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POP ROCK Page 18

by Charity Ferrell

  I slam into her three more times until I can’t take it anymore. Waves of pleasure roll through me as I bust inside of her.

  Oh shit.

  We forgot a condom.

  I look down and know she’s thinking the same thing.

  “It’s okay,” she breathes out, as we both come down. “I’m on the pill.”

  I collapse next to her.

  I’ve never had sex without a condom. Not even with Stella.

  “Are you mad?” she croaks out, turning to look at me.

  “Of course not, babe. I’m the one with the dick. It was my responsibility, so I’m sorry.”

  “How can I be mad at you after getting me off like that?”

  I give her a peck on the lips, grab a washcloth, and head to the bathroom to run it under cold water. She lets out a breath of relief when I come back and start to clean her up.

  “Keep some of it,” she says. “I like you being inside of me.”

  I grin.

  I could spend every day of my life with this girl and be forever happy.

  I flip the light off and love the feel of her snuggling into my arms.

  “I think I have a new favorite past time,” she says into the darkness.

  “What’s that?”

  “Sitting on your face?”

  I chuckle. “I think that mixes well with my favorite past time of devouring your pussy.”

  This is where I belong. She’s where I belong.

  I’ll do anything to keep her.



  “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t ride with Easton and Gretchen,” I say.

  Knox is in the driver’s seat of a rented SUV, and we’re on our way to his grandmother’s house. Instead of riding with Gretchen and Easton, he chose for us to drive separate.

  I tried to get out of the grandmother visit by insisting Knox didn’t need me intruding on his family time. I had other stuff I could do – explore the city, people watch, read an erotic romance where the virgin tames the man whore, anything that didn’t involve the pressure of the grandma interrogation. From what I’ve heard, she’s the biggest parental figure in Knox’s life.

  “Well I still don’t understand why you keep asking that,” he fires back. “We obviously could’ve, but I didn’t want to.”

  “Why not?”

  “I want us to talk, and I know you won’t feel comfortable doing that in front of them.”

  “What do we need to talk about that’s not okay to say in front of other people?” I’m well aware that’s a stupid question, but I’m trying to play it coy over here.

  Knox stayed in the guest room with me last night, and I know it wasn’t lost on Easton and Gretchen exactly how he ended up there … or what took place in that bed.

  I’m falling for Knox, undeniably, and it petrifies me of the damage he can cause to my heart. I’ve opened it up before, only to have it obliterated at the end. It killed me, making me the cynical person I am, and the infliction Knox can cause will be more painful than ever. I won’t recover.

  He keeps one hand on the steering wheel and looks over at me when we hit a red light. “So you’re telling me you’d be comfortable talking about you riding my face as I ate your pussy in front of them?” I look down at my lap, biting my lip. “Don’t play shy on me now, sunshine. You weren’t shy when you were begging me to fuck you harder. I’d like to think we’re beyond the shy and this can’t happen stage. We’re progressing. Sooner or later, you’ll let me hold your hand in public, the same one I used to play with your pussy the night before.”

  His words.

  He’s a songwriter, and he knows how to hit you with all the feels. A man that can talk dirty is my biggest weakness.

  “Maybe this isn’t the best conversation to have while we’re on our way to visit your grandmother. She’ll probably think I’m some loose tramp.”

  “I told her we were banging months ago. She’s cool with it.”

  “You’re so lying.” He shakes his head. “Turn this car around right now.”

  “Sunshine, I’m a grown ass man. She knows I’m not a virgin.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want her to think I’m screwing you.”

  “Relax,” he draws out. “I’m kidding. I love my Grams and all, but I don’t share sex stories with her.”

  “I can’t relax. Now you have me all nervous. Why am I nervous?”

  “Because you like me.” He shrugs when I narrow my eyes at him. “You don’t get nervous about meeting someone’s family unless you want them to like you because you see a future with that person.”

  I scrape a hand through my hair. “Or maybe I don’t want to get the granny wraith.”

  He pats my leg. “There will be no granny wraith.” He doesn’t move his hand, instead deciding to rest it there the entire ride, and I’ll be lying if I say that little gesture doesn’t send sparks through me.

  “This house is seriously adorable,” I say when we pull up the drive of a charming, two-story, bright yellow cottage that’s shaded by giant oak trees. It reminds me of where Snow White lived with her little dwarves.

  Knox cuts the ignition. “You ready to go in?”

  “Ready or not, there’s no way I can walk back to the hotel.”

  I open up the door, noticing Easton’s car is parked next to us. Knox gets out and walks around the SUV to wait for me. He takes my hand in his and leads us up the slate path with bright flowers stemming along the outside.

  I’m hit with the scent of fresh cookies wafting through the air when we walk inside. It’s homey and inviting with yellow walls and bright furniture. All of the trim and bookcases look like they were handcrafted, and family photos flood the walls.

  Knox squeezes my hand, like he’s afraid I’ll pull away, and walks us into the kitchen. He’s making a statement. He’s telling his grandmother what I am to him, more than an assistant. Everyone is in the kitchen with cookies in their hands.

  “There’s my other grandson,” an older woman shouts. She’s short, and her white hair is pulled back with sparkly butterfly clips. She heads straight for Knox, wrapping him in her arms. Knox rests his arm over her shoulder when he pulls away and kisses her on the cheek.

  “Libby,” Knox says, turning so they’re both facing me. “This is my Grandma Estelle.”

  I shake her hand, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you. Your house is beautiful.”

  A bright grin takes over her face. “Thank you, honey. Knox surprised me with it years ago. I used to keep these old magazine clippings of my dream home if I ever won the lottery.” She pats Knox’s belly. “He snuck in one day and stole them to give to a builder so he’d know exactly what I wanted.” You can’t miss the pride and gratitude on her face. “He spoils me so darn much.”

  “You deserve it, Grams,” Knox replies. “It’s because of you I’m even able to do it.”

  “Nonsense. I only provided the guitar. You’re where you are because of your hard work and determination.”

  Knox releases her from his hold and heads farther into the kitchen. “What’s on the menu today?”

  “Your favorite, fried chicken and all the fixings.”

  “My stomach is already growling.”

  Estelle pauses, as if something hits her, and looks over at me in concern. “Is that okay with you? I’m so sorry. I intended to call Knox and double check, but it completely slipped my mind.”

  “That sounds amazing, actually,” I answer.

  I help Gretchen set the table, and we make small talk over dinner. Estelle takes over the conversation, telling stories of when the boys were younger and some of the hardships they had growing up. When Knox was playing music on the street, he gave every dollar he made to his mom to go towards rent. With everything I’m learning about Knox, I’m so glad I tagged along with them.

  It’s not until I’m alone with Estelle that she takes my hands in hers. “I want to thank you, Libby,” she says. “I have a confession. I was nervous for Knox
to go on this tour. So much has hit him this year – relationship, career, and family wise. But I’ve heard nothing but positive things from the news and him. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t stop. I like to see him happy. He deserves that and so much more.”

  “She likes you,” Knox says when we get back into the SUV and start heading into the city.

  He got a call after dinner that we have to leave tonight, a day earlier than scheduled, because a serious storm is headed to the next city and the driver thinks it might double the time we thought we’d need to get there.

  Our mini-vacation is over, and we’re stepping back into reality, with Knox being busier than ever.

  “I have a feeling that woman likes everyone,” I reply. “She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. She can be a feisty one, believe me. Easton once brought a chick over he was dating, and Grams caught her playing hand grab with his dick at the dinner table. She kicked her out of the house, empty stomach and all.”

  “Now that’s just cruel. It was difficult, but I’m thankful I managed to restrain myself from crotch grabbing you while gripping my fried chicken in the other hand.”

  “Appreciate it, but I want to make myself clear that any other time it’s completely acceptable.” He leans back in his seat and points down to his cock. “Even right now.”

  “Settle down, killer. Not happening.”

  “Fine with me. I need you to have all of your energy when we get back to the bus.”


  “Because I’m going to fuck you on every inch of it.”



  I’m staring straight at the first man who broke my heart. He looks different, but there’s no mistaking it’s him, and the way he’s glaring at me only confirms it. His upper lip is snarled as he wipes the sweat from it with his arm, and his eyes are narrow in on me like he’s ready to attack.

  My stomach sinks when I watch him bring himself up from the stage and head in my direction. I turn around, my feet moving quickly, and rush towards the first exit I find. I push open the door and catch my breath when I make it outside.

  Unfortunately, I stupidly chose the door that leads to a back alley.

  I whip around at the sound of the door slamming shut and come face to face with him.

  “Why are you here?” he hisses. “Are you following me to fuck up my life more?”

  I bitterly let out a snort. “Don’t flatter yourself, Adam. I’m definitely not here for you. I’m Knox Rivers’ assistant.”

  Any attraction I had for him years ago is gone. The arms I used to love around me are now chubby with the same vibrant tattoos that covered them before. He promised to get my name tattooed on one when I turned eighteen. I laugh to myself at how naïve I was. His hair is longer, a bit on the greasy side. There’s no way he has girls begging to suck his cock like he did years ago. Those days of being the hot rock star are over.

  “You’re his assistant?” He snorts when I nod. “Assistant or fuck buddy? Because I could’ve sworn I saw his hands on your ass and your mouth on his earlier.”

  I cross my arms and take a few steps away from him. “That’s none of your business. Why do you even care why I’m here?”

  “I care because I fucking despise you.”

  The nerve of this man. “You despise me? I think we can both agree it should be the other way around.”

  “I didn’t ruin your entire fucking life.” I raise a brow. Do what? “Don’t act like you don’t know.” I continue to stare, not answering him. After the incident, my father and I never brought him up again. It was like it never happened. “My band’s reputation was destroyed by your piece of shit dad. He told anyone that would listen that I was a pervert who put his hands on teenage girls and couldn’t be trusted. Do you know what that does to a man? My band kicked me out. I lost everything, all because of you.”

  “You lost it all because of me? Last time I checked I didn’t force you to take my virginity. You willingly fucked with my head, acted like I meant something to you, but in the end, you were only using me.”

  “It wasn’t an act. I did like you.”

  “And you also liked the whore you were fucking in the bathroom, so I don’t feel very special.”

  “I was drunk, high, and horny. She was there, rubbing all over my dick, what was I supposed to do?”

  “Say no? Walk away?” I’m pissed at myself at the feel of tears pricking my eyes. I thought I was over this asshole. I stopped thinking about him years ago, but I guess there’s always a little place in your heart put away for the first person you loved.

  “So what, now you’re back screwing another guy on tour? Must be your thing, huh? I hope for his sake that you don’t ruin his career too.”

  “Oh, fuck you,” I yell. I don’t need to deal with this shit. I give him one last look of disgust before making my way towards the door.

  He lets out a sinister laugh. “You already have, sweetheart, and let’s just say I loved popping that sweet cherry.”

  I can’t stop myself. I spin around, and the next thing I know, my fist is connecting with his face. I can feel the pain shooting straight to my knuckles. I’ve never punched anyone before.

  “What the fuck, bitch?” he screams, his hand immediately flying down to stop the blood that’s gushing from his lip.

  I start to retreat backward, realizing what a stupid decision that was. I’m alone with this dude in an alley. He can kill me, for fuck’s sake.

  I jump when the door bursts open and suddenly George is at my side. “Libby,” he says, looking from me to Adam. “What the hell is going on here?” I gulp, not exactly sure how to explain the situation. He plucks his phone from his pocket without bothering to hear my explanation. “Meet me at Exit B. We have a situation.”

  I wave my hand in front of George’s face and mouth, “Don’t call him!” Adam is moaning in the background, insults still hurling from his swollen lip, but I know he won’t do anything with George by my side. He’d be an idiot. George is at least six five with muscles that are bigger than anything I’ve ever seen and used to be a champion heavy weight body builder.

  “You better shut your mouth, asshole,” George warns him. “She might pack a good punch, but mine are much more destructive. I can promise you that.”

  Adam points to me. “I want her kicked off the premises and a police report filed. It’s your turn to have your life destroyed.”

  My pulse skyrockets. I never thought about the actual consequences I’d have of nailing him in the face. If he calls the cops, I’ll most likely be fired and back on the news.

  The door flies open, and Knox appears, out of breath. He looks at me, then George, then to a bloody Adam. He does it again, waiting for someone to give him some answers.

  I nod towards Adam. “He’s an asshole, so I punched him in the face.”

  “And I want to press charges,” Adam yells.

  “You sound like a little bitch,” George tells him.

  Knox is working his jaw. “And why exactly did you punch him in the face, Libby?”

  “He was being an asshole.”

  “She punched me because I told her how much I enjoyed popping her precious little cherry,” Adam yells, holding back the pain to throw Knox a taunting smile. “But she might’ve enjoyed it more.”

  Knox gets to him before I even realize what’s happening. Adam grunts at Knox’s first punch and then cries out at the second one.

  “Fuck,” George says, rushing over to them. He grabs Knox around the waist to pull him away. My stomach sinks when we he lets go of Knox to point to a guy who’s holding a camera in between a hole in the fence. “Motherfucker, give me that thing.”

  “We’re all fucked,” I mutter to myself.

  “Get him. I’ll stay with her,” Knox tells George.

  He nods, and the guy takes off running. I watch George jump the fence to go after him.

  “This is going to be bad,” I say to Kn

  “I don’t give a shit,” he replies, and then glares over at Adam. “You say one more thing or even look at her again, I’ll beat the shit out of you, do you hear me?”

  Adam holds up his arms in surrender and swipes his tongue over his bottom lip, capturing some blood. “It’s your career, not mine, man.”

  “Unlike you, I’ll always choose her over my career and any groupie hoe,” Knox replies.

  I stumble forward when he grabs my hand and walks me back into the building. He keeps his hold on my hips and turns me around to face him, backing me up against the wall.

  “You okay?” he asks, sweeping my sweaty hair away from my eyes.

  “I’m alright,” I whisper.

  “You swear?”

  “I swear.”

  His hand traces my jawline, and he lets out a deep breath. “God, I wanted to kill that fucker. It tortures me to hear him talking about putting his hands on you … having you … you loving him. I hate that Libby. I hate that you gave more to him than you have me.”

  “That’s not true. I was a stupid teenage girl. I didn’t give him anything, I promise.”

  His lips meet mine, sweet and soft. “Do me a favor,” he says against them. “Let’s not say anything to Thomas about this yet. Put your phone away and enjoy my show.”

  “Got it.”

  He’s not the only one who wants to avoid a conversation with Thomas right now.

  We both jump when the door swings open, sunlight beaming down the hallway, and George appears.

  “The mother fucker got away,” he says, out of breath. “I tried to catch him, I swear, but he had a getaway vehicle. I may be fast, but not as fast as a BMW 750.”

  Knox pulls away from me to look at George. “It’s okay, man. Thanks for trying and always having my back.”



  I’m nervous as hell.


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