Seriously Sexy 3

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Seriously Sexy 3 Page 18

by Miranda Forbes

  “Please,” I groaned, desperate to come.

  “Soon,” he whispered “but not yet.”

  And he covered my mouth with his, his tongue plunging deeply in contrast to the gentle pulsing of his ramrod cock.

  I wanted him to eat me alive, I wanted our bodies to be tied together so we could be coupled like this for ever. Suddenly, he pulled out, leaving me gasping with frustration and surprise. But before I could protest, he tilted my chin upwards and held his glistening cock an inch from my mouth.

  “Taste me. Taste yourself on me,” he said and I began to suck and gorge greedily while his right hand curled between my thighs, lightly brushing my aching clit, then pushing deeper, finger fucking me until I thought I could hold back no longer.

  “Not yet,” he whispered once more, withdrawing his cock from my gaping red mouth.

  I was trembling now, losing control, and he gripped my ankles and carefully prised my legs even further apart before he bent forward and slid his tongue between my moist lips. As he traced circles around my clit, my back arched as I was overwhelmed by rapidly spiralling sensations and I heard myself cry out as a mind-blowing orgasm wracked my body.

  Wesley lifted his head and I noticed that his mouth was smeared with my juices.

  “Sweet. Candy sweet,” he said.

  Momentarily exhausted, I stretched out across the car seat, my wrists still cuffed, while Wesley gently stroked my back and nibbled my neck and it wasn’t long before I was ready for more. Besides, this time I wanted to feel Wesley’s come explode inside me.

  “Round two?” he grinned.

  This time he slid into me from behind. I could feel his balls slapping against my buttocks as he thrust excitedly, his breath hot against my neck, and I imagined we were voracious, primitive animals, devouring and being devoured.

  “Harder. Fuck me harder,” I urged and he pumped more vigorously, grunting and panting while I moaned with pleasure. I had decided I had discovered fuck heaven when Wesley announced irritably, “I think someone’s watching us.”

  “I don’t care,” I mumbled incoherently, only seconds away from another climax.

  “Well, I do,” he declared in a macho tone. “I don’t want some perv spying on us. I’ll go and sort him out.”

  And before I could stop him, he unceremoniously pulled out, and hastily dressed, despite my protests.

  “Back in a minute,” he whispered, kissing me on the forehead. “Don’t go away.”

  Then he opened the car door, promptly tripped on a tree root and fell flat on his face. Everything went quiet.

  “Wesley?” I peered out furtively. He was lying face down, perfectly still. “Wesley?”

  I searched around for my abandoned clothes and retrieved the rubber skirt, which I tried to hitch up to cover my exposed breasts, not easy when you’re handcuffed. Then I crawled out of the car and shook Wesley in a desperate attempt to wake him up.

  “Wesley, get up, stop messing about,” I pleaded, turning him over, but he appeared to be out cold. So, here I was, in the middle of nowhere, semi-naked and alone. Handcuffed. Not really the kind of excitement I had craved. Everything was going horribly wrong. I imagined the newspaper headlines, my workmates reading about my erotic adventures, or worse, my mum! Then a chilling thought crossed my mind. Wesley had gone after a voyeur. Which meant whoever was watching could still be out there right now, waiting, observing my predicament. Perhaps enjoying it. I peered furtively into the gathering darkness and shuddered. Seeing poor Wesley lying there, I made a pathetic but unsuccessful attempt to lift him, but the sound of a twig snapping sent me scurrying back to the car in panic. What a nightmare! I hit the central locking, desperately needing to feel safe. As I shivered, wallowing in self-pity, I thought of Carl, and was overcome with guilt. Surely he would be worrying about me? How long would he wait before contacting the police? I was just considering if it would be possible to drive while handcuffed when I noticed headlights in the distance. When I recognised the markings of a police car I didn’t know whether to laugh with relief or die of embarrassment.

  A middle-aged uniformed officer flashed his torch and walked cautiously over, nearly tripping over the prostrate Wesley. “I can’t wake him. I think he’s concussed,” I wailed, my voice breaking.

  And then the words just came tumbling out. “I was lost. I turned off the road to look at a map and then a big scary guy came from nowhere, handcuffed me and overpowered me. I was terrified. I didn’t know what he was going to do.”

  “This man?” asked the policeman, gesturing towards the motionless Wesley.

  I shook my head. “No. He tried to help me, pulled off my attacker who then hit him over the head.”

  “And where is this attacker now?”

  “He ran off when he saw your headlights.”

  I don’t know where the story came from. I had never thought of myself as having much of an imagination before but it was quite a convincing scenario, nonetheless. Even so, the officer looked sceptical. “Sounds like you had a lucky escape, Miss.”

  “Yes,” I replied sheepishly.

  I still felt pretty dazed when the policeman dropped me back at the flat. I was worried about Wesley and feeling guilty about Carl, who I imagined would be waiting anxiously, so I was rather surprised to find the flat in darkness. God, he was working late again! Then I found the note on the table.

  Dear Kandi, I don’t know how to tell you this but…

  The funny thing was, the same night that Carl left me for his Marketing Assistant, my cat Vellore came back.

  Thankfully, Wesley’s concussion wasn’t serious. I visited him in hospital and it turned out he couldn’t remember a thing about what had happened. He was back at work within the week.

  I’m going back to the shop today, to buy a set of handcuffs. Perhaps I can do something to jog his memory … after all, we never finished Round Two.

  Sonja’s Sauna

  by Roger Frank Selby

  The mobile vibrated on the wooden floor. Erik stirred and glanced over the edge of his bed. The face was lit. A text from… Sonja:

  Hi Erik, Otto


  U r invited 2 more

  sauna fun!

  Bring friend. XS

  Two weeks had passed since the wonderful antics in her sauna where it became clear that she and husband Otto had a very open arrangement. Otto hadn’t been away then – the big German had spanked his Swedish wife right there in the sauna, after she’d confessed to “teasing Erik” during their training flight together. And then the fun had really started.

  His new girlfriend Tanya was rightly suspicious but Erik had made it clear that Sonja was a friend he simply wouldn’t give up – for the moment. He hoped someday to take Tanya to Sonja’s sauna – but knew that Otto’s presence would inhibit her. (Even his presence inhibited her!)

  So this was crunch time. He sent a brief reply but kept Tanya in the dark until they were airborne next day.

  ‘Aren’t we somewhere near that Shepherd’s Farm place, Erik?’

  Although she’d only heard that airfield mentioned once before on the radio, she’d remembered it and its link to his female flying instructor. Smart girl.

  ‘Ja, I mean yeah; it’s the airstrip that belongs to Sonja’s husband – our destination on today’s mystery tour!’


  She didn’t sound too pleased.

  ‘Sonja has invited us for a sauna. You said you didn’t mind saunas?’

  ‘I don’t, but I didn’t bring my swimsuit.’

  ‘We aren’t going swimming!’

  ‘But I don’t have anything to wear – you should have warned me!’

  ‘And spoiled a nice surprise? No way!’

  At last she smiled. He set up his final approach over the marching pylons and into the short strip. As the little Robin rumbled onto the grass, Erik saw Sonja waving from the apron in front of the big open barn that served as a hangar. The barn was empty. He’d heard at the flying club
that Otto had taken his huge Turbo-Porter ‘meat bombing’ in German skies – dropping skydivers from high altitude.

  He applied a short burst to set the machine trundling towards the bikini-clad woman, who now had her hands on her hips. Apart from the skimpy yellow bikini, she was wearing an uncharacteristic frown. Uh-ho, what was the problem? Of course! She had assumed he would bring a male friend. Oops.

  He gave a brief smile and waved through the canopy as he shut down and finished his checks.

  ‘She doesn’t seem very pleased to see me,’ announced Tanya.

  ‘No, it’s not you – probably the way I did my approach and landing. She is still my instructor, even though I have my licence now.’ If only that were the problem, but it might serve as a distraction until Sonja got used to Tanya being his ‘friend’.

  He finally opened the bubble canopy to the glorious summer’s day. ‘Hi Sonja – yeah, sorry about that ragged approach and landing – but it was my first one handling the controls into “Shepherd’s.”’ He gave her the slightest of winks.

  Sonja was a smart woman too, and immediately fell into the ploy. ‘Ja Erik, we maybe talk later about it over beer, but now you must introduce me to your friend.’ She was almost smiling, shielding her eyes from the sun, as if that had been why she’d been frowning. Clever; and what a wonderful shape that swimsuit barely concealed. He well remembered how that shape had looked (and felt) unconcealed.

  ‘Sonja, this is my friend Tanya. Tanya, this is my flying instructor, Sonja, the lady who dragged me through my PPL course.’

  ‘Hi Sonja – I’ve seen you around at the club.’

  ‘Hi Tanya. Ja, I have seen you there with Erik. Well, don’t just sit there on ceremony, jump out both of you and come to my sauna!’

  Well, thought Tanya, maybe it was the sun in her eyes, or Erik’s flying, because now Sonja was being the perfect, smiling hostess, as they entered the small building by the farmhouse.

  ‘And now, all men will wait outside the changing room while us girls get changed, right Tanya?’


  Erik grinned ruefully as Sonja closed the door on him – rather roughly, Tanya thought.

  ‘Er, I’m afraid I don’t have a swimsuit, Sonja,’ she appealed to the older woman. ‘Erik, bless him, didn’t tell me where we were going – It was a “mystery tour”!’

  ‘But you and Erik, you are…’ Sonja appeared to stop herself saying something indiscreet as she took off her bikini top. ‘No problem, I lend you something, you are close to my size, I think.’

  Well, close enough, thought Tanya, although Sonja was perhaps more well-developed than her in the jiggling bust now exposed to her.

  Tanya turned modestly away as she shed her own clothes and donned the costume Sonja handed her. When safely installed, she turned to face the Swede’s appraisal.

  ‘There, you fit my swimsuit very well.’

  Tanya glanced down at her own body. Erik had never seen her in swimwear before. She hoped he would be pleased with her, especially with Sonja more or less topless, with maybe just the ends of that towel covering her conical nipples.

  They walked through, into the wooden heat of the sauna itself.

  ‘OK, Erik,’ Sonja called out, ‘Girls are going into sauna; you can come in and change now.’

  They sprawled on the benches, and Erik joined them a minute or two later, looking quite beautiful with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Tanya watched his eyes as he glanced first at Sonja’s half-covered bosom, and then at her. He seemed slightly disappointed to see both women somewhat covered up, but he did a kind of double-take on her as he sat down nearby.

  ‘Wow, Tanya, did Sonja lend you that?’

  ‘Do you like it, then?’ She lay back a little more, her breasts rising.

  ‘I love the way you look in it – first time I’ve seen you in a swimsuit.’

  ‘Thanks, Erik.’

  ‘Well, swimsuits are not really for saunas,’ added Sonja, ‘they are for swimming. And in sauna, you wear only until everybody is comfortable and relaxed in the heat. When so, and all are friends, it is better with no swimsuits, I think.’

  We’ll see about that, thought Tanya.

  ‘Who would like steam?’ asked Sonja jumping up. Immediately her towel ceased any covering function – bobbing breasts nudged the towel curtain aside and displayed themselves to the guests.

  ‘Yes, please.’

  ‘Er, just a minute, Tanya,’ interrupted Erik, dragging his eyes from Sonja’s jiggling bosom, ‘It will feel ten times hotter with steam – wet heat is the killer in saunas; we want to keep it dry for a while at least.’

  And maybe it would kill any sexual high jinks too, she thought. ‘Better not then; thanks anyway, Sonja.’

  ‘OK. Erik is maybe right if this your first time.’

  Sonja returned to the bench easing her bikini briefs off her hips, and covering her lap with a towel as she sat. She pushed the briefs down her legs and bent to retrieve them, breasts swinging spectacularly.

  Sitting there in the heat, Tanya felt overdressed. Oh well, Erik had seen her semi-naked in previous skirmishes, and she had been bare-breasted in the changing room with Sonja – time to show her tits a little, perhaps… but no. She had an urge to do so but she would like Erik to do the revealing – maybe touch her in the process…

  She couldn’t believe how bold she was feeling. Why?

  It must be Sonja. Somehow she trusted this sensuous woman. She felt secure while she was there. A sort of safety in numbers – not that she distrusted Erik.

  She looked up at him and smiled. He grinned back.

  ‘Do you think I’m overdressed?’ she asked him.

  ‘Maybe – but no pressure, Tanya. Like Sonja says, when you’re relaxed…’

  ‘But I am relaxed, Erik. I’m so relaxed I don’t want to move a muscle – and how can I undress without moving?’ In the brief silence that followed, she watched his towel rising in his lap.

  His eyes were fixed on her. ‘I could undress you.’

  She glanced at Sonja and saw that she had her full attention too. Sonja laughed. ‘I wish I had kept some clothes on – then he could have undressed me too.’

  ‘Come on then, Erik, what’s stopping you?’

  ‘Nothing much, Tanya.’ He stood up, struggling to cover his growing erection with the towel. It was a losing battle.

  ‘I would say that is much better than nothing much,’ commented Sonja, drily. Still sitting, she reached forward, caught the edge of the towel and snatched it from him.

  Tanya found herself going along with Sonja’s prank, giggling at the sudden revelation. Erik shrugged and approached Tanya naked, his male member pointing up at her face, swinging, from side to side with each step.

  The sight frightened her a little but Sonja was there and Erik was more embarrassed than the enthralled women – Sonja looked hypnotized by the sight.

  Tanya thrust out her covered breasts, inviting them to be touched by the naked man. Erik seemed to hesitate, maybe because Sonja was watching.

  ‘You must feel her, Erik.’

  He reached out and gently held her left breast in both his hands. Tanya revelled in the all-enveloping touch, the gentleness of it.

  ‘Now the other one,’ prompted Sonja.

  He grasped her covered right breast in a similar fashion, but Tanya felt his increased urgency as he squeezed it a little harder.

  ‘And now you must undo her.’

  Erik leaned over her to reach the fastening. She leaned forward so he could reach behind her as she sat, and her mouth was very close to the swaying tip. Sonja’s view was blocked by Erik, so she couldn’t see Tanya’s full lips opening and going down over the swollen head. She took him in a little way into her mouth. She heard him gasp. She ran her tongue over the tip and tasted him.

  At that same moment, she felt the back strap of the bikini top come undone and her breasts surge forward.

  Maybe Sonja couldn’t see, but she must have
heard Erik gasp, then sigh as he gathered Tanya’s released breasts in his hands…

  But here was Sonja! She stood naked beside the pair of them. She could see everything.

  ‘Ah ha! You have your man where you want him, Tanya!’

  Tanya couldn’t speak with her mouth full; she just made an ‘Mmmm’ sound. Erik was glad she made no attempt to take her mouth away from its important work on him.

  This was a first! Sonja’s presence seemed to be stimulating Tanya. He wondered how she would deal with him touching Sonja, if it came to that…

  ‘Can I touch him too, Tanya?’


  Sonja touched him. She fondled his bottom from the side with one hand and then leaned over, reaching down with the other. He felt the fingertips touch him gently, lifting the loose contents of his sac.

  With Sonja’s large breasts pressed against his side, Erik had a spare hand and handled both women, comparing them, Tanya being only a little smaller and delightfully pointier.

  After a few minutes of being fondled and sucking, Tanya came up for air. Still holding him she looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. Then she glanced across at Sonja.

  Erik followed her gaze. Sonja was looking wistfully at his fully extended cock in the other woman’s grasp. He felt a twinge as his flesh responded to squeezing fingers.

  ‘I have a nice game for us girls – we will blindfold the man – and he will guess which girl!’

  Tanya did not look so sure. She was being very territorial with Erik’s territory.

  ‘I have even better idea, then – screen, not blindfold!’ She pointed to the end of the sauna. Erik noticed a padded bench, from an old gym maybe, about knee-height. Beside and above it there was something that looked like a shower curtain rail, with a black shower curtain furled to one side. Sonja bounced over to it and pulled out the dark screen along the edge of the bench.

  There was a slit in the screen at groin height…

  With an erotic shock to his loins, Erik got the idea.

  The idea was made even plainer when Sonja climbed onto the bench on her hands and knees, the tips of her breast swinging just above the padded surface, her bottom backing up to the slot in the screen.


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