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by Charity Ferrell

  “Let me remind you that her being in the video was your idea. If she’s not cool with it, we’ll reschedule. It’ll be a son of a bitch, but not the end of the world. I can handle it.”

  “It would be too complicated.” He juts his finger towards me. “Be on your best behavior, so everything goes smooth.”

  “You know I always am.”

  He snorts at my response and then snaps his fingers when my stylist comes into view to get her attention. “Mallory,” he yells. She whips around to look at him. “Change of plans. Libby, Knox’s new assistant, is doing the video with him now. Find her something to wear and then send her straight into hair and makeup. Do it quickly, but don’t half-ass it, either.”

  “Got it,” Mallory answers, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Are we going for a more modest look now?” Mallory has worked for me for two years and is damn good at her job. She’ll have this under control.

  “Let her pick whatever she wants to wear,” I say. Mallory raises a brow. “I’m not saying give her a moo-moo, but options.”

  She nods in response and scurries away.

  “You sure this is a good idea?” I ask Thomas. “There are already pictures of us leaving a club together last night.”

  “What? Why the hell were you at a club with her?”

  “I wasn’t there with her. I ran into her, was about to leave, and she needed a ride home.” He nods, but I’m not sure if he actually buys my story. “Now we’re doing this video together? People are going to speculate we’re fucking. I can guarantee that.”

  Thomas shrugs. “Maybe that will be good for your image, make it look like you’re settling down and making better choices.”

  This better not be some kind of setup by my team.

  “No, it won’t be good for my image. It will fuck it up more. If I’m seen hanging out with any other chick that’s not her, it’ll look like I’m cheating. So make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “Let’s not worry about that right now. Today’s goal is shooting this video. We’ll figure out all of the necessary PR later.”

  I salute him. “Got it.”

  He walks away to talk to someone. I sit down on a stool and pull my phone out. I search my name on the internet – something I haven’t done in years. It makes me sick to my stomach when I read the bullshit lies they write up.

  That’s what sells, though.

  Sex and lies.

  I start to scroll through the results.

  Knox Rivers Has a Wild Night Out at Emeralds: Booze, Partying, Drugs, and Women!

  Knox Ditches Stella for Mystery Blonde! Stella Leaves in Tears!

  New Girl For Knox Rivers?

  Jesus Christ, it’s worse than I thought.

  At least they don’t have her name yet.

  I look away from my phone when Libby comes stomping out of the room, her make-up halfway done, with a copy of the script in her hand.

  “There will be no tongue. You need to do a rewrite,” she tells me.

  “I’m not rewriting it. If you’re not comfortable making out with me, say it right now and we’ll leave. I’m not changing this entire video.”

  “What if we change it to light kissing?” Thomas suggests, making his way over to us. He looks over at Libby. “It won’t be as bad as you think.”

  “It’ll be much better,” I add, resulting in a dirty glare from the both of them. “You’ll probably be proposing to me when it’s over.”

  She rolls her eyes at me.

  “It’s one minute of kissing,” Thomas goes on. “You need the money.”

  “Why does that make me sound like a hooker?” she snaps.

  “She’s right,” I say, nodding. “It does.” I bring myself up from the chair and stand in front of her. “But there’s a lot less needed in this job than that of a hooker, considering you don’t have to blow me. So are you in or out?”

  She looks at Thomas, who gives her a slight head nod. “In,” she answers. “I’ll be fine.”

  I don’t believe her.

  This video is sexy, and the storyline is that of a forbidden romance. I’ll be playing Libby’s boyfriend’s best friend who she sneaks around and has an affair with.

  The set is going to look like we’re in a cheap motel room in the middle of nowhere. The actual “building” is a cardboard cutout that will look like the real thing once the video is finished and editing gets their hands on it.

  It takes Libby another twenty minutes before she comes back out.

  My jaw drops.

  Goddamn, she looks fucking stunning.

  My hands are already itching to peel that black tank top from her chest.

  She slowly comes my way, giving me time to appreciate the cut-off jean shorts that barely cover her thighs, and I can already feel my dick starting to throb.

  Fuck, don’t let me pop a boner while we film this.

  “So … how do I look?” she asks, throwing her hands down her body.

  “Damn good. I can’t wait to take those clothes off,” I say, causing her to blush and look down at the ground. “You ready to do this?”

  “I think so. I popped a Xanax about ten minutes ago, so I’ll probably feel better when it kicks in.”


  She slaps my chest, a smile cracking on her lips. “I’m kidding! Let’s make this fun, okay? Otherwise, it’s going to feel and look like we’re uncomfortable, which won’t be good for your image and take away from the entire video.”

  “I completely agree.”

  I grab her hand and lead her to where we’re shooting the first scene – on a bed.

  “And we’re starting with the big one,” she mutters. “Don’t you believe in saving the best for last?”

  “Nope, the first taste is always the best.” My tone turns serious. “I know you read the script, but do you want to rehearse a few times before we shoot?”

  “No, it seems pretty basic, so I think we’ll be okay. If we mess up, we’ll reshoot it.”

  “Pretty basic, huh? You make out with random dudes on camera pretty frequently?”

  She nods. “All the time. Make-out porn is all the rage, the most hardcore stuff out there.”

  I’ve never shot a video without rehearsing first. I’m a perfectionist in the sense that everything has to be planned and done right before we start shooting, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. I don’t think she understands that by not rehearsing, we’re most likely going to have to kiss and touch more.

  I twist around on my heels and tell everyone we’re going straight into shooting. They all look at me like I’ve lost my damn mind, but start to move into their places.

  Mike shrugs. “I guess we’ll get started then.”

  I shake my arms out and start to bounce on my toes before they turn the music on.

  “Action!” Mike yells.

  My heart begins to pound at the start of my song, and I have no idea why. I’ve shot dozens of these videos. I’ve kissed and done more with plenty of other models, so why does it feel like my heart is about to come barreling out of my chest?

  I shrug off the feeling and push myself forward to start walking through what’ll look like a deserted parking lot. Libby is in one of the rooms, pacing back and forth nervously, waiting for me.

  A rush of adrenaline punches through me when I knock on the door. She peeks through the peephole before letting me in and lets out a gasp when my arm immediately spans around her waist as soon as I make it through the doorway.

  She’s apprehensive.

  Hell, we both are.

  She pulls in a breath when I push her against the wall, my body moving into hers, and I tilt my head down to look at her, waiting for the right time to advance. I edge in closer to draw her lower lip into my mouth, sucking on it gently, and press my lips against hers.

  They’re as soft as feathered pillows, and she expels a deep breath before kissing me back. She tastes delicious, like fresh citrus and peaches.

  The attract
ion between us sparks to life.

  I don’t want this scene to end.

  Hell, I’ll do this entire video with my mouth and hands on her.

  I tighten my hold on her hips, and my body is begging for more when I sense her excitement.

  I have to stop myself.

  I have to keep this professional.

  But it’s taking all of my strength not to wrap her legs around me and give it to her against this wall … and we haven’t even made it to the bed yet.



  Knox kisses me like he owns me.

  I believed I was safe – that I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything except the camera, but I was so wrong.

  Right now, all I can think about is how I want more of him.

  This attraction, this pull, is blindsiding me.

  The song’s sexual lyrics playing in the background isn’t helping, either. They’re only driving my desire harder.

  I’m dizzy, so damn dizzy, as Knox keeps me pinned against the wall with his lips on mine. My knees start to wobble, and I’m grateful when he picks me up in his arms and carries me across the room to the bed.

  My pulse is pounding so hard I can almost hear it over the music. I gulp as he levels me down on the bed and starts to crawl over me. Goosebumps take over my skin when he draws out a long breath against my exposed neck before his lips find mine again.

  My tongue darts into his warm mouth, demanding more, and surprising the shit out of him.

  I mean, I’m only doing my job, right?

  I have to make our attraction look as real as possible.

  My thighs tingle when I lose his mouth, and he starts to drag my shirt over my head, messing up my hair. That’s my cue to do the same to him.

  Everything is so fast paced.

  I need him to slow down.

  I want this to last longer.

  “Goddamn,” he hisses between his teeth while drinking me in underneath him wearing a red lace bra. I tried convincing Mallory to find me a sports bra, but she wasn’t having it.

  I brace myself, aware of what’s coming next, and gasp at the feel of his soft lips hitting the skin right above the button of my shorts. Heat pools through me as he circles his arm around my back to bring me closer to his mouth.

  He trails kisses up my stomach, and everyone around us fades away.

  It’s only him and me.

  The pressure builds up, and reality starts to hit me.

  He’s going to make me come.

  Why the hell is my body letting this happen?

  If I have an orgasm right now, I’m quitting.

  I’ll work a drive-thru asking people if they want to supersize their fries before I’ll face him after that.

  “Alright, cut!”

  The music stops, startling me, and my throat closes up as I try to calm myself down.

  Knox looks down at me, grinning. “Are you sure you’d still turn me down?” he asks.

  “Holy hotness,” the director shouts. “I think it’s a blessing in disguise the other chick didn’t show up. You two just fucking killed it.”

  The air in the room feels tight. I push at Knox’s chest, unable to look at him, and probably look batshit crazy as I roll off the bed and hit the floor with a thud.

  “Is that a wrap?” I ask, catching my breath. I grab my shirt off the floor and pull it over my head. “I … I think that should be a wrap.”

  Knox stands up. “Actually, I’m positive I made some mistakes.” He looks over at me. “We need to reshoot. Better safe than sorry.”

  “It was fine, Knox,” Thomas says, sternly. “We need to move on.”

  Thank God.

  I keep my eyes on the ground when I head back to hair and makeup for my second look, and we spend the next six hours shooting scene after scene, which thankfully aren’t as sexual as the first one. We sneak around in different rooms, share a few light kisses, and I scream like a madwoman when Knox gets into a fight with my on-screen boyfriend.

  What a fucking day.

  I take one last look at myself in the mirror and try to process what’s happened today.

  Everyone that watches the video is going to witness me bare myself to him. They’ll see the spark I felt when his lips touched mine. There’s no missing the connection, how my nerves tingled underneath my skin while wanting more of him. I was in a euphoric haze at the feel of his soft fingertips running along my skin.

  Which is why something like this can’t happen again.

  Panic starts to ride through me while I change my clothes. Too many people are going to see this. His videos get hundreds of millions of views. I need to give my dad a heads up before he hears about it. He’s tried to keep me out of the spotlight, and even resorted to throwing me in private school and banning me from traveling with him after everything happened, but now I’ve slapped myself right back into it.

  What had I been thinking?

  I should’ve said no.

  But there’s nothing I can do now.

  I made my decision.

  I only hope Knox doesn’t like the video and decides to reshoot it with someone else.

  Anxiety, shut up.

  I’m slipping on my sandals when I hear a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” I yell.

  It swings open, and Knox appears in the doorway.

  He points down the hall. “They’re about to show some clips of the video. You want to see them?” I hesitate for a moment, biting into my lower lip. He steps into the room and shuts the door behind him, concern now on his face. “Libby, if you don’t feel comfortable with this going public, I’ll reshoot it.”

  “It’s not that. I’m comfortable with it. I’m only trying to figure out the best way to tell my friends and dad about it.”

  “Claim it’s not you and there must be some secret twin of yours running around somewhere.”

  “You’re terrible at lying.”

  He laughs. “I stupidly tried using that excuse once.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “I threw a party in my hotel room when I was underage. The media found out about it and went nuts. When I was questioned, I told them it must have been my secret twin.”

  “You were a dumb kid.”

  I feel paralyzed when he moves in closer. The high of his touch is still driving through me. If he touches me, I’m not sure how I’ll react.

  I might rip his clothes off and screw him against that door.

  “Can you do me a favor?” he asks. His eyes are focused on me, giving me that intense stare I’m beginning to grow familiar with.

  “What?” I stutter out.

  “Admit that you enjoyed kissing me and it didn’t gross you out like you said it would.”

  I gulp, hearing the challenge in his voice, and force out a laugh. “You’ve lost your mind.”

  “I know when a woman is attracted to me. I know when a woman is turned on, and you sunshine, were most definitely turned on and attracted to me.”

  “I was acting.”

  He lets out a sarcastic snort. “If that helps you sleep better at night.” He starts walking backward, away from me, and grabs the door handle but doesn’t move. “I’ll meet you out there, and by the way, I wasn’t acting. I was turned on. Incredibly turned on.” My mouth falls open, and I just stare at him, unable to form words and taken aback by his honesty. “I’m only being honest.”

  He shrugs and finally opens the door to leave.

  Why does he keep doing that?

  He says something to test me and then walks away – like it’s no big deal. He’s getting in my head, and he knows it.

  I let out a slow and steady breath, grab my bag, and exit the room. I walk down the hallway to find everyone hunched around a computer. Knox smiles and waves me over.

  “We look pretty damn hot, eh?” he asks, elbowing me in the side when I reach them. I slowly nod and stare at the screen.

  He’s right. The pull between us is transpicuous. There’s no fak
ing that strong of an attraction, even if you’re the best actor in the world. I watch him take my breath away and light me up.

  I’m so screwed.

  The director drags me out of my daze when he claps his hands. “This is going to be a hit.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  I glance down at my watch and fake a gasp. “Wow … it’s getting late. I have to get going.” I look at Knox, and it hits me that I’m his ride. “Unless you need me to stay or take you home?” I rush out. Spending thirty minutes in the car with him isn’t what I want to do right now, but he’s my boss and owns the car I’m driving. It would be rude.

  “Nah, I think I’ll stay here and work on some editing. You go ahead. I’ll have Thomas drop me off at home,” he answers, giving me a reassuring smile that shows off his perfect white teeth.

  I nod at his response and say my goodbyes. The sun is starting to set as I walk through the parking lot to the Jeep. I toss my purse in the passenger seat and am about to get in when I hear Knox yelling my name.

  I turn around, and he’s running towards me with a shopping bag dangling from his fingers.

  “Hey,” he says, catching his breath when he reaches me. He holds out the bag. “Thanks again for doing the video. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.” I stare at the bag still in his hand. “I had one of my sales reps bring this over. You helped me big time, so it’s the least I can do.” I keep staring until he shoves it into my hand. “Take it.”

  I don’t look away from it because I’m too nervous to face him. He bought me a present? Do I open it now? Wait until I get home?

  “Open it,” he urges.

  I do as I’m told and gasp when I open up the box inside. “I … I can’t accept this.” I run my hand over the soft leather, appreciating the beautiful piece. I was eyeing this purse and planned on asking my dad to buy it for my birthday before we lost everything. “This is a three thousand dollar purse. I’m already getting paid to do the video.”

  “Don’t worry about the price. I can afford it.”

  “But …”

  His words cut me off. “Keep it. Sell it if you need the money. I wanted to show you my appreciation, plus I know you love your handbags. I’ll take it as an insult if you don’t accept it.”


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