A Nation of Moochers

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A Nation of Moochers Page 1

by Sykes, Charles J.

  For my little Frenchman, Elliott


  Title Page



  Part One: Moocher Nation

  Scenes from Moocher Nation

  Chapter 1. A Nation of Moochers

  A Moocher Checklist

  Chapter 2. Have We Reached the Tipping Point?

  Moocher’s Dilemma

  Part Two: The Joys of Dependency

  Chapter 3. The Rise of Moocher Nation

  Chapter 4. The Joys of Dependency

  The Kindness of Strangers (A Moocher Manifesto)

  Chapter 5. Addicted to OPM (Other People’s Money)

  Want → Need → Right

  Chapter 6. Feed Me

  Part Three: At the Trough

  I, Piggy Bank

  Chapter 7. Harvesting OPM

  Moocher’s Dilemma II

  Chapter 8. Crony Capitalism (Big Business at the Trough)

  Chapter 9. The Two Americas

  Part Four: Bailout Madness

  Lessons in Moral Hazard

  Chapter 10. Mortgage Madness

  Chapter 11. Bailouts for Idiots (How to Make Out Big by Screwing Up)

  Chapter 12. Walk Away from Your Mortgage!

  An Interactive Reader’s Exercise

  Chapter 13. No, They Didn’t Learn Anything

  Part Five: Middle-Class Suckers

  Chapter 14. The Bank of Mom and Dad

  Chapter 15. Middle-Class Suckers

  Chapter 16. Why Get a Job?

  Chapter 17. Mooching Off the Kids

  Part Six: What’s Fair?

  An Abbreviated History of Mooching

  Chapter 18. We’re All from Starnesville Now

  Chapter 19. What’s Fair?

  Chapter 20. Step Away from the Trough



  Also by Charles J. Sykes

  About the Author



  Mooch: verb—he was always mooching money from us: beg, ask for money, borrow; informal: scrounge, bum, sponge, cadge.

  noun—she is such a mooch: beggar; informal: bum, scrounger, cadger, freeloader, moocher.

  (Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus)

  Why “moochers”?

  The title of this book could have been Tin Cup Nation, or A Nation of Freeloaders. This could have been a book about “dependency” or the “culture of entitlement.”

  But “moocher”—in all its anachronistic glory—perfectly captures the new culture of bailouts and irresponsible grasping, everything from corporations feeding at the trough to the permanent “victims” of Hurricane Katrina. Appropriately pejorative and judgmental, “moocher” is so old, it is fresh again. What it lacks in sophistication, it more than makes up for with its bracing bluntness. The next time you are at a cocktail party and a corporate CEO brags about his latest bit of government pork, try responding: “In other words, you are a moocher.” You may ruin the party, but you will have effectively cut through an awful lot of euphemism and rationalization.

  Befitting the times, “moocher” is already making a comeback. Ayn Rand’s use of “moochers and looters” has gained new currency in the era of the Tea Party. Humorist P. J. O’Rourke titled his paean to Tax Day 2009 “A Nation of Moochers”1; syndicated talk-show host Neal Boortz has both talked and written extensively about the “moocher class”; and Forbes magazine recently introduced what it called the “moocher ratio” to measure the degree of dependence on government.2 I hope this book will make a modest contribution in restoring the word to its rightful place in the American lexicon.

  Part One


  Scenes from Moocher Nation

  Mankind soon learns to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess or may assume. The public money and public liberty … will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them; distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance: that they are the instrument as well as the object of acquisition. With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money.… [Our] assembly should look forward to the time, and that not a distant one, when a corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people; when they will purchase the voices of the people, and make them pay the price.

  —Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

  Q: Why are you here?

  A: To get some money.

  Q: What kind of money?

  A: Obama money.

  Q: Where’s it coming from?

  A: Obama.

  Q: And where did Obama get it?

  A: I don’t know, his stash.… I don’t know; I don’t know where he got it from. But’s he giving it to us. To help us. We love him. That’s why we voted for him.

  —Detroit, October 7, 2009, where thousands of residents turned out for free government money. According to the Associated Press, they were supposed to apply for federal antihomelessness grants, but many were under the impression they were registering for $3,000 checks from the Obama administration.

  At the meeting, it was hard to discern where concerns over AIG’s collapse ended and concern for Goldman Sachs began: Among the 40 or so people in attendance, Goldman Sachs was on every side of the large conference table, with “triple” the number of representatives as other banks, says another person who was there.…

  The Goldman domination of the meetings might not have raised eyebrows if a private solution had been forthcoming.…

  Of the $52 billion paid to AIG’s counterparties, Goldman Sachs was the biggest recipient: $13 billion, the entire balance of its claim.

  —New York magazine1

  On Wednesday, 30,000 people suffered through hours in the hot sun, angry flare-ups in the crowd and lots of frustration and confusion for a chance to receive a government-subsidized apartment.

  The massive event sometimes descended into a chaotic mob scene filled with anger and impatience.

  —The Atlanta Journal-Constitution2

  At 300 East 23rd Street in the exclusive Gramercy Park neighborhood of Manhattan, a new 98-unit luxury apartment complex has been built with an outdoor movie theater and panoramic city views. The problem is that not enough buyers are coughing up the $820,000 to $3 million the project’s developers are asking for the privilege to own a unit in the building.… Last December, the Federal Housing Administration loosened its financing rules so that U.S. taxpayers would have the honor of backing loans with down payments as low as 3.5%. Now rich Manhattanites can better afford condos in buildings with pet spas, concierges and rooftop lounges like the one in Gramercy Park, all on the taxpayers’ dime.

  —The Heritage Foundation3

  More than $69 million in California welfare money, meant to help the needy pay their rent and clothe their children, has been spent or withdrawn outside the state in recent years, including millions in Las Vegas, hundreds of thousands in Hawaii and thousands on cruise ships sailing from Miami.

  —Los Angeles Times4

  In Wilkinson County, Miss., a home has been flooded 34 times since 1978.…

  The home’s value is $69,900. Yet the total insurance payments are nearly 10 times that: $663,000.…

  The insurer? The federal government.…

  In Fairhope, Ala., the owner of a $153,000 house has received $2.3 million in claims. A $116,000 Houston home has received $1.6 million.

  —USA Today5

  A federal program designed to help impoverished families heat and cool their homes wasted more than $100 million paying the electric bills of thousands of applicants who were dead, in prison or livi
ng in million-dollar mansions, according to a government investigation.…

  Illinois paid $840 toward energy bills for a U.S. Postal Service employee who fraudulently reported zero income even though she earned about $80,000 per year.

  “Times are tough and I needed the money,” she told investigators.

  —Associated Press6

  El Campo, Tex.—Even though Donald R. Matthews put his sprawling new residence in the heart of rice country, he is no farmer.… Yet under a federal agriculture program approved by Congress, his 18-acre suburban lot receives about $1,300 in annual “direct payments,” because years ago the land was used to grow rice.

  Matthews is not alone. Nationwide, the federal government has paid at least $1.3 billion in subsidies for rice and other crops since 2000 to individuals who do no farming at all.…

  —The Washington Post7

  Chapter 1

  * * *


  * * *

  We are all born moochers; whether we choose to remain so determines our character and our future. All we have to lose is our dependency.

  * * *

  Is America becoming a country where the irresponsible and grasping increasingly live off of those who work, save, invest, and otherwise play by the rules? Have we reached a tipping point where more Americans are relying on the efforts of others rather than their own?

  Are we becoming a nation of moochers?

  We are very close to that point if we have not already crossed the line. From the corporate bailouts on Wall Street to the declining stigmas on default and dependency, the new moocher culture cuts across lines of class, race, and private and public sectors. Members of the middle class are increasingly as likely to become moochers as the poor; CEOS are as likely to belly up to the trough as the underprivileged; and the BlackBerry has emerged as a more effective tool for mooching than a tin cup. In the Great Bailout, an expensively educated, richly compensated, elaborately insulated, politically powerful, and well-connected elite toyed with the nation’s wealth and bailed themselves out at the expense of millions of waitresses, steamfitters, shopkeepers, schoolteachers, farmers, retirees—and their children and grandchildren—in what may turn out to be the greatest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history.


  Moocher Nation is not driven by a coherent ideology or even a consistent approach to dealing with either need or “fairness.” What it has is … momentum.

  More programs of dependency generate more reliance on ever more and varied handouts, as the habit of dependency becomes ingrained and increasingly attractive to others. Subsidies breed subsidies; pork inspires pork (especially if it can masquerade as stimulus); tax credits multiply like bacteria; and lobbyists swarm at the prospect of congressional handouts. The explosion of bailouts and handouts creates its own dynamic: How can you say no to would-be moocher A when B and C are getting mountains of federal cash? How can politicians turn down farmers when the bankers are fattening at the trough; or plead for fiscal restraint to Main Street when Wall Street is awash in OPM (Other People’s Money)? One CEO who jumps on a Gulfstream jet to fly to Washington to wring a few billion dollars from compliant senators inspires dozens, maybe hundreds, of other businessmen to book planes, trains, and limousines to get their own slice of somebody else’s American Dream.

  The stigma of dependency—being on the dole—still runs deep in American culture, certainly far deeper than in Great Britain or France, where students and pensioners take to the streets at the merest whiff of a suggestion that they might lose one of their cherished benefits. But it is not inexhaustible. The stigma has been all but erased in some central cities where the long lines that form even at the rumor of free stuff have become testaments to the pervasiveness of the moocher culture, a way of life passed from generation to generation.

  Meanwhile, the infrastructure of mooching issues forth armies of social workers, caring professionals, caseworkers, program officers, bureaucrats, advocates, activists, and nonprofits, who see it as their mission to ease the transition of taxpayer dollars into the hands of the “disadvantaged,” or at least the well-connected. Every crisis, every natural disaster or financial setback, becomes another occasion for expanding the size of the moocher state. Each cause has its own symbols of need and woe and justification for their own comfortable jobs as agents of the moocher culture: the deprived child, the bereft farmer, the impoverished oldster—but the message is always the same: more. Says the Tax Foundation’s Scott Hodge: “Every marketing guru will tell you that people love free stuff and they will take as much as they can get whether they need it or not. But for a nation, this is a recipe for disaster.”1

  Human nature being what it is, politicians throughout the ages have understood that it is far easier and more popular to hand out bread and circuses, entitlements, and freebies than it is to take them away. Promises, even if they are unaffordable, tend to win more votes than truth telling, especially if that means delivering the bad news that there is no more free lunch and that government workers might have to contribute more to their own pensions.

  Scenes of public employees besieging state capitols in Wisconsin and Ohio to protect their bloated benefits and union power are likely a preview of the ferocity with which the entitled will fight to keep their spot at the public trough.

  Always More

  There is an inexorable quality to the new culture. Regardless of how much has already been done or whether those efforts have succeeded or failed, advocates continue to press for ever greater efforts by the government to help the downtrodden. By definition, whatever has been or is being or will be done is insufficient: After trillions of dollars spent on the War on Poverty, more is urgently required, even if that means continually redefining poverty. But it is one thing to erect a safety net for the needy, and quite another to provide a soft down-filled mattress with a taxpayer-funded mint on the pillow and minibar privileges.

  Some of these developments can be dismissed as artifacts of the deep recession, but the loss of the stigma associated with default and dependency may also mark a decisive shift in the American ethos and character. The Great Recession of 2007 saw the destruction of millions of jobs and vastly increased the numbers of Americans reliant on government. But the growth in dependency predated the deluge and Washington used the crisis as a pretext to further shrink the private sector and expand government dependency. This recession hit hardest those who played by the rules and sharpened the gap between the two Americas: those who had 401(k)s, owned a home they intended to pay for, and worked in the private economy, versus those who lived on government entitlements, deadbeats who defaulted on debts, and companies that benefited from bailouts or massive pork subsidies. All of this raises fundamental issues of fairness. As Oxford University ethicist Henry Shue says, “If whoever makes a mess receives the benefits and does not pay the costs, not only does he have no incentive to avoid making as many messes as he likes, but he is also unfair to whoever does pay the costs.” And philosopher David Schmidtz explains, “To be just is to avoid, as best we can, leaving our neighbors to pay for our negligent choices.”2

  But that is precisely what has happened. Much of the anger of recent years stems from the realization by millions of Americans that the story of the ant and the grasshopper is being turned on its head: Increasingly, those who take responsibility are being asked to bail out the profligate.

  The milestones are troubling:

  • Even as more people became dependent on government, fewer were paying their share of the tab. By tax day in 2010, nearly half of U.S. households paid no federal income taxes. After years of cuts, credits, and outright rebates, 47 percent of households had no net liability at all. A family of four could make up to $51,000 without paying a nickel in federal income taxes.3 Many of them have a “negative tax liability,” which means they get a check from the government.

  “The result,” notes the Associated Press, “is a tax system that exempts almost half the cou
ntry from paying for programs that benefit everyone, including national defense, public safety, infrastructure, and education.”4

  • While the top 10 percent of earners now pay around 73 percent of the federal income tax burden, fully 40 percent of individuals actually get more money from the tax system than what they pay in. Rather than sending in a tax payment on April 15, the government actually sends them a check, paid for, of course, by other taxpayers. “In essence,” writes the Tax Foundation’s Hodge, “lawmakers have turned the IRS into an ATM machine for welfare benefits—and ATM now stands for Another Taxpayer’s Money.”5

  • There are now more takers than makers in the American economy. As The Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore writes, in the United States today, government now employs nearly twice as many people (22.5 million) as work in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). “It gets worse,” notes Moore. “More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers.”6


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