Seriously Sexy 3

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Seriously Sexy 3 Page 15

by Miranda Forbes

  As the sun was making its late afternoon journey across the sky, Heather was playfully splashing in the water. I was still leaning against the cold, grey stone but was now propped up on my elbows, trying to digest the afternoon’s activities. She was shivering in the cooling water, which was no longer fed by the sun’s warmth.

  “It’s getting cold,” I said.

  “Yes, I need to get out of the water.”

  “Good idea,” I replied as she turned and began making her way through the grey shadows back towards her side of the pool and her waiting clothes. “But I’m this way and my clothes are this side.”

  She was slipping away, moving with a purpose towards the edge of the pool and if I didn’t act quickly I knew I would lose her. “I think the path back up to the top is less steep on my side.”

  With the water lapping below her knees she hesitated and, turning to face me, looked at the path from which I had descended before turning to face the steep incline in front of her. Glancing back once again she spoke softly to the mountain air above my head.

  “I guess I could wade over with my clothes.”

  I waited anxiously in the middle of the pool as she picked up her clothes, map, water bottle and camera, before slowly wading back into the water, her things held tightly against her upper chest. I watched her advancing towards me, her lightly tanned body beautiful in the fading light. We met once again and I led the way towards the opposite side of the pool. Illuminated by the last of the sunlight we followed its warm, guiding rays to the shoreline.

  I exited the water first and, keeping my back towards her, reached my clothes in five large, solid strides across the pebbled shore. I struggled to pull the thick, navy denim jeans over my wet legs, harnessing my re-awakening energy behind the steel zip. I pulled my white t-shirt over my head and was slipping into my sandals as I turned to check on Heather, who stood about eight feet behind me. Fully clothed, she was brushing at the front of her t-shirt, attempting to remove the dirt stains she had picked up earlier.

  “You look fine,” I said, smiling and moving towards her.

  “I thought it might come off now that it’s dry.”

  “I can hardly tell it’s dirty, I’m sure no one will notice.”

  “Shall we make a start, which way is the path?”

  “This way, follow me.”

  We strode out towards the line of lush green vegetation which soon opened up to reveal a lightly gravelled path that would take us back to the top of the waterfall. The path was damp but firm as it meandered through the woodland in a series of hairpin bends, designed to keep the incline to a minimum. Keeping my pace slow and my strides measured, Heather was easily able to keep up and, as the path widened out, she took the lead, walking a few metres ahead.

  I was taking in the beauty of the woodland in the fading light as we walked in silence, heading towards the village, but I was easily distracted by Heather. I watched her long, dark hair blowing in the gentle breeze, her marching arms helping her keep up a steady pace, and those long slender legs. I was staring at the unflatteringly baggy stone-coloured shorts which covered her peach-shaped arse and wondered if the wet thong had been removed. Quickening my pace I caught up to Heather in two large strides and pushed my hands up the back of her thighs and underneath the baggy fabric, squeezing her arse. The thong was absent.

  I removed my hands and hugged her around the waist, pulling her towards me. Holding her close we walked together in mechanical fashion and I steered us off the path, stopping in front of a large tree. Quickly, I unzipped her shorts and thrust both hands inside the fabric, rubbing the smooth, hairless pussy as my erection grew inside my jeans. I pushed my fingers into her crevices, already wet with anticipation and gently released my warm breath into her ear. Her soft flesh yielded to my touch as, using both hands, I tried to reach deep inside.

  “Let’s take them off,” I said already pulling the shorts over her legs. She obligingly stepped out of them and, free of their restriction, spread her legs wide learning forward and bracing her elbows on the tree trunk.

  “Fuck me,” she said in a whisper. “You know I want you.”

  With my left hand I reached up under her t-shirt and bra while my right hand returned to her delicate smooth folds of flesh. In synchronised perfection I flicked, pinched and massaged her nipple and her clit, determined to bring her pleasure. Ignoring the pain of my bulging cock rubbing inside the coarse denim, I was working in a steady rhythm, until her groans told me it was almost time.

  Fumbling a little with the zip of my jeans, I released my cock, already shining with pre ejaculate, and slipped it easily up inside her cunt. Placing my hands on her hips I pulled her towards me as I began to fuck her, but she sharply pulled away and I slipped out of her. Reaching back with her hand, she grabbed my cock and re-positioned it over her arse hole. “I want you to fuck me here,” she said.

  Tentatively I pushed a couple of inches of my cock inside her taught little hole, too nervous to slide very far. Heather responded by pushing closer to me and, grabbing my arse with her hand, pulled me deeper inside. Guiding my body she soon had the whole length of my cock deep in her wonderful flesh.

  “Spank me,” she instructed and I tapped her arse cheek with my palm, gently at first and then more forcefully in response to her disapproval of my efforts. With every spank I was turning her peachy skin to rosy red.

  “Now, fuck me up the arse, hard and strong.”

  Taking a deep breath and holding her hips I began to thrust, slowly at first but I was soon gathering momentum. The sensation was amazing as the flesh pinched my cock and I felt the resistance of her tight anal muscles. I was excited and a little disgusted at the same time, as I pounded her delicate frame with all my strength. Heather, with her arms now outstretched and supported by the tree was pushing back strongly onto my cock and groaning loudly. I was hardly aware when she reached down and began stroking her clit. With expert precision she circled this pink peak and brought herself to fulfilment.

  Heather shouted out as she climaxed and a huge suction wave engulfed my cock, stopping it in mid thrust. A few seconds later I resumed fucking her, my confidence increasing, each slide opening her gorge a little more to accommodate my girth a little easier. I closed my eyes and let the light flicker inside my eyelids, slowing to relish the final few thrusts before forcing my salty essence into her innermost recess. Groaning with pleasure, I let her arse devour every last drop before withdrawing across her rosy cheeks. Realising that I was fully relaxed I took a step back and, taking my spent cock in hand, I allowed the hot, golden liquid to flow. Pouring it over her arse I let it run down those slender thighs and over her sensible brown walking sandals. The silence was displaced by the spraying hiss of my piss and my sigh of satisfaction as a pungent odour filled the air. It was a day I would never forget.

  The afternoon sun is almost lost, casting its eerie glow over the garden as it waves goodnight and the tinkling ripple of the waterfall competes for attention with the evening birdsong. I am relaxing in my favourite spot, leaning back in the wooden reclining chair, next to a small, round table, facing towards our garden pond. I close the notebook which I am holding and put it down on the table, resting my blunt pencil on the bright blue cover. I am proud of my afternoon’s work and let a smile escape.

  I hear her approaching along the white gravel hairpins, long before I see her. As she stands in front of me, her long dark hair waves gently in the breeze and I admire her body.

  “Dinner’s ready,” she says with a smile.

  “I’ve just finished.”

  “Is it good?”

  “Yes, I’m very pleased with how it turned out.”

  I get out of the chair and walk across the lawn, stopping in front of her. Reaching up, I cup her face and caress her round, pale lips with my thumb, before leaning forward to kiss her. With my other hand I gently cup her breast and skim over the thin, yellow cotton before coming to rest protectively over her swollen abdomen.

“I love you Heather,” I whisper.

  “Fuck me,” she says with her smile and reaches out for my cock.

  Something Wicked This Way Comes

  by Jim Baker

  SETH RAN HIS EYES slowly back and forth across the door, studying its peeling paint and green corroded brass handle. Bees buzzed in his brain. His fingers tightened on the key he was clutching in his hand, and blood ran down his palm as it dug into the flesh. He felt eyes upon him, and turned. A curtain flickered in the window of the house next door, and he glimpsed a woman’s face. He raised his hand to his face, licked the blood from his fingers, and blew a mocking kiss from crimson lips. He lifted a bony finger and beckoned her, grinning mirthlessly as the curtain closed abruptly. He turned and thrust the key into the lock.

  Jane shuddered as she watched him. She felt icy cold, even though the room was filled with sunlight. The gaunt figure had seemed to be surrounded by a cloak of dirt, cold, and misery. Grime clung to him like iron filings to a magnet. Greasy stubble blackened his chin. Long, matted dark hair hung to his shoulders, and his fingernails were filthy black arcs. She squeezed her eyes closed. When she opened them he was still there, staring at the town house next door. She flinched as he swung around and blew her a kiss from bloody lips framed in a white, skeletal face. A long finger beckoned and she flung the curtain down and jumped back.

  Seth pushed open the door and stepped inside. The house was chill and dark. He sniffed the damp air, walked down the hallway, and opened a door. As his eyes grew accustomed to the gloom he saw the outline of a window, shielded by thick curtains. He strode forward and yanked them open, then threw his hands to cover his eyes as bright sunlight bit into the room. Slowly he uncovered his eyes and stood still, his body shimmering.

  The shadows formed, as they always did, black and tiny. They began their dance in the corners of the room, slowly growing bigger and darker. They moved toward him. The sunlight retreated as they got larger. Standing motionless, he waited for them to envelop him. He knew she would come. He was content to wait for her, in their warm darkness.

  “For Christ’s sake, Jane, stop gazing out of the window. I’ve had a lousy day at work, and the last thing I need is you ranting on about some lunatic next door!”

  Paul heaved himself up from the armchair, and stomped to the bar.

  “I might as well get myself a drink. You seem to be well ahead already.”

  He poured himself a whisky and looked over at his wife, who was still gazing out of the window, a gin and tonic in her hand.

  She turned and smiled weakly.

  “I’m sorry, Paul,” she said, “you didn’t see him. He was filthy and horrible. Then there was the blood and everything. And he knew I was there. He beckoned me …”

  “You didn’t go near him, did you?”

  Paul glared his wife at his wife as she hesitated.

  “No … no, of course not!”

  But something was nudging the edge of her consciousness, a memory of black shadows and of cold and dirt – of intense delight …

  Seth was standing in the centre of the room when she entered. He turned to look at her with glittering eyes and her body shuddered with fear, but her feet led her to him. She could smell death on him, mixed with a promise of unbelievable pleasure.

  She walked over to his indistinct form, entered the shadows that surrounded him and at once felt warm and unafraid.

  He wound one hand into her hair and yanked her head back, holding it in a merciless grip while he kissed her. His lips were icy and hard, his breath was fetid, and his eyes glittered green. His tongue probed for hers and he sucked it deep into his mouth. He stripped away her blouse and her bra and mashed her breasts with a calloused hand. He twisted and pinched her nipples between a grimy finger and thumb. Jane felt jabs of pain that dissolved into bursts of pleasure, rushing up to her brain and down … down to her hot, wet, throbbing cunt. She felt she was screaming, but nothing broke the silence in the pit of shadows that danced ever higher around them.

  He dropped his head and feasted on her breasts, sucking on her engorged nipples while his hand worked on the fastenings of her jeans. She helped him, kicking them away, frantic to divest herself of any clothing.

  He pulled her down on to the cold floorboards and ripped her panties away. She opened her legs wide and he knelt between them, pushing her thighs further apart with his hands. His head dropped down; she felt his breath on her cunt and then his lips and tongue, licking and sucking the hot flesh. His tongue slid inside her, long and hard and he fucked her with it as her body writhed on the cold floor. Then he took her clitoris between his lips and Jane screamed silently as he sucked mercilessly and rasped his tongue across the swollen button. She twisted her nipples frantically between her fingers; his tongue worked faster and faster as she raced towards her climax. The orgasm was nothing like she had ever known. There was a roaring in her ears and bright coloured lights flashed behind her eyelids as she came in a huge racking burst of pleasure. She felt hot liquid squirting from her cunt and heard the slurping sounds from below as Seth gulped it down …

  “Hello, hello, world to Jane!”

  She blinked hard and stared across the room at Paul, who was looking at her worriedly.

  “Sorry, darling, what did you say? I must have been daydreaming.”

  “I thought you’d gone off into outer space.” Paul still looked concerned. “What on earth were you thinking about?”

  Jane struggled to remember but whatever it was remained stubbornly just below the surface of her memory and she shook her head.

  “I don’t know.”

  She rubbed the hot, wet flesh of her thighs together and gave a little shiver of pleasure.

  Seth stood in the shadows, for the moment replete. The juices of the woman would not sustain him for long. But the next time she would bring seed from her man. After that, he would need the man himself.

  He smiled.

  Jane woke early. She had slept badly, disturbed by dreams of shadows in a dark room of a cold house. There was something she had to do, but couldn’t remember what. As she lay, struggling with her memory, Paul rolled against her. The warm touch of his body acted like the turning of a switch. A craving filled her.

  She sat up and hauled the bedcovers away, kicking them off the bed with her feet. Paul woke and looked blearily at her as she pulled her nightdress over her head and threw it aside.

  “Janey, what the hell …”

  He got no further. She straddled his knees and wrapped a hand around his semi-erect cock.

  “Janey …”

  “Hush, baby. Lie still.”

  He fell back on to the sheets as she played with his cock, jacking it slowly between her fingers. It grew hard and she brought her other hand up to it and tickled the sensitive skin under the head with her fingernails, then tickled his balls until Paul groaned with a mixture of pleasure and frustration.

  She moved up the bed and kissed him, her fingers still working.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Put this big hard cock right up inside me and fuck me stupid.” She rolled on to her back and pulled him with her so he fell between her open thighs. Paul was still half groggy from sleep, but her excitement transmitted itself to him and the bedsprings twanged as he thrust furiously into her.

  Seth stood on the other side of the bedroom wall listening to the sounds of lovemaking. He smiled and the shadows danced high as Paul’s long drawn-out gasp announced his climax. Now the woman would have something more to bring him.

  Jane sat at the kitchen table, staring into her empty coffee cup. Paul had gone to work, sated and confused by Jane’s frantic desire for sex.

  He had come very quickly the first time, and fallen back on the sheets, desperate to sleep, but Jane had demanded more.

  She had worked on him with fingers and lips until he was hard again. Then she straddled him, rode him to a second orgasm, and milked every last drop of sperm from him while he moaned with pleasure.

  But she had felt
nothing. No ecstatic waves, no orgasm. Nothing.

  She stood and walked out of the house to return to the source of pleasure that still plagued the edge of her memory.

  A week went by.

  The summer evening was drawing to a close and the sunlight was fading from where they sat in the patio garden.

  “He’s watching us again.”

  Jane stared at her husband.

  “He’s at the bedroom window. Watching us.”

  Paul sighed inwardly and took a long drink from his glass of wine.

  “Jane, it’s his window. We can’t stop him looking out of it.”

  “Don’t patronize me! I wasn’t going to say, but since you seem to think Svengali next door can do no wrong, let me tell you he had a go at me yesterday!”

  “Had a go at you?”

  Paul rose and put his hand on his wife’s shoulder.

  “What happened?”

  “He came out when I was in the front garden. He stared at me and started this mumbling, like a chant. Then he screamed something horrible about me.”

  “What do you mean, about you?”

  “He called me a cunt and a whore!”

  She started to cry.

  Paul stood up.

  “Right. I’ll sort the bastard out!”

  He marched into the house and fuelled his indignation with a large glass of whisky.

  Seth moved away from the window as the sun died. The woman had reacted as expected. Salvation was on its way.

  Paul raised a hand to hammer on the door. It swung open in welcome, and dark silence beckoned. Mindlessly, he stepped over the threshold, climbed the stairs, and pushed open the door at the top.


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