by Hadley Finn
To Tex Thompson for developmental edits and bolstering my many shortcomings, for reminding me of loose ends, whose words echoed in my head for months. I’ll never think of this plot without thinking about spider eggs hatching in the attic. Thank you!
To Karen Hrdlicka, you saved this book from being en-dash and em-dash hell on the reader. Thank you for your wisdom in grammar and making this book read—even in its half-thoughts—the way I wanted Sean to sound. And thank you for taking a risk on a first-time author!
To Suzanne and Stacey who provided honest feedback when the draft was very rough. Thank you for your encouragement and your love for a great story and for helping me improve!
To Melissa and Jo, thank you for your hawk eyes and pouring over the finished manuscript and finding the things that were missed. Melissa’s “this reads awkward” and Jo’s French language lessons were invaluable!
To Tara, thanks for the push to publish, the advice to go with it, and the cheerleading along the way. This book is years in the making and is published, in no small part, due to your help and wisdom and why not now’s. You have my unending gratitude!
To my three aunts, who have asked about my writing for years. For their encouragement and love. The reminder that I could do it, if I’d just sit down and start. There is no greater gift than to love me so much as to want the desires of my heart for me…and then celebrate when I do it.
And to my man, who dreamed more for me than I could dream for myself, you are my everything. This book is dedicated to you – the ultimate gift I’ve ever received.
About the Author
Hadley lives in Texas with her man and two rescue pups. She’s an avid reader, a devout coffee drinker, and spends as much time as she can outside. She loves to cook and dance and have conversations with imaginary people in her head.
She can be found on and on insta @HadleyFinnbooks.