Wilde Brothers

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Wilde Brothers Page 12

by Bella Court

  As his orgasm and hers subsided, they rubbed their sweaty, still yearning, bodies against one another as if wanting to feel every inch of the other's pleasure. Soon after, he collapsed over her as she let a weary breath leave her throat. He felt her go lax against him as he tried to get his breathing back under control. Looking straight into her eyes he murmured, "Goddamn that was..."

  "Mind blowing," she finished off.

  "Yeah... Mind blowing."

  * * *

  "Who was the first girl you ever loved?" Kristen spoke, drawing light circles into Connor's golden, tanned chest. She was sitting on his lap, cuddled against his warm chest. After they had sex, he had sat back down into his huge, leather chair, drawing her into his lap, and held her there. She had fallen asleep in his arms, and somewhere along the line, he had put his jacket around her shoulders to keep her warm.

  When she had awoken, it was nearly ten, and Connor was perusing some papers, while he held her. Typical of him to still focus on work after sex. Now, they were just taking turns asking one another questions.

  Connor shrugged, smiling as he felt her fingers draw lazy circles and shapes on his abs. "Some girl named Sharon back in first grade. She shared her crayons and bubble-gum with me, and I fell in love with her on the spot."

  He felt the puff of air from her lips as she giggled, a pretty sound he didn't hear from her often. It was such a strange position they were in. Like most men, he usually fell asleep after sex, but no, it seemed like that was what Kristen was doing instead. He didn't mind. She felt...strangely right in his arms.

  "What's your middle name?" Connor asked.

  "Giselle. My dad is part French."

  "Kristen Giselle Satou. You're part Japanese, French, and what?"

  "It's my turn to ask a question!" Kristen interrupted, laughing.

  "How many hearts have you broken?” she asked him half seriously, looking up at him through sleepy eyes.

  Charmed by her candor, Connor smiled at her and answered cockily, "Too many to count."


  "Seriously." He mocked her girlishness, and she swatted him playfully on the arm. She lifted her head lazily off his chest. Instantly, she was hit with a blast of cool air, and she had to fight the urge to press her freezing body to his.

  "To answer your question, I'm part Japanese, French, and English."

  "That's nice, but I was going to ask you something else. On a scale from one to ten, where would you say the sex we just had stacks up?” he asked her, a smirk on his handsome face.

  Kristen placed a finger on her smooth cheek, a contemplative expression on her face. "Hmm, you were tolerable, I guess. About a seven,” she said with a grin, her eyes twinkling. She was completely lying. On his floor, he had given her one of the most mind-blowing orgasms she had ever experienced, and damn the arrogant bastard, he knew it.

  "Oh really?" Connor arched one of his eyebrows in an infuriatingly sexy manner, as his hands reached up and began to caress her breasts through the lace of her bra in slow, tantalizing circles. Before she could stop herself, Kristen had arched her body against his hands and a small moan escaped between her parted lips.

  "Seven, hmm?"

  "M-maybe I underestimated it a bit." Kristen flushed for one of the few times in her life, as she realized that she had stuttered. She didn't stutter. Ever. What was he doing to her?

  "What would it really be at, then?" A lazy smile was upon his face, as he watched her squirm beneath his touch.

  Refusing to let him gain the upper hand, she pressed her body to his, and she smirked as she heard his sharp intake of breath. Placing her lips directly on his ear, she replied, "Ten, twelve, a hundred, infinity. Somewhere along those lines. Does that soothe your male ego?"

  "It’s a start," he admitted, smiling with smug satisfaction. "Come on, Kristen Giselle Satou, let's get you back to your apartment."

  * * *

  After Connor had dropped her off at her apartment, she had one of the best nights of sleep in her entire life. So why the hell did she feel so miserable the morning after?

  The only thing that kept running through her mind was that last night was a mistake, and a big one. She had gone to him in her moment of her anguish, and now what were they going to do? It was like that awful feeling of shame one felt after having a one-night stand, and what was worse, her one nightstand was her boss. Fabulous. It wouldn't happen again. It couldn't happen again…could it?

  He probably wouldn't care to see her again, now all the mystery was gone.


  "What?" Kristen jumped visibly, her nerves shaking and jangled. She whipped around, praying it wasn't Connor.

  "What is the matter with you? You have been jumpy all morning," Jade admonished, slightly shocked at how crazy her boss was acting. Kristen was usually so composed, so what had prompted this sudden change?

  "I umm…I'm sorry," Kristen stammered, mentally slapping herself. First last night, and now this morning. She was stuttering again.

  "Do you need more caffeine or something?"

  "No. No. I'm fine. I'm going to go talk to the tiling company. Right now,” Kristen said hurriedly and erratically, needing to get out of Wilde Towers.

  "Before you go, could you go over a few of the sketches I have for Reece's office? It'd help a lot." Jade's face shined with youthful excitement, and Kristen gnawed anxiously on her lower lip, torn between her desire to run from the offices and to stay and help her exuberant apprentice.

  "I–okay,” Kristen said decisively, taking a seat. Her pride got the better of her. She would not run from her problems like a scared kitten. Still, that didn't keep her foot from moving up and down in quick, rapid motions, or the way her hands kept smoothing out her Anna Sui black sundress. Nervous habits of hers that couldn't be erased.

  "Great!" Jade exclaimed, plopping down onto the couch next to Kristen. Kristen was only halfway listening, as she nodded her head. Her eyes were looking at the sketches, but her mind was elsewhere.

  "So. What do you think?"

  "It's good,” Kristen said honestly. Jade liked to sketch in watercolor pencils, like Kristen, and she had every detail planned out, down to the type of tile, and fabric for the drapery. For John, Reece, and Connor's offices, they had previously agreed to focus mainly on black and white, to give a very modern, sleek, and uniform look to their offices.

  For Reece's office, white chiffon would drape the windows, with lights beneath, to add a softness and romanticism to the hard edge of the black walls and Italian marbled tile. Fresh pink orchids in clear vases would add just the right splash of color to make it all look dynamic, modern, and sleek.

  "Great!" Jade was so enthused, as she pumped in her hands in the air. "I guess I just have to go over it with Reece, and then we can set it up. What about you? Have you started decorating Connor's office yet?"

  At the mention of his name, Kristen blanched. "Look at the time, I should probably go see the tiling company and then go talk to the painters,” Kristen said hastily. She quickly threw her white cardigan around her bare shoulders, when Jade spoke the words that made Kristen cringe and stop in her tracks.

  "Hey, Reece. Hey, Connor!"

  "Hey, Jadie," Reece grinned, watching Jade's pretty face turn red with anger at his fond nickname for her.

  "Hey, Rice," Jade shot back, her eyes gleaming, as Reece shot her a glare in return. She had stumbled across the nickname accidentally, and lucky for her, ‘Rice’ was a name that didn't sit too well with Reece.

  Kristen forced herself to pay attention to only Reece and Jade, but she could feel him behind her. His presence was overwhelming. He was mere feet from her, but she could swear she felt the heat that radiated off of his body.

  "Am I missing something? Did the two of you get married overnight, because you're acting like it," Connor teased, coming to stand next to Kristen. Jade and Reece shot Connor identical glares.

  "Yeah, right. Why would I even think of marrying Jadie over here, when I have th
is goddess, right in front of me?" Reece laughed, moving over to Kristen's other side. He slung an arm loosely around her shoulders, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Connor watched the exchange through narrowed eyes, his jaw clenching automatically, while Kristen stiffened even further under Reece's close proximity.

  Jade had fallen uncharacteristically silent, and no one seemed to want to say a word. Kristen gulped, opening her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Reece's eyes rose, as the silence stretched onwards, noting Kristen's stiff pose and Jade's sudden downcast manner.

  "Kristen, you're so tense. What did I tell you about relaxing? And hey, kid, I was just joking, all right? Some guy is going to be lucky to have you one day." Reece had removed his arm from around her shoulders, and had gone back to ruffling Jade's hair affectionately. She swatted his hand away, and a small smile was now in place, but it looked forced.

  "Like I care what you think,” she tossed back, trying not to let his comment get to her. She knew she wasn't nearly as perfect as Kristen. She knew she wasn't as talented, pretty, or sexy. As a twenty-year-old girl on the edge of becoming a woman, insecurity was not a foreign thing to her. Reece had somehow managed to squish all the self-confidence she thought she had, and even if she didn't want to admit it aloud, he was very cute. Okay fine, he was hot as hell, and he had the attitude to match. And maybe, just maybe, she enjoyed their teasing and harmless flirting a bit more than she let on.

  "Aww…don't be mad at me," Reece cooed, pinching her cheeks, watching with amusement as pink flooded through her cheeks adorably.

  Like before, Connor and Kristen were left uncomfortably quiet, as they watched Reece and Jade bicker and tease one another.

  "I'll get you whatever you want for your birthday coming up, will you forgive me then?" Reece asked, sending her his trademark devil may care smile, but to his chagrin, she just rolled her eyes and turned away.

  A wicked idea suddenly crossed Kristen.

  "Maybe she'll forgive you if you come to her birthday party this Saturday." Kristen smiled, relaxing for the first time since Connor had come into the room. Interestedly, Reece pivoted his body towards Kristen, while Jade made silent and frantic gestures behind his back. She rapidly shook her head from side to side, but Kristen conveniently chose not to see it.

  "Yeah, we booked a VIP room at the 40/40 Club. We can lounge there, watch the game, and then go downstairs to dance. Think you can make it to the party with Jade?" Kristen asked.

  Reece's grin broadened, as he glanced backwards at Jade, who immediately stopped her frantic gesticulating. He knew what she was doing, anyway. "Jay-Z's club? Hells yes, I'll be there."

  "What about you, Connor? You up for partying? I bet you haven't been to a club in ages, old man." Reece laughed, and immediately, Kristen felt herself freeze up again. That definitely wasn't what she had planned on happening.

  Connor shrugged. Normally, clubs weren't his thing, but he did have a fondness for the 40/40 Club.

  "Connor, you should come. I mean, if Rice is going to be there, someone has to calm him down, and not just that, but it'd be nice if you came for my birthday." Jade told him sincerely. Reece shot Jade a dirty look, at how sweet and sugary her voice got whenever she was talking to Connor. It'd be nice if she could conjure up some of that sweetness whenever she was talking to him.

  "Oh, well–" Connor was going to politely decline, when Kristen beat him to it.

  "I'm sure he's way too busy to go the party, Jade. I mean, he's always in the office, can't ever tear him away from those contracts,” Kristen said nervously, not sending Connor a glance. Connor frowned at her. Why the hell wasn't she looking at him? She hadn't acknowledged him once since he came into the room, when all he could think about was her. And now, it seemed like she didn't want him at Jade's birthday party either. But she had invited Reece?

  "Are you going to be there?"

  Connor asked suddenly. Connor registered the slightly surprised look that had come into her eyes, as she slowly replied, "Yeah, I helped organize it."

  "Well, in that case, I think I will come. Happy birthday, Jade."

  * * *

  "You know, I think there's a rule that you can't be hotter than the birthday girl," Jade pouted, watching Kristen apply smoky black and gray eye shadow that made her eyes stand out in the most spectacular way. It brought out light flecks of gold and brown, and it made Kristen look even more like the sex kitten she was.

  "Yeah, and I haven't broken it," Kristen grinned, watching the adorable girl pouting on her king sized bed. Kristen had graciously volunteered her apartment to Jade and a few of her friends to get ready before they headed out to the 40/40 Club.

  "Come here, Jade. Let me curl your hair for you." The pouting girl instantly beamed and hopped in front of Kristen's vanity. When she was all through, Kristen stepped back admiringly, looking at the blossoming beauty before her.

  "No one is going to look more beautiful than you, my dear,” Kristen said sincerely, as Jade gaped at herself in the mirror after Kristen had applied her makeup and done her hair. Jade's usual straight chestnut hair was curled into soft ringlets that framed her face and swept against her defined cheekbones, drawing attention to her eyes and cheeks. Kristen had applied gold and bronze eye shadows to her soft brown eyes, bringing them out more, and adding a twinkle to her bright eyes. Her lips were a pretty glossy pink, and her skin and cheeks were flushed naturally from excitement and youth.

  Her curled hair brushed provocatively around her bare shoulders that were dusted with loose glitter, and she looked absolutely perfect in her purple strapless Chloe cocktail dress that was tightly cinched at the waist, giving her petite body the hourglass figure most women envied.

  "I can't believe this is me." Jade touched her cheek disbelievingly. Sure, she was cute. She had been told that so many times in her life, but tonight, she looked beautiful. Sophisticated, mature, and the very picture of the woman she wanted to be. The very woman she was.

  "Better believe it. The guys won't be able to keep their eyes off of you." Kristen smiled.

  "Or you. Have you seen yourself?" Jade replied, staring at Kristen admiringly. Shoot, if she wasn't straight, she would so go for Kristen. Kristen was wearing a Michael Kors black kimono style dress. The sleeves were billowy, and a V-neck accentuated the sensual column of her throat and hinted at the curves of her cleavage. A gold satin sash was tied at her waist, emphasizing her natural hourglass figure. The hem was fluttery and ended provocatively at her mid thigh, making her legs look long and lean. Paired with a strappy pair of gold Steve Madden heels, she looked too sexy to be real. Her naturally wavy hair was pulled back into a casually messy bun, with loose tendrils that caressed the sides of her cheeks and back of her neck.

  "Are you hitting on me, Jade?" Kristen teased, as she clasped a classic strand of Chanel pearls around her neck, the perfect finishing touch.

  Jade gave a heavy, dramatic sigh, "If only I could. You're so out of my league."

  "Mmm, but I bet someone even better is in your league, hmm? Like…a certain Mr. Reece James?"

  Jade instantly blushed. "Him? Why'd you have to invite him, anyways? He's such an idiot."

  "An idiot you're crushing on. Bad."

  "Yeah, right," Jade scoffed, rolling eyes, dabbing a bit of Calvin Klein Euphoria on her inner wrists and pulse points at her neck. There was a moment of silence, and Kristen was about to open her mouth, but Jade continued, "I mean, he doesn't even like me that way...He has a thing for you, you know." Jade said, almost sadly. Kristen didn't look surprised.

  "It's only because I don't give him the attention he demands."

  "He still wants you. Everyone can see it."

  "It's just lust. He doesn't like me the way he likes you."

  Jade threw up her hands in annoyance. "It doesn't matter because I don't like him, anyways! And before you say anything, we should get going. It's almost ten."

  Kristen smiled at the flustered girl. She just didn't see it. Reece wasn't attracted to Jade
the way he was attracted to Kristen, but there was something else there between them. Jade rounded up all the girls in Kristen's apartment, and electricity and excitement cackled in the air. The girls stepped out of the Park Avenue apartment, as the Hummer limousine pulled in front of them. The girls excitedly stepped into the limousine, but Kristen had to get in one last thing.

  "Reece has got the mentality of a fourth grader, Jade. He flirts with me, because that's what he's used to. But he teases and argues with the girl he really likes because he doesn't know how else to get her attention."

  The club was already in full swing by the time the girls arrived. The main floor was already blasting beats from Beyonce and Jay-Z, with masses of people dancing. Jade practically swooned on the spot.

  "Kristen, I can't believe you did this for me,” she whispered.

  "You haven't even seen the best part of it, yet." Kristen grinned, leading Jade to the Remy Lounge, the VIP room named after Jay-Z's favorite type of cognac.

  The room was large enough to comfortably hold 70 people. A white leather couch completely covered one long wall, with a bed comfortably ensconced in the middle. A pool table took up space in the corner, and an entertainment center and plasma screen took up the opposite wall. As soon as they came in, loud choruses of "Happy Birthday, Jade!" could be heard.

  Jade was swept away in the crowd of her friends and family, as Kristen looked around the room, proud of her own party planning. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Reece and Connor and a few other guys, playing a round at the pool table. Typical, of course–girls would be flocking to their corner.

  She noticed Reece first. He was wearing a pinstriped suit that made him look very lean and tall, his hair styled in the popular faux hawk way that made girls swoon. In one hand, he was holding the cue stick, in the other a glass of amber liquid, and around his waist, was wrapped a blonde that Kristen vaguely recognized as being one of Jade's cousins or something or another.


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