  “I have been hard for you since I saw you looking at me in that club. Even after our mind-blowing fuck this afternoon, I was hard for you again five minutes after leaving that office. Believe me, I will have you tonight again and again until I am finally sated, even if it takes me all night and you are so sore you can’t walk for a week. I will be in you all different ways tonight. But if you touch me again, I will come in my pants, and that’s just a waste. So please, for now, I need you to keep your hands to yourself.”

  Abby basked in the feeling of power his speech gave her, and moved her hand back to her own lap. She could bide her time, and at least for now she’d let him set the pace. She knew she’d find the time to take the lead, she just needed to be patient for now.

  Chapter 19

  To ease the sexual tension that was swirling through the car, Abby asked Carter where they were going for dinner. He responded that it was a surprise, and Abby sensed that no amount of cajoling or needling would get him to spill the secret, so she let it go and grasped for a new topic. She ended up talking to him about some of her favorite places on Cape: the best dive restaurant that served the most amazing clam chowder, and the secret beaches that were known only to the locals and were fiercely guarded from the tourists.

  The conversation moved to other topics comfortably, and they fell into the easy back and forth they’d found during their phone calls. The drive wasn’t long, just fifteen minutes or so. They wound through sleepy streets as they left the town of Staunton and drove into a less developed, more open land area. Abby thought she was familiar with most restaurants in the area, but she was stumped about where they were going. They finally turned onto a long tree-lined and winding driveway that opened onto a bluff overlooking the ocean.

  Abby’s breath caught on the sight of the Atlantic stretching out before her. The evening sun glittered on the deep blue water, making it sparkle like a million diamonds. Seagulls swooped and dove above the waves. Sail boats bobbed in the distance. It was the quintessential New England coastal view. Distracted by the scene spread before her, it took Abby a second to recognize that the driveway they were on led to a house, and not to the restaurant she was expecting.

  Carter parked by the front door and walked around to open the door for Abby. Abby didn’t bother to wait for him, however. Instead, she stepped out on her own and looked around in shock and surprise.

  “What is this place, Carter?” she asked.

  “It’s a house,” he replied, unhelpfully. When she looked up at him, Abby noticed that for the first time ever since she’d met him, he looked unsure of himself. “Well, it’s actually my house,” he continued. “I bought it.”

  Abby nodded as she took in this information, dissecting the simple sentence he had spoken and processing the implications in her head.

  She cleared her throat. “And when, exactly, did you buy it?” she asked finally.

  Carter looked like he didn’t want to answer, and at first he didn’t. Instead, he turned to look out over the water. “The day after I saw you in the In Depth News office,” he finally admitted in a quiet voice.

  Abby didn’t know quite how to respond, so she stayed silent. If this was true, and she believed he was being honest, then this would mark the first time someone had made a commitment like this just to be closer to her. She was used to people, her parents, leaving her, moving away. And here was Carter, buying an entire house just to be closer to her. Her heart warmed with the thought.

  She moved closer to Carter, and stood by his side, touching her arm to his in acknowledgement of his admission in gesture instead of with words. His body was tense at first before relaxing against hers. Their hands moved towards each other and they interlaced their fingers as they both gazed at the ocean. They remained there for a short while…maybe a minute, maybe fiv
e…time seemed to have no meaning as they stood there together. Finally, though, he gave her hand a squeeze, and started leading her towards the house.

  “Come on, it’s time to eat. We don’t want dinner to get cold.” And he smiled at her, a huge grin full of pleasure and more than a little bit of a hint at promises to come.

  The inside of his house was almost as wonderful as the outside. It was spacious and had an open feeling without being huge. It felt comfortable and cozy. A gorgeous candlelit table was set with china and crystal. An open bottle of champagne bubbled in an ice bucket. As if perfectly scripted, the moment they walked in, two white-shirted waiters emerged from the kitchen bearing fresh green salads and warm, crusty bread. Carter eased Abby into her seat and then took his own across from her. Candlelight, champagne…I certainly feel like I’m being seduced, Abby thought to herself.

  The waiters hovering at the edge of the room stifled the conversation, and Abby and Carter were mostly silent as they ate. More accurately, Carter ate and Abby just picked. She was nervous and excited about what was to come, and she didn’t have much of an appetite, despite the delicious scent of the yeasty bread and a savory mix of spices from whatever the main course was.

  Before too long, however, the waiters came back to the table to remove the salad dishes and replace them with the entrée, an herb roasted chicken breast with vegetables and risotto. It looked and smelled delicious, but Abby barely tasted anything, she couldn’t stop thinking about Carter naked, on top of her, and under her, and in her mouth. She wasn’t hungry for anything but him. After delivering their main course, the waiters announced that they would be leaving for the night, unless anything else was needed of them. Dessert was in the refrigerator whenever they were ready.

  Carter dismissed the servers with a nod, while staring intensely at Abby. The waiters bustled about in the kitchen for a few minutes packing up their pots and bowls, and then they were gone with the fading sound of a car engine driving away into the night. The solitude left behind was almost palpable, and Abby cut her chicken into smaller and smaller pieces, trying to keep her hands busy and her mind off of all the things she wanted to do to Carter right now.

  She couldn’t think of a thing to say. She wanted him so badly at the moment that all she could think of was running her tongue down his body, and the feel of his hands on her. She’d been wet all night waiting for it, and now she felt a new pulse of feeling between her legs. She squeezed them together and squirmed a bit in her chair, but that only heightened the sensation against her pussy lips.

  Just as Abby felt she couldn’t take another, awkward moment sitting there at the table, Carter shoved his chair back and came to her, pulling her up out of her chair and into his arms. He crushed her against his body, and growled, “Fuck this dinner…eating can wait. I can’t stay away from you for another second.” Then he scooped her up into his arms and carried her upstairs to his bedroom, where he dropped her on his bed. She had only a second to glance around the room before he was on top of her, his long hard body stretched out over her. She could feel his erection pressing into her, and her legs spread to accommodate him. He pushed up against her and her hips rocked up to meet him. His mouth was on hers, devouring her, his tongue sliding into her mouth, hot and demanding. His teeth nipped at her lip, while his hands traveled across her body, sliding along the sides of her breasts and then cupping them in his palms.

  Suddenly he pulled back, gasping “Too fast.” He managed. “I want this to go slow.”

  Abby whimpered and reached out to pull her back to him, but he evaded her grasp. “Patience, Abby honey. We’ve got all night.” In response, Abby got on her knees on the bed and pressed her hand against the hardness of his dick straining against the zipper of his pants, and brought her other hand up to fumble with the button, trying to free him.

  Carter grabbed her hands and clasped them together behind her back. “Uh-uh…not yet,” he scolded her. “There’s too much I want to do you first. Can I trust you to keep your hands to yourself?”

  Abby nodded mutely, but when he released her, she reached for him again. She had no intention of keeping her hands off of him. This time, though, Carter stood up at the edge of the bed, out of her reach. “I can see you need a little help to keep your hands to yourself,” he stated. “Take off your clothes and wait for me. I’ll be right back.” With that, Carter left the room. Confused, and intrigued by what Carter might be getting, Abby hastily stripped off her clothes, leaving them in a jumble on a leather chair that was placed in a corner of the room. Then she lay back on the bed and waited, her body pulsing with desire and expectation.

  Carter returned a few moments later, holding a silk tie in his hands. He smiled with satisfaction when he walked back into the room and saw that Abby had obeyed him and was lying naked on the bed.

  “Good girl,” he said. “But I know you’re going to need something to remind you that for now this is all going to be about your pleasure. That means you need to keep your hands off of me. I already warned you that one touch from you is all it will take to set me off. And that’s just not good enough…not for you, not for tonight.” Carter paused, then, “Now, raise your hands above your head.”

  Sensing his intention, Abby paused, unsure about what he planned, how far he might take this. She’d never been tied up before or been into any kind of bondage. But the thought of being totally vulnerable to him and able only to be the recipient of whatever he wanted to do made her feel heady with expectation. She remembered her fantasy from earlier in the day, the one in which he was imprisoning her wrists in his hands, doing whatever he wanted while she could do nothing but take it.

  Now that it was happening, though, Abby was nervous. What if he wanted to go further, do something more? Even though some of what Leah had described sounded intriguing, Abby didn’t think it was something she was ready to consider. As if reading her thoughts, Carter spoke again.

  “Trust me. I’m not going to hurt you. Quite the opposite…I want to give you every kind of pleasure you can imagine and more. And for now, I don’t want your hands getting in my way. So I’m just going to keep them out of commission for a little while. Ok?”

  Seeing the look in his eyes as he spoke, Abby did trust him. Thrilled with the idea of Carter’s hands and mouth on her body without any power to reciprocate, her only responsibility to take pleasure from him with no way to give back, Abby nodded her consent.


  With one swift movement, Carter had Abby’s hands held securely above her head. He quickly and efficiently looped the tie around her wrists and then anchored the ends of the tie to a slat of the headboard. Abby gave her hands a tentative tug, and felt the tie tighten around her wrists and hold fast to the wood of the bed. She now lay naked before Carter, completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to her. The thought made her mouth dry in anxiety, while her heart thumped wildly with pent up tension and excitement.

  Carter unbuttoned his shirt, and took off his belt, but left the rest of his outfit intact. Abby wanted him naked before her, but she wasn’t in a position to demand anything at the moment, so she stayed quiet. Her body tensed and ached up toward him as she waited for him to touch her, but he seemed content to just look at her, and his eyes roamed over her body. As they settled on her breasts, her nipples, already hard from her desire, puckered up even more. Her back moved against her will to thrust them closer to him.

  “Spread your legs for me,” Carter ordered. “I want to see how wet you are. See how ready you are for me.”

  “I am so fucking wet for you,” Abby panted out, as she spread herself open before him. “Please. Touch me. I need you to touch me. Please…”

  “I will. Believe me, I will,” Carter said softly. He looked at her glistening pussy, and though Abby knew she was ready for him, had been ready for him all night in fact, he said instead, “Looks like you need some more warming up,” and reached out one hand to run along the outside of one breast. Abby moaned with disappointment
when his fingers trailed past her nipple, but didn’t touch it. His fingers instead brushed the underside of her breast and then along the inside curve of it. He performed the same treatment on the other breast, before moving back to the first one. It was just like her fantasy, only so much better, and so much more excruciating.

  Carter’s finger began tracing circles around her breast, swirling closer to the hard tip with each rotation. But after circling the edge of her areola, he switched his attention to her other side again. Abby whimpered with need, which just made Carter chuckle and continue teasing her breasts, one, then the other, edging ever closer to their sensitive peaks while holding back the touch she wanted most. Finally, Carter moved both hands from her breasts before settling him mouth firmly on one and now used his tongue to swirl around it, still avoiding the tip.

  “Please, Carter…you’re killing me!” Abby gasped out. At that, Carter’s tongue swiped across her nipple before he sucked her breast deeply into his mouth, causing Abby to cry out in pleasure. His tongue now lashed across her nipple and his teeth tugged it harder into his mouth. His hand had now closed in on the nipple of her other breast, and was pulling and tweaking it, and squeezing it between his fingers. His mouth and hand then switched places as he moved to lick and suck her other breast, while his fingers pulled at the one his mouth had just vacated. Abby’s hips began thrusting into Carter as he lavished attention on her breasts as her clit throbbed with need for him to touch her there. Carter edged a knee in between her legs and pushed gently on the cleft, and Abby cried out once more.


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