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POP ROCK Page 16

by Charity Ferrell

  He’s grinning from ear to ear when he slides back in bed, drags me over to him, and positions me at his side, his arm resting on my stomach.

  “This is like Friends,” he says. “When Ross and Rachel finally give into their desires.”

  “You’re right,” I mutter, my eyes feeling heavy.

  He damn sure wasn’t lying about draining all of the energy out of me. The last thing I remember is his lips sinking into my hair before I drift off to sleep.

  “I’m in your bed,” I whisper into my pillow as the bright sun starts to shine through the thin curtains. “Holy shit. I’m in your bed.”

  I fucked Knox Rivers.

  I also sucked his cock.

  And I want to do it again.

  This is exactly what I’d been afraid would happen – that I’d start to get consumed by this man and keep wanting more and more of him.

  I hear a deep laugh behind me, and the white sheets slide down to my waist as strong arms wrap around my stomach. He pulls my naked body into him, my back resting against his front, and I can feel his morning glory against my ass.

  “Fucking finally,” he replies. “I’ve been trying to have a morning like this for months.”

  “Thomas is going to flip his shit if he finds out about this.” And so is every Knox Rivers fangirl out there. I saw the way they treated Stella. They were brutal, commenting on her social media pages telling her she was ugly and Knox belonged to them. I don’t need that kind of drama in my life.

  “It was bound to happen.”

  I lose the warmth when I turn around to face him. Damn, he looks amazing first thing in the morning. I can see the damage my nails did to his shoulders last night. I nearly assaulted the man. His hair is wild, most likely from my fingers pulling at the roots while he went down on me.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  He signals between the two of us. “You and me … this … it was going to happen sooner or later. We have something, Libby, and your mouth can mutter out all kinds of denial, but your body is throwing something else out. Your heart isn’t agreeing, either.”

  “You don’t know that. Maybe you only turn me on. It had been awhile since … you know.”

  “Since you had dick as good as mine?” He pauses. “Actually, that’s probably never happened the way you tore me up last night.”

  I sigh. “I guess we got each other out of our systems.”

  “Trust me, I did not get you out of my system. If anything, what happened last night only makes me want more of you. I want to know what it feels like inside of you in every position possible.”

  I fight with myself to restrain from moaning when he rests his hand on my hip and scoots in closer to me. He rubs his erection against my heat, making my argument harder as he gets harder.

  “We can’t do this again,” I stutter out.

  “We’re about to do it again in about three seconds. Turn around.” I do as I’m told and look back at the sound of him opening up a condom. He grunts as he slides it onto his erection. I tremble when his chilly hand reaches down and slips between my legs. “And you’re soaked for it.” He wastes no time hitching my leg over his waist and sliding his manhood inside of me from behind. I moan, feeling every inch of him, as he starts rocking back and forth.

  I tilt my hips up, meeting his long strokes, and shiver when he swipes my hair from my shoulder to whisper in my ear. “Out of your system, my ass. I want you on top, riding my cock, and showing me you’ll never get enough of it. That you’ll never have me out of your system.”

  Heat curls up my spine when he pulls out of me to collapse on his back. I’m aching at the loss of him as I eye his erect cock, now soaked with my juices.

  “Maybe I need to work a little bit harder then,” I say, licking my lips.

  “Then get to it.”

  Oh, fuck it.

  Like Knox said, it was bound to happen … and him laying there offering his cock makes me bound to ride him, right?

  I stroke his cock once before nervously lowering myself down on him. He fills me perfectly, like we’re two puzzle pieces destined for each other, and I slowly start to ride him.

  He controls my pace – slow and passionate – until we both lose control of ourselves.

  “I just realized something,” Knox says, staring down at me. He’s sitting up, his back against the headboard of the bed, with me resting against him. “And I feel like a self-centered jackass for not asking earlier.”

  Three hours have passed since our morning screw, and we’ve been in bed talking, laughing, sharing stories, and I’ve probably never enjoyed myself more. There’s none of that morning-after awkwardness. I feel so damn comfortable in his arms and his bed.

  “What is it?” I ask, nervously. Knox lives for heart-to-heart, deep in your soul talks. Me? Not so much.

  “What are you going to school for?”

  I relax my shoulders. Easy question. “Social work.”

  “Why social work?”

  “We had a housekeeper, Marilyn, who worked for us for years. She was one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met. Aside from working for us, she was also a foster mom, and I’d sit there while she made dinner listening to her tell me story after story about the children she took in. I couldn’t believe some of them. They were horrible, like a sad movie, but it was someone’s real life. These children were born to drug addicts. They were malnourished and neglected. My dad would invite them over for the holidays so they’d have Christmas presents and Easter baskets. I decided that when I grew up, I was going to be like Marilyn and help make a difference in kids’ lives.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. Your heart is so big, it’s extraordinary.”

  “Trust me, there’s so much more I could do, but you have to start somewhere, you know? Eventually, I want to be able to create a home for them, give them some stability.”

  He scrubs his hand over his face. “I think I had it rough sometimes, but when you hear stories like that, it hurts. I was one of those children wishing for new shoes or even extra money for a cookie at lunch, but at least I had a parent. At least I had a roof over my head. It might’ve not been much, but it was something.” He squeezes my side. “You’ll change people’s lives. I’m sure of it.”

  “That’s my plan.” My throat clenches when it hits me, and I try to force a smile on my face. I’ve tried not to think about this because it kills me every time.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I slam my eyes shut, shaking my head. “It’s nothing.”

  “What’s wrong, Libby?”

  “Talking about it reminds me of what I wanted to do. I planned on using my inheritance money to open up a home for foster children who haven’t been placed yet. It’s difficult for some, especially older kids, to get put into a decent place. I even met with a realtor and found the perfect home, but that fell through when my dad lost his money. I wanted to change children’s lives, and I feel like I’m letting them down in a sense.”

  Sadness grips my chest, and I try to hold back the tears. Knox grabs my hand, brings it up to his lips, and kisses it. “You’re going to change lives with or without that money, Libby. You’ve already changed mine for the better, and I won’t be the last. You bring sunshine everywhere you go.”

  “So you’re meeting up with your brother later?” I ask Knox.

  We’re sitting across from each other eating a late lunch. We’re in Houston, and Knox made a three-day break in his schedule so he can spend time with his family while he’s here.

  “That’s the plan,” he answers.

  I nod and am about to ask him if he needs me to do anything for them, but my mouth clamps shut at the sound of a loud knock on the door.

  “I heard Knox Rivers is in there! Let me in!” a man shouts on the other side. “Hello! I’m here to have Knox Rivers sign my chest. I paid the security guard fifty dollars and made my girlfriend flash him, so I demand I get that signature!”

  “What the fuck?” I mouth to Knox, so the
crazy person behind the door doesn’t hear me.

  He shrugs. “Sounds like another stalker to me.”

  “A male stalker? You have those too?” There’s another loud banging. “Where the hell is George?”

  “I told him he could go hang out on the town for awhile.”

  I throw my hands up. “Great, you have a stalker banging on your door, and your bodyguard is out on the town. Maybe we should call the police?”

  “Just open the door, Libby.”

  My finger goes to my chest. “Me? You’re the one they want.”

  “You’re acting like there’s a serial killer on the other side of that door.”

  “There might be.”

  He laughs, and I tuck my legs underneath me when he gets up from his seat. I hold my breath when he opens up the door. Knox is usually cautious about dealing with crazies, so I can’t believe he’s about to face this lunatic.

  A man comes barreling in, and his hand goes straight to his mouth. “Oh my God! Knox Rivers! I am your biggest fan,” he says, jumping up and down. He looks over at me. “Are you his girlfriend? I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to end you.”

  Knox is standing to the side, watching the guy with an amused smile.

  What am I missing?

  I tense up when the guy gets closer and shoves his hand my way. “Easton Rivers,” he says. “Nice to meet you.” He has a country drawl to his voice, which is surprising, because Knox has no hint of an accent.

  I look from him to Knox and then back to him. “You’re Knox’s brother?”

  Easton nods. “The good looking one. The smart one.”

  “The one who likes to do stupid shit,” Knox says. “I knew it was him from the sound of his voice.”

  “And you didn’t think it would be nice to tell me that?”

  “No, it was too entertaining watching you freak out.” He looks over at Easton. “You should’ve brought a knife and looked scarier.”

  I flip Knox off. “Hilarious.”

  “This is Libby, my assistant,” Knox introduces. “As you can clearly see, she’s extremely professional with me.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard plenty about you, Libby,” Easton says, a wild grin on his face.

  “Good things I hope?” I ask.

  “Very good things,” he draws out.

  “You two don’t look alike.” They only have a few similar features. While Knox is tall, Easton is on the shorter side with lighter hair. A few freckles are sprinkled over his nose.

  “Same moms, different dads,” Easton answers. “Our mom was obviously smarter the second time around – choosing someone more handsome that could pass his looks down to me.”

  “Go piss on a power line, asshole,” Knox says.

  “I’m going to shower,” I say, taking my last bite of eggs and getting up from my chair. “I’ll let you two catch up.”

  I give them a smile and then scurry to my room in relief.

  Easton showed up at the perfect time. I need to think about the whirlwind that’s happened in the past twenty-four hours.

  I’m going to have a few days away from Knox while he’s with his family, so that’ll give me time to figure out where I want to go with this and if I made a mistake.



  “I see someone has a crush. Very cute,” Easton says, cracking a smile while taking Libby’s abandoned chair.

  “What the hell are you rambling about over there?” I grumble.

  “You like her.”


  He gives me a dumbfounded look. “Libby, dipshit.”

  Do I lie or tell him the truth? If I tell him what happened with us last night, he’ll either try to play matchmaker or run her off, depending on how he feels about her. He and my grandma like to think they can pick and choose the women I date.

  “She’s my assistant. We work together every day. I can’t exactly be an asshole to her.”

  “I said it then, and I’m saying it now. You like her, like her.” He called me after the video released and grilled me about Libby when I divulged that she wasn’t an actress but my assistant.

  “Is it supposed to be more serious if you say it twice?”

  “Don’t be a smartass. Do you need me to point out the fact that she’s wearing your clothes, your hair looks like it was pulled at the roots all night while you pleasured her, and it smells like sex all over this place? I think it’s obvious she’s into you considering she’s screwing you. Ask her on a date or something.”

  “You’re joking, right?”


  I stretch my legs out in front of me. “She’ll say no. She’s already made it clear she doesn’t want anything to do with guys like me.” Libby will let me touch her, but there’s no way she’ll step into the feelings zone with me or let me claim her. She wants to screw me and then not leave her number on my nightstand.

  “What if we all do something together?”

  “No.” I don’t want Libby to start pulling away because I’m pushing her too much, especially with Easton. He thinks he has a degree in matchmaking.

  “If you don’t ask her, I will.”

  “Prepare to get shot down, brother.”

  “She’d be good for you.”

  “Girls aren’t good for me, period. Do you remember my last serious relationship? It obliterated my reputation and almost fucked up my entire career. I’m happy with what I’m doing now. If Libby wants to fuck around, I’m game. But don’t be trying to plan a wedding or some shit.”

  Easton has been with the same woman for three years, and he’ll probably end up marrying her. She’s good people, and they’re perfect for each other. So now he thinks that I need to settle down and do the whole domesticated thing like him.

  “You can keep hooking up with all these random girls all you want, brother.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you’re giving me permission,” I say, sarcastically.

  He holds up a finger. “But don’t be upset when the party is over, the booze is gone, and no one is there to love you.”

  “Don’t try to pull your psychoanalyzing bullshit on me.”

  “No psychoanalyzing bullshit, only telling you the truth. I obviously know you’ve had sex with her, but it’s not only lust and sexual chemistry I see, you want more. You might be trying to hold back because she doesn’t, but I know you better than anyone.”

  Like she knew we were talking about her, Libby’s door opens, and she walks out with wet hair and wearing a robe.

  “Question,” she says. “I know you planned on staying here tonight and Easton’s the next few days, but do you want me to change anything since he’s here now?”

  “He’s going to stay at my place tonight,” Easton answers for me.

  “Got it. I’ll book me a room here. Let me know if you need anything. You guys have fun.”

  “Why don’t you come have a good time with us?” Easton asks. “We’re having dinner and game night at my place tonight. I have a guest bedroom you can crash in. It beats staying at another hotel, and you get to hang out with the coolest brothers in the world.” He flashes her a bright white smile, and I’m hoping she falls for it.

  She shakes her head. “No, it’s okay. I don’t want to interrupt your whole brotherly bonding fun.”

  “You won’t be. My girlfriend lives with me, so she’s going to be there.” He throws his thumb over to signal to me. “You’ll actually be saving this guy from being the third wheel.”

  She nervously looks over at me, silently asking for permission.

  “You know I’m always game for hanging out with you, sunshine,” I say.

  “I guess it is better than hanging out by myself.” She runs her hands through her hair. “Let me blow dry my hair real quick and I’ll get ready.”

  I nod, and she disappears back into her room.

  Easton looks at me with a smug grin. “Date time, brother. I told you she’d want to come. Now get your bags and let’s get the hell out of here.”
  “You go ahead. I’ll get a car and meet you at your place in awhile.”

  I go to my bedroom when he leaves and change, putting on a ball cap and a jacket in an attempt to disguise myself. Easton hasn’t let it slip that we’re related to any of his neighbors, so we’re still trying to lay low. Easton’s girlfriend probably wouldn’t be thrilled if groupies started showing up at his door.

  And trust me, they’d fuck him just to meet me.

  They’ve already tried.



  “Easton seems nice,” I comment next to Knox in the backseat of the SUV. We’re on our way to his brother’s house after switching vehicles twice to steer away from any possible paparazzi or fans. Knox said Easton doesn’t want people to know where he lives. “So what are the plans for tonight?”

  I take in a deep breath and squirm in my seat.

  What did I get myself into?

  I not only agreed to hang out with Knox and Easton tonight, but I also agreed to spend the night with them. I hate being put on the spot.

  “Most likely pizza and games,” Knox answers, raising his arm and resting it at the head of our seats. “We always lay low while I’m here. His girlfriend will kill me if chicks start hunting him down to get their claws in me.”

  Understandable. I like this chick already. “That sounds amazing, to be honest. We need a low-key night.”

  He laughs. “I think that’s what we do daily on the bus. Eat and Netflix.”

  I look out the window when we stop in front of a brick ranch house in what looks like Houston suburbia. Knox lowers his hat, covering his eyes, and ducks down as George pulls in the driveway. The garage doors open, and Knox waits until we’re parked inside and the door shuts before getting out. George opens his door and helps us with our bags.

  “Go have yourself some fun,” Knox tells him, slapping his back. “We’re going to stay in for the night.”

  “Thanks, boss. Let me know if you need anything,” he answers. “I’ll wait until you get inside before leaving.”


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