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Hamlet Page 25

by William Shakespeare

  6. Directed by Buzz Goodbody (1975). Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 7. Directed by Ron Daniels (1989). Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

  8. Directed by Michael Boyd (2004). Manuel Harlan (c) Royal Shakespeare Company 9. Directed by Ron Daniels (1989). Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 10. Directed by Michael Boyd (2004). Manuel Harlan (c) Royal Shakespeare Company 11. Reconstructed Elizabethan Playhouse (c) Charcoalblue

  List of parts

  KING called Claudius in his first entry direction, but never named in the dialogue, so a theater audience would not know what he is called Act 1 Scene 1

  1.1 Location: the gun terrace of the royal castle at Elsinore, Denmark

  2 me Francisco asserts that, as the sentry on guard, he is the one who should be making the challenge 2 unfold reveal/identify

  6 carefully ... hour responsibly at your appointed time

  14 rivals partners

  16 ground country

  17 liegemen ... Dane sworn servants of the Danish king

  18 Give God give

  27 fantasy imagination

  29 Touching concerning

  29 of by

  30 along to come along

  31 watch remain awake during/keep guard through

  33 approve corroborate the reliability of

  36 assail attack

  41 Last ... all this very night past

  42 yond yonder, that

  42 pole Pole Star (i.e. North Star)

  43 t'illume to illuminate

  47 figure appearance/likeness

  48 scholar i.e. one knowledgeable enough to know how to address a ghost; a ghost was thought to be unable to speak until spoken to 49 Mark it observe it closely

  50 harrows wounds/distresses

  51 would wants to

  53 usurp'st wrongfully occupies (both the night and the form of the dead king) 55 Denmark the King of Denmark

  56 sometimes formerly

  56 charge order

  63 on't of it

  65 sensible perceptible to the senses

  65 avouch assurance

  70 Norway King of Norway

  71 parle negotiation

  72 steeled pole-axe halberd or similar long-handled weapon (tempered with steel) carried by the bodyguard of a king 76 In ... not i.e. I don't know exactly what to think

  76 work occupy myself, engage

  77 gross and scope general drift

  78 eruption disturbance, turmoil

  79 Good now a polite entreaty for attention

  81 toils causes to toil

  81 subject subjects

  82 cast casting, manufacturing

  82 brazen brass

  83 mart trading

  84 impress conscription

  85 Does ... week i.e. they work seven days a week including Sundays 86 toward impending/afoot

  90 whisper rumor

  93 Thereto ... pride refers to Fortinbras, not Hamlet, the Danish king 93 pricked spurred

  93 emulate ambitious, rivalrous

  96 sealed compact formally certified agreement

  99 seized on legally possessed of

  100 moiety competent sufficient portion

  101 gaged pledged

  101 had returned would have gone

  103 cov'nant i.e. the sealed compact

  104 carriage ... designed carrying out of the clause that had been drawn up in it 106 unimproved untested/undisciplined/uncensured

  106 mettle temperament, spirit

  107 skirts outlying parts

  108 sharked up gathered up indiscriminately, as a shark does fish/seized upon like a predator 108 list troop

  108 resolutes resolved people/desperadoes

  109 For ... enterprise i.e. men who will serve in return for food/men who will serve to feed the enterprise 110 a stomach courage/an appetite

  111 state governing powers

  113 compulsative compulsory

  116 head origin

  117 post-haste great speed

  117 rummage turmoil, bustle

  118 soft wait a moment

  118 Lo look

  119 cross it challenge it/make the sign of the cross at it/cross its path (believed to expose one to evil influence) 119 blast wither/destroy

  126 haply perhaps

  127 uphoarded hoarded up

  128 Extorted wrongfully obtained

  131 partisan long-handled spear

  132 stand stop, remain

  147 Th'extravagant and erring the wandering and straying (out of bounds) 147 hies hastens

  148 confine specific region/place of confinement

  149 probation proof

  151 gainst in anticipation of/just before

  152 our Saviour i.e. Jesus Christ

  153 bird of dawning i.e. the cock

  155 wholesome healthy (damp night air was usually viewed as noxious) 155 strike destroy with evil influence

  156 talks whispers spells (some editors prefer Quarto's "takes," enchants/steals) 156 charm cast spells

  157 hallowed holy

  157 gracious full of divine grace

  159 russet reddish brown (from the coarse cloth of that color)

  Act 1 Scene 2

  1.2 Location: the royal castle at Elsinore

  2 green fresh

  4 contracted knit together

  5 discretion good judgment, reason

  8 sometime former

  9 jointress widow with rights to property that she formerly owned with her husband 11 one ... eye one eye looking cheerfully to the future and the other downcast and tearful 13 dole sorrow

  14 barred ignored/excluded

  17 that you know what you should know, that/what you already know

  18 supposal estimate

  21 Colleagued joined, allied

  21 dream ... advantage illusion of his superior position/dream of what he might gain 23 Importing concerning

  29 impotent powerless, frail

  29 bedrid bedridden

  31 His i.e. Fortinbras'

  31 gait proceeding

  31 in ... subject since the full number of troops mustered is drawn from his (the king's) subjects 37 To for

  38 dilated articles detailed, fully expressed terms

  39 haste ... duty speedy departure, rather than words, convey your dutifulness 41 nothing not at all

  43 suit formal request

  44 Dane Danish king

  45 lose your voice waste your words

  46 That ... asking that I shall not give you rather than have you ask for it 47 native closely related

  48 instrumental serviceable

  51 Dread my lord my revered lord

  52 leave and favour kind permission

  57 bow them submit themselves

  57 leave and pardon indulgent permission

  62 graces qualities/virtues

  63 cousin a general term for a relative

  64 A ... kind i.e. after his marriage to Gertrude, Claudius has become more closely (too closely) related to Hamlet, but the relationship is lacking in natural feeling 64 kind natural/familial/affectionate

  67 nightly colour dark mourning clothes/gloomy demeanor

  69 veiled lids lowered eyes

  71 common universal; in his reply, Hamlet engineers a dig at Gertrude by playing on the senses of "vulgar/whorish"

  75 particular specific, personal

  78 customary habitual to me/socially conventional

  79 suspiration sighing

  81 'haviour ... visage facial expression

  82 moods outward expressions of mood

  83 denote depict

  85 passeth surpasses, exceeds

  92 obsequious relating to obsequies (commemorative rites for the dead) 92 persever persevere

  93 condolement grieving

  95 incorrect disobedient

  96 impatient unwilling to endure (suffering)

  99 any ... sense the most ordinary thing we may experience

peevish stubborn, willful

  101 Fie expression of disgust or indignation

  104 still always

  107 unprevailing unavailing, pointless

  109 most immediate i.e. heir

  112 For as for

  113 Wittenberg city in Germany, home to a well-known Protestant university 114 retrograde contrary

  115 bend you incline yourself

  123 gentle kind/noble

  123 accord consent

  124 grace whereof thanksgiving for which

  125 jocund health merry toast

  125 Denmark i.e. himself, king of Denmark

  126 tell report/count out (i.e. a celebratory cannon shot will be fired for each toast) 127 rouse (drinking of a) full draught of liquor

  127 bruit proclaim/celebrate

  128 Rea-speaking echoing, repeating

  130 resolve dissolve

  131 Everlasting i.e. God

  132 canon law, decree

  134 uses habits, customary practices

  136 rank and gross coarsely profuse in growth

  137 merely completely

  139 to compared to

  140 Hyperion Greek god of the sun, and one of the Titans

  140 satyr mythological creature, part man and part goat (often associated with lechery) 141 beteem permit

  147 or ere before

  149 Niobe for boasting that she had more children than the goddess Leto, Niobe's offspring were killed; she grieved until she was turned into a stone, from which tears continued to stream 150 wants ... reason lacks the faculty of reason

  153 Hercules famously strong Greek hero who completed twelve arduous labors 154 unrighteous wicked/insincere

  155 flushing redness

  155 galled sore, irritated

  156 post rush (literally, ride swiftly)

  164 change ... you exchange the name of servant for that of friend/exchange the name of servant with you (and become yours)/mutually exchange the name of friend with you 165 make you from are you doing away from

  167 even evening (also used in the afternoon)

  169 truant lazy, negligent

  175 ere before

  179 hard close

  180 Thrift economy

  180 baked meats meat pies, pastries

  182 dearest closest, greatest

  190 yesternight last night

  194 Season your admiration control your astonishment

  195 attent attentive

  195 deliver report

  201 waste desolate expanse (puns on "waist")

  203 at all points in every respect

  203 cap-a-pie from head to foot

  205 Goes walks/passes along

  206 oppressed and fear-surprised overcome and taken prisoner by fear 207 truncheon staff carried as a symbol of military authority

  207 distilled dissolved

  208 act action/influence

  210 dreadful full of dread and fear

  215 These ... like my two hands are not more alike than the ghost was like your father 217 platform terrace on which guns were mounted

  221 address ... speak prepare itself for action as if it were about to speak 238 beaver visor of a helmet

  240 countenance facial expression

  248 tell count

  251 grizzly gray

  253 sable silvered black mixed with silver hairs

  255 warrant assure

  260 tenable capable of being held

  260 still plays on the sense of "silent"

  263 requite reward

  269 doubt suspect/fear

  Act 1 Scene 3

  1.3 Location: within the castle

  2 as whenever

  3 convoy is assistant transport (for letters) is available

  7 toy in blood amorous whim

  8 primy in its prime/early/wonderful/sexually excited

  9 Froward perverse/obstinate/willful/ungovernable

  10 suppliance fulfillment/pastime

  11 but so than that

  13 crescent growing

  14 thews bodily proportions, muscles

  14 temple i.e. body (the temple of the soul)

  16 withal with it

  17 soil nor cautel stain nor deceit

  18 will intent/(sexual) desire

  19 weighed being considered

  21 unvalued i.e. without rank

  22 Carve choose (from the image of serving oneself meat; with sexual connotations) 23 sanctity inviolability/worthiness of religious respect

  25 yielding consent

  28 peculiar ... force particular circumstances of rank and power

  30 main voice general agreement

  30 withal along with

  32 credent credulous, trusting

  32 list listen to

  33 chaste treasure i.e. virginity (treasure was slang for "vagina") 34 unmastered importunity unrestrained persistence

  36 keep ... affection i.e. do not advance headlong into the dangerous territory your affection might lead you into 36 rear back portion of an army, which moves last

  37 shot maintains the military image, with suggestions of phallic attack 38 chariest most modest/cautious/frugal

  39 If she i.e. if she does no more than

  39 moon symbol of chastity

  40 scapes escapes

  40 calumnious strokes slanderous blows

  41 canker canker-worm, a grub that destroys plants

  41 galls wounds, destroys

  41 infants ... spring i.e. young plants

  42 buttons be disclosed buds be open

  44 blastments blights/withering

  46 to against

  49 ungracious ungodly

  51 puffed swollen with pride and vanity

  53 recks heeds

  53 rede advice

  54 fear me not do not worry about me

  55 stay delay

  56 double blessing i.e. a second chance to say goodbye to and receive the blessing of Polonius 57 Occasion opportunity

  57 leave leave-taking, farewell

  60 stayed waited

  62 See thou character make sure that you inscribe

  63 unproportioned immoderate/unruly

  63 his its

  64 familiar friendly, sociable

  65 adoption tried worthiness to be adopted as friends having been tested 66 Grapple fasten firmly

  67 dull thy palm i.e. by shaking hands too often

  68 unfledged still unfeathered (i.e. new, untried)

  70 Bear't that th'opposed manage it so that your opponent

  72 censure judgment/opinion

  73 habit clothing

  74 fancy elaborate, fanciful style

  77 Are ... that are of a most distinguished and noble pre-eminence in their choice garments 80 husbandry economy

  83 false dishonest, disloyal

  84 season ripen

  84 this i.e. his advice

  86 tend await

  93 touching concerning

  94 Marry by the Virgin Mary

  94 bethought thought of

  97 audience hearing, reception

  98 put on conveyed to/impressed upon

  101 behoves befits, is appropriate for

  103 tenders offers (Polonius subsequently shifts the sense to "offers of money") 105 green inexperienced/gullible

  106 Unsifted untested

  111 sterling true currency

  111 Tender ... dearly take greater care of your self/value yourself more highly/offer yourself at a higher rate 112 crack ... of make broken-winded, i.e. wear out

  113 Running the image is of urging a horse

  113 tender ... fool show yourself up to be a fool/show me to be a fool/present me with an illegitimate baby 114 importuned entreated persistently

  116 fashion shifts the sense from Ophelia's "manner" to "mere form/passing fancy"

  116 Go to expression of dismissive impatience

  117 countenance authority/confirmation

  119 springes snares

  119 woodcocks birds which were easily caught, hence re
garded as stupid, gullible 120 prodigal prodigally, liberally

  122 light and heat are extinguished in such passionate declarations even as they are being uttered 122 extinct ... a-making i.e. both

  124 For this time for the time being

  125 scanter more sparing

  126 entreatments discussions/military negotiations

  127 command to parley call from the enemy for the negotiation of terms (i.e. Ophelia is not obliged to meet with and possibly discuss surrender to Hamlet simply because he requests it) 130 in few in short

  131 brokers negotiators/go-betweens/pimps

  132 investments clothes

  133 mere implorators out-and-out pleaders

  133 suits requests/courtship (plays on the sense of "clothing") 134 bawds procurers, pimps

  135 beguile deceive

  135 for all once for all/in sum

  137 moment moment of

  139 Come your ways come along

  Act 1 Scene 4

  1.4 Location: the gun terrace of the royal castle at Elsinore

  1 shrewdly sharply, keenly

  2 eager biting

  4 lacks of is just before

  7.1 flourish trumpet fanfare accompanying a person in authority 7 held his wont has been accustomed

  9 wake stay up/revel

  9 takes his rouse carouses

  10 Keeps wassail revels/drinks heartily

  10 the ... reels drunkenly dances the upspring, a German dance

  11 Rhenish German wine from the area around the River Rhine

  12 kettledrum type of drum often associated with the Danes

  12 bray ... pledge i.e. raucously celebrate the king's fulfillment of his earlier promise to drain a full draught of liquor 17 manner custom

  18 More ... observance better being broken than observed

  20 ministers of grace God's messengers, angels

  21 Be thou whether you are

  21 health benevolence/salvation

  21 goblin demon

  24 questionable shape form that invites question

  28 canonized consecrated, buried according to Christian rite (three syllables, stress on second) 28 hearsed entombed

  29 cerements grave clothes

  29 sepulchre tomb

  30 inurned enclosed/buried

  31 ponderous weighty

  32 cast vomit

  33 complete steel full armor

  34 glimpses ... moon earth by moonlight, literally "flashes of moonlight"

  35 hideous frightening, full of horror

  35 fools of nature ignorant mortals/playthings of nature

  36 horridly dreadfully/with horror

  36 disposition ordinary temperaments/mental composure

  38 Wherefore? Why?

  40 impartment communication

  43 wafts waves, beckons

  49 a pin's fee the (tiny) worth of a pin

  53 flood sea

  55 beetles o'er overhangs (like frowning eyebrows)

  57 deprive ... reason remove your reason from its position of control 64 artery thought not to convey blood, but the ethereal fluid known as "vital spirits"

  65 Nemean lion supposedly invincible beast strangled by Hercules as one of his twelve labors 65 nerve sinew, tendon

  67 lets hinders

  69 waxes grows

  71 Have after let's follow

  71 issue outcome

  73 it i.e. the issue

  Act 1 Scene 5

  2 Mark listen, pay attention to

  9 unfold reveal


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