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Hamlet Page 28

by William Shakespeare

  237 So in just such a manner

  237 mis-take your husbands swear insincerely to love and be faithful to your husbands (according to the marriage vow "for better or for worse"); plays on the idea of "mistaking" another man for one's true husband, as Hamlet deems Gertrude to have done 238 pox i.e. a plague on it

  239 the ... revenge refers to lines from the anonymous True Tragedy of Richard III

  239 raven considered a bird of ill omen whose cry heralded death 242 Confederate ... seeing the occasion itself an ally, there being no one else to see me 243 rank virulent/pungent/foul

  244 Hecate's ban the curse of Hecate, goddess of witchcraft

  245 dire property dreadful nature

  246 wholesome healthy

  247 for's for his

  247 His i.e. the king's

  252 false fire the discharge of blank cartridges from a firearm 257 strucken wounded

  258 hart ungalled uninjured male deer

  259 watch remain awake

  261 this the play/the verse just uttered

  261 feathers i.e. elaborate plumes on a hat

  262 turn Turk with abandon (like one renouncing Christianity to become a Muslim) 262 Provincial roses French roses from Provence (here rosettes, worn to hide the shoe fastenings and, like the feathers, a feature of the actor's garb) 263 razed shoes shoes with ornamental cuts in the leather

  263 fellowship ... cry partnership in a pack

  265 share the major players in the Chamberlain's Men had shares in the company's assets 267 Damon either an allusion to the Greek tale of Damon and Pythias, famous for their great friendship, or used as a traditional pastoral name 268 dismantled stripped/deprived

  269 Jove supreme Roman god

  270 pajock either "patchock" (i.e. base, ragged fellow) or "peacock"

  271 rhymed the word that might be expected to rhyme with was is "ass"

  279 perdy corruption of the French par dieu ("by God") 281 vouchsafe permit

  285 retirement withdrawal to his rooms

  285 distempered out of humor (Hamlet chooses to understand the sense of "drunk") 287 choler anger (provoked by an excess of bile, one of the four bodily humours) 289 signify communicate

  290 purgation cleansing the body through bloodletting or the use of emetics or laxatives (Hamlet plays on the idea of eliciting confession; the senses of legal and spiritual purging are also relevant) 292 frame order

  292 start swerve/recoil

  298 breed kind/courtly breeding

  298 wholesome healthy, sane

  300 pardon permission (to leave)

  308 amazement bewilderment/alarm

  308 admiration astonishment, wonder

  309 wonderful astonishing/excellent

  312 closet private room

  315 trade dealings (a deliberately derogatory term here)

  317 pickers and stealers hands

  319 liberty freedom from mental anguish (but a suggestive image of literal imprisonment) 319 deny refuse to tell

  324 "While ... grows" the rest of the proverb is "the horse starves"

  327 withdraw speak privately

  328 recover ... toil a hunting metaphor: the hunter would get to the windward side of the prey (recover the wind), allowing it to scent him and thus driving the animal in the opposite direction and into a net (toil) 330 if ... unmannerly i.e. if I am overly bold in my behavior it is my love for you that is to blame 339 ventages holes (or stops)

  348 mystery secret/craft, skill (playing an instrument)

  348 sound question/produce music from

  349 compass range

  352 fret irritate/provide with frets (ridges for fingering on a lute) 355 presently straightaway

  358 By th'mass by the Mass (a common oath)

  364 fool ... bent indulge me in my foolishness to the limit/force me to play the fool to the limit of my ability (or endurance) 373 nature natural feelings

  374 Nero Roman emperor who murdered his mother

  378 How ... shent however much I rebuke and punish her verbally 378 somever to whatever extent

  379 give them seals i.e. by acting upon them

  Act 3 Scene 3

  1 him i.e. his behavior

  3 dispatch make ready/deal with promptly

  5 terms ... estate conditions or responsibilities of my position as king 8 provide prepare, equip

  9 fear concern, responsibility

  12 single and peculiar individual and private

  14 noyance vexation/harm

  15 weal welfare

  16 cease cessation/decease

  17 gulf whirlpool

  18 massy massive/weighty

  21 mortised fastened securely

  22 annexment adjunct, hanger-on

  22 petty consequence trivial attachment

  23 attends accompanies

  23 boist'rous massive/turbulent

  25 Arm you prepare yourselves

  31 process proceedings

  31 tax him home reprove him thoroughly

  33 meet fitting

  35 of vantage in addition/from an advantageous position

  39 rank foul-smelling/rotten

  40 primal eldest curse God's curse on Cain, the first murderer, who killed his brother Abel (biblical) 42 inclination ... will my urge and determination to pray are equally strong 44 bound directed/tied/sworn

  49 Whereto ... offence? What is the point of mercy if not to confront sin face-to-face?

  52 forestalled prevented

  55 turn need, purpose

  57 effects benefits, acquisitions

  59 th'offence i.e. the profits gained from committing the offense 60 currents courses, practices

  61 gilded golden/bearing bribes

  61 by to one side

  64 There i.e. above, in heaven

  64 shuffling evasion, deceit

  64 the action lies the sin is laid bare/the case is admissible (legal metaphor, continued with evidence) 66 to ... forehead in the very face

  67 give in give, submit

  67 rests remains

  71 limed caught as a bird is trapped by bird-lime (sticky substance spread on branches) 72 assay a great effort/an attempt

  76 pat opportunely, conveniently

  78 would be scanned needs to be examined/would be interpreted as follows 80 foul sinful/treacherous/shameful; most editors prefer Quarto's "sole"

  82 hire and salary i.e. as if Hamlet had hired Claudius to do the murder and was now giving him his wages 83 grossly ... bread i.e. in the grips of worldly pleasures, with no spiritual preparation (such as fasting) 84 broad blown in full bloom

  85 audit account

  86 circumstance ... thought situation and way of thinking/limited condition and way of thinking/indirect way of thinking 87 heavy grave/gloomy

  88 take him kill Claudius

  89 seasoned prepared

  89 passage journey into the next world

  91 hent time to be seized at/opportunity

  92 drunk asleep in a drunken stupor

  95 relish trace, flavor

  98 stays awaits

  99 physic medicine (either Claudius' prayer or Hamlet's postponement of the murder) Act 3 Scene 4

  1 straight straightaway

  1 lay home speak plainly, take to task

  2 broad unrestrained

  4 heat i.e. Claudius' anger

  5 round blunt/severe

  18 rood Christian cross

  19 queen perhaps this puns on "quean" (i.e. whore)

  23 glass mirror

  28 Dead ... ducat i.e. I'll bet a ducat (gold coin) he'll soon be dead/I'll kill him for a mere ducat 39 busy interfering, prying

  43 brazed covered with brass, hardened

  44 proof armor

  44 proof ... sense fortified against feeling

  46 rude violent/harsh/offensive

  53 contraction binding agreement (specifically the marriage contract) 55 rhapsody confused mass

  55 glow i.e. blush for shame

  56 this ... mass i.e. the earth />
  57 tristful sorrowful

  57 as ... doom as if in anticipation of doomsday

  60 index table of contents that prefaces the body of a book

  62 counterfeit presentment painted representation

  64 Hyperion Greek god of the sun, and one of the Titans

  64 front forehead/face

  65 Mars Roman god of war

  66 station manner of standing

  66 Mercury winged messenger of the Roman gods

  67 New-lighted newly alighted

  69 seal i.e. mark of approval

  72 ear i.e. of corn

  73 Blasting withering

  74 leave cease

  75 batten feed greedily

  75 moor marshland/waste ground (may play on the sense of "dark-skinned person" to contrast with the fair mountain) 77 heyday ... blood (youthful) period of sexual excitement

  80 cozened cheated

  80 hoodman-blind blind-man's-buff (Hamlet imagines a blindfolded Gertrude being tricked into picking the wrong man) 82 mutine mutiny

  82 matron mature married woman

  85 compulsive ... charge compelling sexual passion (of youth) attacks 86 frost i.e. age

  87 panders acts as a go-between for/ministers to the gratification of 87 will sexual desire

  90 grained ingrained, indelible

  91 leave their tinct abandon their color

  93 enseamed saturated with grease or pig's fat, i.e. soiled from sexual activity 94 Stewed soaked/slowly boiled (puns on "stew"--i.e. brothel)

  94 honeying exchanging endearments

  94 making love talking amorously/having sex

  95 nasty filthy/lewd/repellent

  95 sty pigsty/place inhabited by whores and lustful people

  100 tithe tenth part

  101 precedent lord previous husband (precedent may have connotations of "exemplary/higher ranking") 101 vice epitome of wickedness/buffoon or trickster from morality plays 102 cutpurse pickpocket

  103 diadem crown

  106 shreds and patches paltry bits and pieces/the multicolored clothing of a fool or clown 112 important urgent, pressing

  117 Conceit imagination

  122 th'incorporal the insubstantial

  123 spirits vital spirits, a bodily fluid thought to be vital for life 124 as ... th'alarm like soldiers awoken abruptly by a call to arms 125 like ... excrements as if growths of hair had lives of their own 130 His ... conjoined the combination of his appearance and his reason (for wanting revenge) 131 capable responsive 132 piteous pity-inspiring

  132 convert ... effects divert me from the grim deeds I intend to carry out 134 want lack

  134 colour character, quality/motive, grounds/hue (colorless tears rather than red blood) 141 habit clothing/demeanor

  141 as as when/as if

  143 coinage invention

  144 cunning skillful/crafty

  149 reword repeat

  150 gambol spring away

  151 unction ointment

  152 trespass sin

  153 skin and film form a thin skin over

  154 mining corroding/undermining/sapping

  158 ranker more abundant

  158 virtue i.e. virtuous talk and rebukes

  159 pursy short-winded/fat

  161 curb and woo bow and entreat

  174 That so that

  174 scourge and minister agent of retribution

  175 bestow dispose of/stow away

  175 answer well justify/pay for

  178 behind yet to come

  181 bloat bloated/flabby/swollen with self-indulgence

  182 Pinch wanton in pinching your cheeks leave marks that proclaim you a wanton (lewd woman) 182 mouse common term of endearment

  183 reechy filthy, squalid (literally "smoky")

  185 ravel ... out unravel (i.e. reveal) all this business

  187 in craft through cunning, by design

  189 paddock ... gib toad, bat, tomcat (creatures popularly supposed to be the familiars of witches) 190 dear concernings important matters

  192 Unpeg unfasten (thus letting the birds out) 193 famous ... down a reference to a lost story; presumably the ape attempted to imitate the birds who had been released from the basket by climbing in, then leaping out in the hope of flying, only to succeed in breaking his neck 194 try conclusions experiment

  202 set me packing cause me to be sent away at once/make me begin plotting 205 still ... grave quiet, trustworthy and dignified/dead

  206 prating prattling, chattering

  207 draw ... you finish my dealings with you/haul you to your grave 209 matter significance

  218 brainish apprehension headstrong conviction/deluded understanding 220 heavy sorrowful

  224 answered accounted for

  225 providence foresight/arrangements

  226 short on a tight leash

  226 haunt company

  230 divulging becoming apparent

  232 apart away

  233 ore precious metal

  234 mineral mine or its products

  240 countenance confront/bear out

  248 what's untimely done i.e. Polonius' premature death

  Act 4 Scene 1

  1 Stowed lodged (refers to Polonius' body); plays on slang sense of "kept quiet," "shut up"

  5 Compounded united, mingled

  10 keep ... own keep your secrets and not my own/follow your advice (and tell you where the body is) and yet keep my own secret 11 demanded of questioned by

  11 replication response

  14 countenance favor

  15 authorities power, influence

  17 mouthed taken into the mouth

  21 sleeps in i.e. is wasted on

  25 The ... body Claudius has a physical body, but he does not possess true kingship/the body is here in the castle, like Claudius; however he, not being dead, is not with Polonius/Polonius is with the true king, dead Hamlet senior, not with the usurping Claudius/Polonius is with God, rather than Claudius 28 Hide ... after refers to a children's game in which one person (the fox) hides and the others pursue him Act 4 Scene 2

  4 of by

  4 distracted deranged/confused/foolish

  6 scourge punishment

  6 weighed considered

  7 bear ... even manage matters smoothly and evenly

  9 Deliberate pause i.e. the result of careful consideration 10 appliance remedy

  15 Without outside

  22 convocation political assembly

  22 convocation ... diet a punning allusion to the Diet (i.e. assembly) of the German city of Worms 22 e'en even now

  25 variable service different dishes in the same meal

  28 eat eaten

  32 progress official journey of state undertaken by the monarch 41 tender hold dear

  44 bark ship

  45 tend await

  45 at bent ready

  51 cherub angel possessed of insight and knowledge

  57 at foot closely

  60 leans on appertains to

  61 aught any worth

  62 thereof ... sense may give you an awareness of the value of my love 63 cicatrice scar

  64 free awe voluntary submission, uncompelled deference

  65 coldly set disregard/regard coolly

  66 process command

  66 imports at full is fully concerned with/conveys detailed instructions for 67 conjuring solemnly charging/conspiring

  68 present immediate

  69 hectic fever

  71 Howe'er my haps whatever my fortunes

  Act 4 Scene 3

  4.3 Location: the Danish border (see "Second Quarto Passages That Do Not Appear in the Folio," lines 81-139 [pp. 143-44], for a longer version of this scene, in which Hamlet witnesses the army's march and speaks his soliloquy "How all occasions do inform against me / And spur my dull revenge") 2 licence permission

  3 conveyance of granting of/Danish escort for

  6 duty respect

  6 eye presence

  9 softly slowly, carefully

p; Act 4 Scene 4

  4.4 Location: within the royal castle at Elsinore

  2 importunate insistent, pressing

  2 distract agitated/deranged

  6 hems makes "hmm" noises

  7 Spurns ... straws strikes out spitefully at trifles

  7 in doubt of unclear meaning

  9 use manner/utterance

  10 collection a gathering of meaning

  10 aim guess

  11 botch patch, stitch clumsily together

  12 Which which words

  12 yield convey, deliver

  13 thought intended

  14 unhappily ominously near the truth/maliciously

  16 ill-breeding mischief-making

  19 toy trifle

  19 amiss wrong, calamity

  20 artless jealousy unskilled suspicion

  21 It ... spilt its excessive fear of being revealed ends up betraying it ("to spill" means both to destroy and to reveal) 26 cockle hat hat with a cockle-shell on it, showing that the wearer had visited the Spanish shrine of Santiago (Saint James) of Compostela; a staff and sandals were also typical of such a pilgrim 27 shoon shoes

  38 Larded strewn, covered

  40 showers i.e. of tears

  42 yield reward; a common way to express thanks

  42 owl ... daughter refers to the tale of a baker's daughter who was turned into an owl after she had been ungenerous to Jesus when he begged for bread 45 Conceit upon fanciful thinking about/brooding on

  49 betime early

  51 Valentine sweetheart, supposedly the first person of the opposite sex one saw on Valentine's Day 52 rose the sexual innuendo of Ophelia's language suggests possible erectile connotations 53 dupped opened (perhaps punning on "tupped," i.e. "had sex with") 53 chamber door playing on vaginal connotations

  54 maid virgin

  58 Gis Jesus

  60 do't have sex

  61 cock euphemism for God, plays on sense of "penis"

  62 tumbled had sex with

  65 An if

  76 spies scouts sent ahead of the main army

  79 remove removal

  79 muddied stirred up

  81 greenly foolishly

  82 hugger-mugger secrecy

  85 as much containing of as much significance

  87 wonder bewilderment/doubt (about his father's death)

  87 in clouds in a state of confusion (or suspicion)/aloof and inscrutable 88 wants lacks

  88 buzzers gossips, rumor-mongers

  90 of matter beggared deprived of facts and solid evidence 91 nothing ... ear not hesitate to accuse me to one listener after another 93 murdering-piece small cannon which scattered its shot and so could kill more people 94 Gives ... death kills me over and over

  96 Switzers Swiss guards (mercenaries commonly employed in royal households) 99 overpeering ... list rising over its boundary

  100 flats flat or lowlying land near the shore

  101 head insurrection

  103 as as if

  104 Antiquity ancient tradition

  105 The ... word (antiquity and custom are) the things that confirm and support every utterance 107 Caps thrown into the air in support

  110 counter following the scent in the wrong direction (hunting term) 110 false disloyal/er ring


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